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Sixteen(16) I E L T S ESSAYS of 2015 IELTS EXAMS

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The Ultimate IELTS Essays that have helped thousands to achieve 7 band-score or more
George Andrews
1. Fewer and fewer people write by hand, using a pen, pencil or brush. What are the reasons for this? Is
the decline in writing by hand a positive or negative development?
In the recent years, there has been a gradual decline in the number of people who write manually using
a pen pencil or brush. A number of factors have prompted people to adopt newer methods of writing. I
believe that people have benefited greatly from this new development.
One of the major reasons that has forced individuals to abandon traditional ways of writing is the
introduction of computer and digital technology in personal academic and professional life. For example,
when email became popular people preferred it as it reached them much faster than regular mail. The
only way to send an email is to type on a computer or any such digital device. Similarly, even in schools
and colleges, students are often required to submit their projects and course work online which would
definitely reduce the need to use a pen or pencil.
Again, the development of digital designing in advertising has reduced the use of brush and pencil. That
is to say, formerly artists used brush and paint to design signboards and advertisements, whereas today
they can easily do it on computer with greater efficiency. For example, software like Photoshop and DTP
technology have reduced the need to use paint and brush because digital designing tools are colours
are available for easy designing and artists just need to print on digital printers.
The reducing popularity of writing by hand, in my opinion is a positive trend. Primarily, it reduces the
need for paper, ink and paint, which is an environmentally positive development. Moreover, it has
increased the speed and convenience of writing and designing with the help of technologies like, voice
recognition, digital editing and mass printing.
In conclusion, the development of digital technology is the major reason for the decline in writing with
the hand. I am convinced that it has major benefits in terms of convenience, speed and efficiency and is
environmental advantageous.
2. Nowadays many scientists and tourists would like to travel to remote natural environments, such as
the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
An increasing number of people today explore difficult and distant natural terrains, either to visit these

places or to conduct scientific researches. Although people face a great deal of hardships during these
journeys, it is greatly advantageous for travellers themselves and society as a whole.
To start with, it would be greatly enjoyable for people who like adventurous travel and novel
experiences. That is to say, they not only take great delight in preparing physically and psychologically
for such demanding expeditions but also experience a sense of achievement in completing the task. A
few examples would be, climbing difficult terrains like the Himalayan Mountains, expeditions to the icy
Polar Regions or even the recent space voyages undertaken by common people.
Again, scientific expeditions to such inhospitable regions have also benefitted human society to a great
extent in terms of studying the many unknown facts about the earth and the universe as a whole. For
example, scientists to the Polar Regions of the Antarctica and the Arctic have conducted various
experiments on climate changes and given us information about the effect of the melting of polar ice on
the planet.
On the other hand, many people have questioned the huge financial commitments made by
governments in conducting such expeditions, especially for scientific purposes. For instance, many
social economists point out that maintaining space and polar stations would cost enormous amount of
money and the net result usually do not justify the expenditure incurred. Moreover, the risks involved in
travelling to dangerous and distant terrains are enormous and many people have lost their lives due to
extreme cold, difficult landscapes and lack of provisions.
In conclusion, despite certain objections, the curiosity and passion for people to travel to distant and
difficult regions of the world have only increased. It clearly reveals mans innate desire to conquer the
unknown. Although it involves a certain amount of risk and financial commitment, it has greater benefits
for man.
3. Some people believe that children should have important lessons other than classes in school, that
is, visiting local businesses or public buildings.
To what extend do you agree or disagree?
Many progressive schools today try to provide innovative learning experiences to children by taking
them to local commercial establishments or public buildings, where they would be exposed to a great
deal of practical knowledge. This practice, I think, is a significant opportunity for them to acquire skills
and information which are not usually available within the school environment.
To begin with, classroom learning can sometimes be tedious and therefore access to ideas and
knowledge in more practical ways can make learning creative, fun-filled and more effective. For

