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Shannon Doxey


Shannon Doxey
Juniper Dr.

Message: CA, 95833

Top lesson learned:

Table of
Business Card
Event Ad
Photo Design
Web Page

Description:Tri-folding brochure with original logo.
Programs Used: Adobe: Photoshop, InDesign, and Illistrator
I ceated the design and folds in Adobe InDesign. My idea was that
the brochure would be three fold but the front cover would be cut in
half and fold over.
I created the logo in Illustrator using the pen tool. I used the logo
and icon throughout the brochure to create repetition and flow. I
specifically chose my logo colors to be vibrant and energetic so it
would have a young feel and capture the viewers attention.
For the inside of the brochure I used the quick selection tool in
Adobe Photoshop for the background photo. I had to layer the
images on top of each other then used text wrap to wrap my text
around just the girl using alpha channel.
Set up and design a two sided document while incorporating high
qulaity images and the design skills learned through out the course.
This includes creating an original logo, editing photos and following
all design principles.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Dec, 5, 2015

Description: Logo for personal photography business.
Programs Used: Adobe Illistrator
I ceated the design and folds in Adobe InDesign. My idea was that
I looked at AubreeBelles Instagram for logo inspiration. I actually
pulled one of the photos to trace the profile to make it more realistic.
I focused on alignment by making sure everything aligned with at
least one of the ends of the hat. I also focused on color, making sure
they would be readable and be a complete color scheme.
Set up and design a two sided document while incorporating high
qulaity images and the design skills learned through out the course.
This includes creating an original logo, editing photos and following
all design principles.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Oct, 31, 2015

Description: Spiritually themed montage made by blending multiple
images and textures and the appropriate use of typography.
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop
I placed my pictures, then used the brush tool to take out the
backgrounds and blend them. I added a texture and brushed out all
but the edges to show through.
I used an overlay on the quote to blend it in with the image.
I adjusted the levels, hue and saturation to get the coloring of the
images to match and to add some contrast. Then added a warming
filter over the whole image except where the color of the sky and
grass. Finally I sharpened only the eyes of the images and added my
last finishing touches.
Learn to blend one or more images and use typography to create
a unifying design. Demonstrate advanced Photoshop skills using
masks and filters on images. Unify the theme with a spititual mesage.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Oct, 24, 2015


Business Card
Description: Business card and letterhead set with matching
personally designed logos.
Programs Used: Adobe Illistrator and Adobe InDesign
I first created the logo in adobe illustrator. I found a font I wanted for
the J, copied a reflection, added outlines, then used the pencil tool
to draw in the roots. To made the flower with the pencil and direct
selection tools in illistrator.
I took my AI design into Adobe InDesign and matched fonts and
created my layout. I tried to find non-tacky ways to repeatedly
incorporate my logo into my design so I made three separate AI
documents with version of my icon. I paid attention to my alignment,
flow, and gestalt. I wanted everything to work together and enhance
one another rather than any one part taking away from another.
Use Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create a logo and constistent
design between a business card and letterhead. Apply typography
rules and design elements to make it vsulally apealing.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Nov, 7, 2015

Jessica Johnson

212 Juniper Dr. Ste 6
Paradise, CA 95833

Description: Business card and letterhead set with matching
personally designed logos.
Programs Used: Adobe Illistrator and Adobe InDesign
I first created the logo in adobe illustrator. I found a font I wanted for
the J, copied a reflection, added outlines, then used the pencil tool
to draw in the roots. To made the flower with the pencil and direct
selection tools in illistrator.
I took my AI design into Adobe InDesign and matched fonts and
created my layout. I tried to find non-tacky ways to repeatedly
incorporate my logo into my design so I made three separate AI
documents with version of my icon. I paid attention to my alignment,
flow, and gestalt. I wanted everything to work together and enhance
one another rather than any one part taking away from another.
Use Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create a logo and constistent
design between a business card and letterhead. Apply typography
rules and design elements to make it vsulally apealing.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Nov, 7, 2015

Jessica Johnson

212 Juniper Dr. Ste 6
Paradise, CA 95833


Description: Made in a greyscale to create a professional feel my
design also tries to create a more modern appeal. All the elements my
design were made to implement the elements of the Logo.
Programs Used: Adobe InDesign
I Made my design in Adobe InDesign. I first sketched a number of
outlines and began narrowing down which were the most visually
appealing. Once I picked a design made sure everything was aligned
with something else on the page. I also used repetition of shapes,
color, and typography to create unity without making the design
bland. I was very specific about which shapes and color shades I
used because as I said earlier I wanted even the logo to unite with the
Understand basic design and layout principles including typography,
negtive space, and aignment using Adobe InDesign.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Oct, 2, 2015

Graduate Leadership

Do you want to have the
competitive edge in business?


Come learn how at Vouant Communications

annual Graduate Leadership Conference.
Vouant Communications is devoted to
helping tomorrows leaders gain essential
leadership skills in the workplace.

During this dynamic three-day seminar,

attendees will meet with top executives
of Vouant Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership techniques, while
cultivating attributes of leadership that will
market to any employer.

Conference is avaiable to graduating seniors.


October 21

8 a.m. 5 p.m.
Lincoln Convention Center

and more information available at:

Event Ad
Description: Fundraiser event flier in color to help promote
childrens education.
Programs Used: Microsoft Word.
I used Microsoft word for the design. The image was scanned from
a magazine. I used color to highlight the message and create gestalt
by creating the illusion of a basketball as the backdrop. I also focused
on aligning my text since there was not really anything else I could
Understand image sizing and scanning. Create a full bleed design
with Microsoft Word using typography and color design principles.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Oct, 10, 2015

They Miss the Shots

They Cant Take

Basketball Association of Americas

Youth of Tomorrow Charity Dinner

To help raise m oney for public school
programs and activities
Friday, October 30, 2015 6 p.m. onward


Residence Inn Idaho Falls

$100 per plate, $1,000 for Table (10)

Fund the education and success of our youth.

Photo Design
Description: Demonstrate basic color photography and editing skills
via Adobe Photoshop.
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop
I took this picture trying to capture the light behind the flower. I
used Adobe Photoshop to change the vibrance and used a filter over
the flower to sharpen that part of the image. I also applied selective
color to the light coming behind the flower to give it a gold glow. I
changed the typography size and style to align the quote and create
some interesting design styles.
Learn basic photogrpahy skills by taking a photo and then pulling a
color scheme from that photo. Adjust the images in Photoshop using
features like: hue, sturation, virbance, and sharpen.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Dec, 12, 2015


Web Page
Description: This is a screenshot of the website I designed to
showcase the logo which I also designed.
Programs Used: Notepad++ and Adobe Illustrator
I used Notepad++ to code my html and CSS documents. The logo
was created on adobe illustrator. I had to use research skills to find
the codes that would manipulate my page in the way I wanted. I
focused a lot on alignment, I wanted all my text and box elements
to be aligned, I had to change the margin amounts and the padding
amounts till they were aligned properly both horizontally and
Learn the basics of HTML and CSS. Create the web page to showcase
an original logo and use design principles and hex color codes to
create a consitent design and layout.
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Course: Comm 130
Date: Nov, 21, 2015

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