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Internet Caf: Problems and Practical Business Strategy Solutions

Thesis Statement
This paper explains briefly the research regarding the problems and
practical business strategy solutions in Internet Caf. It includes the presentation
of the topic, the background of the study, the objective of the study, statement of
the problem, scope and limitations, and the overview of the methodology.
With the emergence of internet cafs, the barriers to the development and
education of the low-income population through information technology can be
solved. Internet cafs can provide shared access to information technology that
can offer development services in particular areas in their development process.
Along with this, the internet cafs are also faced with a lot of problems in the
business arena as well as in the public and the government because of a
relatively few legislations concerning with the business operations of internet


1. What are the problems in business face by Internet Caf?

2. What are the practical and necessary business strategy solutions for
these problems?
3. What measures should be done to further improve the business
strategy of Internet Caf?
4. What kind of marketing strategy should be implementing to attract
5. Does an advertising plan still needed in the promotion of Internet Caf


For this study, descriptive research method will be used. According to Creswell
(1994), a descriptive research tries to explore the cause of a particular
phenomenon. It also intends to present facts concerning the nature and status of
a situation, as it exists at the time of the study. In addition, such approach tries to
describe present conditions, events or systems based on the impressions or
reactions of the respondents of the research. Basically, a descriptive research
utilizes observations and surveys. The respondents of this research study will
be sent to selected employees and internet users of Internet Caf.
The research described in this document is based on qualitative research
methods. During data gathering the choice and design of methods are constantly
modified, based on ongoing analysis. This allows investigation of important new
issues and questions as they arise, and allows the investigators to drop
unproductive areas of research from the original research plan. The data
collection instrument will be a structured questionnaire
For this research design, the researcher will gather data, collate published
studies from different local universities and articles from books and journals; and
will make a content analysis of the collected documentary and verbal material.
Afterwards, the researcher will summarize all the information, make a conclusion
based on the hypotheses posited and provide insightful recommendations.
This study will be a significant endeavour in promoting practical business
strategy solutions in Internet Caf, especially to the relatively young caf that
face a lot of business problem with there Internet Caf. This study will be helpful
to business practitioners for this will be a guide for them when they encounter

problems regarding Internet Caf. Moreover, it shall serve as an informative

guide for students on the business strategy solutions in problems associated with
Internet Caf.


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By: Kean Jay Bonales

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