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Business level strategy: Business-level strategy deals with decisions and actions pertaining to each

business unit: a business unit is an organization or organizational subset that is independent with
regard to one or more accounting or operational functions.
HRD Systems: HRD functions are carried out through its systems and sub systmes. HRD has five
major systems. Those are career system, work system, development system, individual system and
team oriented system.
Career planning process: Career planning is an ongoing process that can help you manage your
learning and development.
Change implementers: The Change Implementer provides the technical skill and executes the
change on a day-to-day basis.
Competencies: the ability to do something successfully or efficiently
Competitive analysis
Contingent workers: Temporary employee who is hired for contingent work or paid according to
hours worked.
HR Competence: Competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly
Succession plan: Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with
the potential to fill key business leadership positions in the company.
TQM: Total quality management (TQM) is a management approach to long term success through
customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customers are happy with
the products and services provided by a business
HRM: HRM is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of
an employer's strategic objectives.
Strategy: a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim
Knowledge management: Knowledge management is the process of capturing, developing, sharing,
and effectively using organizational knowledge.
Career Planning: Career planning is the ongoing process where you: Explore your interests and
Performance Appraisal: Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of
employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of PA system?
The basic purpose of performance appraisal is to measure the performance of the employees
in an organization with respect to their contributions made towards the growth of the organization.
Advantages of PA system.
For appraise:
To understand individual role in terms of organizational expectations from the employee.
To know what needs to be done to accomplish the task and meet the organizational,
To understand of strengths and weaknesses of individual.
It Increases motivation, job satisfaction of employee.
It provides opportunity to discuss work problems and how to overcome.
It improves working relationships between subordinates.
For management.
Identify the performers and non-performers and their development towards better
create opportunity to prepare employees for higher responsibilities.
create opportunity to improve communication between the employees and the management.
Identify training and development needs.
Disadvantages of PA system.
Performance appraisal should be based on uniform and fair standards.
Changing of standards may lead the organization not be able to take decision.
Managers may differ in rating style.
Many appraisal forms require the appraiser to justify poor assessments.
the appraisal is influenced by the most recent behaviour no the entire period

2. What do you mean by change and change agent?

A change agent is a person from inside or outside the organization who helps an organization
transform itself by focusing on such matters as organizational effectiveness, improvement, and
development. A change agent usually focuses his efforts on the effect of changing technologies,
structures, and tasks on interpersonal and group relationships in the organization. The focus is on the
people in the organization and their interactions.
A change agent is basically a consultant, either from within the organization or brought in as
an outsider. They often play the role of a researcher, trainer, counsellor, or teacher. The change agents
of an organization can be divided into three broad change categories:
Change strategists.
Change implementers.
Change recipients.
Change strategists: Change strategists are responsible for identifying the need for change, creating a
vision of the desired outcome, deciding what change etc.
Change implementers: The change implementers make it happen, managing the day-to-day
process of change. They are often assigned their role and given a mandate to institute the change on
behalf of the change strategists.
Change recipients: Change recipients represent the largest group of people that must adopt and adapt
to change.
3. Explain the relation between organizational development and change management?
4. Effective climate leads to effective working. Explain the role of HRD in todays organisation? 260
5. Define strategy and different types of strategy?
Strategy means a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term goal. There are three
different types of strategy.
Corporate-level strategy.
Business-level strategy.
Functional-level strategy.
(Write diagram)
Corporate-level strategy:
Corporate level strategy is concerned with the strategic decisions a business makes that affect
the entire organization.
Corporate level strategy fundamentally is concerned with the selection of businesses.
Corporate-level strategy describes a corporations overall direction in terms of its general
viewpoint towards the growth and various business units.
This strategy defines the types of business a corporation wants to be involved in and what
business units should be acquired, modified or sold.
It defining the issues that are corporate responsibilities; these might include identifying the
overall goals of the corporation.
It defining where in the corporation competition is to be localized.
Business Level Strategy.
Business-level strategy deals with decisions and actions pertaining to each business unit.
The main objective of a business-level strategy being to make the unit more competitive in its
market place.
This level of strategy addresses the question, How do we compete?
This stage deals with positioning the business against rivals.
This stage deals with changes in demand and technologies and adjusting the strategy.
This stage deals with influencing the nature of competition through strategic actions.
Functional Level Strategy.
Functional-level strategy pertains to the major functional operations within the business unit.

This level including research and development, marketing, manufacturing, finance and HR.
This strategy level is typically primarily concerned with maximizing resource productivity.