instance, while visiting a historical museum children can see and handle real objects like coins,
inscriptions and utensils of the ancient times. These experiences would reinforce their study of history
and help them to recall information more easily.
Furthermore, field trips to local businesses can introduce pupils to direct interaction with objects of
learning, which are not easily available in school. For example, a visit to a local fish market can
introduce children to various species of sea and river fishes and help them to learn their names.
However, sometimes children can take fieldtrips more as a recreational activity rather than an innovative
learning experience. This can defeat the real purpose of such trips, and therefore some people are
sceptical about such school activities.
In conclusion, although there is a criticism that field trips from schools would distract children from their
studies, I am convinced that mostly benefit from such educational tours. Therefore, school authorities
should encourage children to visit local businesses or public buildings in order to make education a
more creative learning activity.
Words 260
4. Some people believe that training courses of performing arts (eg. dance, music, drama etc.) should
be funded by government. Others believe that they should be done through other ways (eg. business or
students family).
Discuss both view and give your opinion.
There is a view that government should provide financial support to talented students who intend to
study performing arts such as dance, music or theatre. However, many people believe that taxpayers
money should not be wasted for this purpose, and students should look for sponsorship from other
sources like corporate companies or their own families. This essay examines both perspectives.
On the one hand, state funding for students of performing arts is one of the best ways to conserve arts
and culture, which is a major responsibility of the government. This is very relevant today as the number
of students opting for careers in such disciplines is declining and governments patronage in this area
would encourage an increasing number of students to choose performing arts. For example, the
government of Kerala in India provides free training to art aspirants in traditional performing art forms of
the state like Kathakali, Mohiniyattam and Thullal, in a prestigious art-school called Kerala
Kalamandalam. This initiative from the government has played a major role in generating interest in
young Keralites in traditional performing arts of the state.
On the other hand, critics contend that it is mostly students themselves who benefit from art education

and therefore they should look for other sources such as corporate funding or their own parents. For
instance, like any other professionals musicians, dancers and actors also earn large sums of money
from stage shows and other public performance. They also believe that since enormous amounts of
money is required to fund art education, it would become an unnecessary liability for government, as it
has more important priorities to deal with.
In conclusion, although it is a serious financial obligation, government should not hesitate to support art
students because safeguarding the cultural traditions of a country is one of the primary responsibilities
of the state.
Word 298
5. Some schools agree that fast food restaurants and supermarkets can promote their products in
school and that schools benefit from it. Is it a positive or a negative development?
Today, a number of schools allow corporate advertisements of fast foods and supermarkets and in this
way they try to raise funds for their various activities. This practice, in my view, is disadvantageous for
school children.
To start with, showing commercials of fast foods, chocolates and similar products or making them
available within school premises would reinforce childrens taste for such foods. As a result, children
would develop problems like obesity and related health issues. For example, if hamburgers, fried meats
and sweet beverages of brands like McDonalds or KFC are available in school cafeterias children would
definitely have a tendency to consume them on a regular basis, instead of opting for healthier
Similarly, exposure to constant commercial messages within the academic environment can create a
materialistic attitude in children. For instance, if schools promote advertisements of childrens products
like toys or computer games through educational materials, billboards or school television, children
would think that they have the approval of teachers and school authorities. Consequently, they may
force their parents to buy the advertised products, when they visit supermarkets. This is an ideal
example of how commercialisation of schools can promote materialistic attitude in children.
On the other hand, some principals do not believe that children are unduly influenced by
commercialisation of schools and they consider it advantageous to them, as a way to improve school
facilities. To cite an example, some corporate companies help financially strapped schools to buy library
books or improve sports facilities for promoting their products inside the campus.
In conclusion, despite minor advantages, corporate commercial campaigns within school premises has
greater negative influence on children as they would promote unhealthy habits and materialistic attitude

