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Combined Service of

Lessons and Carols

Next Sunday
December 20 at 10am

December 13, 2015

Join us as we worship together with Christmas carols,

special music, and the anticipation of our Saviors birth.

Come to Bethlehem
Childrens Nativity
Next Sunday
December 20 at 4pm
Come join us as we celebrate
the humble beginnings of our Savior!

From the Pastor

John the Baptist: Youd be hard pressed to find a Christmas ornament
bearing his image and hes not a part of Jesus birth story, so why are we
talking about a itinerant Jewish preacher who wears camel hair clothes,
eats honey, and lives out in the wilderness? Why did so many of his
contemporaries head out into the desert to hear him preach and what
does Johns justiceseeking voice have to say to us today? Well explore
this and other questions as we dig more deeply into the person and
message of Jesus first cousin who came to prepare the way for Jesus.
Next week, Sunday, December 20, well gather for a combined 10:00 am
Service of Lessons and Carols. This is a great opportunity to invite
friends and neighbors, especially if you are unable to attend the 5:00,
7:30, or 11:00 pm Christmas Eve service. Well also gather at 4:00 pm
on Sunday, December 20, to join with children and adults in the nativity
play and hear offerings from all of our musical groups. I look forward to
seeing you there and hope that your Advent journey continues to be
filled with purpose and meaning.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Scott Davis, Pastor

Friendship Luncheon Christmas Edition

The Christmas Edition of the Friendship Luncheon is always an exciting
and festive affair at the DoubleTree Hotel! We eat a lunch catered by
the DoubleTree chef, enjoy fellowship with each other, and listen to the
Burley Middle School Bearettes led by Craig Jennings. If you would like
to join us Friday, December 18 at 12:30 pm, please see Jean Ward (9641178). You do not have to be a member of the Friendship Class. As long
as you enjoy Christian fellowship, we invite you to come!

AUMC Christmas Ornaments

A special brass Christmas tree ornament depicting our church was
created for the 50th anniversary of the church in 2013. The cost of each
ornament is $15. Please contact Nancy Berman at 434.973.6555 or

Bibles for Africa

"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive
it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." With
these stirring words of hope, the prophet Isaiah looks forward to what
we know now as the season of Advent ... expecting the second coming
of our Lord. Would you be willing this Advent season to share such
Good News by providing one or more Bibles to the 2,000 people of
Liberdale United Methodist Church in Mozambique? Their Pastor,
Rev. Joao Sambo, and our Assistant Pastor for Congregational Care, Rev.
Don MacNicoll (friends since 2004), are working together to raise funds
for 400 Bibles in the local Xitswa dialect. The Bibles cost $13 each. If you
can help, write your check to AUMC and notate it "Bibles for Africa."

Samaritan Fund
The Samaritan Fund offers local benevolence to Aldersgate and
community members. To donate, make your check payable to AUMC
with Samaritan Fund in the memo. Thank you for reaching out.

If you are currently not an AUMC we will have plenty of

costumes available on the day of the Nativity. If your child has sensory
difficulties please know that he/she will not be forced to wear a
costume to be in the Nativity. Before the Nativity we will sing through
the songs a few times with the children. If they are not comfortable
singing or are non-verbal they are welcome to stand with the other
children but do not have to sing. If you and/or your child(ren) would like
to see the space before the Nativity to make sure its accessible to your
needs and so that its not overwhelming to be in a new space on
December 20th please contact me and Id be happy to schedule a time
for you to check us out in person.
Following the Nativity, EVERYONE is welcome to join us for a
Christmas Potluck Meal together! You can drop your items for the
potluck off in the fellowship hall before the Nativity. And, of course,
Birthday Cake
I look forward to celebrating the Birth of Jesus and all the abilities
of the children in our church and community with you! Thank you!
Rachel Miller, Director of Ministries with Young People, AUMC
( or 434.973.5806)

Altar Flowers for 2016

Each week, you have the opportunity to place flowers in the sanctuary
to the glory of God, in honor of a person or occasion, or in memory of a
loved one. The new flower charts for 2016 are ready for you to start
making reservations. They are on the bulletin board in the Reed Room
with each Sundays date clearly visible. Please be sure to indicate the
wording you wish to have printed in the worship bulletin. You are
welcome to take your flowers with you following the 11:00 worship
service or you may leave them in the sanctuary to be given to someone
who is ill or homebound. Arrangements are $40 each. Make checks
payable to AUMC with Altar flowers on the memo line.