6. What do you understand by mentoring? How is it useful in tourism?

Mentoring is a formal or informal process for more experienced workers to share their
knowledge about a business or industry to achieve the business goals. Mentoring is an ideal way for a
more experienced mentor to pass on Skills, Business practices, Knowledge about the business culture,
business history etc. Benefits of mentoring include:
Increased stability.
Increased profitability.

Higher motivation.

Higher productivity.
Job satisfaction increased.

Useful in tourism.
Provide opportunities for students interested in tourism to meet and observe experienced
professionals in a given tourism sector at work.
Provide opportunities for youth to learn and be mentored by potential employers
Provide the resources to interested tourism businesses
Provide students and/or young professionals the opportunity to network with more
experienced professionals in the different sectors of the tourism industry.
7. Define human resource management & explain its nature.
Human resource management is the function performed in organizations that facilitates the
most effective use of people (employees) to achieve organisational and individual goals. Human
resource management has following importance in organization,
People Oriented: Human Resource Management is concerned with employees both as individuals
and as group to archive goal. It is also concerned with behaviour, emotional as well. It is the process
of bringing people and organisations together so that the goals of each are met.
Individual-oriented: human resource management, every employee is considered as an individual
and provide services and programmes to facilitate employee satisfaction and growth. Ex: knowledge,
capability, skill etc.
Continuous Function: Human resource management is a continuous and never ending process.
Staff Function: Human resource management is a responsibility of all line managers and a function
of staff managers in an organisation. Human resource managers do not manufacture or sell goods but
they do contribute to the success and growth of an organisation.
Challenging Function: Managing of human resources is a challenging job due to nature of people.
Human resource management aims for securing all employees in order to achieve goals.
Development-oriented: Human resource management is concerned with developing potential of
employees, so that maximum satisfaction from their work and give their best efforts to the
8. Discuss how HRD for workers is different than HRD for managers
9. Discuss the concepts of HRD Audit?
HRD audit is comprehensive evaluation of the current HRD strategies, structure, system, style
and skill in the context of the short and long-term business plans of the company. It attempts to find
out the future HRD needs of the company after assessing the current HRD activities and inputs.
HRD audit starts with an understanding of the future business plans and corporate strategies.
While HRD audit can be done even in organizations that lack well-formulated future plans and
Roles of HRD Audit.
HRD audit is cost effective
It allows top management to think in about of strategic and long term business plans.

Changes in the styles of top management

Increased focus on human resources and human competencies
Improvements in HRD systems
Better recruitment policies and more professional staff
More planning and more cost effective training.

Its main objective is to align the HR function with business goals to create a business driven in
HR function.
10. Write short note on Management for TQM. 156
11. Explain the importance of human resources in an industrial enterprise?
Human resource management is the function performed in organizations that facilitates the
most effective use of people (employees) to achieve organisational and individual goals. Human
resource management has following importance in organization,
People Oriented: Human Resource Management is concerned with employees both as individuals
and as group to archive goal. It is also concerned with behaviour, emotional as well. It is the process
of bringing people and organisations together so that the goals of each are met.
Individual-oriented: human resource management, every employee is considered as an individual
and provide services and programmes to facilitate employee satisfaction and growth. Ex: knowledge,
capability, skill etc.
Continuous Function: Human resource management is a continuous and never ending process.
Staff Function: Human resource management is a responsibility of all line managers and a function
of staff managers in an organisation. Human resource managers do not manufacture or sell goods but
they do contribute to the success and growth of an organisation.
Challenging Function: Managing of human resources is a challenging job due to nature of people.
Human resource management aims for securing all employees in order to achieve goals.
Development-oriented: Human resource management is concerned with developing potential of
employees, so that maximum satisfaction from their work and give their best efforts to the
12. Explain the meaning and purposes of training?
Training is an action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behaviour. It gives
people an awareness of the rules and procedures. It attempts to improve their performance on the
current job.
Purpose of training:
Knowledge: It helps a trainee to know facts, policies, procedures and rules pertaining to his
Skills: It helps him to increase his technical and manual efficiency necessary to do the job and
Attitude: It moulds his behaviour towards his co-workers and supervisors and creates a sense
of responsibility in the trainee.
Health and safety measures: Training and development program clearly identifies and
teaches employees about the different risk involved in their job, the different problems that
can arise and how to prevent such problems. This helps to improve the health and safety
measures in the company.
Enhance employee growth: Every employee who takes development program becomes
better at his job. Training provides perfection and required practice, therefore employees area
able to develop them professionally.
Enhancing the company's ability to adopt and use advances in technology. because of a
sufficiently knowledgeable staff

Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which enhances the
company's competitive position and improves employee morale.