in them.
Words 282
6. Economic progress is often used to measure a country's success. However, some people believe that
other factors are more important. What other factors should also be considered when measuring a
country's success? Do you think one factor is more important than others?
Financial status is mostly considered an important yardstick to assess the development of a nation.
However, many economists argue that a number of other criteria like education, healthcare and
agriculture should also be given greater importance. Among them, I believe education is the most
To begin with, educated citizens in various professional sectors and scientific fields can be a major
symbol of a nation's progress. For example, scientists, engineers and technicians spearhead research
and development, and industrial growth in most advanced countries.
Furthermore, an effective health care sector can be an important measure to gauge a country's
development. To explain, only an advanced nation can ensure efficient universal health care facilities to
its citizens. For instance, the life expectancy of developed countries, such as Japan, the US and
Germany is among the highest, due to the availability of latest medical procedures, health care
personnel and medicines.
Finally, scientific development in agricultural sector is a vital benchmark of progress. This means that in
most advanced nations, the highest level of agricultural production is achieved using the latest
technology and minimum manpower. For example, mechanised farm implements, high yielding seeds,
highly effective fertilisers and other scientific methods practiced in these countries ensure maximum
yield from agriculture.
I believe, the advancement in education is the most important indicator of the comprehensive
development of a country. The main reason is, only with the help of educated professionals in all fields
including healthcare, agriculture and industries can a country achieve success.
In conclusion, there are varied ways to measure the progress of a nation, but education is the most
significant aspect, because all the other sectors depend on it.
Words 274
7. Some people think that government should invest money to study life on other planets, while others
say that it is waste spending money on such things when earth itself has lot of problems. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

Space agencies in many countries are now trying to find signs of life on other planets and many people
support their effort. However, certain people think that it is unreasonable to waste money and efforts on
such futile projects, when there are more serious issues left unsolved on our own planet. I support the
latter view.
To begin with, it is improbable/unlikely that there is any life on other planets and spending money for this
purpose would be a very unwise use of taxpayers valuable money, which would be better spent on
human welfare. For instance, NASA has been investing billions of dollars over the last couple of
decades in space shuttles and telescopes to spot traces of extraterrestrial life, with hardly any positive
results, whereas the social security system in the US has been severely affected due to such
unreasonable spending.
Moreover, looking for evidence of life on other planets would be of little use to human beings, except for
experimental purposes. Money used for expensive space expeditions should be diverted towards
human welfare schemes such as education, healthcare, housing and social security. For example, the
government of India spent billions on the recent Mars project, whereas a major proportion of Indian
population is still below poverty line. The success of this mission did enhance the prestige of India, but
hardly benefitted the nation in any other ways. Countries like India should not waste money in trying to
discover life on Mars but spend it for alleviating poverty or improving the basic infrastructure of the
In conclusion, spending on expensive space programmes to search for extraterrestrial life is not
worthwhile, while many problems on earth are left unattended.
Words 280
8. There is a decline in crime rate today as technology helps in preventing and solving crime. How far
do you agree or disagree?
Scientific inventions are increasingly used these days by law enforcement agencies to deal with criminal
activities. This, in my view, has definitely helped in reducing crime.
To start with, many law breakers have been dissuaded from illegal activities as anti-theft electronic
gadgets have been installed in most crime prone places. This would either warn the presence of
burglars and thieves or help to trace them. For example, security alarms and cameras have brought
down burglaries in banks, and x-ray machines and metal detectors in airports have greatly reduced
crimes like smuggling and hijacking.
Similarly, in the recent times scientific methods and devices have been successfully used in solving

