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Grecia Figueroa


Grecia Figueroa:
649 S. 2nd W. Apt. 1209
Rexburg, ID 83440

Table of Contents

Business Card
Web Page
Event Ad

A two-sided (duplex), trifold brochure.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Adobe Photoshop and Indesign
Set up and align a two-sided, folded document.
Learn how to wrap text around an image.
Use paragraph style in InDesign.

On InDesign, I set up regular margins and gutters to create a document. Because one flap was going to be bigger
in size than the other two, I set up my ruler or guide lines by dragging straight from the ruler and setting them at certain
inches. I then created the back of the brochure as well.

Once I was done with that, I went to Illustrator to create my logo. I used the pen tool to create some straight lines
for my SandHouse logo. I then used the selection tool to drag some curves and create the shape for both the house and
bottom. I added a sand yellow to the house, and a light sand brown for the bottom lines. I added text and put it together.
I dragged my logo directly into InDesign and placed it in the front panel of the back. I used the free transform tool and
Shift, and resized my logo to fit in the front panel. I added a beach picture for the other two panels and sent it to the back.

For the text-wrap picture, I used a picture of a sand arrow, and placed it in the first panel of the front brochure. I
first prepared the image in Photoshop by using the lasso tool, then using the feather, radius, and smooth buttons. I then
placed it through InDesign.
I then selected the text-wrap option, and clicked on the wrap around object button. I selected an alpha channel, and my
text wrapped around my picture.

Logo for an organization
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Adobe Illustrator
Create three logos with different color schemes: black and white, monochromatic, white on colored background.

Creating logos was my favorite projects by far, since this is what I want to do. I had a lot of fun with my final logo, which
did take a lot of detail to accomplish.
I started out with a rectangular shape from the shapes menu. I drew out the shape that I wanted for the background of the
mountains, then changed the color to a black.
I then grabbed the pen tool and started to draw points in order to create the mountain shape on top of my rectangle. I
connected the shape, then selected both the rectangle and my shape. In the pathfinder menu, I selected the minus front
option, which deleted the rest of the rectangle, leaving behind the really cool outline of the mountains.
I created a half circle at the bottom to outline the shape. I expanded it to the outer edges of the logo, and adjusted the
mountain points in order for it to fit better with the logos. I looked for a font that would be strong and simple, but that
would match what the company was about.
In order to get a clean white space between the half circle and the bottom of the mountains, I drew another oval that
matched the shape of the half circle, turned it white and sent it to the back. This helped to create a clean circle shape
under the mountains, getting rid of any trapped white space. I decided on a monochromatic color scheme, and changed
the colors in the text and rectangle.
In order to add more detail to the logo, I drew some of the shade of the mountain by using the pen tool. Once I drew
them, I gave different colors in order to create more interest to it.
I reshaped the logo, then grouped it in order to keep it together. I changed the color schemes to an all white background
and then to a gray scale one.

A spiritual montage made by the blending of two or more images, and the use of typography.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Adobe Photoshop
Learn to manage photoshop layers.
Learn to blend images together smoothly, using masks.
Use filters.
Apply appropriate typography.
I wanted to show that we have to let our faith sometimes take direction in our lives. In order to convey this, I used an image
of a woman, and butterflies representing that faith.
I transferred the butterflies image into the image with the woman.
I added a layer and blended into the image, so the edges around werent all rough and blended quietly into the image.
I went around the edges to blend everything well. I changed the color to red, and blended into the mask each butterfly.
I added the second image of the butterfly cage and changed the opacity and blended into the torso of the woman.
I added the text and changed a little bit of the opacity in order for it to blend into the background.

Create a letterhead and business card for a business.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Adobe IIllustrator and Indesign
Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image.
Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.
The logo is for a outdoors outfitting company. The logo is mountains, and the layout of the letterhead and business card
is semi-formal.

I then created my business card. I added my logo with white contrast and then placed it in the back with the website. I
added the rest of the info on the front, and added a watermark of my white logo. I made the background a light gray in
order for it to stand out.

Business card
A two-sided (duplex), trifold brochure.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Adobe Illustrator and Indesign
Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image.
Design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.
Use the basic tools of Illustrator and InDesign.
I created my logo using Illustrator. I added the points of the mountain using the pen tool. In order to create the jagged
lines, I used the line tool to create a jagged style. I moved my font down, and aligned it with the mountains.
I created a document for my letterhead. I placed my logo at the left corner, and added the rectangle tools at the bottom
to match the color of my logo, which is monochromatic. I added my website at the bottom small rectangle, and my
information at the bottom, aligned to the edge of the website. I then placed a watermark in the middle, and added an
opacity of 15%.
I updated my business card and added a dark gray background, after removing the water mark. I added an accent rectangle
to go under the name, and some fill on the words to make them stand out.
I then aligned the rest of the info in the card. This updating took about 35 minutes.

