Spatial Databases With PostGIS

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Course Title: Spatial Databases with Post GIS

Course Code: ENV22

Course Description:
Geographic data is data with implicit or explicit reference to a location relative to the
Earth. A geographic dataset comprises features that represent real world phenomena
associated with a location relative to the Earth's surface. Examples include roads, trees,
boundaries, lakes, rivers, sales districts and customer locations.
This course provides a practical introduction to PostgreSQL with PostGIS, covering the
following major themes of spatial databases: installing and configuring PostGIS, viewing
PostGIS data in a desktop GIS, spatial SQL queries, spatial joins and spatial indexing.
Although the theory is explained, most of the time during the course will be spent on
practical examples, ensuring that delegates understand how to view spatial data, query
spatial databases, etc. The course aims to equip the delegates with the necessary skills
and knowledge to use spatial databases in the daily operations of their respective jobs.

Who should attend?

The course is aimed at people working in the GIS industry. A basic knowledge of GIS is
helpful, but not required. Anyone who wants to use PostGIS spatial databases.

How attendees will benefit?

After completion of the programme, delegates will be able to:
Create a spatial database in PostGIS
Load spatial data into a PostGIS database
View spatial data in a PostGIS database from QGIS
Manipulate and query spatial data with SQL
Tune PostgreSQL for efficient spatial data access

Course Content:
Day 1:
Introduction to SQL and databases
PostgreSQL installation
Creating a database and table with SQL
Insert and retrieve data in table with SQL
Update and delete data in table with SQL
Insert and retrieve data in table with SQL

Day 2
Introduction to spatial databases
PostGIS installation
Creating a spatial database
Loading spatial data
Viewing the spatial data in QGIS
Geometry types
Spatial operations

Day 3
Use of SQL aggregated functions in retrieval of data from table
Grouping of data with SQL (Group by. having, order by, etc.)
Joining of tables with SQL
Advanced joins
Spatial joins
Spatial indexes

Day 4
Projecting data
Geographic coordinates
Geometry functions
Advanced spatial joins
Data quality checks

Day 5
Configuring PostgreSQL for Spatial Practice with own data
Start assessment project

Course Period:
From 5 to 10 days.

Course Style:
Lecture or One-to-One training style.
In house training.
Group Training.
Practical Training.

We provide this course in any place and at any time suitable for you.
This course is provided in VIP or standard forms. For more information
contact BATD team.

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