Good News: Ports Utreach Nstitute

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Sports Outreach Institute

International Headquarters: P.O. Box 11855, Lynchburg, Virginia 24503

Phone: 434.528.2516


O ur methodology is based on an incarnational and relational model that affords us the oppor tunit y to
ser ve others by equipping, encouraging and walk ing alongside those with whom we work . O ur goal is
not to gain recognition and credit for ourselves but rather, to be a ser vant in the true sense of the word,
modeling Christ at ever y turn. While we are a resource, ownership must always belong to the nationals
and final decisions rest with the leaders we ser ve.

April 2009
. . . From Mexico
2009 Mexico Football Crusade “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the B y R o d n ey S u d d i t h
poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.” Luke 14:21b
Who was this young boy, the one leading with to reach out to the poorest of the poor and to
quiet confidence, one careful dribble of the ball bring the freedom and hope of the Gospel of
after another? Trailing behind him, at least ten Jesus Christ to individuals and communities
other children, all trying to keep up, knowing that are filled with hopelessness and despair.
that this young boy was leading them to Tim and Barb Wood have been faithful to this
something special. calling and now we need your help to give them
It was my first time in Ometepec, Mexico and and the people of Ometepec a helping hand.
I was standing outside the church started by This June Russ Carr, founder of Sports Outreach
Sports Outreach Institute leader Institute, will guide a special team to
Tim Wood. A week-long Bible Ometepec to lead the 2009 Mexico
School was scheduled to start Sports Outreach Football Crusade! For years Russ has
that morning. Tim had challenged has been using been working and planning with
the members of the church to sports ministry and Paul Gizzi, Director of the Los Angeles
go out and invite the children in particular, the Seahorses Soccer Club. The Los
of Ometepec to come and learn sport of soccer to Angeles Seahorses is a professional
about Jesus. Tim and his wife reach out to the development league soccer team
Barbara have worked in Ometepec community, build comprised of Christian men who use
for over a decade sharing the relationships, share their talents and the sport of soccer
Christ and disciple.
gospel and reaching out to a town to share the Gospel.
that faces many challenges. On June 1-8, 2009 the Seahorses will
Located north of Acapulco in the state of join Russ Carr, Tim Wood, numerous Ometepec
Guerrero, Ometepec is an impoverished community and church leaders and hundreds
community facing many challenges such as of spectators! In addition to four high profile
high unemployment, adult illiteracy, high matches, there will be other opportunities for
suicide rates and child mothers. ministry and training through games and clinics.
That young boy was using a strategy taught to Beyond the soccer, the purpose of this trip is to
him by Tim – soccer. Sports Outreach has been help share the light of Christ to those who don’t
using sports ministry and in particular, the know Him. The Gospel will be shared at every
sport of soccer to reach out to the community, venue. Local leadership, trained in discipleship,
build relationships, share Christ and disciple. As will help nurture new believers and grow new
the children came down the hill, following the churches.
young boy with the ball, I could not help but The 2009 Mexico Football Crusade needs your
think of Luke 14:21b. Sports Outreach is called prayers and, if possible, your financial support.
2009 Mexico Football Crusade
Who was this young boy, the one leading with high unemployment, adult illiteracy, high
quiet confidence, one careful dribble of the ball suicide rates and child mothers.
after another? Trailing behind him, at least ten That young boy was using a strategy taught to
other children, all trying to keep up, knowing him by Tim – soccer. Sports Outreach has been
that this young boy was leading them to using sports ministry and in particular, the sport
something special. of soccer to reach out to the community, build
It was my first time in Ometepec, Mexico and relationships, share Christ and disciple. As the
I was standing outside the church started by children came down the hill, following the
Sports Outreach Institute leader Tim Wood. young boy with the ball, I could not help but
A week-long Bible School was scheduled to think of Luke 14:21b. Sports Outreach is called
start that morning. Tim had challenged the to reach out to the poorest of the poor and to
members of the church to go out and invite the bring the freedom and hope of the Gospel of
children of Ometepec to come and learn about Jesus Christ to individuals and communities
Jesus. Tim and his wife Barbara have worked in that are filled with hopelessness and despair.
Ometepec for over a decade sharing the gospel Tim and Barb Wood have been faithful to this
and reaching out to a town that faces many calling and now we need your help to give them
challenges. and the people of Ometepec a helping hand.
Located north of Acapulco in the state of This June Russ Carr, founder of Sports Outreach
Guerrero, Ometepec is an impoverished Institute, will guide a special team to Ometepec
community facing many challenges such as to lead the 2009 Mexico Football Crusade! For