Come to Bethlehem Childrens Nativity

Sunday, December 20 at 4pm
Youre invited to Come to Bethlehem this year on Sunday,
December 20th. The annual Aldersgate Childrens Nativity will be
presented at 4pm and will be followed by a pot-luck. Our children will
once again act out the Birth Narrative of our Savior from Scripture. This
year we look forward to joining together in song and praise thanks to
the Aldersgate Chancel Choir, the Aldersgate Hand Bell Choir, the
Aldersgate Instrument Ensemble, the Aldersgate Youth Praise Band, the
Aldersgate Praise Team, Higher Voices, and the Joyful Noise Singers
along with the children from our community! This year there will be no
rehearsals for the children. All children (and their guardians) should
arrive at Aldersgate at 2:30pm to put on costumes, learn simple lines
from Scripture, and practice traditional Christmas music. Teens and
adults from Aldersgate will help guide them during the Nativity.
Our Nativity this year is especially geared towards making sure we
are inclusive to those with different abilities and special needs. We
welcome all children, roughly ages 4-11, to participate and children,
teens, adults of any age watch. To make the presentation more
enjoyable for our friends with special needs, the lights will stay at one
level and the music will not be extremely loud. Children who may
express themselves with loud sounds, spinning, flapping, or other forms
of stemming are all welcome! Children who would like to participate but
need an aid or parent to guide them, push them in a wheelchair, or
carry them are ALL welcome to participate EVERY child should have
the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus by participating in, or
watching, a Nativity at Christmastime!
If you are currently an AUMC member and would like your child
(ren) to participate, please be sure to see Mrs. Lynn Bremer during the
Advent season so your child can be fit for a costume before the big day.
Youll also want to make sure your child(ren) participates in Childrens
Church and Joyful Noise Singers rehearsals (Sundays at 10am in room
106) to learn the music.
Continued ...

2016 Virginia Annual Conference Representatives

Congratulations to Emily Dahnert and Ashley Oliver who will serve as
young adult representatives from the Charlottesville District to the
Virginia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church when it
meets in June in Roanoke, Virginia. Congratulations also to Rebecca
Wagner, Deb Reynolds, and Rachel Miller who will serve as district
representatives as well.

Busy Hands Fellowship

This group meets once a week and gives crafters, hobbyists and artists
the opportunity to work on their individual projects while enjoying a
time of fellowship. Come join us in the Hospitality Room on Thursdays
from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Bring a handiwork project to work on,
finished pieces for show and tell, and a sack lunch to eat when we take
a break. Regulars, drop-ins and guests are always welcome. For more
information contact Kimberley Roll at 434-973-6382 or

Christmas Cards to benefit Heart Havens Project

The Charlottesville District UMC has created a Christmas card featuring
the artwork of residents of Heart Havens, the Virginia Conference
network of home for individuals who are intellectually disabled.
Proceeds from the card sales will support the districts Charlottesville
Apartment Project, an effort to establish a Heart Havens residential
community within the district. Two sets of the cards are available: $10
for a set of 12 cards and envelopes, and $18 for a set of 25. To order,
contact the Charlottesville District Office at 434.977.4254 or

New Study
The Friendship Class has begun studying David Otto's book, "The
Miracles of Jesus". We meet in Room 208 at 9:45 AM each Sunday.

A Christian Refugee Experience

Advent is a time to slow down and pause, in the midst of often frantic
preparations for Christmas, to focus on the unfolding story of God
choosing to enter into the world as the vulnerable baby Jesus. How did
his birth affect those around him and what was their part in both
preparing for and responding to this outpouring of Gods grace in the
world? Well ponder this and other questions as we move through the
Advent season together, focusing each Sunday on one person in the
biblical narrative whose life was changed forever by encountering the
miracle we celebrate at Christmas.

TODAY The Third Sunday of Advent

John the Baptist: The Justice-Seeking Life

Sunday, December 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Shepherds: The Spirit-Empowered Life

Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve

Jesus: the Incarnational Life

Sunday, December 27 The First Sunday After Christmas

The Wise Men: The Word-Centered Life

TODAY from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Aldersgate will host a very special
program organized by church member Fay Painter. Fay has been
serving as a missionary for about 2 years for a church of African
refugees and immigrants. She is inviting everyone from Aldersgate to
attend. The children will do a Christmas play, and the Worship Team
from Africa Lighthouse Baptist Temple will lead Christmas hymns sung
in Swahili. Following the pageant, you will hear from Pastor Peter
Chege, the stories of three refugees from the Congo, and learn more
about Fays new ministry, ARISE! Alliance for Refugee and Immigrant
Support and Education. Following the program, there will be African
food and fellowship. No RSVP required! For more information, contact

Donate Your Car to a Newly Arrived Refugee!

For refugees newly resettled to Charlottesville, a donated car can make
all the difference in their path towards self-sufficiency. ARISE!, a
program that Aldersgates Fay Painter is developing, is currently
accepting donated cars that are in good condition and have up-to-date
inspections. These cars are given to the refugee church (Africa
Lighthouse Baptist Church), and the church in turn then gives the cars
directly to refugee families to help them rebuild their lives in America.
Refugees who receive cars are licensed drivers who take full
responsibility for the cars maintenance, repairs, gas, insurance,
registration, and property tax. All car donations are fully tax-deductible.
We know of one refugee who needs a car right now. He was a
translator for the US military in Afghanistan, and his life was in danger
there as a result. He is here on a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) and has a
job offer in Crozet, but cannot get there without a car.
For more information on how to donate a car, please contact Fay
Painter at 434.962.6333 or email

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