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Barkadahan ng mga Mag-aaral ng Edukasyon sa Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng Marikina


Bylaws and Constitution

We, the Bachelor of Science in Education students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina,
imploring the aid of Almighty God, aware of our rights, responsibilities and limitations and in
accordance with the institutional mission statement, bind ourselves to form and maintain a
student organization that will promote student welfare and development; develop and maintain
fellowship among its members and with the student organization, the administration and society;
foster excellence in education; promote social awareness and involvement among its members
and strengthen the living out of good Christian and Filipino values to ordain and promulgate this

Article I
Name, Jurisdiction and Domicile

Section 1: The official name of this organization is Barkadahan ng mga Mag-aaral ng Edukasyon
sa Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina or better known as EDUC-kada;

Section 2: EDUC-kada represents and shall have jurisdiction over all Bachelor of Secondary
Education (BSE) students of Pamantsan ng Lungsod ng Marikina;

Section 3: EDUC-kada is located and have jurisdiction in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina,

Marikina City, Philippines;

Article II
Purpose of Establishment

Section 1: The purposes of establishment of this organization are the following:

1.1. to corporate the Mission, Vision and Goals of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina;
1.2. to serve the student body by promoting the common good of the students;
1.3. enhance holistic formation of the students;
1.4. preserve a professional and family atmosphere in the Department of Education
conducive to the development of the students;
1.5. organize and supervise official student activities;
1.6. to serve as a medium of communication between students, faculty, administration
and other sectors of the university;
1.7. supervise relations among the students, faculty, administration and other sectors of
the university;
1.8. establish linkages with different sectors outside Department of Education and the
Article III
Principles and Policies

Section 1: Principles
1.1. The majority is sovereign (50% plus one vote), all authority and delegation of power
comes from them;
1.2. Peace, Unity and Equality shall guide this organization in ensuring the welfare and
security of its members;
1.3. Respect for individual differences is paramount;
1.4. Honesty, integrity, discipline and efficiency characterizes all activities;
1.5. Concern for and commitment in helping uplift the conditions of other sectors of
society is the key guiding spirit of the organization.

Section 2: Policies
2.1. EDUC-kada is committed to realizing the PLMar mission and vision statements,
together with the entire PLMar community;
2.2. EDUC-kada operates in a spirit of respectful collaboration among its members and
with other organizations and sectors in all places and activities which do not
violate PLMar policies;
2.3. EDUC-kada shall adopt and implement the policy of consultation and transparency
in all its activities;
2.4. EDUC-kada shall pursue active participation in community service;
2.5. EDUC-kada shall serve as a medium of communication and information among its
members and with the different sector in the PLMar community;
2.6. EDUC-kada shall provide a yearly organization T-shirt to all its members that will be
considered as students’ uniform during internal and external official activities of
the organization and the university;
2.7. EDUC-kada shall use ENGLISH as the official language in meetings, in any
communication, transaction and all activities of the organization.

Article IV

Section 1: EDUC-kada is affiliated with its sub-organization: Elementum (Math Society of

Article V

Section 1: Qualification
1.1. Membership in this organization is exclusive only for Bachelor of Science in
Education students of PLMar. Therefore, all students enrolled in the Department of
Education are automatically considered members of the organization.

Section 2: Rights of the Members

2.1. Participate in discussion and deliberation during assemblies;
2.2. Vote on all matters brought up for a decision during assemblies;
2.3. Express one’s opinions and suggestions in a peaceful assembly not contrary to school
2.4. Privacy of communication and confidentiality of personal record;
2.5. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures;
2.6. Right to due process;
2.7. Right to representation in all administrative and policy making bodies on matters that
affect them and shall be acted upon if deem necessary by the organization;
2.8. Right to avail of all the services of the organization without any discrimination;
2.9. Right to be properly informed of the activities of the organization;
2.10. Right to be nominated and voted for a specified official position in the classroom
provided of being qualified as classroom officers.

Section 3: Duties of the Members

3.1. Adhere to the principles and policies of the organization, as well as abide by and
carry out the decision made by in the assembly;
3.2. Protect and uphold the unity and integrity of the organization through their individual
expressions, actions and their interaction with other members as well as other
sectors of the PLMar community;
3.3. Maintain good moral conduct;
3.4. Full support to all the activities of the organization in terms of active participation
and cooperation;
3.5. Help create harmonious and productive relationships within and outside the
3.6. Pay the registration fee of Twenty Pesos (Php 20.00) per semester on or before the
deadline agreed on by the officers of the organization;
3.7. Order and pay for the Organization T-shirt for it is considered as uniform during
internal and external official activities of the organization and the university;
3.8. Be a member of good standing in the organization by adhering to all his duties and
responsibilities as a member of the organization.
Article VI

