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Anna Carmela P.

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
Freud is the one who presented to us about the psychosexual theory which says that
people are driven by libido. According to him, our libido motivates or provokes us without
knowing it. Freud said that our behaviours, personality, and decision making is a result of our
past experiences. These past experiences are either we are conscious or unconscious about it.
But, more of it is we are unconscious about it. Lastly, Freud said that all of us are dealing with
anxiety by the use of defense mechanism.

Part II
I am the type of person who loves to buy and wear bracelets. Even though I dont have
enough money anymore, I will still find a way to buy one. Once I get to buy the bracelet I have
this feeling that Im satisfied. At first I only thought that it was only because I want to wear it as
part of my accessory. But then, Ive realized that when I was younger, I lost and important
bracelet which was a gift on my first birthday and I think it still makes me unconsciously guilty
about it thats why I keep on buying bracelets. As what Freud said it only proves that we are all
product of our past experiences.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
My understanding about Carl Jungs theory is that we people are not only composed of
our past experiences, but more of our collective unconscious. This collective unconscious came
from our ancestors. Jung also said that we are compendium of opposites; an example of it is that
people are not introvert alone, but also an extrovert in some instances. He also explained about
the different archetypes. These archetypes are his standard in personality. People are not only
categorized on one archetype, but in two or more category.

Part II
Other people say that I have this kind of bravery like a man yet I am a young lady, they
say that I am a person that can show or express what I feel and can conquer all my fears. But,
what they dont is that I am afraid to show my true feelings toward what is happening around me.
I have to strong though Im afraid because there is someone with me who is more afraid. If I am
going to use Jungs archetype on my personality, I may land on Persona, Animus, Shadow, and
Hero type. I dont know who among my family has the same, but base on Jung one in thing is for
sure, it is something I inherited from my ancestors.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
My understanding about Adlers theory is that we people are either striving for success or
striving for superiority. Another thing Ive learned is that there is such thing called family
constellation. It is where a birth order has a meaning or a relation to ones personality.

Part II
I can relate myself to Adlers theory that as the first born, Im trying my very best to
strive for success and at the same time superiority. I can say that I am striving for success
because what I am doing now is all for my younger sister and brother. I can say that it is all for
them because after graduating college, I want to be the one to provide for them and because I
think this is my way to payback my parents. At the same time, also striving for superiority
because I want to see other people to see and acknowledge my good deeds and also I want to
have everything I want without asking for my parents proving. And another thing, superior is
because I believe that if someone cant give you enough respect, at least give them a reason to be
afraid of you because of your dominance and power.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
Erik Erikson believes that all people are experiencing psychological crisis in every stage
of our lives. This stages are consists of oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital, young adulthood,
adulthood, and maturity. Erikson said that if someone has completely accomplished the crisis on
that certain stage, a virtue will be built in you.

Part II
According to Erikson my current stage I belong now is more of experiencing identity
crisis. And I think that is really right. As a young lady, I am sometimes experiencing down times.
On these down times, I am asking myself, why is this happening to me? Is there something
wrong with? An example of it just happened recently. I was thinking if I am not really worthy to
be respected and not worthy to be loved for there is this someone I thought who was my friend,
but unexpectedly broke my heart for ruining everything Ive dreamt of. But, then a true friend
made me realize that she is not worthy to be my friend and she couldnt be considered as one.
But, then still I am searching for myself that was lost on that situation. My plans and ideas of life
were ruined and things went really wrong. Though this instance weakens me, I know this can be
a way for me to be stronger than before and make me realize who really I am.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
What Ive understand from Allport is that our traits can be a determining factor for our
behavior. Also that personality is something that is observable and non-observable.

Part II
If we are going to use Allports personality disposition, I think I can categorize myself in
to the central traits. Why? Because when we say bubbly, talkative, childish, reliable friend,
sometimes lazy, a little bit stubborn, and brave you are already identifying me.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psychology 2-2

Part I
My understanding about Eysencks theory is that our personalities are can be define not
only by factorial analysis, but through biological determinants. It says that our personalities are
genetic and can be inherited from our parents. So a persons personality is not acceptable by
Eysenck unless biological determinants are found.

