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Morgan Bittle

Key vocabulary terms:

Figured world: A large group of different communities that comes together and has its own rules and
conventions for appropriate actions.

Friends: The television show.

Domain: It is a concern or passion for something shared by all the members of a specific community.

Growing up: The show covers ten years of the friends lives. In this time the friends experience a lot
of change. Each friend is trying to find their place in the world. They go through many jobs and
relationships; they are able to find who they want to be.
Communities of practice: Members with a similar domain or interest that come together to share and
discuss this topic. By coming together in a community the members can learn from each other. Although
a community works with the same domain, does not mean they work together.

The friends: The friends come together and help each other through the obstacles. In the coffee
shop they share their life experiences to help with another friends problem. Just like any group of
friends, they are always there for each and are always there to help one another.
Practices of the community: The practice is when members of a community come together to share their
experiences and tools to address a recurring problem. Practice is just what it sounds like, it's trying and
learning new things to work on your domain with the members in the community to better the domain.
This can be done by members of the community sharing their tips and stories with each other to learn
from their past.

Drinking coffee: This is how the friends bond. They come together daily and sip on coffee and
socialize. They all drink coffee if its morning, noon, or night. It is a way for them to relax or vent from
the day.
Artifacts: Important ideas or objects that are essential to a community.

Central Perk: This is the coffee shop that the friends constantly find themselves at. They come here
during the day to grab a coffee on their way to work or just sit and chat for hours. Both Rachel and Joey
have had jobs working as baristas, and Phoebe performs during their open mike night. The coffee shop
has been a central meeting point throughout all the seasons.

Monicas apartment: This is the other hang out for the friends. Rachel, Phoebe, and now Chandler
have all lived with Monica in this same apartment. The bright purple walls and eclectic furniture makes it
an iconic hangout throughout the seasons.
Actors: The people that play specific roles within the figured world.

Chandler: Chandler serves as the comic relief of the group. Ross and him were roommates in
college. Chandler is married to Monica. Joey and Chandler were originally roommates, but he now
moved in with his wife. Chandler works at a nine to five business job; he does not complain about his job
but we can assume he is well-off because he often offers to help Joey pay for things.

Monica: Plays the motherly role. Monica has a lot of obsessive compulsive tendencies; she loves to
clean, she wants everything to be in the same spot, and she wants everything done her way. Monica is

married to Chandler, who just moved into her apartment with her. Her original roommate was Rachel.
Rachel and Monica have known each other since high school. In high school Monica was a lot heavier
and has since lost almost one hundred pounds. Since her weight loss she is very health conscious and
gets flashbacks to her old nerdy, heavier self. Monica works as a head chef at a nice restaurant. At work
we know she is very demanding of her staff because of her obsessive tendencies, she wants things done
her own way.

Rachel: She is the diva of the group. Rachel came in to the friend group later than the rest. Rachel
and Monica hadnt spoken in years, but when Rachel ran away from the altar she came to Monica to help.
Rachel basically left her old life behind and started over. Before, she lived a very affluent life and when
she ran away she was cut off by her family. Rachel got her first job ever at the coffee shop. Since then
Rachel had multiple jobs, but now works at Ralph Lauren. After being Monicas roommate she moves in
with Phoebe. Rachel often finds herself in an off and on relationship with Ross.

Ross: Ross is the nerdy one. Ross is Monicas brother. He is a paleontologist and later becomes a
professor in that field. Ross is always in and out of relationships. He has been married three times. He
also has a five-year-old son, Ben, from his first marriage. Ross has a dorky personality and usually finds
himself in awkward situations.

Joey: Joey is the goofball of the group. He is an aspiring actor. At the beginning he has a lot of
very small roles, but he eventually gets a role on a popular soap opera. Before this role, Joey is very
dependent on Chandler. Joey and Chandler were roommates until Chandler moved in with Monica. Joey
is quite the ladies man; he is not one to be tied down.

Phoebe: Phoebe is the free spirit; she is all over the place. She was Monicas original roommate
before she moved out because of Monicas crazy antics. Phoebe works as a masseuse; but from time to
time shell take the stage at the coffee shop and sing. She is a very outside of the box thinker, so she
provides odd advice that is either comical or surprisingly helpful. Phoebe also had a hard childhood; with
a crazy mother she ran away from home at sixteen, because of this she was homeless for the rest of her
teenage years. This comes up randomly in conversation as she pulls memories from her past and
probably is the reason behind some of her weird tendencies.
Literacy Practices: How the actors within the figured world and communities of practice are

In person conversation. Most of the communication between the friends happens in person. This
show is set in the 1990s to early 2000s so technology was not popular. At this time the most accessible
way to communicate with someone was in person. At this time the best way to tell someone something
important you meet them and tell them in person.

Telephone. This was the other form of communication at this time. Talking on the phone is not as
evident in the show. However, we do know the friends leave each other messages and call to let them
know something.

Rules and Conventions:

My figured world is the television show Friends. Friends is a show about six friends in New York city
that often find them just sitting and chatting in a coffee shop. The show follows the lives of Rachel, Ross,
Phoebe, Chandler, Monica, and Joey. The friends central hub is Central Perk, a coffee shop in New York

City. In the coffee shop the friends just share their days and events in their lives. The show also covers
some of their crazy adventures around the city; whether that be a crazy date, seeing an old enemy, or the
jobs they love or hate. Although sometimes broken they follow the same rules any other friends would.
Rules such as characters having stable relationships instead of brief romances with each other that could
cause later friction, characters should refrain from random outbursts at each other, and always having a
friends back. This show was filmed in the 1990s to early 2000s, so their communication was mainly in
person. There was no texting or email, there was the occasional phone conversation, but this show
focuses on their in person conversations. Each character of the show has their own community of
practice. For instance, Joeys community of practice is acting; Joey is not highly respected in his field,
but the show follows his highs and lows in his acting career. Rosss community of practice is archeology;
Ross is very respected in his community by his colleges but not by his friends. Although, each of the
friends have different communities of practice they come together to discuss their experiences in each of
their different communities.
Observation 1:
Friends: Season 6, Episode 6, The One on the Last Night
0-3:00 Chandler confronts Joey that he is moving out, so Joey will now have to pay all the bills on his
own. Chandler begins to show Joey all the bills, Chandler offers that if its too much for Joey he can help
pay them. Joey refuses, because he does not want the charity. Chandler begins talking to Phoebe about
Joey not accepting his money or help. Phoebe tries to think of ways Joey could be tricked into taking the
$1500. Chandler is moving in with Monica, meaning Monicas roommate Rachel is going to have to
move out. With all the roommates splitting up, they are determined to have one last fun night.
3:00-6:00 When Monica is about ready for their last night of fun, Monica asks Rachel if shes packed.
Rachel lies saying she is; she then asks Phoebe to come into her room. As Phoebe walks in she sees the
Rachel clearly hasnt begun packing. There are clothes, books, packing peanuts and miscellaneous items
everywhere. Monica then comes into Rachels room to find that Rachel lied when she said that she had
packed. In order for Monica not to freak out, Rachel tries to turn around the situation. Rachel began
explaining that she didnt start packing on purpose. That she didnt do it because she knows how much
Monica loves to organize, so on their last night they can bond over packing Rachels things. Monica is
elated, she even feels bad that she didnt get Rachel a gift. But, the idea of Monica packing for Rachel is
truly a gift. Monica is so excited that she wants to get everyone involved. She tells Phoebe to get the
boys. Phoebe gives them more of a warning that it's too late for her, so they can save themselves while
they can. After hearing that the boys try to run out, but Monica catches them and tries to convince them
to stay and help. They all make excuses as to why they cant help; Chandler and Joey are spending their
last night too so theyre spending it together. Ross makes the excuse that he has to watch his son, Ben,
for the night. Monica does not believe Rosss excuse, but from Monicas apartment you can see Rosss
place so Ross is going to make a fake Ben.
6:00-14:00 Chandler challenges Joey to a foosball game at their place. The prize being money so
Chandler can coax Joey into taking the $1500. Starting off playing for $50, they begin to play. Back at
Rachels room trying to pack they become very reminiscent of every item. This brings up a lot of sadness
towards Rachel leaving. Phoebe starts getting tired of their crying, so she suggests that they should talk
about things they wont miss about each other. This opens a whole can of worms of things they didnt
like about each other. Back at Joey and Chandlers, Joey fell perfectly into Chandlers trap and is winning

every game in foosball with winnings already at $500. To finish it off Chandler put down $1000. Not
taking it seriously Chandler is basically letting Joey play himself so he would score easily and win the
money. This plan backfires when Joey is the only one playing; he shoots, misses that goal and the ball
rolls back going into Chandlers goal. This causes Chandler to win, making both of them angry. Ross
back at his place calls Monica so she can look to see his fake Ben. Ross created his fake son with a
pumpkin for a head, a hat, and a stuffed shirt. From Monicas point of view, this was actually believable.
Back at Rachel and Monicas there is no more sadness in the room, just anger and tension between each
other. Phoebe tries to fix the mess she made by trying to bring back the sadness and reminiscence. But,
Monica and Rachel are too far angry to go back to sadness. When Joey lost he angrily kicked the table,
causing it to break. Chandler then tries to invent new games to give Joey the money. Phoebe convinces
Monica to smooth things over with Rachel. When Monica goes to apologize, Rachel is unpacking all her
things, saying shes actually staying. Rachel then tells Monica that she should be the one to move out
14:00-19:00 After seeing all the fighting Phoebe decides she doesnt want Rachel to move in with her.
After saying this Monica opens up to Phoebe about how great of a roommate Rachel was. Making this
speech causes Monica and Rachel to forget their tiff and go back to being sad that theyre leaving each
other. Monica looks over into Rosss to see the fake Ben he made had the head fall off. After his plan
getting soiled he had no choice but to go and help them pack. After helping the girls pack, Ross and Joey
played the imaginary game Chandler made up. Joey comes back in mad saying he lost the $1500 to Ross
in the made up game. Joey comes back complaining to Chandler that he lost, but it being their last night
Joey tries to give him the infamous dog sculpture from their room so Chandler could have something to
remember Joey by. But Chandler still trying to give Joey money offers to buy it for $1500, Joey now sees
right through Chandlers plan.
19:00-22:00 Joey then confronts Chandler that he really doesnt need the charity. Rachel finally leaves
Monicas with a hard goodbye. Even though theyre not moving far, it makes the goodbye hard because
they were living together for so long. After she left Monica and Chandler walk into Rachels old room
feeling empty. Chandler tries to convince Ross that he didnt actually beat Joey and that it was a fake
game, so Chandler then makes up more rules, we assume winning all the money back as the show ends.
Observation 2:
Season 6, Episode 7, The One Where Phoebe Runs
0-4:00 The episode starts with Phoebe and Rachel in Phoebes apartment, after Rachel has just moved in.
They are sitting on the couch making a new answering machine message. They cant agree on who says
what in the message so Rachel gives up because she wants to go for a run. Rachel asks Phoebe if she
would want to come. Rachel suggests it will be a good way for them to bond as roommates. Phoebe gets
up enthusiastically and is eager to go. Before they go for the run Phoebe quickly does the answering
machine message so they dont have to argue about it. At Monica and Chandlers place, Ross is
explaining to Chandler a book that said that by the year 2030 there will be computers that will have all
functions of a human brain. Ross is excited by this because it means he would live forever through this
machine. You can tell Chandler is uninterested and does not find it as interesting as Ross does. Monica
comes in, hopping over moving boxes that Chandler left scattered around the kitchen. After Monica asks,
Chandler then gets up to attend to the boxes. Since Chandler moved out of Joeys, Joey put up a search

