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Alix Bissegger

Contact Me
Alix Bissegger

1560 N. Main St.

Layton, UT 84041

Table of Contents
Event Ad





Business Card
Web Page

Event Ad
Date: 10 October 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: A full-bleed even ad to promote a yoga class and ALL,
a pro-life organization.
Programs: Microsoft Word, home scanner and a PDF converter
Objectives: Find, scan and import a high-quality image. Create a
full-bleed design. Learn to use only Microsoft Word design features.
Process: I started by scanning my image from a doTERRA
magazine and scaling the image to the size that I wanted. Using
only Microsoft Word, I cut the background from the image in order
to create my own background. I wanted the overall design to be
peaceful, so I used soft/cool colors to accomplish that. I decided to
use the dots from the shirt to create repetition and unity.

Date: 17 October 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: A full-bleed poster that demonstrates my skills with
a basic point-and-shoot camera and Adobe Photoshop.
Programs: Point and shoot camera and Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Learn basic photography skills. Choose a color
scheme, take a photo to match those colors, then incorporate
the colors into the layout. Adjust image levels, saturation,
color balance, sharpen tool on separate layers for NDE (nondestructive editing.) Print with full-bleed margins.
Process: The first thing I did was choose a color scheme for my
photo. I went to Antelope Island in Utah to take my photograph.
Afterwards, I worked in Photoshop with four edits (levels,
vibrancy/saturation, selective color and sharpness) to make the
colors pop. I then found a quote that could be incorporated with
my design and began laying out the elements. I used triangles
throughout my design to create good repetition and to represent
the mountains.

Date: 31 October 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: Three versions of the logo for the bakery Sweet
Treat Cupcakes.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator
Objectives: Create three variations of one, original logo to fit a
company or personal image that will appeal to the audience. Use
only the Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos.
Process: For this logo, I started by choosing a few fonts that I
liked and that I thought would work well for a cupcake bakery.
I ended up choosing the script font because it reminded me of
frosting. I paired that font with a nice sans serif to add contrast.
Both of the fonts were rather feeble, so I bulked them up by
adding strokes to them. I used the pen tool to create the cupcake
and replaced it for the U in cupcake to add something eye
catching. From there, I created a gray scale version and a version
in white with a color background.

Date: 24 October 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: A full-bleed montaged poster with a spiritual message.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Unify a layout with a consistent theme and dominant
spiritual message. Blend two or more images together gradually,
using masks. Demonstrate more advanced Photoshop skills for
layout with multiple elements. Use a mask to apply a filter to one
part of the image.
Process: The original image of the family had a white glow around
the outside, so I removed the family from the background using
the magnetic lasso tool and the content aware tool. I then touched
up the area where the family was using the clone stamp tool. I
touched up the selection of the family and brought it back into the
background, without the white glow. In order to place the clock in
the image, I used the lasso tool to make a selection of the clock with
out its background using a 50% feathering. I placed the clock into
the family image and made a layer mask on the clock. I then used
different brush opacities to blend the clock in with the family image.

Date: 5 December 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: A two-sided trifold brochure.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create
an original, new logo and use it in the brochure. Incorporate at least
quality images. One image should be clipped out in Photoshop and
text-wrapped in InDesign. Trim for a full bleed and print in duplex color.
Process: I created this logo in Illustrator using basic shapes to
represent a safari jeep. I placed the name of the company on the
top of the jeep. I found the images and started fixing those how I
wanted. With the zebra and the giraffe, I used various selection tools
in Photoshop to remove the backgrounds. I personally took the image
of the tree and the background of the tree while I was in Africa on a
safari two years ago. I didnt like the sky of the tree image though, so
I used selection tools in Photoshop to place the image of the tree on a
different background. I used the giraffe on the front which is a cut out
that sits against the tree on the inside flap when closed (as shown).
The image of the tree lines up on the back and inside. For the text, I
created an appealing visual hierarchy. I accomplished that by having
one large title, medium headers and small sub-headers. I kept the body
copy small to avoid crowding the brochure. I used a text-wrap around
the zebra to add visual interest. I added a rectangle box around the
contact information and logo on the back so it would stand out against
the grass. The logo is used on the front and back to create good
repetition and branding.

