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Jake Spencer:

23 W. 1St N.
Rexburg, ID 83440
141 S. 1st W.
Rexburg, ID 83440

Shelby Lundquist

Table of Contents
Event Ad
Photo Design
Business Card
Web Page


Title: Brochure Project

Date: December 5th, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: A two sided (duplex) folding brochure
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop
-Create a two-fold brochure
-Create an entirely new logo
-Add in high quality images
-Add a personal body copy
-Trim and text wrap an image
I started out by brainstorming how I would want to design my brochure, and what company I wanted to make my brochure for. I thought of things I have a personal connection to, and automatically
thought of clothing. I worked with some pictures and tried my hardest to design a brochure around a
clothing company, but nothing seemed to work the way I wanted it to. I changed gears, and went with
a Resort Company. I worked on my logo first, and thought about designs I could use. I thought up a
name: Hawthorn Resorts. Hawthorn is a type of leaf, and that is what I used as my logo: a Hawthorn
leaf. I wanted to show branching out and the Resort branching out with different states, countries,
etc. by building their Resorts in different locations and meeting new people with each resort and
building lasting, true relationships.
I created my logo in Illustrator and Photshop. (I also edited some of my images in Photoshop and
changed the brightness and contrast) I then chose what type of brochure I wanted to create, which
was a tri-fold brochure. I set up my margins, and started designing. I chose images that I felt reflected
a luxury/modern hotel, and incorporated them into my design. I chose fonts and a color scheme that
I felt would reflect my logo and my brand. I then added an image of a gourmet meal and put it on my
left flap. I trimmed it in Illustrator, and brought it into InDesign and added text and around it and used
the Text Wrap tool.
I added more images of the locations of my resorts, and added my text information, subtitles and
contact information. I used light opacity rectangle boxes for my subtitles, and used varying serif and
sans serif fonts to show contrast. I printed, did my draft critique, made revisions, made my video and
uploaded my final.

Title: Montage Project
Date: October 24th, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: Create a project that demonstrates our skills in masking in PhotoShop and the
ability to create layers without distorting each image
Programs/Tools Used: Photoshop
-Use photoshop to mask an image and apply text
-Create a color scheme
I first thought of my favorite image of Christ, and knew that I wanted it incorporated into my
design. I then thought of a color scheme that I thought would compliment the picture of Christ,
and implemented it into my design. I started with a simple picture of a beach scene with grass
reeds in the corner and increased its size to only have the reeds and part of the water in the
background. I then placed the picture of Christ on top of the beach scene and masked him on
top of the beach scene.
I enhanced the reeds and used the sharpening tool to enhance Christs face. I added a grunge
layer to add effect and make it appear rustic. I kept it heavy on the corners and made it disappear as it came close to Christs face. I used the rule of thirds to keep Christs eyes at the top
of the first line in the image. I then added John 20:27 to the image and varied the fonts to make
faithless and believing the most important words in the text. I then changed the brightness,
contrast and levels to this image.

Title: Logos Project
Date: October 31st, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: Create a logo for a business/corporation with varying colors in Adobe Publisher
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator
-Create an original logo in Illustrator and use its tools
-Create color, black and white and color box versions
Process: I started by brainstorming ideas for my project, and thought of things that I like, and
I love flavored soda. I started by picking color schemes for 3 designs, designed my 3 drafts in
Publisher, and printed them out. I got a critique and then ended up changing my drafts and
making them more contrasting before continuing on. I made them with more variation, and then
re-printed. I then got more survey information and a different draft critique.
I felt my drafts were more different, and then I picked one that I liked, and made it my final. I
changed the color scheme to complimentary, and made the three different color shades: color,
black and white and white and color. I picked fonts that I felt would emphasize the company, and
colors I felt would pop. The bubbles I put at the top of my logo I felt added some element of
fun, and difference. I was very proud of my final.

Title: Flier Project
Date: Friday October 2nd, 2015
Course: COMM 130: Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: Black and white flier to advertise an upcoming Leadership Conference for
graduating seniors
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign
-Create a flier to advertise an upcoming event
-Use a black and white color scheme
Process: I created 4 sketches that I felt would grab the attention of graduating seniors, and narrowed it down to my final sketch, which was my fourth and final sketch. I then took a piece of
paper and did my design in pencil. Following my sketch, I opened InDesign and started working. I
wanted to create shapes to demonstrate visual flow from the top right corner, through the picture, and down to the logo. I wanted my white space to be with my attention grabbing question
and paragraph of information. I was given the image, logo and content for this particular flier.




Vouant Communications is devoted to helping
tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership
skills in the workplace. During this dynamic
three-day seminar, attendees will meet with
top executives of Vouant Communications to
discuss breakthrough leadership techniques,
while cultivating attributes of leadership that
will market to any employer.
Conference is available to graduating seniors.