Section 1: List of Officers and their respective Qualifications, Functions and Duties.
1.1. President
1.1.1. Must be a SENIOR student with no failing grade in his or her entire stay in
the university;
1.1.2. Must be of any major with excellent communication skills;
1.1.3. Currently not in any position of any organization;
1.1.4. Must have at least one year of residency in the university and be member of
at least one semester in the organization;
1.1.5. Charged with the over all welfare of the organization;
1.1.6. Acts as official representative of the organization and student representative
of the College of Education in school meetings, activities, conferences etc;
1.1.7. Assists the College Dean in disseminating information and facilitating
student cooperation in College programs and activities;
1.1.8. Works with the Vice President in all of his/her functions;
1.1.9. Acts as a model member of good standing.
1.2. Vice President for Internal and External Affairs
1.2.1. Vice President for Internal Affairs must be a SENIOR and the Vice
President for External Affairs must be a JUNIOR student with no failing
grade in his or her entire stay in the university;
1.2.2. Must be of any major with excellent communication skills;
1.2.3. Currently not in any position of any organization;
1.2.4. Must have at least one year of residency in the university and be member of
at least one semester in the organization;
1.2.5. Assists the President in all his/her functions;
1.2.6. Assumes the President’s roles and duties and responsibilities whenever the
President id unavailable or incapacitated;
1.2.7. Oversees the different committees, which maybe formed from time to time;
1.2.8. Coordinates with the other officials in all matters;
1.2.9. Acts as a model member of good standing.
1.3. Executive and Associate Secretary
1.4.1. Executive Secretary must be a JUNIOR student and its associate must be a
SOPHOMORE student both with no failing grade in his or her entire stay
in the university;
1.3.2. Must be of any major with excellent communication skills;
1.3.3. Currently not in any position of any organization;
1.3.4. Must have at least one year of residency in the university and be member of
at least one semester in the organization;
1.3.5. Records all the minutes of the meetings and assemblies;
1.3.6. Gives notices and invitations of meetings to members and guests;
1.3.7. Keeps all records, documents and files of the organization;
1.3.8. Submits to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and other duly authorized
bodies the required documentation promptly;
1.4.9. Acts as a model member of good standing.
1.4. Treasurer and Associate Treasurer
1.4.1. Executive Treasurer must be a JUNIOR student and its associate must be a
SOPHOMORE student both with no failing grade in his or her entire stay
in the university;
1.4.2. Must be of any major;
1.4.3. Currently not in any position of any organization;
1.4.4. Must have at least one year of residency in the university and be member of
at least one semester in the organization;
1.4.5. Safe keeps the organization’s funds;
1.4.6. Prepares the organization’s budget in coordination with the other officers;
1.4.7. Maintains the financial stability of the organization by working according
to the approved budget;
1.4.8. Plans for and oversees fund-raising projects of the organization;
1.4.9. Must be honest and incorruptible at all times;
1.4.10. Coordinates with the auditor in preparing all reports and in all financial
matters of the organization;
1.4.11. Acts as a model member of good standing.
1.5. Auditor
1.5.1. Must be either a JUNIOR or SOPHOMORE student with no failing grade
in his or her entire stay in the university;
1.5.2. Must be of any major;
1.5.3. Currently not in any position of any organization;
1.5.4. Must have at least one year of residency in the university and be member of
at least one semester in the organization;
1.5.5. Charged with checking the correctness and truthfulness of all financial
1.5.6. Prepares the periodic liquidation reports presented to the General
1.5.7. Coordinates with the treasurer in all financial matters of the organization;
1.5.8. Acts as a model member of good standing.
1.6. Public Relation Officer (P.R.O)
1.6.1. Must be either a SENIOR or JUNIOR student with no failing grade in his or
her entire stay in the university;
1.6.2. Must be of any major with excellent communication skills;
1.6.3. Currently not in any position of any organization;
1.6.4. Must have at least one year of residency in the university and be member of
at least one semester in the organization;
1.6.5. Disseminates all information from the College Dean and the Organization
to all members of the department and the organization;
1.6.6. Assists the officers in the implementation of activities, plans and projects
by developing and securing the active participation and support of all
1.6.7. Collects membership fees regularly and other legitimate financial
contributions from all members and submits them to the treasurer
promptly, along with supporting financial status reports;
1.6.8. Hears the concerns, suggestions and problems of the members and brings
these to the attention of the organization’s officers and the College Dean
1.6.9. Acts as a model member of good standing.
1.7. First Year Level Representatives
1.7.1. Must have no failing grade;
1.7.2. Any member of good standing provided that he/she is capable and willing
to perform well his/her duties and responsibilities during the entire term;
1.7.3. Disseminates all information from the College Dean and the Organization
to all freshmen;
1.7.4. Assists the officers in the implementation of activities, plans and projects
by developing and securing the active participation and support of all
1.7.5. Collects membership fees regularly and other legitimate financial
contributions from all freshmen and submits them to the treasurer
promptly, along with supporting financial status reports;
1.7.6. Hears the concerns, suggestions and problems of the members and brings
these to the attention of the organization’s officers and the College Dean
1.7.7. Acts as a model member of good standing.