crimes more efficiently. An ideal example would be the use of finger printing, DNA testing and lie
detection technology in identifying culprits and bringing them to justice. These technologies have
definitely discouraged many criminals from committing offences.
On the other hand, criminals have also devised methods to evade anti-crime gadgets and technologies
and therefore some people say that technology has not helped in reducing crime. Criminals, for
example, now use masks at crime scenes to hide their identification from security cameras, and
researchers have discovered that a significant proportion of criminals trick polygraph tests and act
In conclusion, despite certain minor drawbacks, we need to acknowledge that the use of technology has
played a very crucial role in tackling crime in various ways. It has greatly revolutionised crime prevention
and detection, which has resulted in the reduction of illegal activities in many parts of the world.
Words 255
9. Nowadays on-line shopping becomes more popular than in-store shopping. Is it a positive or a
negative development? Give your reasons and examples.
Recently, the number of people who buy various products and services online is increasing more than
ever before. This has certainly affected the business of shopping centres to a great extent. However, I
consider this development as positive, due to a number of reasons.
To begin with, e-shopping is generally considered to be more convenient for customers than in-store
purchasing. Perhaps, this is because many people, nowadays, are unable to find adequate time to go
shopping as they are too busy with professional or personal responsibilities. For example, virtual
shopping websites such as, E-bay and Amazon provide a wide range of products online, which cater to
the needs of individuals from the comfort of their home. Moreover, such shopping sites have
considerably reduced major inconveniences associated with shopping, like travelling to distant shops,
parking vehicles in crowded cities and spending a considerable amount of time.
Furthermore, online shopping allows people to select from a wide range of products, and the prices and
features of products are often compared. This has enabled customers to choose the right products that
suit their needs. For instance, popular online shops in India, namely Flipcart and Jabong have not only
provided detailed information of their products on sale, but also customers' opinions and reviews on
their product experience. Besides, placed orders on these websites can be altered or cancelled by
customers, and purchased products can be returned if they do not meet the assured quality.
Shopping, however, is a social experience for certain people and many of them enjoy shopping as

leisure or entertainment. But, popular shopping websites often compete with stores with lower prices
and discount sales. This has also influenced many people to purchase products online.
In conclusion, online shopping offers greater benefits to customers when compared to in store
purchasing. Clearly, while it converts shopping into a hassle free experience, shopping over the internet
is increasingly convenient, too. Therefore, I think this is definitely a positive trend, and the popularity of
online shopping is likely to continue.
10. More and more people are using computers and other forms of gadgets for reading information.
Therefore there is no need to print books, magazines and newspapers on paper. Do you agree or
An increasing number of people depend on modern electronic gadgets to gather information and the
relevance of the printed media is often questioned today. However, I am convinced that printed books,
magazines and newspapers will continue to attract people for a number of reasons.
Firstly, despite many improvements in technology, reading information on electronic gadgets is still
physically stressful. Therefore, even people who like the convenience of electronic readers or
computers prefer printed books or magazines for serious or long reading. For example, students and
researchers often experience problems like headaches and strain in the eye, when they engage in
prolonged reading on electronic devices. This clearly indicates that printed reading materials will
continue to be used by many people in the future.
Secondly, many popular books and magazines will not be published electronically, because publishers
fear that they can be pirated easily. For instance, people download unathorised copies of eBooks
through various torrent sites, and it is a huge revenue loss for publishers. The non-availability of eBook
versions of many popular books and magazines would force readers to depend on printed alternatives.
Finally, reading a printed material is part of the daily routine of majority of people over a long period of
time and it is not easy to break that habit. Moreover, even today a large number of young people are
also developing such practices. For example, most men in my home state, Kerala, India have the habit
of reading printed newspaper along with their morning coffee. Moreover, the Audit Bureau of Circulation
in India reports yearly increase in Newspaper readership in Kerala even now.
In summary, despite the growing popularity of electronic reading devices and materials, the printed
media still remain relevant for a variety of reasons. Therefore, printed books, magazines and
newspapers will continue to attract people.
Words 298

