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Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

Project Development and DPR

Source: MECON



In order to improve the Sub-transmission and Distribution (ST&D) system for
reducing Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses and improving reliability and
quality of power supply to consumers, it is necessary to take up strengthening
and improvement of the system in a scientific and methodical manner. Planning
studies may cover a distribution circle/ or an urban area as may be required. The
objectives of formulation of project report for up-gradation of ST&D system are as


Planning and design of distribution system to meet load growth and to ensure
o Voltage conditions to be within permissible levels
o Optimum energy losses
o Least overall cost system
Improvement in reliability / security of power supply
Improvement in quality of power supply
Safety of operation
Evolving a scientific automation and load management system
Better customer service

The scheme for improvement and strengthening of system should be based on
detailed study. Planning for system improvement is data intensive. With the
availability of computer based tools and software, it is possible to study a number
of alternatives to evolve optimum system development plans.
However, considering the present general data status, it becomes imperative that
initially the improvement and strengthening of system may be taken up in two
phases Short Term and Long Term. During the implementation of short term
measure, data base for long term studies is to be built up.
In the short-term, priority attention needs to be given to the objective of loss
reduction, especially the commercial losses. For this, to begin with short-term
report may be formulated. While short term measures are under implementation,
for strengthening the system to meet future load demand, long term plans may
be formulated.

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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program


Tasks for Short Term Plan

The tasks to be taken up in short-term plan are as under :
Energy Accounting/ Energy Audit
Network Documentation Single line diagram/ geographical map upto 11 kV
Estimation of T&D losses/ Segregation of losses
Technical Power Loss reduction (short term)
Commercial Power Loss Reduction
Improvement of voltage profile
Preparation of Cost estimates
Financial Analysis
Preparation of Short Term Report


Tasks for Long Term Plan

The tasks involving long-term plan are :
Mapping of the system, data collection and validation of data
Analysis of existing system
Voltage variation/ regulation study
Technical losses in the system
Load forecast
Up-gradation of network/ expansion
Technology option including integration of features of modernization of system
such as

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Less LT System High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS)

Installation of shunt capacitors
Technology option for containing theft such as Aerial Bunched Cables
(ABC), Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) etc.
Demand Side Management (DSM)
Communication Facilities
Management Information System (MIS)
Consumer Interface Automation
Distribution Automation
Customer Relationship Management Systems
Reliability Analysis
Training of Personnel

Evaluation of various alternatives for least cost optimal system

Firming up of scope of works and their prioritization
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(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program


Preparation of Cost Estimates

Phasing of works and their cost
Financial Analysis
Preparation of Long Term Report

Anticipated Achievement
The expected benefits from the study are:
Reduction of technical and commercial losses in the system
Strengthening of the system to meet the future load growth with least cost
Improvement of quality and reliability of power supply
Improvement of metering, billing and revenue collection
Development of management information system
Customer Satisfaction through improvement in power supply and access to
on-line information of the energy consumption/ billed



The short term project report apart from covering the general features of the
project i.e. executive summary, description of the circle, objectives etc. should
include the following main activities.


Energy Accounting and Audit

Before taking up the formulation of plan for up-gradation of system, it would be
necessary to estimate the T&D losses in the circle and segregate these losses
into losses due to commercial as well as technical factors and identify high loss
areas. For this, the utility should establish an Energy Accounting System to
estimate the losses on a continuous basis. This activity should cover review of
the existing energy accounting system and replacement of defective meters,
installation of meters at appropriate locations for proper energy accounting. The
suggested metering plan is to provide meters at
Electrical Circle / town input point
All sub-station and feeders upto & including 11 kV level
Distribution transformers feeding pump sets as well as selected distribution
transformers feeding loads other than pump sets.
Design methodology for estimation of unmetered energy consumption.
Prepare energy balance sheet
Estimate the total energy losses in the network
Segregate technical and commercial losses by computing technical losses
Validate segregation of losses with sample studies on distribution
transformers provided with meters

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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program


Network Documentation
Single Line Diagram and Geographical Map upto 11 kV shall be prepared. In
case of low voltage network emanating from distribution transformers, the sample
map for typical high, medium and low load density areas covering various
category of consumers may be prepared.