for a new roommate. He then comes in with a beautiful woman who he introduces as his new roommate.
Ross is eager to come meet her. As the gang begins to ask the new roommate, Jeanine, questions; Joey is
completely shocked by all the answers. Revealing that Joey knows nothing about this woman.
4:00- 8:00 Joey then reveals that he cannot wait to ask her out. Monica then tries to caution Joey that he
should not ask her out because being roommates would make things weird. Ross also tries to caution
Joey but for different reasons; Ross doesnt want Joey to go out with her so he can ask her out. Chandler
then reminds Joey of a scenario from his past about how awkward it is to run into an ex and if they broke
up they would be living together. Joey then comes to the conclusion that theyre right, and unfortunately
he cannot ask her out no matter how hard that is. At the park Rachel begins to do a leisure jog while
Phoebe comes past her flailing her arms running like a maniac. While she runs past Phoebe tells Rachel
that shes running wrong, while Rachel tries to stay back and disassociate herself from Phoebes running.
At the coffee shop Rachel tries to explain to Ross and Monica the crazy way Phoebe runs. Rachel now
sees herself in a predicament, that Phoebe is her roommate and does not know how shell avoid running
with her. Phoebe then comes into the coffee shop. Rachel then tells her that Monica tripped her, so she is
unable to run with her anymore. Phoebe is sad that Monica would do something like that, Monica just
went along with it apologizing that she hurt Rachels ankle. Chandler then finishes unloading all the
boxes so he decides to surprise Monica by cleaning the entire apartment. Chandler asks Joey how hes
doing not flirting with his new roommate. Joey goes on to explain that its becoming a real challenge and
he has lots of flirting built up in his system. Joey goes back to his room to find his new roommate doing
yoga in the middle of the living room. Joey then tries to pretend to stretch with her, but then goes to take
a shower instead.
8:00- 12:00 Rachel then goes out running on her own and Phoebe runs into her, catching her in the act.
Phoebe is offended that Rachel would sneak behind her back. Chandler is feverishly cleaning every inch
of the apartment. As Ross comes in hes nervous for Chandler because Monica is extremely OCD. So
after cleaning Chandler will have to put everything back together everything back exactly where it was.
The apartment is a mess because Chandler has been cleaning everything. So Chandler decides to call
Monica to see if she would freak out, but when she answers shes in a sour mood because no one at work
is doing anything her way. Chandler then begins to panic that things werent done her way and that shell
be extremely upset. Chandler begins trying to put things back where they were, but soon comes to realize
thats a lot harder than he thought.
12:00- 16:00 Joey comes in freaking out about not being able to flirt with his roommate. Right away
Joey notices the apartment is all out of order, also cautioning Chandler that Monica will be upset will be
upset with him. Joey decides that his best option is to repel his new roommate. Joey then asks Ross
and Chandler for advice because according to Joey they repel women all the time. Ross tries to deny this,
but Chandler brings up times from their past that they repelled plenty of girls. Back at Phoebe and
Rachels, Rachel apologizes to Phoebe. Rachel finally tells Phoebe the truth; that she doesnt want to run
with her because the way she runs is embarrassing and people stare. This offends Phoebe, because
Phoebe does not care what other people think where as Rachel does. So Phoebe tells Rachel that shes
uptight, and that Phoebe runs like she did when she was a kid because its more fun that way. Chandler is
still trying to put the room back together when Monica tries to come in. Chandler immediately shuts the
door in her face.

16:00- 21:00 Chandler makes an excuse so Monica will come back later. Ross then comes up with the
idea to look at their photo album at old pictures to set the room back up. Joey comes back to the room
acting strange to his roommate trying to repel her. She is obviously very confused as to why hes acting
so strange. So Joey explains to her that its hard for him not to flirt with her, but she then explains that its
ok because she is not interested. Joey then is taken aback that someone isnt interested in him, so he
decides to try a pick up line. Even after he tries flirting she is still not attracted to him so Joey storms out
of the room in disbelief. On Rachels run she decides to give Phoebes way of running a try and loves it
and feels so free. Monica then comes back and immediately can tell everything is different. Chandler
then explains that he cleaned the whole apartment and didnt remember where everything went. Monica
then isnt mad but extremely touched that he would do something so sweet.
Observation 3:
Season 6, Episode 8 The One with Rosss Teeth
0-4:00 Chandler comes over to Joeys to play a video game. When he comes over he decides to look in
his old room to find that Joeys new roommate Jeanine decorated it very girly. Then they notice around
the whole apartment is very feminine details that Joey isnt noticing. Chandler cautions Joey to make
sure Jeanine isnt taking over. At the coffee shop, the friends discuss Monicas new friend who just broke
up with her boyfriend and Ross tries to get her to set them up. Meanwhile Phoebe asks Rachel if she
could make copies for her massage advertisements, Phoebe comes to find out that Rachel has had a
different job for a whole year. But Rachel reassures Phoebe that she could still use the copy machine at
Rachels current job. Then they all realize they shouldnt be in the coffee shop and should be at work
instead. At Rachels work, at Ralph Lauren, Phoebe finished making her copies and begins to tell Rachel
who she ran into in the copy room. Phoebe gushes to Rachel that she made out with Ralph Lauren
4:00- 12:00 Rachel begins to tell Phoebe that Ralph Lauren is married, shes a little upset by that. Back
at Joeys he is noticing decorations Jeanine is putting up. Joey then tries to address that all the paintings
and decorations are making the place too girly. He tries to prove his point but he also notices all the
positive changes, for example Jeanine washes and dries his towels and he likes the smell of the potpourri.
Rachel then gets in the elevator with her boss that wants nothing to do with her. Rachel tries to make
small talk but her boss is having none of it. So Rachel decides to share that she heard someone fooled
around with Ralph Lauren. This immediately grabs her bosss attention; her boss stops the elevator so
Rachel could spill everything. Back at the coffee shop Monica and Chandler are talking, and Ross comes
in with a huge smile on his face. When he smiles his teeth are extremely white. Monica and Chandler
notice immediately. They crack jokes about how blindingly white they are. Rachel then comes into the
coffee shop and tells Monica and Chandler that Phoebe made out with Ralph Lauren. They then gush
over a picture of Ralph Lauren on a magazine. Phoebe comes in confused at who theyre looking at.
Rachel explains thats the man she made out with, but Phoebes confused because that is not the person
she met in the copy room. Phoebe then describes to Rachel who she made out with, Rachel hears right
away that the guy Phoebes describing is just the copy guy. Rachel is mortified because she told her boss
a lie. Back at Rosss, Monica is trying to find a shirt that will dull down the whiteness of his teeth, but
nothing seems to be working. Monica then tries to convince him to but make up on to make his skin look

lighter so his teeth wouldnt appear too bright. At first he refuses, but when Phoebe comes in and sees
his teeth she immediately gets scared by them and runs out of the room. Ross then agrees to put the
makeup on. At Chandler and Monicas, Monica has them making potpourri bags for the drawers and
other little crafts. Chandler then gets up and decides hes going to go over to Joeys after Monica has
another feminine chore for him. Monica then sees that it has been a girly night so Chandler goes over to
12:00- 17:00 When Chandler opens the door to Joeys, he sees Joey and Jeanine knitting. Chandler then
storms out and goes over to Rosss. When he walks into Rosss apartment he sees Ross putting makeup
on. He immediately slams the door and leaves in disbelief at how girly everyone is being. Rachel then
goes to meet up with her boss again to confess that what she said about Ralph Lauren wasnt actually true.
But then her boss said that she checked whose key card was used to enter the copy room. The only key
card used was Rachels because she let Phoebe use it. Rachels boss then assumes that shes trying to
make her way to the top by being with Ralph. The elevator then dings, and Ralph Lauren gets on. All are
completely silent. After Ralph left the elevator Rachels boss claims that there was very evident tension
between them.
17:00-21:00 Ross is now on his date. But, since his teeth are so white he is doing everything he can to
hide them. He isnt even talking because he knows that when he talks shell see his teeth. She just thinks
hes a great listener because he just nods to everything she says. When she asks him about himself he
talks with his hands in front of his face and puts the focus back on her. Back at Joeys, Chandler walks in
on Joey and Monica arranging flowers and sharing tips on how to get the best flower arrangement.
Chandler asks Monica to leave, on her way out Monica invites Joey to come over and craft later. This
sets off Chandler and he freaks out at Joey that hes turning into a woman. Joey then snaps out of it and
realize that maybe he has been too feminine lately. Back at the coffee shop Rachel and Phoebe discuss
the rumor that Rachel has now spread around the office. They still cannot figure out how to put an end to
it. Ross and his date are still hitting it off. They move things to the couch and she turns the lights off but
turns on a black light. Because his teeth are insanely white the show off brightly under the blacklight.
His date immediately freaks out and puts an end to the date. At the office Rachel again meets her boss in
the elevator for another awkward confrontation. Rachel then makes up that Ralph Lauren dumped her.
Ralph then comes in the elevator causing a very awkward vibe. Rachels boss then thinks that awkward
tension was in fact from them breaking up.
Interview questions:
Interviewed Kristina Harding.
What are your thoughts on Rachel and Rosss unstable relationship?

They can be immature about it at times because they are unsure of their feelings and dont know
how to express it. And they dont want to put themselves out there to get hurt because they have both
been hurt in the past. But theyre cute so I am rooting for them.
The show being such a light comedy, how do you feel when it has very serious and somber moments? Do
you find it to be a nice balance or do you find it to be unnecessary?

I think there is a nice balance. It makes the show more relatable, like real life it has its ups and
downs. But the comedy keeps it light hearted.

Explain how important the coffee shop is to the show.

It gives the show a more relaxed backdrop to their socializing and gossiping. Because a lot of the
things they discuss in the coffee shop give a premise to the show.
Tell me what stands out to you from different seasons? What helps you differentiate them?

They are all in different stages of their lives. You can see them growing up. We watch their jobs
and relationships change. The points in their lives that they are at are very evident in each season; their
mind sets change.
In the fictional Friends world, where do you think the friends are now? Still in the coffee shop, or have
they lost contact and gone their separate ways?