11. Many customs are traditional behaviours are no longer required in the modern society and therefore
they are not worth keeping. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
People all over the world try to preserve their traditional practices and ways of life, but sometimes many
of them seem irrelevant in the present day social life. Hence, I believe that it is not beneficial to follow
them in todays context.
To start with, some of the age old practices, especially of certain conservative societies are
discriminatory to women and would further distance them from the mainstream of society. For instance,
women in India fold their hands as a gesture of greeting when they meet a person, whereas men shake
hands. Traditionally, holding a mans hand was often considered as an audacious act and an immodest
behaviour by women. However, in modern workplaces in India women increasingly prefer to shake
hands with men as a more warm gesture, which can reduce the distance between them and their male
colleagues. This clearly shows the irrelevance of some of the traditional practices in todays society.
Furthermore, many behavioural patterns of the past do not respect personal freedom and expect
individuals to obey the commands of the older member of the family or community. For example,
formerly, in many countries father insisted on his son to choose the formers profession or an
employment of his preference. In modern society, children have a variety of career choices and most
people think that it is better to leave such decisions to children themselves. This would ensure that their
aptitudes are taken care of and individuality is respected.
In conclusion, it is not beneficial t continue with many traditional customs and ways of behaviour as they
do not help modern ways of living.
Words 268
12. In the past people used to live in one place in their whole life. Nowadays people live in several
different places during their life. What are the reasons for this change? Is it a positive or a negative
Unlike in the past, there is an increasing tendency among many people to change their place of
residence frequently for various reasons. This, in my opinion, is advantageous to people in many ways.
One of the major reasons for this shift is the frequent transfers of employees in large business
organisations on account of promotions or other reasons. For example, multinational software
companies like Microsoft and Google have development centres in different parts of the world and
employees are often asked to relocate to different cities or even countries depending on the
requirements in various projects.

Another important reason for people's periodic movement is their desire to enjoy better economic
prospects. This would mean that they move to different parts of the same country or even other nations
for superior salaries or business opportunities. An ideal example would be, the movement of unskilled
labourers from the northern Indian states of West Bengal, Orissa and Assam to southern states of
Kerala and Karnataka. They often shift from cities to cities for better wages and favourable working
conditions. Similarly, many Indian professionals travel to and live in the different Arabian Gulf nations
due to higher salaries offered by companies in this region.
Although there are minor inconveniences like unfamiliar languages, unfriendly climate and racism, most
people have benefitted by frequent relocation, in terms of improving their economic status and lifestyle.
Moreover, they have been able to enjoy the experience of meeting new people, cultures and
opportunities. Finally, it has made individuals more self-reliant, open-minded and bold.
In summary, many factors have influenced people to live in different places during their lifetime. Despite
certain drawbacks, it definitely has been advantageous to majority of them both economically and
Words 285
13. Nowadays more and more fathers look after their children at home, while mothers are doing fulltime
work. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative development?
In the recent times, an increasing (growing) number of men stay(remain) at home and care for(look
after)their children, whereas(while) women engage(are involved) in fulltime jobs and earn for the
families. A number of factors have led to this situation, and, this trend, in my opinion, is greatly desirable
One of the major reasons for this shift(change) in gender roles is the unemployment of many men
especially due to frequent occurrences of economic recession in many parts of the world. This has
resulted in many men staying (remaining) at home and providing for the needs of their children, while
women continue to earn for the family. For example, the dot-com industry suffered(experienced) a major
meltdown(recession/collapse) in the United States a decade ago and the majority of employees who
were laid off were men. It was not easy for them to find an alternative employment and many of them
stayed at home and looked after their kids.
The rise in women's earning power is another factor that has led to this situation. This would mean that
many women draw(earn) bigger salaries than men and it is often more reasonable(logical) for them to
save(avoid) the expenses of babysitting than going for a job. For instance, women who work as
business executives, doctors and lawyers usually earn huge(enormous) salaries, whereas their

husbands may not be as well-paid. If they have two or three kids, it is financially more viable for their
husbands to look after their children at home than spending on a nanny.
Although some think that this trend can affect the self-esteem of fathers, it is increasingly being
considered as a positive development by majority of people because it has helped to rectify
conventional attitudes and raise women's morale. Moreover, children would be more comfortable being
cared by their father than a nanny.
In conclusion, it is mostly economic reasons that have led to the recent increase in the number of male
homemakers. It definitely has greater advantages for the society and therefore should be appreciated.
14. Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is positive
development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
The growing global business relationships and interaction between various cultures have resulted in
greater economic development and better understanding between people across the globe. However,
some people believe that such developments have led to the degradation of the individual identities of
many countries.
On the one hand, the establishment of large international businesses firms has created great number of
jobs for the educated and skilled youth in many underdeveloped countries. This has also helped to
improve the economic status of these nations. For example, the arrival of software and outsourcing
companies like Google and Accenture from the United States have created enormous jobs for
engineers in India.
Similarly, today people in many countries are able to enjoy music, dance, theatre and other cultural
practices of other countries. This has helped them to appreciate other cultures and it has often become
a positive impact on their own cultures. For example, western music and movies are very popular in
many parts of the world, and in India films and film music have been greatly influenced by the technical
advancements of the west. At the same time, Indian spiritual and cultural practices like yoga and
meditation have been extensively practiced by many westerners today.
On the other hand, people's food and dressing habits and entertainment options are dominated by
international business firms, whereas traditional lifestyles becoming unpopular. This has led to the
internationalisation of culture directed by multinational companies. This is evident in the increasing
popularity of fast-foods like Pizzas, Burgers and fried meats of multinational chains like KFC, Pizza Hut
and MacDonald. In contrast, many traditional dishes are becoming less popular or even extinct all over
the world.