Create a webpage for the Mt.Co logo created earlier.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Adobe Photoshop and NotePad++.
Size and optomize an original logo as a .png for a web page.
Write content to describe the logo creating process and how it appeals to a target audience.
Design a web page using HTML to display the logo and content.
Acquire a working knowledge of HTML and basic understanding of CSS.
Identify hex colors for web design.
Compress multiple files in a zipped folder to attach as one file.
Those who love the outdoors and want adventure. Those who are serious about their gear, and need their supplies made
from a company that knows outdoors.
I created this website using the coding program Notepad++. It was really interesting and fun to play around with HTML
and CSS coding and come up with a website, since Ive never worked with a coding program. I was able to use the website which validated the HTML code I was working with, which was very helpful.
I used a pre-made CSS document and attached my HTML to it. I was able to insert my logo and match the background
and border colors to my logo using photoshop and the eyedropper tool. I used Arial Black and Georgia as my fonts, and
then added some similar fonts in case the user was unable to open the first fonts on their computer. I centered the logo
using the CSS program.

A personally taken photograph that has been edited/formatted using Photoshop.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Adobe Photoshop.
HTC One camera.
Learn basic photography skills, and use digital camera for quality image.
Size and crop the image.
Adjust image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation levels.
Use a selection tool to isolate a portion of the image.
Use a filter or colorize a portion of the image.
1. The process consisted of uploading the picture in photoshop and changing the size. Once I finished that, I was able
to start adding rectangles into the image. I changed the colors, and started moving them around. I made the image more
transparent. I added the quote and changed the font type and color. I adjusted the monochromatic color rectangles.
2. I used an original picture I took while I was aboard a plane. I placed it into Photoshop, and began my work. I used the
brightness toggle to turn it down, while also adjusting the contrast and saturation levels. Once my image was prepared, I used
the lasso tool to select a small portion of my original picture, and used the refine edges tool to soften my edges with a bit
of feathering, smoothing, and radius.
I set up my page in another tab of Photoshop, and created the design for my page. I did 3 textboxes, one a thinner stripe,
and the other two big rectangles. I created layers so that my document was protected. I used a monochrome color scheme,
and used orange to get the brown hues. I selected 3 different color hues that matched with my image, and aligned them
according to my vision. I brought over my prepared image from the tab next to it, and placed it in the right hand corner.
I brought the image to the front, and adjusted the way it was set up. I then added my quote at the upper left-hand corner,
and made the font white. I aligned it between the image and left-side of the page.
Since I chose to redo my project, it took about 3 hours and 20 minutes to get it all accomplished.

A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Microsoft Word processor.
Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography.
Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier layout.
Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign documents to keep links intact.
I started off by creating sketches on a white piece of paper, and creating a layout for my desgins. After the process was
made, I chose the best layout that I liked.
I started off by creating boxes and filling them with a gray background in order for the white to stand out. I added the
information for the flier, and the picture to be in the center. I added accents by using rectangle boxes and adding them
around the picture.
I created a nother box at the bottom to contain the time and date of the actual event. I placed the logo next to that box
to create symmetry.
I created the larget font on the top and added smaller body copy to contrast the headings.

Event Ad
A color full-bleed event ad to promote a fundraiser using only Microsoft Word and a scanner.
Comm 130 Section 13
Jason Stucki
Microsoft Word processor
Find, scan and import a high-quality image.
Create a full-bleed design.
Use text boxes for layout in Word.
Insert and edit images in Word.
I copied my image from a magazine. I inserted the image into Word. I made the image smaller using the mouse, and
arranging it how I wanted it. I tried putting it as centered as possible. After the image was placed, I created some text
boxes with the text box tool. I applied a color to the text box, and tried to match it to the color of the painting as much as
possible. I ended up using a sort of nude/coral color, as it applied to the undertone of the image.
Once the color was set, I copied and pasted two other boxes with the same background color. I used Garamond as the
font, at 14 pt. size, and used bold. I changed the font color to white so that it would pop out more. I put in my content,
which was for a fictitious fundraiser concerning the arts.
After the text was in, I decided that the boxes should blend with the image a little bit more, and the perfect way for that
was to reduce the transparency of the text boxes so it would look like a part of the image. I changed the transparency to
65%, and it fit well.
I created this project in about 1 hour, after I scanned the document.

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