13. Explain the need for performance appraisal system?

The basic purpose of performance appraisal is to measure the performance of the employees
in an organization with respect to their contributions made towards the growth of the organization.
The aim is to measure the overall performance of an employee over a period of time, usually one year.
For the appraisee it enables:
To understand the individual and collective role in terms of organizational expectations from
the employee.
To know what needs to be done to accomplish the task and meet the organizational
Clear understanding of strengths and weaknesses so as to identify the means and methods to
develop as a better performer.
Increased motivation, job satisfaction, and self-esteem among the employees.
Opportunity to discuss work problems and how they can be overcome.
Improved working relationships with the peers, superiors and subordinates.
For the management it enables to:
Identify the performers and non-performers and their development towards better
Create opportunity to prepare employees for assuming higher responsibilities.
Create opportunity to improve communication between the employees and the management.
Identify training and development needs.
Generation of ideas for improvements.
Identify potential and formulation of career plans.
14. What are the drawbacks of ISO 9000?
ISO 9000 is a set of international standards and guidelines for quality management systems.
ISO 9000 was designed to allow companies around the world to rank and otherwise compare
themselves and their suppliers in order to guarantee the quality of the raw materials and finished
goods that are being used in the manufacturing process. Disadvantages of ISO 9000 are

It is not cheap to become an ISO 9000-certified company. The cost of the certification process
depends greatly high.
The ISO 9000 certification process does not end with the final implementation of the initial
certification. It must be maintained throughout the life of the company, or at least the life span
of the company.
The employees are not interested in or capable of understanding and completing the policies
and procedures required to maintain the ISO 9000 status, then the certification process will
quickly break down and become meaningless.
People who don't understand what ISO 9000 is may not be impressed with the ISO 9000
certification and may choose to do business with cheaper competitors who are not ISO 9000
certified and who can operate less expensively as a result.

15. What are the problems that an organization encounter while career planning process?
Integrating the career development and workforce planning.
An effective career develop plan it is essential to integrate the workforce planning with career
development plan. Career development provides abilities and talents, while workforce planning
projects the demand for talents and abilities. The major problem that an organization face is the need
and what is available would never match. It makes no sense to develop people and then have no place
to put them or to project needs for people but have no development program to supply them. In spite
of having both, the organization may face in integrating them.
Managing Dual Careers:

In the business or employment of any type women are equally on roll. But today the number
of dual careers is increasing. Organizations are actively working to accommodate them in the
workplace. This creates a unique pressure on the organization. The problem may arise while
Transferring one of the dual career.
Promoting one of the dual career.
Relocation of the dual career.
Career planning and equal employment opportunity:
Women entering into employment have created a management concern for their growth in the
Organization. The organizations are made to adopt equal employment opportunity. The major
problem organization face with equal employment opportunity is the appropriate candidate among the
groups. While the organization is willing to invest, they also face the problem of such employees
quitting the job once they are equipped with abilities.
Downsizing and job loss:
With the competition, privatization and globalization, organizations are forced to opt for
downsizing. Downsizing leads to job loss. Downsizing loses the organizational memory and values..

16. What do you mean by trainee management courses? How it could be useful
17. What are implications for HR professionals? 72
The primary focus of our research has been to figure out the competencies that will help HR
professionals have greater impact. Following are some of the implications for HR professionals,
Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Confidence:
Develop an Inside and Outside View:
HR professionals need to have a open mind about values. Value is defined by the receiver
more than the giver.
Focus on Individuals and Organizations
Serve People and Deliver on Business Results
Accomplish Both Transactional and Transformational Work
Shift from Politics to Collaboration
Support Others
18. Write an essay on HRD in small organisations?
10 marks
1. Explain the various strategic HRM models?
There are three types of HRM models,
The control-based model.
The resource based model.
The integrative model.
The control-based model:
The first approach to modelling different types of HR strategy is based on the nature Strategic
Human Resource Management.
Attempts to monitor and control employee role performance.
HR strategy are instruments and techniques to control all aspects of work to secure a high
level of labour productivity and high level of profitability.
This focus on monitoring and controlling employee behaviour.
The starting point for this framework is Marxs analysis of the capitalist labour process.
He referred to as the transformation of labour power into labour.
HR strategies have managers used to render employees and their behaviour predictable and
Individual control by employers exercising direct authority was replaced by more complex
structural forms of control: bureaucratic control and technical control.