In conclusion, although we need to acknowledge that globalisation has resulted in a certain loss of
cultural identities, it has enormous benefits in terms of economic development and cultural evolution of
the world. Therefore, from a broader perspective, accepting such changes can only be considered as a
positive development.
15. It is common that people change their locations more frequently than in the past. What are the
reasons? Is it a positive or negative development?
Unlike in the past, an increasing number of people are relocating to different cities and countries for
various reasons. This movement, in my opinion, in general, has a positive impact on their life.
One of the major reasons for this movement is that these days, many professionals do not find jobs that
suit their qualifications in their own hometown or country. Whereas large cities and industrialised
countries offer them lucrative employment opportunities and obviously they would be encouraged to
migrate to such places. For example, many young graduates from rural India and small towns have
moved to the metropolitan cities of India, like Bangalore and Mumbai, where multinational companies
and large industries provide them appropriate jobs. In addition, for changing jobs and interorganisational transfers people relocate more often these days.
In addition, a growing number of people today move to more developed regions and countries for life
style changes like better education, shopping opportunities and cosmopolitan environment. Migration to
countries like Canada and Australia, for example often come under this category. Also, people with
lower income sometimes shift to less expensive cities, where house rentals and educational expenses
are more reasonable.
Although leaving familiar environments, friends and relatives is often a painful experience, mostly it has
a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families. They often gain in terms of economic
betterment, professional development and lifestyle improvement.
In conclusion, due to several reasons professionals, business men and even common people need to
move to newer locations more than ever before. This definitely is greatly advantageous to them despite
minor inconveniences.
Words 262
16. Most education systems rely on examinations to encourage children to study, but as a result,
children suffer from too much stress and they never learn to be creative. Therefore, exams should be
abolished. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
As a method of motivating students to take education seriously, examinations do exert a certain amount

of pressure on them and may affect their creativity to an extent. However, there is no need to abolish
examinations and the reasons are discussed in this essay.
To start with, examinations these days are not about rote learning and memorising alone. They also
encourage children to research and form their own opinions about various topics. For example, in
language and literature examinations children are often asked about their views about a novel or poem.
This encourages them to read books more seriously and develop their own perspectives. Similarly, in
science practical examinations, students are required to conduct experiments and arrive at new
findings. Activities like these clearly show that examinations can enhance the creative abilities of
Moreover, even if examinations result in a certain level of anxiety or pressure, it should only be
considered reasonable as they would inspire students to work harder to have a sense of achievement.
In other words, a fair amount of tension helps children to make greater efforts for achieving higher
grades or marks. Research have proved that stress can produce favourable chemicals in the body, like
adrenalin to help body to aim higher.
On the other hand, examinations do lead to excess stress in certain children, which is mainly due to
lack of preparation or pressure from family members or teachers to perform well. Moreover, a certain
amount of rote learning is involved in examinations which can reduce the creativity of children to some
extent. Nonetheless, proper guidance and counselling can help children to handle their exam related
anxieties successfully. Moreover, more innovative ways of conducting tests to reduce the need for
memorising can help children to enhance their creative abilities.
In conclusion, it unreasonable to ban examinations because they play a very vital role in helping
children to approach studies with greater earnestness. It also helps to develop their imaginative
expressions rather than suppressing them.

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