Tim & Barb Wood, SOI Mexico Directors

From the Executive Director
In January, I was privileged to introduce our staff in Gulu, Uganda and Nairobi, Kenya
to a team of 27 men from the United States. This team was made up of extremely
“Living Alms”

talented and successful business leaders, athletes, church leaders and teachers. As
we prepared to go, and even as we were on the plane in transit, I wondered how
this diverse group of committed men would be used by God to encourage, bless
and support the SOI staff in Africa.

It took less than a day for God to make clear to me that these human vessels, men whose friends, families and co-workers had
sacrificed to send, were a collection of ‘living alms.’ The Scriptures often refer to the giving of alms–and we most often think of
this as money. But ‘alms’ doesn’t mean money–it means mercy. And mercy is what God and this team was all about.

Alms are an expression of God’s mercy to us and through us to others. As God resides in us, so do some of the qualities
that define Him as God. Think of alms as the arms of God, embracing the poor and needy – holding, protecting, comforting,
assuring them that they are loved, cared about and for, that they are not forgotten or abandoned.

Those ‘living alms’ that made up that team were used to feed, heal, clothe, and help poor and needy families rebuild their lives.
They provided Bibles and shared the Word of God, that in turn, revealed and released the knowledge, wisdom and power of
God’s Kingdom.

Alms are a big deal to God because the poor and needy are a big deal to Him. They were on His mind and in His heart when
He sent His Son. They are established in His Law, and they are provided for in His Grace.

“Oh, that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me, when His lamp shone upon my head,
and by his light I walked through darkness, as I was in my prime, when the friendship of God was upon my tent…because I
delivered the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to help him. The blessing of him who was about to
perish came upon me, and I caused the widow’s heart to sing for joy…I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame. I was a father
to the needy…” Job 29:2-4, 12-13, 15-16

We should not give alms to comply with laws. We give alms to show mercy, to reveal God’s mercy to a world that hopes, at
best, for justice.

We, like this team, are God’s ‘almoners,’ responsible for finding food, clothes and medicine to distribute to the needy. Much
more than that, we are God’s presence on earth and living testimony to His incomprehensible love for the world.

Grace & Peace,

News from SOI

Rodney Suddith, executive director

Ministry Newsflash
¾¾SOI’s Aloysius and Esther Kyazze are coming to the United States! Aloysius and Esther will travel
across the country from April 4th through May 9th visiting a number of churches and supporters:
April 4-12 in Lynchburg/Northern Virginia April 13-15 in Portland, Oregon
April 16-17 in Sacramento, California April 18-26 in Santa Barbara, California
April 27-29 in Columbus, Ohio April 30-May 2 in Charlotte, North Carolina
May 3-8 in Lynchburg/Richmond, Virginia
May 9 - SOI Staff, Rodney Suddith and Morgan Allen, accompany Aloysius and Esther on their return to Gulu!
For specific information about where Aloysius and Esther will be visiting and speaking please visit our website
( For further information contact Morgan Allen, operations & communications director, at our Virginia
Headquarters office at (434) 528-2516 or

¾¾Sports Outreach Institute is pleased to announce its Accredited Membership status with the Evangelical
Council for Financial Accountability. ECFA accreditation is based on standards of responsible stewardship,
including financial accountability, transparency, sound board governance and ethical fund-raising.
Membership in ECFA is a powerful statement that a ministry acts responsibly and honors its commitment
to accountability. The ECFA provides accreditation to evangelical Christian nonprofit organizations that
faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fund-raising and
board governance. For more information about ECFA visit

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