Estimation of Technical Losses

The technical losses in distribution network may be estimated by computer aided
system studies through simulation of the network. The difference between the
total losses and technical losses is considered as commercial losses in the circle.
The essential input for estimation of technical losses are :
Network map with length of conductor and sizes used in lines/ cables
Equipment data
Load Data
Power factor at critical buses of the Network
Load flow analysis for complete 66/33 kV network emanating from 220/132
kV grid substation(s), 11 kV lines and distribution transformers
Load flow analysis for low voltage network emanating from distribution
transformer under typical 11 kV feeder(s) covering high, medium and low load
density area of the circle. The results of this typical low voltage network may
be extrapolated for the complete low voltage network of the circle.


Technical Power Loss Reduction

The reduction of technical losses at base load level is pre-requisite for
development of least cost network expansion plan. The technical loss reduction
programme may include the following:
Network reconfiguration including installation of new/ augmentation of Primary
and Secondary Substation (The transformer capacity to be installed in the
new/ augmentation of 66/11 kV or 33/11 kV sub-stations should be adequate
for meeting future load growth as per long term plan).
Network reconductoring
Installation of 11 kV and LV capacitors
New distribution sub-stations/ augmentation of existing sub-stations capacity
Reducing the length of LT lines by installation of additional distribution S/s
(less LT System)
Load balancing on all three phases of distribution feeders
Improvement of joints in electrical network
Refurbishment/ replacement of old and obsolete equipment


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Commercial Loss Reduction

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Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

Proper monitoring and reduction of commercial losses is the main key for
improving the financial performance of the utility. The huge investment proposed
to upgrade the sub-transmission and distribution system with a view to reduce
technical losses may not result in overall reduction of T&D losses unless an
action is initiated simultaneously for reduction of commercial losses. The utility
should work out and formulate the strategy of reduction of commercial losses.
For this, the suggested steps are:
Estimate the total commercial losses in the circle and also category-wise tariff
Formulates a scheme for classification of consumers based on ABC analysis
Comparison of consumption of high value consumers
Provide check meters outside the high value consumers premises
Computerize the billing of energy sale and analyze the billing data
Regularize unauthorized connections
Simplified procedure for release of new connection to consumers
Implement on-line Billing/ Revenue Collection system for High Value
Prepare a strategy plan for liquidation of arrears
Crash procurement and installation of good quality energy meters
Adoption of Time of Day (T.O.D) metering coupled with incentive for
consumers to utilize off-peak energy
Action plan for tackling theft/ pilferage of energy through legislative and
governance reforms
Set up Vigilance Squad (where these have not been set up)
Launch prosecution against persons indulging in theft of energy to secure
convictions in the courts
The LT feeders should be inspected periodically by the special vigilance
group for tracing the unauthorized consumers and direct tapping from line
Severe penalties may be imposed for tampering with metering seals etc.
Initiate publicity to depict theft of electricity as a social and economic crime
and inform regarding provisions in electricity laws in this regard.
To improve customer relations, consumer billing should be based on scientific
approach and record of energy consumed provided through Internet to
o Establishment of computerized complaint center
o Meter checking for accuracy and detecting of tampering/ by passing

Cost Estimate & Financial Analysis

Prepare cost estimates based on prevailing market rates for each items of work.
The utility shall then prioritize the works to be taken up under short term plan with
the objective of minimization of losses so as to maximize the net benefit.