Front (when closed)


Back (when closed)

Date: 7 November 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: Stationary that includes this letterhead with a
matching business card (ahead) and a logo that I created.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or personal
image. Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a
business card and letterhead. Keep designs simple with light
watermarks and drop shadows and plenty of white space.
Process: I started by using Adobe Illustrator to create the logo.
After creating the logo, I inserted the logo into InDesign and
began creating my letterhead. I placed the logo in the upper left
corner and my information in the upper right corner. I then placed
some watermark circles at 10% opacity at the bottom of the page
to add a design element and some repetition to the letterhead. I
keep the text small, but readable in order to keep things neat.

Business Card
Date: 7 November 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: Stationary that includes this business card with a
matching letterhead (previous) and a logo that I created.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Create a new logo to fit a company or personal
image. Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a
business card and letterhead. Keep designs simple with light
watermarks and drop shadows and plenty of white space.
Process: I started by using Adobe Illustrator to create the logo.
After creating the logo, I inserted the logo into InDesign and
began creating my business card. I used the same elements
from my letterhead to create my business card. I added the logo
to the upper left with the text on the bottom right to add some
asymmetry while leaving plenty of whitespace. On the back, I
had some fun playing with the circles. I decided to have the back
covered with circles starting light at the top and gradually getting
darker down to the bottom.

Web Page
Date: 21 November 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: A web page showcasing a logo I created.
Programs: Text Wrangler and Adobe Photoshop
Objectives: Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a
web page so the long side is 300 500 pixels. Write content to
describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to
a target audience. Demonstrate HTML and CSS skills. Open the
HTML page in a web browser and capture a quality screen shot
with .5 inch margins for printing.
Process: I started this project by opening the pre-made HTML
and CSS codes provided by my course and changing some
things in them. I began by editing only the HTML code. I put in all
the information about my logo and then added some emphasis
to a few words and some bolding to a few words. Most of the
changes happened in the CSS file. The first thing I did was
change the colors of the web page. I used the color picker tool in
Photoshop to get the hex values of my logo. After getting those,
I plugged them into my CSS code. I made the H1 background
the same color of the cupcake frosting and decided on a light
brown background with some teal accents in the text. I used two
contrasting typefaces. I used a serif typeface for the body copy
and sans-serif for the two headings and for the link to my blog at
the bottom. I used the sans-serif font a few times throughout the
page to demonstrate unity and repetition.

Date: 3 October 2015
Instructor: Emily Kunz
Course: COMM 130 Section 11
Description: A gray scale flier to promote the Graduate
Leadership Conference held by Vouant Communications.
Programs: Adobe InDesign
Objectives: Apply the design principles and use appropriate
typography. Incorporate InDesign skills to create a flier layout.
Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document
to keep links in InDesign intact.
Process: I started by sketching four ideas on paper. From there,
I chose my favorite sketch and started to create the layout in
Adobe InDesign. In order to create good visual hierarchy, I used
a large variety of typefaces sizes. I decided to make the name
of the conference large so it can be seen from a far distance. I
kept the body copy small and put other important information in a
medium typeface. To tie everything together, I incorporated gray
and black squares and rectangles throughout the design to create
repetition and unity.



Do you want to have the
competitive edge in business?

When: October 21-23 at 8 a.m. 5 p.m.

Where: Lincoln Convention Center
Come learn how at Vouant
Communications annual
Graduate Leadership
Conference. Vouant
Communications is devoted
to helping tomorrows leaders
gain essential leadership skills
in the workplace. During this
dynamic three-day seminar,
attendees will meet with
top executives of Vouant
Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership
techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that
will market to any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors.
Space is limited.
Registration and more information available

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