I like to think they are still in the coffee. Im sure they have expanded their families, but they are all
one big family because theyve grown up together. Even though some things may take them from New
York City, they will always be drawn back.
All the friends have very different personalities, describe how this helps and hurts their relationships.

Well, like any good relationship, they will have a lot in common but differences. Some may have
qualities that the others lack and thats what make them such a perfect fit.

Assignment 1
How I Met Your Mother
Season 6 Episodes 22-24
Kristina Harding
Figured World: a large group of people who all share the same ideals, interests, and ways of
The figure world I am observing is the TV show How I Met Your Mother. The purpose for this show is
entertainment. This show follows a college professor in New York City who is telling the story of how he
came to meet the mother of his children. Through the series you we see how their friendships are tested,
their romantic relations, and how it is for a group of friends to live in New York City. A rule that is often
brought up in this show is the Bro Code which is a set of social rules that is to be followed between

male friends. A large amount of the show takes place in an apartment shared by a number of them and a
booth in a bar, McLarens, located under the apartment. In the bar the characters or the other customers
typically can be loud or rowdy. The characters in How I Met Your Mother often communicate face to
face, through emails, blog posts, calling, or texting. A behavior that is brought up multiple times in this
figure world is the topic of whether or not it is okay to have a romantic relationship with a friend or your
friends ex. A community of practice that I expect to see is Goliath National Bank because that is where
two of the main characters work. Another community of practice that is prominent in this tv series is Ted
Mosbys architecture class that he is the professor of.

Actors: Characters who play specific roles in their figured world. It is possible for actors to undertake in
two different roles in different situations or settings. Below are the main Actors that will be referred to in
the observation.
Robin: Plays the role of the tomboy in the group. She is a very independent woman who likes to take
charge and doesn't rely on men or relationships for self-purpose. Robin will often say her opinions
whether they are asked for or not. She can be very blunt and is often made fun of for her weird quirks that
can be traced back to her masculine Canadian upbringing. She is also a News Anchor on Channel 3 news.
Ted: The nerd of the friend group. He often brings up irrelevant dorky topics/facts that no one else in the
group has any knowledge or interest of. He is also the hired Architect for the new GNB building and the
co project manager for the whole GNB project. Ted is also the hopeless romantic of the group. He is
constantly searching for his soul mate and future mother to his children. He can be very emotional and
dependent on his significant other and relationships. He is also in a romantic relationship with Zoe.
Lily: Serves as the reliable friend. Lily is the person that all the other actors go to when they need help
and/or advice. She is the mom of the group that will most of the time try to keep things under control and
shoot down all of the crazy ideas that will come up in the group. But when she does agree with or come
up with a crazy idea it is usually a big one. Lily is also married to Marshall and is a very loving and
caring wife.
Marshall: Plays the role of the goof ball of the group. He is the one that comes up the bazar ideas or can
take the jokes too far and makes the situation awkward. Though Marshall tries to come across as tough
and intimidating he is actually just a big teddy bear that can get very emotional. He is very passionate
about the environment and Lily. He has a career as a lawyer and his dream job is to be an environmental
Zoe: Teds current girlfriend. She is a landmark activist. Zoe is the lead protester for the group that is
trying to preserve the Arcadian and have it named as a landmark. She has a very spunky and hippy
personality. She doesn't like to put others wishes or wants before hers and has a hard time seeing others
points of views.
Barney: Serves the role as the reckless and crazy friend. He has had sexual relations with countless
women and will do anything and assume any role to get women to bed. Barney holds a high up position at
GNB but no one in the group, or the audience, know what Barney actually does for the company, and
when asked about it he will typically respond with Pleaseee! He has commitment and trust issues,
which are represented, by his womanizer personality and how he treats women, though Barney has had a
serious long-term relationship with Robin in the past.
Artifacts: these are objects that hold or symbolize an emotional or memorable importance to the actors,
community of practice, or figured world.

Booth: The booth is a common gathering place for the group of friends. A large amount of the program
takes place in the bar. This is where the group of friends comes to socialize, relax, gossip, or just catch up
on each others days.
Orchids: Orchids are special to Ted and Zoe. It isnt a typical flower to bring on a date but it is what Ted
chooses to bring on their first date. It symbolizes their beginning and there growing affection for each
Lionhead Stone Work: The lionhead stone work on the side of the Archadian is the whole reason the
building is such a monument. It creates a big inner struggle in Ted since it is a historic piece of
architecture history, but also his dream is to change the skyline of New York City which in order to do
that the old must come down to make room for the new.
Communities of Practice: a group of people who share the same interest, profession, or studies and bands
together to learn more about the topic. But for a community to become a community of practice they must
have a domain that they must participate in activities to further their understanding and knowledge of that
domain. They also share their experiences and ideas of the topics to help each other grow in that specific
Goliath National Bank (GNB): This is the company that Barney, Ted, and Marshall have all been
employed at. They refer to themselves as the world leader in credit and banking. They are a ruthless
company that do not bide by the rules and have been known to step on the little guy.
Protesters: The protesters are fighting to prevent the demolition of the Archadian. They believe that the
archadian should be named a landmark. They fight against Goliath National Bank and want to prevent
them from building their new headquarters in Arcadian's place.
Domain: the area of expertise or interest that a community of practice studies. A domain does not
necessarily have to be an area that most people would think you could be an expert in.
Landmarks: Throughout the observations a main conflict is whether or not a certain building should be a
landmark or not. Both sides widened their knowledge about landmarks and the Arcadian to try and prove
their point and defend their stance.
Practices of the Community: any activity that the communities of practice part take in to widen their
understanding of their domain. This can entail them sharing experiences, stories, solutions to the
problems they faced, etc. through formal or informal conversations.
Searching for a soulmate: The plot of the entire show is the story of how Ted meets the the mother of his
children. So we follow him though his journey of how he found love. But its not just Ted we follow the
storyline of how all the actors find their ways in and out of love.
Destruction/Preservation of Archadian: A main subject that comes up in this program is whether or not the
Archadian should be preserved or if GNB should be allowed to tear it down.
Literacy Practices: common ways of both verbal and nonverbal communication in a figured world or
community of practice.
Texting/Calling: A common literacy practice in the program is communication through text and phone
calls. The group of friends often communicate to each other and people outside of their group through
these forms because of the convenience.

Socializing: Face to face verbal communications is a common occurrence in this friend group. They often
gather in common areas such as the booth at McLarens or their appartment and exchange gossip, details
about their days, or there current problems.
Observation 1:
Marshal quit his job at GNB and thought he was leaving with a good relationship with his boss but when
he gets to his interview at an environmental firm he finds out that his old boss gave him a bad
recommendation. Marshal gets mad after the disaster of an interview and on his way back to GNB to have
it out with his old boss he runs into Zoe who gives him an idea on how to really get back at them. Zoe is
protesting the tear down of Archadian and Ted was hired as the architect to rebuild the new GNB building
that is going in its place (Switches to the booth at Maclaren's) Barney announces that he has been put in
charge of deciding how they are going to tear down the old Archadian hotel. Lily asks Ted how he and
Zoe handle to topic of the Archadian and he response by explaining that they simply avoid the topic
completely. Zoe then walks into the bar and announces that Marshal was just hired as the lawyer to save
Barney and Marshal start to argue about Marshals new position against the company that he used to work
at and that Barney still works at. Barney is particularly angry due to the fact that he was the one who got
him the job at GNB. Robin and Lily realize that a random girl is trying to steal their booth from every
time someone leaves their seat. As his tactic to get at Barney Marshal gets in the way whenever Barney
tries to have romantic relations with a women. Barney starts messing with everyday things that Marshal
uses like in megaphone, water bottle, and jacket. Marshall and Barney get in a fight at the Maclarens and
gets the whole group banned from the bar. As they are being escorted out the random girl steals their
booth from Robin and Lily.
Robin and Lily decide that they need to help Marshal and Barney reconcile their differences by getting
them to drink but can't decide on what drink would have to right effect and doesn't make them act weird.
Ted realizes that Zoe trying to ruin his dream is ruining his life by turning his friends against each other
which essentially got them kicked out of Maclarens and he decides to bring it up on their car ride to their
first romantic getaway though they agreed they wouldn't talk about it. Ted starts off arguing that she is
ruining his life long dream and turned his best friends against him. Zoe answers by saying that Marshal
made own choice and then points out that he is not made him. Teds reasoning for that is that Marshal is
going through a tough time with his job change and that Zoe took advantage of that.
Lily and Robin take Barney and Marshall to a strip club and decide that they need the first drink to be a
drink that will get them fighting and they decide on Gin. The gin gets both Barney and Marshall angry
and they begin to fight. (switches to car with Ted and Zoe). To prove that Ted is right he turns the car
around and takes Zoe to spend the night in The Archadian that he says is beautiful and magnificent and
promises if Zoe can last till morning he will join her side in saving Archadian. (switches back to the strip
club) Robin and Lily decide that Barney and Marshall now need a drink that will make them emotionally

vulnerable and they settle on whisky. Marshall and Barney then have a deep talk about Barneys
abandonment issues and Marshall not fulfilling his lifetime dream. Robin and Lily decides that they need
to get them having a fun time and the decide on daiquiris. (switches back to Archadian) Ted continues to
emphasises how gross and old Archadian is. (switches back to the strip club) Robin and Lily finally
decided that is time to get them to forgive and the perfect drink for that is brandy. But then they realize
that Barney and Marshall took shots of tequila and disappeared to Maclarens. (switches to Archadian)
Zoe explains to Ted that the reason she wants to save the building is that she used to live in arch and she
loved growing up there, then she further explains that it's a part of her and she wants him to like it too.
Ted and Zoe have a tender moment and they say I love you. (switches bar to Maclarens) Robin and
Lily find Barney and Marshall who finally forgave each other after the bartender gave them beer. The
bartender also banned them from Maclarens.
Ted finds the cock-a-mouse, which has now had babies, in Archadian which pushes Zoe over the edge and
she gives up and runs out of the room and head back to Teds apartment.
Barney and Marshall wake up still mad at each other. Robin and Lily remember then that they ordered
champagne to celebrate them forgiving each other and that made them black out and forget the whole
night. Ted announces that he is on Zoe's side to save Archadian. Robin and Lily give up on trying to fix
the fight with drinks and return back to bar to try and reclaim their booth. They get the girls to leave the
booth with some of Barneys sabatash that he had planned on using on Marshall.
Observation 2:
They are at the Conference of New York Landmarks Preservation Commission's. Marshall is lecturing on
why we should save Arcadian saying that it has been watching over New York for years. Then Ted
comes up for GNB and is asked should Arcadian be a landmark. It flashed back to a couple of days earlier
as he says that the answer would have been clearly a yes, which would be huge because he is the lead
architect. Barney has isolated himself from the group cause both Ted and Marshal is now against him.
Barney tries bribing the group with hot wings, but Barney then comes over and apologizes for what he
said about Zoe and that he is not mad at Ted but Barney thinks that it is Zoe who is persuading him. He
continues to say that it is about the girl and Ted agrees because he thinks that she might be the mother of
her children. Barney says that he will make ted sorry. Author Hobs is going through a divorce and is upset
because his wife got custody of his dog. Barney goes ahead and asks Arthur if Ted were to say that the
Arcadian is a landmark if he would fire Ted and Author answers that he would fire both Ted and Barney
because barney put his name on the line when he gave Ted the job.
Barney tells Ted what Arthur told him and Ted says that he will still side with Zoe because he thinks that
Zoe could be the future mother of his children. Robin goes over the outcomes the three different outcomes
that she could see happening. The first being Ted says no the Arcadian is not a landmark and Zoe dumps
him on the spot. The second being Ted say yes which will make him happy for a couple of seconds but
then he will resent her and the building because it ruined his dream along with his and Barneys careers
and he will dump her. The third option Robin thinks is that Ted will get shot in the neck with a poisonous
dart by a ninja Zoes ex husband hired before he has time to say his answer. Robin finishes her argument

