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Introduction of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Company is the worlds largest beverage company, The Coca-Cola

Company markets four of the worlds top-five soft-drink brandsCoca-Cola, diet
Coke, Sprite and Fanta. And now currently the company has offered two new
products in this market, Sprite 3G and Fanta Citrus. Sprite 3G is doing its business
successfully and meeting the expectations of the management by capturing market
share of Dew quickly but on the other hand the second newly introduced future.
Their beverage offerings encompass nearly 400 brands, including coffees and teas,
juices and juice drinks, sports drinks and waters as well as. With operations in
more than 200 countries, they have a diverse workforce of approximately 50,000
individuals. Together with their subsidiaries and, they strive to be an integral and
contributing member of each of the communities where they operate. The CocaCola Company is the world's leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of
nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, with world headquarters in
Atlanta, Georgia. The Company and its subsidiaries employ nearly 31,000 people
around the world. Syrups, concentrates and beverage bases for Coca-Cola, the
Company's flagship brand, and over 230 other Company soft-drink brands are
manufactured and sold by The Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries in nearly
200 countries around the world. By contract with The Coca-Cola Company or its
local subsidiaries, local businesses are authorized to bottle and sell Company soft
drinks within certain territorial boundaries and under conditions that ensure the
highest standards of quality and uniformity. Product is not meeting the
expectations and still struggling to find out a proper place in the market but it is
expected that the company may stop its production of this product in near

Our History
Coca-Cola originated as a soda fountain beverage in 1886 selling for five cents a
glass. Early growth was impressive, but it was only when a strong bottling system
developed that Coca-Cola became the world-famous brand it is today.
As a part of its drive to enhance the quality, availability, and image of Coca-Cola
products, The Coca-Cola Company established a new Company in Pakistan in
1996, by the name of Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (CCBPL or

Our Vision
To become a market leader in ready to drink segment while adding best-in-class
value to all stakeholders. Coca-Cola Pakistan exists to refresh the consumers,
inspire moments of optimism through our brands and actions as well as benefit all
stakeholders, which we will do with highest social responsibility and with
uncompromising commitment towards quality of our products and integrity in our

Operational Structure All Over the World

The Company's operating management structure consists of five geographic
groups. The North America Group comprises the United States and Canada. The
Latin America Group includes the Company's operations across Central and South
America, from Mexico to the tip of Argentina. The Greater Europe Pacific region
including China, Japan, and Australia. past it was seen that the company was
paying more attention to European and American region but now it is recognized
that the Middle East region is much more attractive as compare to those areas due
to intensity of population and some such markets which are still not captured by
any of the firm. So, now the firm is paying more attention towards these areas to
increase market share of the company in these countries. The visit of chairman in
2005 is an evidence of this fact that company is now focusing on this region to

maximize its share in this market. According to the management of the firm, they
are working on a plan to achieve about 50% of the market share by 2011Group
stretches from Greenland to Russia's Far East, including some of the most
established markets in Western Europe and the rapidly growing nations of Eastern
and Central Europe. The Africa and Middle East Group encompasses the Middle
East and the entire continent of Africa. The Asia Pacific Group has operations from
India through the

Internal growth strategies

Internal growth strategies involve efforts taken within the business, such as new
product development, other product-related strategies, and international expansion.
Almost all businesses start by featuring internal growth, and manybusinesses stick
with this strategy as they grow. Here are the most common internal growth
strategies: Many businesses prefer internal growth because it typically leads to an
incremental, even-paced approach to growth. For example, many retailers start
with one store and then grow by opening additional stores or by selling their
products through distributors. By growing in this manner, the company can control
its pace of growth and time its store openings and new distribution agreements to
coincide with the resources it has available. Its also easier for a business to control
its culture by growing through internal means. If a business grows by adding
employees as new products (or stores) come online, it can socialize the employees
into its culture. Conversely, if a firm grows via an external strategy, such as an
acquisition.Business Unit strategy kick starts the important strategy into action
process with a focus on achieving competitive advantage based on your business
decisions about where, when and how to compete. Business Unit strategy drives
superior financial performance and seeks to align corporate, businessunit and
functional strategies and action plans. When we work in partnership with you on
your business strategy challenge, we focus on the following:
Differentiated business unit vision and mission
Powerful competitive business unit strategic thrusts

Clear business unit performance objectives

Business Unit resources allocated to priority opportunities
A Business Unit structure to support performance and deliver distinctive
competitive advantage