Space is limited, so register right away.

October 21
8am - 5pm

Registration and more information available at

Event ad
Title: Event Ad Project
Date: Friday October 10th, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: An ad that is designed to grab the attention of many and inform about a Suicide
Prevention Fundraiser
Programs/Tools Used: Microsoft Word
-Create an original ad to showcase an upcoming event on a certain topic
-Use Word as the only program
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I went to the McKay Library and found this
picture of this artist in an Art book. I scanned it and emailed it to myself, and tried to come up
with an event that I felt was appropriate for this particular image. I have a personal connection
to depression and suicide, and wanted to create this flier for the personal ties that I have to the
subject. I found a Foundation that seeks to find understanding on suicide: the SAVE Foundation:
(Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) This man seemed somber and the caption, I dont want
help, but I need it seemed to perfectly emulate his facial expressions.
I worked with Word, and tried my hardest to incorporate a bland color scheme due to the
mood of the flier. I chose two fonts without serifs, because they seemed too joyous for the
mood. Programs I used: Microsoft Word, McKay Library Scanner, (PDF Converter).

Photo design
Title: Imaging Project
Date: October 17th, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: Create a colorful image edited through PhotoShop, add text and learn how to
incorporate color and improve photography skills
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop
-Take an original photo
-Edit the photo in Photoshop
-Apply text
-Apply a color scheme
Process: I picked a color scheme before I took my picture, and knew that I somehow wanted
to incorporate the color green. I went and took a few pictures of plants around my grandmas
yard, and liked the different colors in one of the plants. I then uploaded the photo to my computer and started editing in PhotoShop. I increased the levels of brightness and darkness and
messed around with the vibrance and contrast of the photo. This made my greens and yellows
pop to bring out my analogous color scheme.
I then added my fonts and knew that I wanted to add a transparent box to add more of my
color wheel in the text. This rectangle allowed me to put my text on top so it would be more
legible. I picked a font for the green text that felt rustic and earthy. The other font added contrast without serifs. After adding my text, I simply put my color wheel in the top left corner.

Title: Letterhead Project
Date: November 7th, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: Create a personal logo and create a matching letterhead and business card listing
personal information
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
-Create an original logo
-Add it to letterhead and business cards
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): Programs: Adobe Publisher and Adobe InDesign I first started
with the design I wanted to follow, and searched for some examples. I couldnt quite find what
I wanted, so I paused and thought of what company I was even wanting to represent. I really
enjoy photography, and I wanted to go for a rustic feel with the star that I used. I incorportaed
that into my design and used light opacity on my design and consistent flow. I also applied this
to my business card.
I tried to remain as consistent as possible throughout my letterhead and my business card. It
turned out quite successful in my opinion, and I enjoyed making revisions to my project I had
completed before. I spent 2 hours making revisions to my original, and I am pleased with how
they turned out.

Shooting Star


Kennedy Parker
4243 N. 1000 E.
Salt Lake City, UT 83440

Business card
Title: Business Card Project
Date: November 7th, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: Create a personal logo and create a matching letterhead and business card listing
personal information
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator and InDesign
-Create an original logo
-Add it to letterhead and business cards
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): Programs: Adobe Publisher and Adobe InDesign I first started
with the design I wanted to follow, and searched for some examples. I couldnt quite find what
I wanted, so I paused and thought of what company I was even wanting to represent. I really
enjoy photography, and I wanted to go for a rustic feel with the star that I used. I incorporated
that into my design and used light opacity on my design and consistent flow. I also applied this
to my business card.
I tried to remain as consistent as possible throughout my letterhead and my business card. It
turned out quite successful in my opinion, and I enjoyed making revisions to my project I had
completed before. I spent 2 hours making revisions to my original, and I am pleased with how
they turned out.

Shooting Star


Kennedy Parker
4243 N. 1000 E.
Salt Lake City, UT 83440

Web page
Title: Web Page Project
Date: November 21st, 2015
Course: COMM 130:Visual Media Section 6
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Description: Create an HTML and CSS document (combined) to create a website to demonstrate your logo.
Programs/Tools Used: HTML, CSS, Notepad ++
-Learn how to code through HTML and CSS
-Create a logo and use it on a web page
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): Creating this was quite the process. I started with pulling my
activity template and adding to it the required changes. It took me a while to understand the
process of things, but I eventually got the hang of it. I changed the colors to match my logo,
and used hex colors from PhotoShop to create a design. I worked back and forth from my CSS
Document to my HTML Document and made changes and revisions throughout the design. I
did my best to keep the visual flow through my logo, and design.

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