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Design-a-Machine Project

Machines play an important role in everyday life. Whether it is a simple machine used to flip your eggs
or a compound machine used to drive you to school, never does a day go by where a machine doesnt
play some sort of role. But did you ever wonder where these machines come from? Who designs the
machines that make life, as we know it, possible? Why do new versions of the same product get created?
Engineers play an important role in the design and construction of machines. The first thing they have to
do is identify what needs to be done. Once they figure out what needs to be done, they must come up
with a design that will get the work done. Taken into account will be the materials to be used and the cost
of those materials. From that single first design come improvements, modifications, and changes to make
the machine better.

Day 1

You and your partners will brainstorm and identify some sort of work that needs to be done. This
might be as simple as a hand tool or as complex as a vehicle or crane. Remember, groups consist
of 3, 4, or 5. No other group sizes will be graded. All members must contribute and be a part of
the video (one member can be the filmer).

2. Once you have identified what work the machine will do, you will come up with a design that
will fulfill this task. This might be a totally new design or a design that has been improved upon
to allow for higher efficiency or additional abilities. You will not be making the machine,
although you might want some sort of prop for your video.
3. You will sketch out the design. On that design, you will identify one simple machine and
superimpose a sketch of that simple machine over the machine.
A. Included in the sketch will be arrows showing: input force, output force, input distance,
and output distance. They must point in the correct directions. (see post 5.7)
B. The sketch does not have to be actual size.
C. The sketch will be as detailed as you are able to draw it.
D. The sketch may be hand-drawn or computer-designed.
E. Only ONE sketch will be turned in, so make sure it is correct. See post-lab 5.7 for help with

Day 2
1. Using Chromebooks, you will research your design. Try and find out similar designs that
preceded your design.
2. Identify the materials you will use to construct your machine.
3. Determine what you will charge for your machine. This might include looking for items that are
comparable to your invention, looking up costs per part of your machine, or finding the price of
the material you will use in order to estimate what you will charge.
4. You will prepare a 60 second commercial/infomercial (minimum 60 seconds) that you will
present to the class. Be creative! This will be recorded and viewed by the class. Be sure to save

it on a format that can be opened by your teacher (Youtube, thumb drive, etc.) It has to be ready
to view on Thursday. Make sure more than one group member can access it in case you are gone.
5. Fill out the attached question sheet and make sure your sketch is complete. You will turn this
assignment in when you present.

Day 3 & 4
1. Finish any filming, drawing, and/or designing.
2. Be prepared to present your video on: Thursday, December 17th.
3. If your group is finished early, you may prepare labs 6.1-6.4 in your notebook. The
packet can be found in Schoology. We will be doing all of those labs on Friday the 18th.
4. Remember that price and testimonials are important in an infomercial. Infomercials
have a lot of information in a little bit of time.

(This page will be torn off and handed in)

Design Drawing Sheet


Question Sheet
1. What is the name of your machine?

2. What job is your machine designed to do?

3. What simple machine did you identify in your machine?

4. What materials will you use to make your machine?

5. What is the estimated cost to purchase your invention?

Grading Rubric
Name of Machine
Task for Machine
Creativity of design
Simple Machine on drawing
Reality of cost
Total Points

(5 pts)
(5 pts)
(10 pts)
(10 pts)
(20 pts)
(10 pts)
(20 pts)
(80 pts)

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