by saying that Ted and Zoe will inevitably break up but that Ted can still save his and Barneys
relationship and their careers. Ted responds by saying that he doesnt care that the odds are stacked
against them and that he would rather try then spend his life alone. Lilly also agrees with Ted but then
says that no matter what happens there will always be resentment by one of the other and then changes
her mind and sides with Robin.
That night Ted has a dream where the architect of Arcadian, who looks like Barney, visits him and tells
Ted not to try and save the Arcadian because it was unimportant and poorly built. Ted argues back and
says that it is not bothering anyone. The Barney version of the architect says that New York is never
finished and he is an architect so it is his job to put his print on the city. Ted realizes the Arcadian must go
cause it is his dream and duty as an architect to change to skyline of his city, even if it will ruin his
personal life. After Ted wakes up in the middle of the night he calls Zoe and asks her to meet him at
Arcadian. They dont stay for long and she says that it was nice to get one last look at what they are trying
to save before the big day, Ted agrees but isnt talking about the building but is referring to their
Flashes back to present time with the chairman of the New York Landmark Preservations Committee
asking Ted if Arcadian should be a landmark. He freezes and then responds that Arcadian should not be a
landmark and that there are lots of important buildings in New York but not this one. Zoe storms up to the
stage and plays a recording of Ted saying that the Arcadian should be a landmark because of the lion head
stone work and that he hates working for GNB. The chairman asks if that is Ted on the recording and he
fesses up and says that it is.
(MacLarens) Ted cant believe Zoe kept that tap from him. And they all realize that Arcadian will most
likely be named a landmark after what happened. They dont know what to do and suggest buying a bar
and call it Courtroom but Lily stops the impulsive idea. Lily says they should work on finding a solution
but Robin says that everything is over. Marshal says if anyone will come with a plan it would be Lily.
Then Lily has an idea and shares it with everyone and they all agreed it was amazing (the plan isnt
shared with the audience). They all go to find Author who is walking his new replacement dog. Barney
explains to him that Marshall's wife has an idea on how to save not saving the Arcadian. Author starts
ranting angrily about what his wife did to him and how she took his dog, but then apologizes and listens
to Lily. Before explaining her idea she says her list of demands Her demands. Her first demand being that
Ted and Barney get to keep their jobs. The second is that either Ted or Barney get to push the button that
demolishes Arcadian. Lily starts to say her idea but Ted says for legal reasons he has to jump ahead to the
next night to when New Yorks Landmarks Preservation Committee was giving their verdict. The
chairman says that they declare Arcadian a landmark only because the lion head stone work. Everyone
from the one side that wanted to save Arcadian began to cheer, including Zoe. But then the chairman goes
on to say that the lion head stone work mysteriously disappeared last night so they have no reason to
declare it a landmark and officially say it is okay for GNB to tear it down. Ted tries to talk to Zoe after
and says that things have to fall apart to make room for better things and Zoe storms off. Ted calls Barney
and says that now that he and Zoe are most likely over Barney can say what he really thinks about her and
Barney says that she wasnt lying when she said the lions head from Arcadian made things looking more
regal, which they then show it hanging above Barneys bed.
Observation 3:

Opens at spring 2011 after Ted and Zoe broke up and GNB announced the design Ted made for their new
building. Then Ted expresses how he keeps butting heads with his assistant project manager, Barney, and
they cant decide on who gets to push the button that destroys the Arcadian. Robin tries to explain to them
that it is just a button. Ted changes the subject and tells the group that he ran into Zoe yesterday and how
she is still unemployed and had to find roommates. Zoe then said that she wanted to get coffee and said
that she wanted to get back together. Ted says yes because he feels bad for her because of how poorly her
life is going after Arcadian got deemed not a landmark. Marshal is still having a hard time finding a new
job so Lily surprised him with his favorite soup from his favorite soup place that has a get sick get a free
gallon of soup policy. As Lily introduces the new class pet to her students, cause Mr. Buttons 1 died, she
gets sick from the soup and tries to call Marshal before he eats the soup. Lily storms out of her class to
run home and warn Marshal and gets there just as he is about to eat his third bowl. Marshal is surprised
and asks why he shouldnt eat the soup just as Lily gets sick again.
It is a big day for Barney and Ted cause one of them will get to push the button to destroy Arcadian today.
Barney says it will be legendary adjacent for Ted since he will be standing next to Barney as he pushes
the button. Ted is talking to Furman, the lead construction worker who calls Ted hotshot, and expresses
how he doesnt like being called hotshot but goes on discussing how Ted is in charge of picking out
50,000 light bulbs, which then stresses Ted out. Barney says Ted shouldnt stress cause anything new is
always better which is Barneys oldest rule which makes it the best rule. Ted says that doesnt make any
sense and that Barney is always coming up with new rules.
Marshal says Lily got food poisoning from the soup, that he ate three hours later, to the whole group,
which means he can see into his future and it doesnt look good. Marshal tried helping Lily but she makes
a weird noise when she gets sick that sounds like a pterodactyl and Marshal realizes that he can do
anything his last 3 hours. So that is what he is doing. Marshal has his last meal, which are McLarens
famous jalapeno peppers. Marshal then gets emotional and goes back up to their apartment. Lily asks if
Marshal told the group that she got food poisoning, because you are supposed to say under the weather
cause stomach stuff is gross. Marshal lies and said that he told them that Lily has the sniffles. (Changes to
McLarens) Barney is talking to the group about what is most likely coming out of Lily right now. Barney
says that since he got Ted the job Barney should be able to push the button that will destroy Arcadian, and
Ted gives in and says he has to leave. Marshal gets a call from a law firm who wants to give him an
interview and he agrees to do it right before the time that he is supposed to get sick.
Ted left his phone at the bar and Robin sees a text from Zoe that says See you in an hour. Robin and
Barney then realize that they are going to get back together. Barney doesnt understand why Ted would
get back together with Zoe because Ted is doing great, but Robin says that the light bulbs are stressing
him out so he is running back to her. Robin then goes on to explain that Ted has run back to girls for less
like an empty whipped cream can, help with sunburn, news segment on two pandas that are expecting a
baby. Marshal say he has a two hour window for the interview but gets prepared if he gets sick early by
practicing running to the toilet, lining the inside of his suitcase, and asks his elderly neighbor for an adult
diaper. Robin and Barney agree they have to stop Ted, they read the next text from Zoe, which says to
meet at the intersection from their first date. Barney and Robin go to Lily for help who finds out which
intersection based on Ted's voicemail. Barney calls his driver to try and get ahead of Ted. Marshal is at his

interview for his new job at an environmentally friendly law firm and the interviewer comes in smelling
like sewage because of his current case, which makes Marshal feel sicker. Barney and Robin are in the car
saying how they both thought that Ted and Zoe were a train wreck and how they were almost as bad as
Robin and Barney, then they say how bad both of them got by the end of their relationship. Robin goes on
to say that she gets why Ted would want to run back to Zoe and asks Barney if he thinks Ted really did
love Zoe and Barney asks if she thinks that Zoe really loved Ted (not talking about Ted and Zoe, actually
talking about their previous relationship) Back to Marshall's interview, the interviewer shows Marshal the
anti-environmental things that they helped stop that makes Marshal feel sicker. Barney and Robin get to
the intersection and neither Ted nor Zoe is there. Then they meet a stranger who has a smoothie from The
Intersection, a caf.
Barney and Robin find Zoe sitting alone and Ted who is still picking out the perfect orchid. Marshal is
still being shown pictures of environmental atrocities at the interview then he panics and says he has to
leave because he has food poisoning and storms out. Robin and Barney tackle Ted as he is coming out of
the flower shop. Barney and Robin ask him why he is doing this and Ted starts to rant about how he only
got the job cause Barney gave it to him and how he is stressed over the light bulb decision. Robin says
that he cant run to his past cause it is familiar and Barney says it will be a mistake no matter how
tempting it is (Robin and Barney are again talking about themselves) Ted knows they are right so he gives
the orchids to an old lady and asks her to give them to Zoe and tell her that he is sorry. The old lady
accidently gives the flowers to the wrong girl in the caf.
Marshal comes home from the interview and rants about how this whole year has sucked first with his
dad dying and then being unemployment fro 5 months and now he ruined his shot of getting his dream job
and is about to get sick. Marshal turns down Lilys comforting and decided to try and take a nap before he
gets sick. And he slept to the next day and in the morning and Lily tells him that he didnt get sick and she
did cause she is pregnant. Ted, Barney, and Robin are at the destruction of the Arcadian and the
construction worker asks Barney and hot shot who is going to do the honors. Barney gives it to Ted
because he has earned it by not running back to his past. Ted blows up Arcadian and watches it go down.
Robin and Barney are walking and she says how she is proud that Barney gave Ted the button and they
then run into Nora and he asks her to a cup of coffee. Barney says he was such a jerk to her that she can
spend the whole time calling him every dirty name in the book. She says she speaks 4 languages and is
going to need more than 20 min. Barney says he will call her and that she looks beautiful. As Robin looks
on she realizes that she is in love with barney. Flashes forward to a wedding where Lily come out and
says that the best man is needed, and Ted gets up to go see why. Ted then walks in and asks how he can
help the groom. The audience then sees that Barney is the groom and he asks Ted what he thinks about his
Interview Questions:
1. Tell me what you like about watching How I Met Your Mother.
How its real life but comical, following their lives and the stories Ted tells and waiting to figure out who
the mother is.
2. What do you think about the show having emotional moments and hardships though it is meant to be an
upbeat comedy?
I think there is a good balance to keep it light hearted but still represents reality, which isnt always happy.

