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Over the last 16 years, Gary’s home away

from home and the office has been South Texas

College (“STC”). Gary was appointed by
Governor Ann Richards as a founding member of
the South Texas Community College (now STC)
Board of Trustees in 1993. He has been elected
and re-elected for two additional six-year terms.
He has served as Chair, Vice-Chair, and
Secretary of the Board and currently serves as
Chair of the Board Facilities Committee.

When STC was created in 1993, the Valley did

not have a “college-going” culture, half of all adults
lacked a high school diploma and a quarter did not
complete ninth grade. The unemployment rate at
STC’s inception was over 40% in Starr County
and over 24% in Hidalgo County. Serving a
constituency that is 96% Hispanic (many of whom
learn English as a second language), as well as economically disadvantaged on both an
absolute and a relative basis compared to most of Texas, Gary recognized and
articulated a principle purpose for the Board: Provide affordable access to a
community college campus close to the homes of students. This is critical to
educating and training an entire group of South Texans without previous access
to higher education. He reasoned that providing affordable, convenient access to
higher education–and job training–ultimately would attract employers and drive the
prosperity and the economic future of South Texas.

He has been referred to by other Trustees as the “conscience” of the Board

because he facilitates reasoned debate, integrity, and public accountability before
making any decisions regarding the use of taxpayer resources. He also has been
credited with playing a key role in the passage and oversight of a $98.7 million
bond campaign for the construction and expansion of STC’s campuses (16
buildings on 5 campuses in just 16 months, on time and on budget)..

Gary provided the Board with the vision to recognize the importance of
partnerships with local public schools to create a “college-going culture” where
attending and completing college was expected, rather than unusual. He also lead
initiatives to strengthen the smooth transition of community college students to the
state's premier and regional four-year universities (including an agreement with UT-
Austin, established through Gary’s work with former UT Law Dean and UT Chancellor
Mark Yudof).

The results of Gary’s relentless commitment to providing access to higher

education to all South Texas residents cannot be overstated: STC currently has 5
campuses, more than 25,000 students, and more than 17,000 graduates. Moreover,
the unemployment rate in Starr County is now below 20%, and the unemployment rate
in Hidalgo County is below 12%–a reduction of more than half since 1993.

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