Tutorial 2 - Basics of Content Analysis (Appendix B

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Tutorial 2 Basics of Content Analysis (Appendix B

REMINDER: The brainstorming will be done together but all the follow-on
steps towards the assignment must be done individually.

Task 1. Brainstorming possible customer persona(s)

Working alone or with others (your choice, but assignment MUST be individual):

Work through the case study and list the key characteristics that you
believe describe the customer(s) of the assignment company. Take note of
the ethos and style of the company.
o When youre defining the key distinguishing features, you may find it
helpful to refer to comparator sites (and by now you should be
building up your own lists of relevant sites).
o If you find that your lists seem to cover only some customers then
this would be where you might split them into separate personas for
categories of customers its your decision based on your analysis.

Task 2. Documenting your brainstorming as Personas

Now flesh out the persona/description(s) from your brainstorming with

notes on what sort of eCommerce core content they will want, include all
they would find particularly helpful, fun, interesting.

Persona Description/ profile

Content they would want on a website

When you refine this for your assignment you may wish to read some/all of the
excellent short articles about creating and using personas:


Task 3. Brainstorming possible web motivation(s)

The revised Web Motivation Inventory (WMI) is a framework for understanding
different motivations for using the web & hence firms can use this framework to
review the suitability of facilities to meet these needs. The motives common
across cultures are: research (information acquisition), communication
(socialisation), surfing (entertainment) and shopping; the table below breaks them
down further. Motivations will inform scenarios.
Review the table from Chaffey (2011, Pg 190) & consider which motives apply
for which customers of the company & how to respond to those motives;
1 Community
Get to know other people
Participate in an online
Join a group.

5 Transaction
Make a purchase
Buy things
Purchase a product Ive
heard about.

9 Interaction
Connect with my friends
Communicate with others
Instant message others I

2 Entertainment
Amuse myself
Entertain myself
Find information to
entertain myself.

6 Game
Play online games
Entertain myself with
Internet games
Play online games with
individuals from other
7 Survey
Take a survey on a topic
I care about
Fill out an online survey
Give my opinion on a
Download music
Listen to music
Watch online videos.

10 Search
Get answers to specific
Find information I can

3 Product trial
Try on the latest
Experience a product
Try out a product.
4 Information
Do research
Get information I need
Search for information I

11 Exploration
Find interesting web
Explore new sites
Surf for fun.
12 News
Read about current
events and news
Read entertainment

Task 4. Mapping motivations to the business processes

Still thinking about the customers and their eCommerce requirements now turn
your focus to the firms relationship with these customers & their motivations.
List eCommerce needs in terms of the 3 stages in the customer relationship
process with the company. Also think about what the customers motivations will
be (ie scenarios) in each phase and note down what cross-selling/up-selling
opportunity there would be at that time (particularly think about what the triggers
would be). Again, a table structure would be useful. Something like:

What should the site contain to support this stage? Also note the cross-selling/upselling opportunities (ie what would they be receptive to buying at this time/stage/action)


How long typical site users spend in this phase = ___________


How long typical site users spend in this phase = ___________


How long typical site users spend in this phase = ___________

(X-selling=trigger based on where at now/or have been; Up-selling=trigger based on item selected)

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