3. What do you think about the relativity of the actors in the show?
The actors are very relatable, genuine group if friends, fun stories makes you want to be them when you
are older.
4. Tell me what stands out to you about the different relationships presented in this program.
Representative of each person, Marshall and lily married, barney player, ted looking for someone, shows
a wide range of people which makes the show more relatable because everyone knows someone like that.
5. Tell me what concerns you about the morals and values that are displayed through the characters actions.
Nothing necessary concerns me, that's how people are, makes characters relatable because of their
different morals.
6. Reflect on why you think this group of friends is as close as they are.
They do everything together, with each other constantly talking about what happened to them and their
past, have such an open relationship

MacKenzie Goodwin

Observation One:
The CWs Gossip Girl

Information to Know: Gossip Girl is a popular television series that originally was a book series.
Cecil Von Viegesar created the book series and her overall idea of the novels was to show the lives of
privileged teens in New York City. In the television show, the creators wanted to focus on Viegesaars
main concept by having this fictional group of characters that are presented in the novels and produce
their lives. The producers main focus was to capture the benefits of having money, fame and power but
also the negatives as well to the audience of the show.
Background Information (Locations): Gossip Girl is mainly filmed in the Manhattan district of New
York City. The character, Gossip Girl (description of character will be explained later in observation),
describes the Manhattan area as the Upper East Side. This character also refers to people who live in
Manhattan as Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl includes to film scenes in many famous locations in
NYC. These locations include the Grand Central Terminal (aka Grand Central Station), New York Palace
Hotel, the Metropolitan Museum of Art steps and many other places. Another location that is focused on
in the television series is Brooklyn, which is located in New York City. During the observations that were
concluded, its noticeable that the producers would focus on certain locations and scenes to characterize
the areas that were being seen. For example, in Manhattan the producers showed extravagant hotels,
pricey private schools, exclusive bars/clubs, high-end boutiques and other such places that were similar.
Meanwhile, in Brooklyn the creators focused on the edgy, art scene happening in the area. Producers did
this by focusing scenes in cafs, art galleries and the simplicity of the homes in the area such as showing
smaller apartments and lofts. These locations are being compared through out the series as it shows how
opposite not only the areas are, but how opposite the characters from these areas are.
Figured World: a large social structure with specific rules and conventions for appropriate behavior. It
also contains many communities of practice.
What are the rules and conventions of Gossip Girl?
The rules and conventions that are showed in Gossip Girl are (in my opinion) strange because theyre
acceptable in the upper class community, but not in the lower classes of society. A convention in the show

would be the underage drinking that the teens are participating in. In the first episode, you see two
characters (who are juniors in high school) casually go to a bar and order drinks. Its not only acceptable
for the teens to be drinking at bars and clubs, but also their parents social events. This convention goes
against the rule or law of no person under the age of 21 drinking till theyre of age. It also goes against the
rules of providing alcohol to minors not only from adults, but from businesses as well.
Another convention that is shown in Gossip Girl is the idea of trying not to be an outcast in the upper
class community of Manhattan. One example how this is represented is the notion that clothing must
come from expensive, high-class boutiques and stores. To the upper Manhattan crowd if youre not
wearing these clothes or you dont dress like the popular crowd then youre automatically exiled from
their world. In the series, there is a character that is obsessed with being a part of the upper class society
and does everything in their power to be notice. This character struggles keeping up with the costly lives
of others that surround them that they result to the theft of clothes from their wealthy friends. This goes
against the rule that states stealing of any kind is illegal.
Sex and sexual desires is another common convention that is accepted throughout the high-class society.
Its acceptable for the wealthy men to have a spouse, but multiple mistresses on the side. The teenagers
especially the girls in this show usually have sexual partners or relationships with much older men. The
characters are also shown to have or had sexual relations with members or their same social group.
Prostitution is also shown to be a big thing in this upper class world in Gossip Girl as the men ranging
from teens to elders precede these sexual fantasies of theirs. Its also common for not only men, but for
women to have had many sexual partners. Sex is common in this society, but its a topic that isnt spoken
aloud about with others. Some of these conventions go against rules in our society such as prostitution
and having sex with a minor is illegal.
1. Actors: a person that fulfills a specific function or plays a particular role in a community.
Gossip Girl- an anonymous narrator of the series who reveals the secrets of what she calls
Manhattans elite. She has her fellow Upper East Siders (who arent a part of this elite group that she
stalks) send her information via text messages that usually consists of photos, gossip and rumors thats
been heard about around Manhattan. Gossip Girl sends via text messages to every person who is a
member of her blog. No one knows the true identity of this character, but all that is known is Gossip Girl
hates being wrong about her information.
Blair Waldrof- one of the main characters in Gossip Girl who is considered stylish and beautiful but
has a bad reputation of being malicious. Blair lets everyone in her elite group of friends and anyone
outside of that that theres only one queen bitch in this town and thats me. Blair will do anything to
protect her queen position which is where she because manipulative and sneaky. For example, shell start
rumors or cause public humiliation on anyone who threatens her position in the Upper East Side.
Serena Van Der Woodsen- one of the main characters in Gossip Girl she in general is one of the most
beautiful women in the Upper East Side as she is lively and full of joy which is noticed by almost
everyone. Serena is Blairs best friend and the two are almost a dynamic duo in the series. Serena is
shown in the beginning of Gossip Girl as a mysterious character since she comes back to NYC after

being at boarding school for a year (for reasons unknown by her peers). She tries to adjust her way back
into the life she had before going to boarding school. As the seasons go on in Gossip Girl the viewers
get to see the truly unknown side of Serena and how she isnt at all what she seems to be.
Dan Humphrey- known as Lonely Boy to Gossip Girl, Dan is a character thats from Brooklyn. Dan
in the beginning seasons is noted as an outcast to the Upper East Side since he had hatred for everything
and anything that deals with the elite group. Unfortunately for Dan, he goes to private school with that
elite group of teens so he has to deal with them. Even though Dan despises the popular teens in the Upper
East Side he finds himself in love with the infamous Serena Van Der Woodsen and has been since he was
a kid. Eventually through the first couple episodes in the first season the two meet each other and form a
relationship that is very strange to the others around him. Gossip Girl calls Dan Lonely Boy because he
was not known by anyone and was an outsider that was looking into a world that he didnt belong in. That
all changes for Dan when Serena enters into his life.
Jenny Humphrey- Dans younger sister in the series who is the complete opposite of Dan. She lives in
Brooklyn as well but is obsessed with the Upper East Side and its elite group. She strives to be Blair
Waldrof that is shown throughout the seasons as a power struggle between the two happens. Another
thing about Jenny is not only does she pursue to be in Manhattans elite, but also she is an inspiring
fashion designer and wants to have a career in it. Jenny struggles throughout the seasons in finding her
true identity and also struggles to find people in her life that she can actually trust.
Nate Archibald- Blairs boyfriend (in the beginning of the seasons) and Chuck Basss best friend. Nate
is the boy that every girl wants to be with in the Upper East Side. Nate can keep up with the elite crowd
that he is a part of, but throughout the seasons its observed that he strives for a different life than his
fellow peers. For example, in the elite group its just common sense for all of them to attend an Ivy
League school because not only do they expect it from themselves, but their parents expect it too. This
causes struggling relationship between Nate and his father because Nate wants to go to schools in
California while his father pressures him to go Ivy. Its also seen that Nate has a love interest with Serena
which conflicts with his relationship with Blair.
Chuck Bass- Manhattans infamous it boy who doesnt care about anything else besides women,
drugs and partying. Chucks father is the owner of a multimillion-dollar company so Chucks attitude is
laid back because he doesnt have to worry about anything. Chucks attitude changes as the seasons go
on. His attitude begins to focus more on growing up and making a name for him. Chuck struggles with
achieving this goal of his as temptations of promiscuous behaviors and drug use tempt him.

2. Artifacts: physical objects, emotions and/or ideas that are a cultural significance in a specific
Chuck Basss Signature Scarf- object that is seen on Chuck Bass in everyone episode. Friends of his
especially Blair Waldrof make comments about how he never takes off the scarf. The scarf was like a
comfort blanket to Chuck and he couldnt just let it go. It also in a sense made Chuck feel powerful to
others as when it was seen on him everyone knew who we was.

Blair Waldrofs Headbands- in the beginning seasons Blair wore a headband every day. It was a
representation of a crown as Blair always said that she was the queen of not only Constance (all girl
school that she attended to) but also that she was the Queen of the Upper East Side as well. Wearing the
headbands make her feel like she has a sense of power over others. She felt like that because girls would
try to copy her trend of the headbands in order to be like Blair Waldrof.
3. Communities of Practice: a group of people that work with one another to achieve a goal that will
benefit the community. There are three aspects that determine a community of practice that would be
domain, the community and the practice.
Gossip Girls Blog- This would be a community of practice because Gossip Girls is dependent on the
teens from the Upper East Side to feed her information that will be put on her blog. The teens are
willingly doing that for her too because they want to know the latest scoop and gossip that is happening in
Manhattans elite group. Gossip Girl is everyones dirty addiction that they dont want to speak about and
its also every teen in the Upper East Side CNN news.
4. Domain: a distinguishing factor in the communities of practice. Its knowledge that is acknowledged
by a group of people and that its shared. The main purpose of a domain is the people in the group have to
learn from one another.
Blairs Superiority- throughout the seasons Blair Waldrof is always seen with a posy of some sort that
handles all of her dirty work. Blair is only a power figure in Manhattan because everyone believes she is.
If someone needs to get information or see revenge on someone Blair Walkdrof is the girl you go to. With
people still relying on Blair and her having a posy that does everything on her demand this just rein
enforces Blair superiority to all in Manhattan.
Practice of Communities- is a distinguishing factor in the communities of practice. Not
communities of interest like sharing a common interest for clothing brand or a type of food. Practice of
communities deals with traditions like sharing stories, tools, experience and just their way of life.
Social Events (Brunch Eps.2 Season 1)- these social events are a practice of communities because its
traditional to the upper class societies to share information with one another. This information can be
about a particular person and/or group but it could also be about normal topics like business, politics,
families, etc. In this example the Brunch Scene its a yearly event between all the elite families in the
Upper East Side. It was filled with drama from the characters in the series. During that brunch, Blair still
wanted revenge against Serena for having sex with her then boyfriend, Nate. She planned to tell Dan
(Serenas boyfriend at the time) along with the infamous Chuck Bass and her posy about Serenas actions
in the past and how Dan doesnt belong in this elite world. They were just showing him their way of life.
6. Literacy Practices- ways of communicating that can be written or spoken.