Part II
With Eysencks 3 General Super factors, I can place myself into Extraversion because I
am a person who is Assertive, Lively, Carefree, Venturesome, and Sociable. Though not
everything under his description of extraversion is possessed by me, still most of it defines me.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
As we discussed about the Big Five Factor theory, Ive learned that personalities are
measurable by the use of examinations. Our personalities according to Costa & McRae are bell
shaped that there are only few people who can reach the extreme scores. Also, Ive learned that
personality can be categorized into five, Openness to experience, Conscientiousness,
Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism. Lastly, it is that personality has its high points and its
low points.

Part II
With Costa and McRaes Model of Personality, I can be included into Extraversion.
Why? Because I am used to being describe as one. And when you analyze each determinant
under extraversion, it really shows that I am one of it. One good example is being talkative. I can
be very talkative around people whom Im close with. I tell them everything they want to hear
and I cant stop myself from talking even though I should start stop talking. Other example is
that, I am fun loving. Fun loving means being joyful or lively. It describes me because I can still
enjoy life and be jolly even though I have problems and Im feeling so stressed.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
There are three things that Ive learned from Skinners theory. First is that behaviours are
something that can be learned and unlearned as time passed by. Second, all behaviours are
observable. We can say that it is observable because according to him, the thinker is the one who
is observing his or her thoughts. And lastly, I have learned that a persons behaviour can change
through reinforcement of punishment.
Part II
I think I can apply Skinners theory to me in terms of his operant conditioning through
reinforcement. Im not sure if you can call this reinforcement, but this is what happened.. When I
was in high school, my parents was having a hard time on how they could make me change my
attitude that was into its worst that time. My parents started to punish me by confiscating my
gadgets, stopping me from going somewhere after class, they even threaten me that they will not
anymore send me to school, my mom already said to me all the hurtful words a mother can say to
her child, and worst is that theyve come to a point that they are punishing me physically, but still
they werent able to change me. Then I didnt know when it did suddenly happened that they
were already tired of getting mad at me, what they did is just let me do what I want to do and
they did not even talked to me about what I am doing. It seems that they were just tolerating me.
I felt that time that I was not their daughter anymore because they dont even care about my
mistakes, they just let me. And then Ive realized its time for me to change. In that way of not
caring about me I think is their way of reinforcement. That if they cant change me by punishing
me, maybe they can just let and I think they succeeded.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
My understanding of Banduras theory is that a persons behavior is flexible and can be
changed for it is something that is learned through the years and as you encounter different
people. And there is also two things to factors to consider in self-regulation; the internal and

Part II
There was a time that I thought that I couldnt change myself from someone who is really
dumb and silly, but when I forced myself to and motivated myself to change because it is what
my parents want me to do, I did. Wasnt changed right away, but it was in a process.

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
Ive learned that people are motivated by four dimension; the conative, aesthetic,
cognitive, and neurotic. This four dimension explains that by motivation, a persons whole can
change, either conscious or unconscious it will change as long as the motivation is there. The
most popular of his dimensions is the conative in where we can see the hierarchy of needs. When
these needs are granted, a person may change. Like his presented psychotherapy that a person
needs love and belongingness to be fully cured.

Part II
Before, I felt that I was neglected by my parents when my younger sister was born and
felt worse because right after my sister, here come the birth of my brother. I felt that no one
needed me for they did not give me enough attention. One time when we were having our family
talk because theyve FINALLY noticed that theres something wrong with me, I told them that I
felt bad when they werent paying much attention to me that why I somewhat did things that is
rebellious to them. After that talk, everything has changed. The way they treat me and give
attention change and made me change too because Ive realized that I should show them that I
deserve what they give and what I demand

Anna Carmela P. Canoza

AB Psych 2-2

Part I
The moment a person develops his/her self-actualization they have a possibility to
become a fully functional person. Whenever a person receives a positive feedback from someone
who took care of them, they may become as a person. Someone who can either a person of
tomorrow or a fully functioning person.
Part II
The first time I fell in love with someone and got hurt, that was the moment I somehow
found myself. It was the moment I realized who really is and what I really deserve in life. The
things that I usually do before my actualization are not being done that much now. Another
situation is when my mom and I had a heart to heart talk about some things and after that I
slowly realized what she meant and start finding my whole self. Until now, I am not yet done in
finding myself what I only know as of now is that sooner or later Ill find my inner self.

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