Clerk Emails

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Chris Beckman <>

Date: August 10, 2015 at 9:28:09 AM MDT
To: Dallas Schroeder <>, Beverly
Wenger <>, Jana Coen <>
Cc: Pat Daugherty <>,
"<>" <>, Beth
<>, "Corinne Lengel"
<>, "<>"
<>, "S. Bailey" <>,
"Senator Sonnenberg" <>,
"<>" <>, Susan
Corliss <>,
"<>" <>,
"" <>
Subject: RE: Same Sex Marriage Licenses

I just wanted to comment that we are very lucky in this office as we are all comfortable with
issuing same sex licenses. We all have our own religions as well but are very accepting of other
peoples choices and therefore are okay with this. Im sorry that some of you are having a hard
time with it and I hope for your sake that something can be figured out.
Good luck!
From: Dallas Schroeder []
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2015 9:43 PM
To: Beverly Wenger <>; Jana Coen <>
Cc: Pat Daugherty <>; <>
<>; Beth <>; Chris Beckman
<>; Corinne Lengel <>;
<> <>; S. Bailey
<>; Senator Sonnenberg <>;
<> <>; Susan Corliss
<>; <>
Subject: RE: Same Sex Marriage Licenses
Thank-you for breaching this subject. I have been concerned about this since last summer when
we had clerks violating the law to issue marriage licenses while it was still against the State
constitution with no serious ramifications. That was the point that was the crisis for me because
the writing was on the wall. At that point I began to pray a lot about the issues and discussed the
issue at length with my minister and Elders at my church. I will give you a brief synopsis of the
results but would be happy to talk to any or all of you in Limon about the issue, either
officially or unofficially after. As I saw it last year, the bottom line was to either resign or issue
the licenses. To resign effectively would remove me from the debate and input on other critical
issues. To issue was to go against my firmly held beliefs, agreeing with a majority of

Coloradans, the marriage is between one man and one woman. Neither was a clear cut perfect
What came to me one night was to create a poster and hang it in our recording office, where the
licenses are issued. I talked with a local artist, who is also a Christian, and he created a beautiful
poster which I have had hanging for about a year. There is no way to miss it if you are in for a
marriage license. It is a picture of a bride standing on a hill with the groom walking up the hill to
meet her. On the bottom I have a portion of the verse in I Corinthians where Paul says, Each
man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. And cite the verse. It is very
tasteful and is a celebration of marriage, as I asked the artist to make it so. Couple of points on
this. I paid for this poster out of personal funds, not county funds. I understand we can have
pictures/quotes etc.. that are of personal beliefs as long as we are not forcing or
proselytizing people in our office. I have also taken the position that while the clerks office
is 3 separate rooms, not including my office, that essentially all four rooms are my office as it is
my responsibility to do the recording, elections, motor vehicle, supply a clerk to the BOCC and
issue marriage licenses. As I read the statutes, my clerks are acting on my behalf for each of
their duties. Some lawyer my argue with me, but it will take a court order for me to remove that
poster because I firmly believe it is within my rights to post the poster. Precedent is on my
side. I am not denying anyone service. My thought process is that they have to see the poster
and if they choose to violate Gods written Word, then that is on their head. I have warned
them. Maybe that is just a salve to my conscious, but everyone I have talked to about this in
depth is in agreement with my reasoning.
On a side note, I emailed the Attorney General and asked if she had considered making a
statement similar to that of the Texas Attorney General who stated he would not prosecute or
have a problem with a clerk or other official who refused to issues these licenses. I received no
response and was disappointed.
Beverly, I see you also copied your State Senator and State House member. Senator
Sonnenberg is my senator also, but have added my house rep, Tim Dore to the list. I trust that is
OK with you.
Gentlemen, I would guess the three of you are sympathetic to our dilemma. Is there any way to
craft a bill that would allow for conscientious objector status for those of us who see this law
in direct violation of our religious beliefs? Similar to those who claim going to war violates their
beliefs? I know some would call that a slippery slope, but given that this country was founded
on Judeo-Christian principles, I think our position carries some weight. The slippery slope, for
example, would be on a Hindu or Muslim in an elected position that used this statute to not do
something they disagreed with. Keep in mind if they went against the will of their county, there
are elections every four years and if someone was completely off the reservation, there is always
recall. I would ask you to seriously consider sponsoring such a bill. I will be more than happy to
testify before any committee, any time or any where in support of such a bill.
Ladies, I have a copy of my poster on my computer and will gladly show anyone who wishes to
see it when we are together in Limon. I have also spoken to the artist and he will make more
copies if you wish to hang the poster also.

I will leave you with this. I pray for all the clerks across this country who have been made to
make a terrible decision. I pray for our State legislators for them to use Gods Holy Bible as a
guide to govern. Prayer is the only thing that will change the downward spiral our country is
in. Please join me in that prayer.

From: Beverly Wenger []

Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2015 10:58 AM
To: Jana Coen
Cc: Pat Daugherty; <>; Beth; Christy; Corinne Lengel; Dallas Schroeder;
<>; S. Bailey; Senator Sonnenberg; <>; Susan
Corliss; <>
Subject: Re: Same Sex Marriage Licenses

We do have the same dilemma and actually we have had two licenses issued! I actually did one
myself totally unaware until I got the actual DL.. I was then "stuck".... I had heard in a Christian
radio station talk show that because it was law the best thing you could do was pray and
continue to pray throughout the whole time... I did that and made it through the license... Wasn't
happy but I didn't know what else to do at the time.....if anyone has an answer that would be
great!! It is frustrating that we are subdued with our beliefs and yet forced to comply with
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 7, 2015, at 4:49 PM, Jana Coen
<> wrote:
At this point I have not come across that issue but if I do I will probably refer to our
County Attorney. I have heard that a Clerk in Texas has chosen not to issue any
Marriage License at all, for what that is worth!

Jana Coen
Prowers County Clerk
301 S. Main St., Ste. 210
Lamar, CO 81052

From: Pat Daugherty []

Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 2:48 PM
To:; Beverly Wenger; Beth; Christy; Corinne Lengel;
Dallas;; Jana Coen; S. Bailey; Senator

Sonnenberg;; Susan Corliss;

Subject: Same Sex Marriage Licenses

Good Afternoon,
I have a delilma in my office that I wish to get a little feedback on.
You may respond to the group or to me directly, if you wish.
I am also sending this to our State Senator and State Representative, as I would like their opinion
and for them to know that some of us are not fine with this.
In my office, everyone has personal (religious) objections to issuing same sex marriage licenses.
I know that a Colorado judge over ruled that people's vote and made it "legal" in Colorado a few
years ago and now the Supreme Court has recently ruled that it is the law of the land..... Yes you
all know.
My commissioners wondered if the Clerks Association had given us any recommendations or if
it had even been talked about. I said, no.
They ask their lawyer if it would be possible for my office just to not even issue any marriage
licenses because of this, so as not to "discriminate". That went no where, just 8 pages of articles
and the statute states...
Am I the only office with this delima?
What is your plan?
What do you base that plan on?
Thank you,

Patricia Daugherty
Cheyenne County Clerk & Recorder
PO Box 567
Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810

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