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Placement of House Rulers: With and In

The simplest house connections interpret the Ruler of a house, in a house. The house
placement of the planet literally tells you where you expect to encounter the affairs of the
house(s) ruled. For example, if the ruler of the 2nd house were in the 6th house, you
would expect to find your money and finances (2nd house) IN your job (6th house). If the
ruler of the 2nd house were in the 4th house, your money (2nd house) would be IN your
home or family (4th house). And if the ruler of the 2nd house were in the 7th house, your
money (2nd house) would be IN your marriage or partnership (7th house).
When the ruler of a house also rules other houses in the chart, you can expand the scope
of the sentence by adding a WITH phrase. For example, say the ruler of the 2nd house is
also the ruler of the 11th house, and that planet is in the 10th house. In that case, you
would encounter your money and resources (2nd house) WITH your hopes and
aspirations (11th house) IN your career and life path (10th house).
The basic structure for these sentences looks like this:
He/she encounters his/her [WHAT Keywords for House Ruled]
(optional) WITH [WHAT Keywords for Other House(s) Ruled by
same planet] IN [WHERE Keywords for House where Ruling Planet
In Stallones chart, Saturn is the ruler of his 2nd house and the almuten of his 10th house,
and Saturn is in his 7th house. So this would be an example of the blueprint of the
connections between these houses:
He encounters his money, resources and talents (Saturn Rules 2nd
House) WITH his career, public image and personal ambition (Saturn
Almuten 10th House) IN his one-to-one relationships, partnerships, and
marriage (Saturn in the 7th House).
You can also take this one step further and include the actual planet in the sentence. The
basic structure when you include the actual house ruler would be:
He/she encounters his/her [Keywords for Ruling Planet and Sign]
WITH [WHAT Keywords for House Ruled] (optional) AND
[WHAT Keywords for Other House(s) Ruled by same planet] IN
[WHERE Keywords for House where Ruling Planet resides].
So, if we add Stallones Saturn in Cancer into the mix, we would get something like this:
He encounters his need for boundaries, limits and responsibility (Saturn)
that are compassionate and supportive (Cancer) WITH his money,
resources and talents (Saturn Rules 2nd House) AND his career, public

image and personal ambition (Saturn Almuten 10th House) IN his one-toone relationships, partnerships, and marriage (Saturn in the 7th House).
Remember, these fill-in-the-blank sentences are not your final interpretations. Theyre
only the blueprint. They help you to build a bridge from the pure astrology of the chart to
the plain language of the final interpretation.
Often, the syntax of the fill-in-the-blank sentence is awkward and doesnt seem to make
sense. Whatever you do, dont change the format of the sentence, and especially do
not change any of the prepositions. You must maintain the IN structure, even if
its painfully awkward.
You can adjust the phrases and the context when you translate the fill-in-the-blank
interpretation to your final interpretation, but be careful not to lose sight of the fact that
the house of the planet is where you expect to encounter the affairs of the houses ruled.

Outer Planet Aspects: With, In, and From

The outer planets have no Essential Dignity, and do not rule anything in the chart. They
are not astrological archetypes, and, as you can tell from their name, they live outside of
us. We only experience the energy of the outer planets when they make an aspect to one
of our personal planets. When an outer planet makes an aspect to a personal planet, it not
only affects how we experience that personal planet, but it also affects the houses ruled
by that planet.
These sentences are more complex, not only because you need to consider the nature of
the aspect and the expression of the outer planet, but also because you need to make a
value judgment about whether the aspect is ultimately challenging or supportive. One
concept I emphasize in the Online Natal Astrology Class is that you cant just assume
that Trines are good and squares are bad. You have to consider each specific aspect
on its own terms, in the context of the specific question.
The aspects only indicate how the energy flows between the two planets. A trine means
the energy flows freely, easily, and constantly (and to reiterate, this is not automatically a
good thing). A square indicates tension, friction, challenges, and potential conflict.
Oppositions indicate a need for balance or compromise. Quincunxes show random,
jarring disruptions.
Outer planet aspects only flow in one direction, FROM the outer planet TO the
personal planet. Because the outer planets have no Essential Dignity and therefore cant
rule any houses, you only need to note the house where the outer planet is located: this is
where the energy comes FROM. The aspect affects the areas of life represented by the
houses ruled by the personal planet, but the effect of the aspect is experienced IN the
house occupied by the personal planet.
This is an example sentence template for an outer planet aspect:


keywords], COMING FROM [House Keywords for House of Outer
Planet] and affecting [Keywords for Houses Ruled by Planet]. This will
be experienced IN [Keywords for House where Ruling Planet resides.]
Bear in mind that you will already have a well-formed context before you interpret an
outer planet aspect. For example, if youre exploring a persons career, you would first
explore the ruler of the 10th and all of the planets on its Board of Directors. This would
give you a clear picture of the dynamics of that persons career. Then, you would
consider any outer planet aspects to the ruler of the 10th, and see how those patterns
might play out.

Inner Planet Aspects: With, In, and Between

Aspects between personal planets, however, are another story. And this is where things
can get really, really messy.
Inner planets do have Essential Dignity, and they do rule houses, so an aspect between
two inner planets shows some kind of connection between all of the houses ruled by
Planet 1 and all of the houses ruled by Planet 2. Whats more, these aspects flow in both
directions, so theyre BETWEEN the two planets, and experienced IN the houses where
each planet resides.
There is so much information in these connections that you have to filter it through the
specific question. If youre exploring Safety Needs, and looking at the Moon trine Saturn,
youll only consider how this aspect affects the Moon. On the other hand, when Saturn is
the subject of the question, say as the ruler of a specific house, you would look at this
aspect again, but this time, you would consider how the Moon affects Saturn.
Heres an example sentence template for an inner-to-inner planet aspect:
There is a [ASPECT Keywords] BETWEEN [Planet 1 Keywords],
specifically involving (WITH) [Keywords for Houses Ruled by Planet 1],
EXPERIENCED IN [House Keywords for House of Planet 1] AND
[Planet 2 Keywords], specifically involving (WITH) [Keywords for
Houses Ruled by Planet 2], EXPERIENCED IN [House Keywords for
House of Planet 2].

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