Business Unit Strategy

Indeed Strategy into Action is uniquely placed to add value because of our
practical emphasis on business results. Working across corporate, businessunit and
functional strategy we ensure that your business unit strategy both reflects the
corporate imperatives and is seamlessly reflected in your functional strategy. In
this way we ensure that your business unit strategy ultimately meets the needs of
the corporation, your customers, shoppers and consumers - and achieves your
business performance objectives. It is no secret that Canadian steelmakersare
under pressure. The industryisincreasinglyfacing competition from steelmakers in
developing Countries such as Brazil, China, and India where labor costs are low.
Whilesome other Canadian steel makers struggle, HamiltonbasedDofasco, in
business since 1912, has turned around its losses from a decade ago through a
revised strategy. The company also owns or has partial ownership in facilities in
the United States and Mexico. The late 1980sthecompanycompetedon price by
producing asmuchsteelaspossibleatthelowestpossibleprices However the early
1990sincreasedcompetition.resulted in Dofasco not being able to compete
profitably. As a result, by 1992 it found itself in debt and losing money. Realizing
that the current competing on cost strategy (cost leadership) was untenable,
Dofasco refocused its strategy to developing new and innovative products, and to
providing its customers with solutions for high-quality and specialized applications
(product differentiation).The business strategy was called Solutions in Steel and
focused on operational excellence, Technology and innovation, and intimate
customer relationships. By 1999 it was the Most profitable steel producer in North
America. In 2000 it was ranked first in North AmericaAmong thirty steel suppliers
in an independent customer satisfaction survey and was rated One of the best
Canadian companies to work for by Report on Business Magazine. What did it take

to effect a successful transition from the old strategy to the new? Of course, this
transformation did not come without effort, resources, or pain. Its reduced from
about 13 000 to 7000. It spends considerable sums on workforce was research and
development and facility upgrades. Dofasco recognized that employees would be
critical to success in such a strategy. Thus employees were provided a variety of
training and development opportunities. In addition, the company invested in the
health, safety, and wellness in the workplace such that in 2002,the National Quality
Institute awarded Dofasco a Canadian Award for Excellence Healthy Workplace
Trophy. Studies have shown that investing in health, safety, and wellness can
improve productivity and lower costs. Quality at Dofasco has meant paying
attention to environmental concerns also. In 2002, Dofascos Hamilton facilities
achieved ISO 14001 certification. This means that the companys Environmental
Management Systems comply with an international set of environmental standards
(Chapter 6 discusses quality awards and ISO standards in detail).This vignette
provides an excellent example of the importance of formulating a successful
business strategy and implementing supporting operations strategy decisions to
ensure long term survival. Operations strategy is the development of a long-term
plan for using the major resourcesof the firm for a high degree of compatibility
between these resources and the firms long-term corporate strategy. Operations
strategy addresses very broad questions about how these major resources should be
configured to achieve the desired corporateobjectives. Some of the major longterm issues addressed in operations strategy include
How large do we make our facilities?
What type of process (es) do we install to make the products or provide
What will our supply chain look like?
What will be the nature of our workforce?
How do we ensure quality?
Each of these issues is addressed in greater detail in subsequent chapters. In this
chapter we want to take a macroscopic perspective to better understand how these
issues are interrelated.

The Operations Management

Strategy Development Process
Today, many corporations, both large, global conglomerates such as General
Electric and small ones such as Mississauga, Ontario-based Cara, consist of several
stand-alone businesses that focus on different industries. The conglomerate may
have a vision and a Mission.
For example the vision of Cara (a company founded in 1883, making it older than
Some provinces) is To be Canadas leading integrated restaurant company. Its
mission is Enhancing stakeholder value and building leading businesses, by
maximizing our Resources and living our values and principles.1 Within this
Corporate strategy
Defines the specific businesses in which the firm will compete and the way in
which Resources are acquired and allocated among these various businesses.
The stand-alone businesses within these conglomerates often are referred to as
Strategic business units (SBUs). SBUs at Cara include, among others, Harveys
and Swiss Chalet in the fast food business, Kelseys in the restaurant business,
Second Cup in

Employee Development

Career progression at CCBPL is based on your potential. We carefully analyze

your abilities through experience, performance ratings, qualifications and
competencies and in our strive for excellence, we ensure that your potential is put
to its best and most efficient use in our various departments.

Our commitment to making a positive

difference in the world
Building a culture of sustainability and social responsibility begins at home, with
the people who work for The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners. We
have embedded our commitment to sustainability into a framework we call LIVE
POSITIVELY.LIVE POSITIVELY is a way for us to think holistically and globally
about sustainability efforts throughout the Coca-Cola system. It is a modern
expression of The Coca-Cola Company's heritage of caring about our people and
our planet. LIVE POSITIVELY includes goals, metrics and principles for our work
in developing beverage benefits; supporting active healthy living programs;
building sustainable communities; improving environmental programs for our
operations; and creating a safe, inclusive work environment for our associates.
LIVE POSITIVELY focuses on seven core areas key to our business sustainability:
Beverage Benefits
Active Healthy Living
Energy Management and Climate Protection
Sustainable Packaging
Water Stewardship

Leadership skills are growing within businesses. There are around 4.8 million
managers in the UK economy. However, the proportion of these with managementrelated qualifications is unlikely to rise by more than 20% over the next few years.
An increasing number of employees are also required to take up management
responsibilities in specialist technical areas. The result is that the estimated number
of new managers needed each year is around 114,000.Management and leadership
skills are needed in every industry and every walk of life. It is essential therefor for
new managers to be provided with opportunities to learn how to manage and lead
people. MIs qualification framework and the Chartered Manager Award help to
enhance the status of the profession and provide a career route for management

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