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Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

The short term project report apart from covering the network and consumers
load details, total peak and energy loss in the circle, estimated technical and
commercial losses, should include measures to reduce technical losses and
minimize commercial losses as well as other administrative measures
proposed to be taken to eliminate pilferage of energy and organizational changes
for creation of profit centers and fixing of individuals accountability and


The long term plan will cover all the measures for improvement of quality and
reliability of power supply and reduction of T&D losses in the circle / town by upgradation, strengthening and improvement of the Sub-transmission & Distribution
system to meet the load demand for next 5 years. The plan will be prepared by
scientific planning of the system on the basis of detailed system studies.


Brief Description of the Circle/ Project Area

The scheme should cover a brief description of the area covered under the circle.
The various physical and demographic features, which could be included are:
Name of Utility
Name of Distribution Circle
District/ Town(s)/ Village covered
Location Latitude and Longitude
Climatic Conditions
Status of Development
Access to Electricity
Economic Structure Socio Economic features
Predominantly Urban and Rural
The existing organization set up of the circle in respect of administration,
planning, construction, operation and maintenance etc, may be given.


Data Collection/ Compilation of Existing System

For convenience in operation and administration, the area covered by a circle will
be divided into divisions and sub-divisions while the electrical network in the
circle remains one single connected entity. It is likely that some feeder(s)/
substation(s) may get interconnected to other circles through switch(s)/ metered
point(s) that may be provided for the purpose. The existing power system may be
detailed in respect of the following:

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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

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Category wise number of consumers and connected load including the Bulk
Consumers details such as
o Contract Demand
o Maximum Demand
o Energy Consumption
o Supply Voltage
Peak demand MW/ MVAR simultaneous and non simultaneous
Annual Energy Consumption Energy balance sheet
Geographical Map (to scale) of the area depicting Transmission and Subtransmission System
Source(s) of power supply/ Grid sub-station(s) supplying power to the area
o Existing Substations
o Existing lines
Sub-transmission System
o Existing 66-33/11 kV Sub-stations & Existing 66-33 kV lines
o Under Construction Sub-stations
o Under Construction 66/33/11 kV lines
Distribution System
o 11 kV lines
o Distribution Transformers
o LT lines
Operational Parameters
o Substation equipment status
o 66/33 kV Feeder breakdowns
o Failure of distribution transformers
o Tripping on 11 kV Feeders/ lines
o Consumer outages

Electrical Network details

For carrying out studies, the sub-transmission and distribution system and its
back up system from Grid sub-stations to the consumers level would have to
be detailed. The data requirements for analysis of the existing power system
are :
o Electrical network details single line diagrams with conductor sizes,
lengths, transformer locations, transformation capacities, capacitors,
consumer location and load etc.
o Parameters of equipments, devices and conductors
o Load data-peak load, diversity factor, power factor etc.

Sub-transmission & Distribution Network

Electrical network mapping will in the first phase generally be prepared as
single line diagram showing the network layout. Sample electrical network

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(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

diagrams for Sub-transmission and Distribution System. The network

diagrams will be prepared for each and every sub-station and line section up
to LV bus of the distribution transformer

LV Network
The LV network starts from the low voltage terminals of the distribution
transformer. The following information is essential for modeling of the lowvoltage network.
o Section Length
o Conductor size of each section
o Connected load for each group of consumer
o Number of consumers in each group
o Total connected load on the transformer
Sample LV network emanating from distribution transformer located in high,
medium and low load density pockets of the circle and covering different
categories of consumers may be modeled which can form the basis for
determining the improvement in the entire LV network.

Equipment Parameter Data

The schematic diagrams for existing sub-stations are to be prepared with
information of power transformer ratings and numbers, impendence values,
bus bar scheme, isolators, circuit breakers type e.g. minimum oil/ bulk oil/
SF6/ Vacuum and type of installation (indoor/ outdoor), no. of incoming and
outgoing feeders, CTs and PTs., details of taps and normal tap position, spare
bays etc.