Bureaucratic control includes written rules and procedures covering work.

Technical control includes machinery or systems.

The resource based model.

This second approach to developing typologies of HR strategy is grounded in the nature of the
rewardeffort exchange.
In resource based model, the emphasis is more on workplace learning rather than outcome.
In this model the management is more focused on the learning process and believes that
outcome can come by following the right process.
An organizations resources can be divided into tangible and intangible.
Tangible resource are financial, technological, physical and human.
Intangible resource are brand-name, reputation etc.
Superior performance through workers is underscored when advanced technology and other
inanimate resources are readily available to competing firms.
The sum of peoples knowledge and expertise, and social relationships, has the potential to
provide non-substitutable capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage.
The resource-based approach exploits the distinctive competencies of a work organization.
The integrative model:
Integrative model is the combination of control-based model and resource based model.
It includes commitment hr strategy, traditional hr strategy, and collaborative hr strategy.
This focusing on the strategys underlying logic of managerial control and rewardeffort
Acquisition and development are concerned with the extent to which the HR strategy
develops internal human capital.
Organizations can lean more towards making their workers (high investment in training) or
more towards buying their workers from the external labour market. This is called as the
make-or-buy aspect of HR strategy.

2. What are the Objectives and Characteristic Features of OD?

(Write diagram)
System Orientation:
Organization development is system oriented.
It is concerned with the interactions of the various parts of the organization which affect each
It lays stress on inter-group and inter-personal re1atIonship
It is concerned with structure and process as well as attitudes.
Use of Change Agent:
Organization development is generally implemented with the help of one or more change
The change agent usually acts as a catalyst.
Change agents may be either external or internal.
They are usually consultants from outside the company.
Advantages of using external change agents are that they are more objective and have good
They are also able to operate independently without ties to the hierarchy and politics of the
Problem Solving:
Organization development is concerned with the problem solving.
It seeks to solve the problems through practical experiences gained on the work.
These problems mainly occur at the time when working on the job.
it develops an attitude of problem solving among the organizational members..

This focus on improving problem-solving skills by discussing data based system problems is
called action research.

Experimental Learning:
Organization development provides experimental learning to held the participants learn new
behaviour patterns through experience.
they can discuss and analyse heir own immediate experience and learn from it.
This approach tends to produce more changed behaviour than the traditional lecture and
Human Values:
OD programmes are often based on humanistic values.
The values are positive beliefs about the potential and desire for growth among employees.
To be effective and self-renewing, an organisation needs employees who want to increase
their skills and contributions.
They all provide a value base for OD efforts and help ensure that the organisation will be
responsive to human needs.
Contingency Oriented:
Organization development is situational and contingency oriented.
As people learn to develop their behavioural concepts through experience, they can suggest
various ways to solve a particular problem and try to adopt the same.
Thus, OD is flexible and adapting actions.
Levels of Interventions:
OD programmes are aimed at solving problems that may occur at the individual, inter
personal group, inter-group and total organisational level.
OD interventions are designed for each level as for Instance career planning at the individual
level, team building at the group level.
Organization development supports feedback to participants so that they may be able to
collect the data on which decisions are based.
For this purpose participants may be divided into several groups according to the functions.
Each such group takes its own decision on -the subjects referred to it and then, the decisions
are forwarded to the other group for feedback.
3. State special features of service industry?
The service sector has a crucial economic role to play in society.
Services create value by providing a bridge between the producers of goods and the
The service sector is going through revolutionary change, which dramatically affects the way
in which we live and work.
the growth of the service sector in modern society is linked with the increased productivity of
the manufacturing sector.
Its growth indicates a change in social structures. Since the service industry is more directly
in touch with the consumer.
In the service sector the production and delivery of goods are carried out simultaneously.
This characteristics of the service industry has important implications for the kind of human
resources and human competencies required for the service sector.
The value which the service sector provides consumers, may be private benefits which are
paid for, or they may be public benefits which are free.
A major characteristic of modern socio-economic development has been the increasingly
dominant role of the service sector.
As an economy develops, the relative contribution of the primary and secondary sectors to the
total economy decreases, whereas that of the service sector increases.

the service sector there is a need to develop the service culture.