Texting- texting is one of the biggest forms of communication in Gossip Girl. Texts are used between
characters to discuss gossip, etc. Text messaging is extremely important to the animus narrator, Gossip
Girl, as she uses these for getting the latest gossip and rumors that are being circulated around town.
Letters- written letters represented in Gossip Girl are for meaningful purposes only. For example, in
Season 1 Nate writes Blair a love letter to show how much he really loved Blair and how he wanted her in
his life. Another example would also be in Season 1 when Dans mother was receiving Christmas cards
from the man she had an affair with. The cards expressed how the man wanted Dans mother back and
this affected Dans father, Rufus, relationship with his mother.
Gossip Girls Website- Gossip Girls website is a key form of communication in the series. Everyone
receives their information from her website. This is a way for everyone to know the latest drama that is
happening with the elite group.

I conducted an interview with a fellow girl on the hall of my dorm. Her name is Allison Leszcynski and
she has watched all six seasons of Gossip Girl. She has not read the novel series, so it helped with my
questions on focusing just on the television series alone. I asked her if I could record our interview (which
was based off only 10 questions). She told me that she wasnt very comfortable with my recording the
interview on an audio app, so I just simply asked her the questions and typed her answers.
Question 1: Could you explain what your favorite episode is from Gossip Girl?
Answer: My favorite episode from Gossip Girl is the last episode of the entire show where Chuck and
Blair got married.
Question 2: Do you think that Blair and Serenas friendship is a true friendship?
Answer: Yes because Blair is sometimes painfully honest to Serena when she does stupid shit. They
just rely on each other for advice all the time and even when they fight theyre always going to remain
Question 3: Why would you think Gossip Girl became such a popular show?
Answer: Because it was the inside life of Manhattan and most people dont get to see the Upper East
Side area. They dont get to because they dont live there and they cant experience it. It was also a
mystery to see who Gossip Girl was and how she related to the characters and their stories.
Question 4: Do you envy the lifestyles that the characters portrayed in Gossip Girl? Explain why or
why not.
Answer: I do not because they always get themselves in trouble. I just would want to live like that.

Question 5: In your opinion, do you think Gossip Girl exaggerates the lifestyles of the upper class?
Answer: In some ways yes, I guess the way they dress and all of the partying they do like how at every
single party they drink even including school functions. Its just very unrealistic like how they go to
bars and restaurants and order champagne and wine. It portrays teenagers that were growing up too
fast in the city. It was hard to relate what was going on.
Question 6: Who was your favorite character from Gossip Girl and why?
Answer: Serena, she is my favorite because she went through a lot of struggles with family and
friendships. It kind of showed what it was like to come out on the other side of it. She was also
constantly improving her character.
Question 7: Throughout the whole show there seems to be a rivalry between Serena and Blair. If you had
to choose between the two, who would you pick and why?
Answer: I agree more with Serena because Blair is very theatrical and blows things out of proportion
a lot of times.
Question 8: What do you think about Chucks behavior especially towards women?
Answer: He is sexist. (Additional Question: So you dont agree with it?) Nah. He is just kind of an
ass and he acts like he is better than everyone. To be honest I dont understand why he gets to be an
ass because he is not that hot.
Question 9: Discuss how Dan Humphrey changes throughout the seasons of Gossip Girl?
Answer: In the beginning he started out as nobody and then towards the end after making friendships
with Serena and the other cast members he came out of his shell. People knew who he was. He was
more than just Dan Humphrey. Hes a little bitch in my opinion.
Question 10: If you could change something about the show, what would it be? Why would you change
Answer: Vanessa (character introduce in the first seasons. Isnt a main character at first, but as the
seasons go on the producers include her life into the series as well.) She would never be in there (the
Gossip Girl series) and she would never been casted. I would also get rid of Dans younger sister
(Jenny) or just make her less whiney. She is just too out there and she goes all Goth and shit. She
doesnt need to do that to get attention, she also tries to get with Nate and also gets with a drug dealer.
She (Jenny) makes very bad decisions and I just dont like her. Back to Vanessa she is just a home
wrecker. She jumps between Dan and Nate (later seasons) like just pick one already. Also her
threesome with Dan and the other girl (event that happens in later in the seasons) like that was just so
unnecessary. It just scared me. Ive never looked at Vanessa and Dan the same since then.

(During this interview I allowed the interviewee to be as blunt as she wanted to be. It enhances the true
opinion that she had about the series.)
Observations: Episode 1 (Season 1) Total Time of Episode: 42:36
There are three observations that are consisted in my assignment with each observation lasting about 30
(42:20): Beginning scene shows multiple and different images of New York City, New York. Mainly
these images are from the upper east side of Manhattan. After images, camera focuses on a train but
overall more at the window of the train. This image you see a young, beautiful, blonde girl leaning her
head against the window. She has a concerned and sad expression on her face as she looks out to the city
that surrounds her. The camera then zooms out to give a look on the train riding through the city.
(41:50): The girl seen on the train is now entering Grand Central Station (provide information). As she is
walking through the Station a background voice begins to talk. Hey, Upper East Siders the voice says
and as the voice continues to talk it introduces itself as Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl continues to tell her
upper east siders the biggest news she has received that day. While the voice is talking, the camera is still
on the blonde girl from the train and is following her movements. Gossip Girl soon identifies this
mysterious blonde character as Serena Van Der Woodsen (actor). Gossip Girl continues to speak about
this Serena girl and how she was spotted at Grand Central by one of Gossip Girls sources (communities
of practice). As Gossip Girl is speaking of this we see a brunette girl pull out her phone, take a picture of
Serena and send it to the Gossip Girl account through text message (literacy of practices & artifacts).
Gossip Girl still talks about how a year ago Serena mysteriously disappeared as rumors circulated that she
went to boarding school. After those accusations Gossip Girl confirms that Serena is back in town. Voice
stops after comment.
(40:00): Camera goes from the view of Serena to show a person. This person was an older man who
appeared to be looking out into the crowd. The camera follows the mas as he walks up to two teenagers
that are soon introduced as his children. These two teenagers names are Dan and Jenny. Dan being the
older obvious of the two takes Jenny to the older man or their dad. Small talk is made between the three
as its learned that Dan and Jenny just came back from visiting their mother. Its also known that their
Dad (named Rufus) and mother are currently separated and that the mother took a time out from their
marriage. Topic quickly changes and they begin to leave Grand Central until Dan spots Serena in the
crowd. Camera switches from Serena and Dan as Gossip Girl voice reappears. She begins to call Dan
Lonely Boy as she explains how Serena was Dans first love and Serena has no idea about it. Serena
doesnt even know who Dan is. Gossip Girl soon explains how everyone in the Upper East Side knows
Serena. Quick images of teenagers with their cellphones (artifacts) appear as they get a text was the
image of Serena taken from Grand Central to let everyone know that she is back and how everyone is
talking. Soon the setting is changed to a young, brunette girl viewing her phone. Gossip Girl identifies her
as Blair Waldrof. Blair Waldrofs is Serenas best friend, supposedly. But, Gossip Girl comments on their
friendship as she explains how Blairs boyfriend, Nate, has always had a thing for Serena. Camera flashes
to an extravagant and flashy party that is hosted by Blair Waldrofs mother that is a fashion designer.

Awkward conversation happens between Blair and her mother as its shown that they relationship is not
close. Camera then focuses on a group of men at the party. Nate is introduced fully into the show as he is
discussing colleges with a group of older men including his father. His father insists that Nate goes to an
Ivy League school especially Dartmouth. While Nate tells that he is thinking on going out West for
schooling. Its shown that Nate and his fathers relationship are not that close as well.
(35:00): From the 40:00, Blair steals Nate away from the group of men. As theyre walking, they past
another young teen named Chuck, who is seen being flirtatious with women and drinking alcohol at the
party (convention). Nate and Blair then enter Blairs room as they proceed to kiss and do sexual things to
each other, but they did not have sex. Even though Blair tells Nate that she wants to lose her virginity to
him right at that moment (as Gossip Girl was saying in the background locking it down) theyre to be
interrupted by Blairs mother as she says through the door to Blair that Serena is at the party. Nate hearing
the comment pushes Blair out the room insisting that they go see Serena. Blair is frustrated about the
whole situation as Gossip Girls voice continues in the background saying how Serena left Blair stranded
when she went to boarding school. Blair still makes it to seem to everyone that theyre close friends when
theyre not (well to Blair at least). Serena is then seen talking to her mother (who is attending the party).
Their conversation was very short as Blair comes up to the two of them. Blair insists that Serena stay for
dinner, but Serena hurries to the exit of the party as she claims that she is really tired from her trip
(communities of practice). After Serena leaves the party, she is seen heading not home, but to a hospital
like place. She ends up spending overnight at this clinic as its learned that her brother is a patient at the
clinic. She stays overnight with him and the next morning she insists on taking her brother, Eric, to
breakfast. Her mother disagrees as Serena learns that her mother (named Lily) is hiding the fact that Eric
is a patient at the clinic because he tried to kill himself. (Convention).
(25:00): It is learned that Jenny and Dan dont live on the Upper East Side and that their father use to be a
member of a famous band. Jenny and Dan got to the same private school as Serena, Blair, Nate and
Chuck; but theyre not a part of the popular crowd. Jenny strives to be a part of the social events while
Dan shows no interest (yet he still reads all the gossip on Gossip Girl as Jenny points out). Scene
switches to Serena walking to a luxurious apartment complex called The Palace (background
information), which her family is staying in temporarily. Nate who then they make small talk soon greets
her. Nate asks Serena if she was ok since he thought she was upset due to last night. Serena insists on
leaving the conversation right at that point, but Nate stops her. Nate starts talking about how she is back
and their relationship can move forward. Serena then explains to him that she didnt come back for him
and that it wasnt right because she was Blairs best friend and that Nate was Blairs boyfriend. Scene
then switches over to Chuck and Nate on the bus heading to school. Chuck is soon identified as the bad
boy as he makes vulgar comments about Serena sexually. During this conversation, Dan is in the
background (unnoticed) as he is disturbed by Chucks comments about Serena. Camera then goes to the
steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (or the Met) (provide background information) where Blair is
casually sitting with her posy and Jenny is interacting with Blair about the invitations that Jenny has
created for Blairs upcoming party. Serena casually walks up to Blair and the other girls. She acts
normally towards Blair until she realizes that Blair has invitations to a party that Serena had no idea
about. Blair insists to Serena that she had no idea that Serena was coming home and that the venue was
full to capacity, so no invite for Serena. This shows the power struggle between the two girls. Serena then
tells Blair to meet her for drinks at the Palace, so that they can talk about things. Gossip Girl comments