Article VII
Student Assembly

Section 1: The official student assembly of the Department of Education shall be held on the first
Monday of July and September for the first semester and December and February
for the second semester. However, the officers of the organization may call for
student assembly aside from the official date as necessary for special

Article VIII
Electoral Process

Section 1: Electoral Procedure is held in the month of February and the transferability of all files
and documents to the newly elected officers is at the end of March.

Section 2: Procedure of Voting

2.1. Students who wish to be officers in the organization must formulate a party
consisting of all the position handed in Article VI of this constitution;
2.2. There should only be two (2) major parties: the Administration that is endorsed by
the current officers and the Opposition that is willing to be against the existing
2.3. Students who still wish to run for a position but are not a part of any party may run as
Independent candidates;
2.4. There should only be two (2) independent candidates for every position;
2.5. All the members of both parties as well as the independent candidates are given two
(2) weeks to file their candidacy;
2.6. After the approval of their candidacy, all parties and the independent candidates are
given one week to do their campaign;
2.6. Election is held the week after the campaign period.

Section 3: Filling the Candidacy

3.1. The following are the documents students must give in order to approve their
a. Party name with the campaign strategies
b. List of platforms
c. List of all grades in all subjects (individual)
d. Curriculum Vitae (individual)
3.2. All documents are submitted to the incumbent Executive Secretary within the time
frame given.

Section 4: Campania
4.1. Campaign period must start and end only in the given time frame as stipulated in
Article VIII, Section 2.6 of this constitution;
4.2. Campaign Strategies must not contain any violent procedures and words that may
harm other candidates.

Section 5: Commission on Election

5.1. Student Commission on Election or SCOMEL is the official responsible in the
counting of votes and the declaration of winners;
5.2. Senior students are not allowed to vote for they will be the automatic members of the
5.3. The automatic commissioner of the SCOMEL is the incumbent president of the
5.4. The commissioner must lead the counting and the declaring of winners in the
5.5. SCOMEL must keep their actions and documents confidential;
5.6. SCOMEL must declare the winners as soon as the counting of votes is done.

Section 6: Special Election is held if there is any impeachment or vacancy of office as stipulated
in Article IX, Section 2 and 3 respectively;

Section 7: Fifty percent plus 1 (50%+1) vote is the percentage needed for any legal election.
Article IX
Attainment, Impeachment and Vacancy of Office

Section 1: Attainment of Office

1.1. The official term of each officer shall begin on the day after the election of all
organization officers and shall end on the day of the election of the new officers;
1.2. All incumbent officers of the organization shall remain in the office until the new
set of officers shall have been sworn into office;
1.3. The newly elected officers shall attend the oath taking ceremony held every
1.4. Wining candidate/s from special election shall only sign

Section 2: Impeachment of Office

2.1. The officers of the organization may be impeached by the following grounds:
2.1.1. Violating any of the policies and principles of the University and the
2.1.2. Theft or loss of the organization funds;
2.1.3. Misuse or abuse of authority;
2.1.4. Using one’s position to extremely enrich oneself;
2.1.5. Have not maintained their respective qualifications, functions and duties as
officers of the organization.
2.2. Impeachment shall be done if the officer/s is/are declared guilty of committing such
impeachment grounds after due process governed by authoritative bodies.

Section 3: Vacancy of Office

3.1. Any specified office in the organization may be vacant with the following grounds:
3.1.1. Resignation of officer/s;
3.1.2. Promotion to higher position;
3.1.3. Unable to enroll for second semester;
3.1.4. Death of the officer/s;
3.1.5. Impeached incumbent officer/s.
3.1. If an officer/s wish/es to resign from his/her office due to more reasonable matter,
he/she must submit a letter of resignation one month before his/her wished date of
resignation to the president of the organization and the adviser.
3.2. The president and the adviser, together with the other officers of the organization
must evaluate the reason/s behind the officer/s resignation. The resignation letter
will be signed by the president and the adviser if the approval of the majority of
the officers is attained.

Article X

Section 1: The official meeting of the organization shall be held weekly, depending on the agreed
day, time and place of the officers of the organization. However, they can meet
anytime aside from their official day as wished by any of the officers or as
Article XI

Section 1: Any motion for constitutional amendments must be sponsored by any officer/s or
member/s of the organization. The sponsor/s shall be responsible for the drafting
of the proposed amendment/s;

Section 2: Any motion for constitutional amendments must be filed with the officers of the

Section 3: The officers shall be tasked to call all the officers of the organization for the process
of deliberation;

Section 4: A simple majority vote of 50% plus one (50%+1) vote must be reached to mandate

Section 5: The ratified amendment/s must be presented to the advisor, College Dean, Office of
Student Affairs (OSA) Dean for the final ratification;

Section 6: Revised Bylaws and Constitution must be presented to the student assembly as soon
as it is finally ratified by the authoritative bodies.

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