4. Explain Importance and Role of HRD in the Service Sector?

HRD is concerned with the development of the human resource function in an organization.
The term Human Resource development involves mainly two terms Human resource which
consists of the total knowledge, creative abilities, skills, talents and aptitudes of an organization's
work force, as well as the values, benefits, and benefits of an individual involved in the organization.
Development on the other hand involves enhancement of the skills and abilities of the
employee in the present job as well as making him capable of doing so in the future assignments too.
The core essence of HRD is to bring out the best in employees. It refers to making the people
capable of bringing out all the capabilities inside them for a particular job they hold there by
developing the organization as whole. This will be possible only when the employees have to develop
their capabilities in side them for the higher productivity or performance. This will only be possible
when they have high skills, knowledge, and a positive attitude towards the work as well a good
working environment also.
HRD aims at maximizing the potentialities of the general work force as a whole. This
involves integration of the individual work goals with that of the company goals and improving the
individual performances. In order to achieve the goal of optimization of resources the organization
should give in positive work environment as well as working opportunities.
Roles of HRD:
Performance Appraisal It is used to as a mechanism to understand the difficulties /weaknesses of
the subordinates and help/encourage them remove all these and realize these.
Training The training is directly linked with the career growth and appraisal of the employees as
such. Employees are given on the job training as well as off the job training.
Rewards Rewarding employees is a significant part of HRD. By this the organization helps in
motivating & recognizing the employee talents as such. It also helps in communicating the values of
the organization also.
Employee Welfare - HRD systems focus on employee welfare and quality of work life by continually
examining employee needs and meeting them to the extent possible.
Organization Development A continuous effort is maintained to maintain the development of the
organization as whole .
Feedback and Performance Coaching This is the responsibility of the supervisors to continuously
monitor the employee performance and review and provide necessary suggestions to improve them.
5. Explain the Outstanding Features of ISO 9000?
ISO 9000 is a quality management standard that presents guidelines intended to increase
business efficiency and customer satisfaction. The goal of ISO 9000 is to embed a quality
management system within an organization, increasing productivity, reducing unnecessary costs, and
ensuring quality of processes and products.
ISO 9000 is set up as a collection of guidelines that help a company establish, maintain, and
improve a quality management system. It is important to stress that ISO 9000 is not a rigid set of
requirements, and that organizations have flexibility in how they implement their quality management

Using an integrated systems architecture, the ISO standards are packaged under a
synchronised, easily memorised numbering system. These factors have high value in meeting
the commercial and industrial needs of current international trade.
The standards can be applied with only minimal interpretation to any category of industry,
food, process or service besides manufacturing.

The standards are non-mandatory. They rarely prescribe condition. In most cases, it requires
the company to establish its own procedures.
ISO 9000 imagines a careful documentation including preparation of quality policy, quality
manuals, quality related procedures, job-instructions, audit reports and other quality records.
ISO 9000 enforces quality discipline and basic ingredients of total quality.
ISO 9000 certification for any organisation is reduction of the costs of multiple assessments
by multiple trading partners.

6. Explain Importance of Training & benefits of Training to organization?

Training is an action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behaviour. It gives
people an awareness of the rules and procedures. It attempts to improve their performance on the
current job.
Importance of Training:
Training enables the management to face the pressure of changing environments.
Training usually results in the increase of quantity and quality of output.
Training leads to job satisfaction and higher morale of the employees.
Trained workers need lesser supervision.
Trained workers enable the enterprise to face competition from rival organization.
Training enables employees to develop and rise within the organization and increase their
earning capacity.
It increases the employee's attitudes and helps them to achieve better co-operation with the
Trained employees make better economic use of materials and equipment resulting in
reduction of wastage and spoilage.
Training instructs the workers toward better job adjustment and reduces the rate of labour
turnover and absenteeism.
Benefits of training:
A programme of training becomes essential for the purpose of meeting the specific problems
of a particular organization arising out of the introduction of new lines of production, changes in
design, the demands of competition etc. The major benefits of training to an organization are:
Higher Productivity: Training can help employees to increase their level of performance on their
present assignment. Training increases the skill of an employee in the performance of a particular job.
Increased performance and productivity, because of training, are most evident on the part of new
employees who are not yet fully aware of the most efficient and effective ways of performing their
job. An increase in skill usually helps to increase both quantity and quality of output.
Less Supervision: Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, but it reduces the need for
constant supervision.
Prevents Manpower absenteeism: Training prevents Manpower obsolescence as it fosters the
initiative and creativity of employees. An employee is able to adapt himself to technological changes.
Economical Operations: Trained personnel will make economical use of materials and equipment.
This will reduce wastage in materials and damage to machinery and equipment.
Prevents Industrial Accidents: Proper training can help to prevent industrial accidents.
Improves Quality: Trained employees are less likely to make operational mistakes thereby increasing
the quality of the company's products.
Standardization of Procedures: Trained employees will work intelligently and make fewer mistakes
when they possess the required know-how and have an understanding of their jobs.
7. What are the different approaches to SHRM?