on this power struggle in the background. After Serena got out of school, she went to the clinic where Eric
was staying at and convinced the nurse to let Eric for an hour. They go to a clothing store where they run
into Jenny. Jenny then proceeds to give Serena an invitation (artifact) to Blairs party without Blair
knowing. Dan was with Jenny until Serena came up and he ran away (since he has a crush on Serena).
Camera goes to Chuck and Nate as Nate explains how Blair and him are going to be alone at her
apartment this weekend. Chuck makes fun of Nate for finally having sex with his girlfriend. During this
conversation they are casually strolling through Central Park while smoking a blunt (rules &
conventions). Chuck points out Nates doubt in him and Blairs relationship since Serena has been back.
(Nate): Do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us? That we will end up just
like our parents? (Communities of practice) Chuck begins to speak about the things that theyre entitled
to which is a trust fund, a house in the Hamptons and a prescription drug problem. Happiness is
not one of them (conventions). Towards the 25:00 marks it goes to the scene of Blair and Serena
drinking at the Palace bar (convention). Serena tries to make conversation, but Blair is being very hostile
towards her.
(20:00): Continuing from 25:00, Blair tells Serena how she hasnt been there for her over the past year.
Serena reminds how close they are and how they need each other. They reconcile with a hug and
everything. Scene goes to Jenny and Dan where Jenny calls Dan out for being so shy around Serena.
Based on Gossip Girls blog, Jenny suggests that Dan goes to the Palace because thats where Serena is.
Scene switched over to Serena at the bar of the Palace and Chuck approaching her. Chucks dad owns the
Palace. Chuck starts making seductive comments towards Serena. Serena starts to appear drunk and
Chuck suggests that they go to the hotel kitchen and get her something to eat. Basically, Chuck is trying
to seduce Serena. Scene switches over to Nate walking into Blairs dimly lit room. She is dressed in
lingerie and has candles set up all around the room. Nate doesnt seem interested in Blairs set up. Nate
tells Blair that there has been something bothering him and he needs to tell her. Scene switches back over
to Chuck and Serena.
(15:00): From 20:00, scene shows Chuck and Serena in the kitchen. Serena (still intoxicated) is disturbed
by Chuck trying to make advances on her even though she is telling him no. Chuck says a comment about
Nate finding out which stuns Serena. Chuck begins talking about the reason why Serena left town because
of something that happened at the Shepards wedding. Flashback occurs to the Shepards wedding where
Serena and Nate are seen alone in a ballroom. They were both drinking and being very flirtatious with
each other. A kiss happens between the both of them, but it eventually leads them to having sex. The
flashback shows Chuck witnessing the whole thing. Scene goes back to Chuck and Serena where Chuck
begins to say, I think youre more like me than youd admit. Serena exclaims to Chuck that she is
trying to change. Chuck then tries to kiss Serena, but she begs him to stop. The scene switches to Nate
and Blair with Blair telling Nate to get out after the news she just heard. Scene goes back to the Palace
bar where Dan is seen hanging around. Serena crashes into Dan while trying to leave. She quickly
gathered her things, but leaves her phone (artifact) behind which Dan picks up. Nate tells his father the
next day that him and Blair broke up. Nates father insists that they get back together because he is trying
to get in business with Blairs mother, Elenar Waldrof, company (communities of practice). Nates father
said to Nate that Nate needs to do what the family is depending on him to do. Scene switches to Dan
trying to return Serenas cellphone to the front desk person as Serena passes by. Serena notices Dan, the
boy she met the night before. Small talk happens when Serenas mother comes up and tells Serena that

she has a dress for her Blairs party. Serena tells her mother that she is not going. When her mother asks
why, Serena tells her that she already made plans (when she didnt). When asked with whom Serena had
to think quick and she had plans with Dan.
(12:00): Dan (going off of Serenas story) goes on telling Serenas mother how theyre going to see his
fathers band that night. Serenas mother soon leaves the two alone. Dan was leaving the hotel when
Serena asked him if he would pick her up at 8 that night. Dan becomes very happy that he is going out
with Serena. A scene change to Nate and Blair at dinner where Nate tells Blair that what he did was
wrong and how the situation is in the past. Nate also tells Blair that what he did was wrong and how the
situation is in the past. Nate also tells Blair how he will never talk to Serena again. Happy to hear this,
Blair tells Nate that there is nothing more to say or talk about. She begins to talk about stuff for her party.
Observation: Season 1 (Episode 2) Total Time of Episode: 39:31

(39:00): Beginning of Episode 2 opens with a recap of all that happened in the previous episode, but after
the recap the scene changes to multiple images of different areas in New York City (so that the viewer
can appreciate the beauty of NYC). The show then goes to a kitchen where breakfast is being prepared
and as Gossip Girl narrates in the back ground the Upper East Siders are all about Sunday brunch. Gossip
Girl makes it clear that brunch is not only for our friends, but that its for our enemies as well. Chucks
dad, Bart Bass, is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation meaning that everyone who is anyone is
going to be there. Camera switches over to Dan and Jenny who are casually talking in their loft about the
events the night before. While Jenny was at Blairs Kiss of the Lips party she almost got taken advantage
of by Chuck which if it wasnt for Dan and Serena she wouldve been left helpless. At this point this is
when Jenny exclaims her hatred for Chuck Bass and how she was nave about him just wanting to talk to
her. Dan gives her brotherly advice to cheer her up from the situation, as he is just embarrassed as Jenny.
Jenny begins to bother him about Serena and how at the end of their date Dan just gave her an awkward
wave goodbye instead of putting a move on her (as Jenny states). The producers then show a flashback of
the awkward goodbye between Dan and Serena to enhance the scene. Scene switches over to a
conversation being held between Serena and her brother as she talks about the awkward hand goodbye
hand gesture that Dan did to her the night before. She begins to think that the reason why he didnt put a
move on her was because he hated and had no interest in her. Serenas brother, Eric, insures her that Dan
doesnt hate her and that no one could hate her because she is the Serena Van Der Woodsen. Scene
switches back over to Dan and Jenny where Dan continues stressing over the same situation, as he
believes that Serena thinks he hates her now. Dan tells Jenny how an opportunity to go on a date with a
girl like Serena Van Der Woodsen is a one shot experience for guys like him and that he blew that chance
with her (conventions). Jenny finally suggests to Dan that he should simply try to talk to Serena and just
simply explain the situation that happened last night. Dan puts a stop on tantrum knowing the Jenny was
right and that he needed to call her for a second shot. Scene switches over to Eric and Serena as she
explains why she likes Dan and that she likes him because he is not only different, but smart. She then
continues to tell Eric about how mean Blair was to her last night at the Kiss On the Lips party that Blair
was hosting (same party that Selena didnt get invited to). Serena has this idea that if her and Blair just
simply talk about the problem that everything can work out for the better. Serena doesnt know that Blair
knows about her and Nates sexual past together. So, Serena tells Eric that she is going to go over to

Blairs and just talk to her about the situation. After Serena makes that comment, scene then switches over
to Blair who lets everyone know that she doesnt want to see or even look at Serena. She also lets it be
known that Serena should stay far away from Blair as possible. Blair then decides to call Nate, which
scenes then switch to a trashed high-class hotel suite where Nate is passed out on the couch. His phone is
buzzing and camera flashes to Chuck in bed with two women. In this scene it was obvious that heavy
partying happened in that hotel suite. Nate and Chuck then start talking about how Chuck has a black eye
due to Dan punching him in the face. To avoid that conversation, Chuck brings up how Nate is
heartbroken about not be able to speak to Serena again and how she moved on from him. Nate starts
denying as he tells Chuck that he is all into Blair and that he is for her. Scene then goes to Dan leaving his
loft to see Serena, Serena on her way to Blairs penthouse and Nate calling the Palace front desk for
Serenas room number so that he can talk to her (all happening at the same time). Before heading out to
Blairs, Serena pleads with her mother to not let her go to the brunch. Serenas mother, Lily, insists that
she goes so she can stop hiding from things and become more involved with her life again. Right when
Serena leaves to go see Blair, Dan enters the hotel where Serena is saying at to talk to her. Not far behind
him is Nate. Both exchange awkward glances with each other as the wait patiently for Serena.
(25:00): Serena arrives unannounced to Blairs penthouse where a Blair that is very hostile towards her
greets her. Serena noticing that her presence is not wanted at Blairs she starts going on talking about their
Sunday traditions by eating croissants and drinking coffee just the two of them. Blair shuts down Serenas
ramble real quick by showing no care for their old traditions and that her new tradition now in Sunday
brunch with her boyfriend, Nate. Serena confused as to what she did snaps at Blair for being rude towards
her because Serena thought things were fine between them. Blair shuts down Serena again by simply
saying she knows that Serena has had sex with Nate. Shocked at what Blair just told her, Serena tries to
find an excuse that she could say to Blair. But again, she is shot down quickly by Blair and is soon
dismissed by her. Blair simply tells Serena to stay away from me, my boyfriend and my friends.
Once Serena leaves another guest soon arrives at the Waldrof penthouse and its not other than Jenny
Humphrey. Jennys main purpose for going over to Blairs was to figure out if Chuck has said anything
about her or the incident that occurred. Blair reassures her that Jenny is fine and that Chuck wont be
saying anything. The scene changes to Rufus Humphrey (Dans father) and Lily Van Der Woodsen
(Serenas mother) getting coffee at a local caf in Brooklyn. It was revealed in the first episode (after the
thirty minute observation that I conducted) that Rufus and Lily use to date when Rufuss band was
popular and on tour. Supposedly they were each others first loves, so it was shocking to them that now
their children were going out with each other. So, at the coffee shop Lily is slightly rude towards Rufus as
she is expression her frustrations of their children dating each other. Rufus simply tells Lily that he cant
tell his son whom he can and cant date. Rufus knew how much Dan liked Serena and he just couldnt do
that to him. Lily just doesnt want Serena to be distracted on a new boy and have her focuses like school
slip away from her. Rufus then reassures Lily that Dan is the kind of guy that Serena needs in her life.
(20:00): Nate and Dan stand outside the Palace hotel as they wait for Serenas arrival. They start asking
each other why they are there to talk to Serena, but conversation is kept at a minimal between the two. All
of a sudden, Chuck walks out of the Palace (he lives there too) and is surprised by Nates presence. Nate
quickly makes up that he was there waiting on Chuck so that they could go to brunch together.
Conversation quickly changes as Chuck then spots Dan waiting outside the Palace too. Words are quickly
exchanged between the two as Dan tells Chuck to leave him alone or else he will give him another black

