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Best Practices for Teaching Vocabulary

STUDENT FRIENDLY DEFINITIONS: To explain words to children, simple words that

children already know should be used. Children should be able to easily understand the
explanation so they can quickly understand what a word means and connect new words
to words they already know.
• To teach the word unload, you could say… "If you load something onto a train
that means you put it onto the train. If you UN-load something from a train that
means you take it off of the train."

MULTIPLE TAKES: To enter a word into their functioning memory, students need to
hear a word (and ideally its pronunciation) multiple times. Try to get them myriad quick
exposures after introducing a word
• Have students practice using a word in different settings and situations and
give an example of a time when they might use it.
o “What animal would you most want for a friend?”
o “What’s the healthiest thing you’ve eaten today?”
o “When would it be especially important to be careful?”
• Circle back to words you previously taught—yesterday, last week, or last
o “Who can tell me a word that we’ve studied this month that means
not having enough of something?
• Give students a sentence stem with a vocabulary with a vocabulary word, and
ask them to finish it
o “My mother stared at me with surprise because she never imagined
• Have students practice saying the words correctly
o “That word is pronounced ‘FLOO-Id.’ Everybody say that.”

COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Beware the “synonym model.” It’s the difference
between similar words that creates meaning in a sentence or passage.
• Ask students distinguish between or compare two different words; focus on
the nuances of meaning
o Can anyone explain how tiny is different than small?
o "What is the opposite of empty? Is full the opposite of empty?"

UPGRADE: Find opportunities to use richer and more specific words whenever
• Ask students to use recently introduced words in class discussions
o We have a word for weather that’s really warm. Can you remember
what it is? Now can you use it in a sentence?
o Can you use a better word than big?

PICTURE THIS: Create a multidimensional image of each new word by using pictures
and actions.
• Use Pictures: Help students visualize words by giving them a picture that
exemplifies a word they’ve learned. Or have students draw their own picture of
a word
• Act it Out: Ask students to act out or personify a word (e.g., Emily’s “word of
the day plays”)
o “Show me what you would look like if you were furious.”
o “Who can pretend to fly across the room in a plane?”
• Using Gestures: Have students develop gestures to help them remember
words. Give them the word, and ask for the gesture. Give them the gesture,
and have them provide the word
o To teach the word steep, teachers can have children show what a
steep mountain would look like with their hands.

Research-Based Sequence of Strategies for Introducing Vocabulary

 Step 1—Define it: Provide a student-friendly definition of the vocabulary

 Step 2—Compare and Contrast: Provide a similar word, ideally one with
which students are familiar, and explain how the words are similar and
different from one another
 Step 3—Use Pictures: Show students a picture that portrays the
vocabulary word. Explain why the picture is a representation of the word.
 Step 4—Create a sentence, written by the class with your guidance, that
reflects the word’s meaning in a complete thought
 Step 5—Vocabulary Games: Have students play vocabulary-reinforcing
activities and games using multiple takes
 Step 6—Write a sentence: Ask students to write a sentence
independently (usually as homework) using the word correctly.

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