The main objective of strategic human resources management (SHRM) can be specified as
to ensure that human resource management is fully integrated into strategic planning. Generally, the
main approaches to SHRM are divided into three main categories: universalistic, contingency, and
Universalistic approach states that best practices in relation to a wide range of HR issues
such as employee recruitment and selection, training and development, employee motivation is
equally applicable to each organisation regardless of the nature of unique aspects organisations might
Contingency approach on the other hand, disagrees with the presence of universal
prescriptions to HR issues and stresses the need for integration between HR policies and a wide range
of other organisational policies.
Configurational approach to SHRM stresses the need for practices that are contingent with
organisational circumstances, To put is simply, configurational approach recognises the validity of
best practices, but at the same time, accepts the importance of adjustment of HR policies with the
overall organisational strategy.
Alternatively, approaches to SHRM can be divided into four categories: strategy-focused,
decision-focused, content-focused, and implementation-focused.
8. What are the various types of training? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of
Induction or Orientation Training:
It is the method of introducing a new employee into the organization with a view to gaining
his confidence and developing in him a sense of co-operation. It is a training programme used to
induct a new employee into the new social setting of his work. The new employee is introduced to his
job situation and to his co-employees. He is also informed about the rules, working conditions,
privileges and activities of the company.
Job training:
The object of job training is to increase the knowledge of workers about the job with which
they are concerned, so that their efficiency and skill of performance are improved. In job training,
workers are enabled to learn correct methods of handling machines and equipment avoiding accidents,
minimizing wastes etc.
Apprenticeship Training:
Apprenticeship training system is widely common today in many industries. It is a good
source of providing the required personnel for the industry. Under this method, both knowledge and
skills in doing a job or a series of related jobs are involved. The apprenticeship programmes combine
on-the-job training and experience with classroom instructions in particular subjects. Apprenticeship
training is desirable in industries, which require a constant flow of new employees expected to
become all-round craftsmen.
Internship Training:
Internship training is usually where advance theoretical knowledge is to be backed up by
practical experience on the job. Under this method, the professional institutes enter into arrangement
with a big business enterprise for providing practical knowledge to its students.
Lecture Method:
This is most commonly used to speak to large groups about general topics. The lecturer
posses a considerable depth of knowledge of the subject at hand.
The Conference Method:
In this method, the participating individuals confer' to discuss points of common interest to
each other. It is an effective training device for persons in the positions of both conference member
and conference leader.

Refresher Training:
Sometimes employees may forget some of the methods, which were taught to them, or they
may have become outdated because of technological development and improved techniques of
management and production. Hence, refresher training is arranged for existing employees in order to
provide them an opportunity to revive and also improve their knowledge.
9. What are values and assumptions developed by Richard Bechard in the field of organizational
10. What benefits on would get by adopting strategic HR?
Identifying and analyzing external opportunities and threats that may be crucial to the
company's success.
Provides a clear business strategy and vision for the future.
To supply competitive intelligence that may be useful in the strategic planning process.
To recruit, retain and motivate people.
To ensure that people development issues are addressed systematically.
To supply information regarding the company's internal strengths and weaknesses.
To meet the expectations of the customers effectively and ensure high productivity.
To ensure business surplus thorough competency.
the human resource management strategy is in keeping the organization compliant with laws
relating to employees, salary, insurance etc.
strategic HRM is that the company's policies and procedures related to employees should fit
into the organization's broader strategic plan.
Developing these links between HR and strategy has the distinct advantage of helping the
organization to evaluate its current HR policies and to replace outdated policies.
Allows identification, prioritisation and exploitation of opportunities.
Provides an objective view of management problems.
Represents a framework for improved co-ordination and control of activities.
Minimises the effects of adverse conditions and changes.
Allows major decisions to better support established objectives.
Allows more effective allocation of time and resources to identified opportunities.
Provides a basis for the clarification of individual responsibilities.
Gives encouragement to forward thinking.
Encourages a favourable attitude towards change.
12. Explain the new model of HR Competence 68
13. Explain any five career development programs 110

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