eye. The setting changes back to Blair and Jenny as theyre just having simple conversation. Jenny
quickly tells Blair how her brother, Dan, went out with Serena last night. Blair starts making comments of
Jennys loyalty by asking she is friends with Serena. When Jenny replies that she doesnt have a problem
with her Blair insures Jennys loyalty to her by giving Jenny a pricey dress from her closet. Jenny thinks
this is just a friend being nice, but she has no idea that she is in debt to Blair Waldrof now. Scene changes
back to Dan waiting outside the Palace where Serena finally comes by. She is happy by his presence and
Dan starts to tell her how sorry he is from last night. Dan begins asking her if they want to go out together
that day and this excites Serena because not only does she like Dan, but also her morning has been
terrible with Blair. She doesnt want to be seen at the brunch where she knows she is not welcome.
During their conversation, Lily startles the both of them and overhears about Serena skipping the brunch.
She demands that Serena go because it would extremely rude of her to skip it. Serena starts pestering her
mom about letting Dan come with her to the brunch and that if he cant go that she was going to go to
breakfast separately with him and skip the brunch. Noticing the situation that she is in, Lily finally caves
in and Dan soon is tagging along with the Van Der Woodsens to this elite event. Setting changes to Dan
and Serena awkwardly standing at the entrance of the ballroom where the brunch is being held. Images of
the brunch start flashing as it shows who is there and what is happening. Blair soon realizes that Serena is
at the brunch and she is not too happy about it. Serena starts having her doubts about being at the events
and begs Dan to leave the event together. Soon Chuck realizes that Dan is at his event and an
uncomfortable atmosphere consumes the room.
(15:00 to 9:00): Jenny comes back to the loft to see her father sitting in their living room playing the
guitar. He starts asking Jenny about the dress that Blair got for her, but the conversation quickly changes
to another topic. Scene switches back to Dan and Serena as they are getting food at this extravagant
buffet. Serena looks over her shoulder and notices Nate staring at her. Nate quickly makes a gesture to her
to meet him outside. Confused, Serena excused herself from Dan and met Nate outside of the ballroom. A
conversation between Chuck and his father, Bart, is being shown as Bart questions his son about the black
eye on his face. Bart continues to explain to Chuck that he does all these events for Chuck because he
wants him to build a brand for himself. Bart tries to tell Chuck that he needs to think about his actions and
the lifestyle he is currently living now. Chuck ignores this comment made by his father as he reassures
him that he wont let the partying get the best of him. Setting changes to Serena and Nate. Serena is
furious at Nate for revealing to Blair their secret. Nate tries to explain to Serena that they cant talk
outside the ballroom that they need to go somewhere private. Nate hands her a key to Chucks suite.
Serena refuses at first as she tells Nate that she is tired of sneaking around. She reluctantly accepts the key
and tells Nate she will meet him up there soon to talk about things. When Nate returns to the party his
father pulls him over to the side. Mr. Vanderbilt (Nates father) is excited to see that Blair is happy
because that means he has a good chance of getting her mothers company. Conversation switches to
Chuck and Blair as Chuck taunts Blair for worrying about her boyfriend Nate around Serena. Chuck tells
Blair to get Nates attention by sealing the deal with him. Chuck then hands Blair a room key to his suite
and tells her to bring Nate up there. Blair gladly accepts the key and then searches for Nate. Chuck
unknowingly knows that Serena is currently waiting up in his room. Blair soon takes Nate away from the
party as she leads Nate to Chucks suite. Nate has no idea that they are going to Chucks suite as Blair just
kept telling him that she got the best room in that the hotel could offer. They both enter Chucks suite only
to find Serena sitting on the couch waiting for Nates arrival.

Observation: Season 1 (Episode 3) Total Time of Episode: 41:41

(41:00): First two minutes of the show consisted in a review of the previous episode. Gossip Girls voice
begins to narrator the start of the episode as she begins to talk about college and expectations for teens of
the Upper East Side. Images appear of all the characters getting ready for school and starting off their
daily morning routines. Its especially important for them to attend this day because its Ivy Day meaning
that the all the students at have a chance of talking to important members in each Ivy League school.
Even though all the students get to talk to the representatives from the Ivy League the girls from St.
Constance (all girl private school that Blair, Serena and Jenny attend) throw a mixture for the
representatives, as they will be ushered by the St. Judes boys (all boys school that Nate, Chuck and Dan
attend to). Gossip Girl focuses on Dan for a second, as he doesnt have a legacy in an Ivy League school,
so the pressure is on him heavily. Setting changes to the auditorium of the two schools as the
headmasters talk about how important Ivy Week should be to the students. Setting changes to the loft of
Jenny and Dan prior to school starting as Dan expresses his concerns for the interview of the Dartmouth
usher boy. Rufus tells Dan not to worry about it and that he will do great, but Dan brings up the point that
he has to do great since he doesnt have a trust fund to go back on. The scene switches back to the
auditorium where Chuck asks Nate if he wants to a do a little wake and bake with him. It shows how
little Chuck cares for Ivy Week. Flashback occurs to that morning before school when Nate and his father
went on a run. Nate is trying to express to his father that he doesnt want to go to an Ivy League school
and how he is really looking at going out West. Nate wants his father to be open minded about his choice
for schooling, but his father wont hear of it. His father encourages Nate to try to be the usher for
Dartmouth. His father starts to say that him and Nates mother didnt work so hard for Nate to be going to
a school out West. Serena is late to the meeting about Ivy League and it satisfied Blair very much.
Flashback to that morning when Blair talks to her servant about her dream school Yale, how its the place
for her and only her. Setting changes to Serena that morning as it shows she is running late for school due
to her spending the night at the clinic with her brother. Her mother starts bothering her with questions like
whats going on with Dan, Blair and others in her life. Serena snaps at her mother telling her to mind her
own business, as all she wants to focus on right now is college. Serena arrives to school after the meeting
is over where she runs into Dan. Serena is trying to rebuild her relationship with Dan after the whole
incident with brunch and Blair telling Dan about what Serena did to her (this happened after my thirty
minute observation mark). Serena soon runs into Blair as Blair tries to throw insults at her. Blairs insults
dont really faze Serena. The setting changes to Blair and Serenas gym class where theyre playing field
hockey. Both are very athletic in the sport, but both do not have sportsman like conduct. Blair begins to
throw jabs (literally) at Serena during their game. Serena tries to not go down to Blairs level, but
eventually Serena wipes Blair out on the grass. Serena begins to tell her that enough is an enough and that
she is tired of all the games. Blair begins to fake an injury in order to get Serena in trouble.
(30:00): Interviews start happening with usher boys. Dans interview is conducted first as he explains to
the interviewer his love for Dartmouth and how he follows their creed. Nate is soon interviewed next as
he explains to the interviewer that he appreciates Dartmouth as a school, but that he cant take the usher
position because its not his dream school and that he doesnt deserve it. Chucks interview is shown last
and all he says to the interviewer is that he should be an usher because he is Chuck Bass. The list for the
usher boys is soon posted after the interviews and Dan goes quickly to see. Dan is sad to see that he didnt

get the position of Dartmouth usher and that Nate did. This angers Dan because he felt like all of his hard
work has been a waste of time. He feels that he needs money and power in order to get anywhere in this
world. Nate soon sees the list and is frustrated because he made it clear to the interviewer that he did not
want the usher position. Nate figures that his father had something to do with this process. Dan sees
Serena after finding out and he expresses to her how its frustrating that he doesnt have the same
advantages as the other student. Setting soon changes to a phone conversation between Blair and Chuck
as they discuss the wanting to know of why Serena came home. Blair and Chuck when working together
usually cause a lot of trouble and damage to whomever theyre pursuing. Setting changes to Dan coming
home and expressing to his father how he didnt get the usher position. His father was shocked about this
because he knew that Dan was qualified more than the boy who got the position. Jenny lets it be know to
their father that theyre Humphreys and that they arent exactly royalty uptown. During this time, Serena
is walking from school. What she doesnt know is that Chuck is trailing behind her and seeing what she is
up to. He wants to find out why she came home so that he can report it back to Blair. He ends up seeing
her walking into the Ostroff Treatment Center (where Serenas brother is currently being treated for his
depression). Chuck takes multiple photos of Serena walking in and out of the clinic. Little does he know
that she is visiting her brother and usually does after school? Setting changes to a therapy meeting that is
happening between Serena, Eric and Lily. Serena expresses to her mom that she doesnt appreciate her
mother hiding Eric in this facility and hiding it from everyone. Eric speaks up that he wants to leave the
clinic, but he thinks he is not ready to go yet. Conversation continues and soon Serena suggest to Eric that
he would be her date for the mixer. It would allow him to get out of the treatment center for a little bit and
be able to socialize with some of his friends. Lily is reluctant to let her son go, but the therapist thinks its
a great idea and compromise between the three.
(20:00 to 11:00): Lily is the committee chair leader for the mixer happening with the Ivy League
representatives, so she was surprised seeing Rufus coming to her and begging her to find a position for his
son. Lily wanted to be cruel to Rufus, but she sympathized with him and found somewhere for Dan to go.
Rufus was excited to tell Dan that he got him into the event even though Dan is going to be in charge of
providing refreshments. Rufus reminded him though that there was still opportunity for Dan to talk to
representatives even though he couldnt be their usher. Everyone soon starts arriving to the mixture as
people begin to mingle with one another. Serena is insisted on finding the Yale representative only
because she wants to make Blair a little angry. She eventually does make Blair angry when she steals the
representative away from Blair. Blair tries to confine in Chuck about why he left his position of ushering
the Yale representative, but she quickly sees that Chuck is trying sleep with the Princeton representative.
Soon Chuck points out the guest that Blair should really be talking to and that would be Dr. Ostroff. The
conversation between Nate and the Dartmouth representative is focused on as the Dartmouth
representative is talking about his book with Nate, but unfortunately Nate has no idea what hes talking
about. Nate tries to come up with lies on the spot to keep the conversation going, but soon an awkward
silence falls between the both of them. Eric soon excuses himself from the party as multiple people keep
coming up to him asking if he enjoyed Miami. This is frustrating to him because he doesnt want to lie to
people just because his mother wants her reputation to be secure. Eric soon meets up with Jenny and
confides in her why he was really gone. Serena tries to talk to Nate at the mixture, but he only utters the
word hey out of his mouth. Nate then focuses his attention on Dan as he tells him that he has nothing in
common with the Dartmouth representative. Dan tries to help Nate out, but Nate comes up with a better
idea that Dan just goes and ushers the Dartmouth representative. Mr. Vanderbilt pulls Nate aside and tells

him he needs to go back out and impress the representative. Nate refuses and leaves the party. Jenny and
Erics conversation is focused on as he speaks more openly about his depression and why he tried to kill
himself. Blair Waldrof is then addressing the crowd as she is supposed to present the charity that shall be
honored by the school. Blair picked the Ostroff Center. In front of a whole crowd of people, Blair said
that they picked the center due to the fact that they helped a fellow student that was in the crowd. Blair
pointed out that that student was Serena and that she was there for her alcohol and drug addiction. This is
a low blow from Blair because she had no idea about Eric and that he was the patient there not Serena.
Serena grows very upset about this as she leaves the party in a hurry. After Blairs speech, Eric pulls Blair
over aside and tells her that Serena is not a patient at the Ostroff center that he was. This is shocking to
Blair because she would never want to hurt Eric in anyway. Blair suddenly realized that things were
getting out of hand between her and Serena. Things needed to change.

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