Load Data
The load data should cover the monthly, daily and hourly details of energy/
peak power in the electrical system of the circle. The various operational and
load data required are :
o Peak load on each transformer/ feeder and corresponding actual
o Diversity factor at various voltage levels
o Power factor at various voltage levels
o Load factor and loss load factor at various voltage levels
The load data could be obtained from the log sheets maintained at each
33/11 kV sub-station. The data could also be obtained more accurately from
logging type electronic energy meters, if available in the system.
The planning studies should be based on actual feeder load conditions and
measurement taken at various points in the system. Load data in respect of

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Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

distribution transformers may be compiled by using tong-tester and/ or by

installing meters on LT side of distribution transformer.
The 33/11 kV and 66/11 kV Sub-stations and 11 kV feeders are to be fitted
with Electro-static meters with data logging facilities. The daily, monthly and
annual load curves considering the seasonal variation will have to be
analyzed from the logged data on these meters to compute the system peak
and average demands.

System Load Factor and Loss Load Factor (LF & LLF)
The annual load duration curve for the circle may be derived by aggregating
the typical hourly spot reading of system power demand at grid substation(s)
feeding the Distribution circle for typical working days and holidays in each
month during the year so as to take into account the seasonal variations as
The system power losses are proportional to the square of the system load.
An annual loss load duration curve may accordingly be derived from the load
duration curve by squaring the ordinates.
The load factor and loss load factor for the system may be computed from
load duration and loss load duration curve respectively.


Data Validation
The data compiled for existing system has to be validated for correctness and
consistency especially in respect of load and network data. In the case of
meters supplies, metering deficiencies in the form of non-functioning /
defective meters have an impact on the correctness of loading / consumption
figures. The proportion of non-working and defective meters should be
identified. Check metering has to be done periodically on random sample
basis. In case of unmetered supplies, the data would have to be worked out
by sample metering and field studies. These measures would help in evolving
suitable mechanisms for data validation.

Analysis of Existing System

The study of the existing system should be carried out to assess the following:
Voltage variation
o Voltage at each node / bus section
o % voltage variation with respect to rated input voltage
o Whether Voltage variation within permissible limits
Peak power loss / Energy loss of each system element for arriving at total
technical losses in the circle

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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

Computation of commercial losses

Assessment of inadequacies of the existing ST&D system along with the
identification of
o Overloading of transformers
o Overloading of lines
o Requirement of reactive compensation
Inadequacy of the back up transmission system
Security and reliability of power supply
The above analysis is to be carried out through system studies. The analysis of
existing system will be done for:

Sub-Transmission System


Sub-Transmission Sub-stations
Sub-Transmission lines

Distribution System

Distribution transformers
11 kV feeders
LT feeders

Existing T&D Losses

From the total losses obtained from the energy balance sheet, the technical
losses as obtained above will be subtracted to find the commercial losses of the
area under study.

Load Forecast
The Distribution system planning involves siting of sub-stations, routing of
feeders and many other decisions relating to both locations and amounts of
capacity additions. Therefore, the Distribution load forecast refers to forecast of
geographical location as well as quantum of future load growth. The Distribution
load forecast of urban areas is relatively more complex due to high-density, high
growth rates, variation intensity in a small geographical area and rapid transition
of suburban are form rural to urban characteristics. The three step procedure
involved in Distribution load forecast is:
Analysis of past trends of growth in electricity demand and energy

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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

System load forecast viz. Forecasts of load for the entire study area.
Spatial or small area load forecast viz. Divide the utility service area into
sufficiently large number of small areas and forecast for each small area.

Planning of Future System

05.01 Planning Objectives

The objective of strengthening and improvement of Sub-Transmission and
Distribution system is to ensure quality and reliability of supply to the consumers,
bring down technical losses to an optimal value and phase the system expansion
to match the growing power demands in the time horizon of the study.

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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

05.02 Planning Philosophy

The approach for planning of distribution system should be based on the
Delivering bulk supply of electricity as near to the load centres as possible.
Consumers affected due to outage to be few in the area, if at all it becomes
Formation of ring circuit and radial circuit or combination of both depending
on the technical and economic requirement of the system to enhance
reliability of power supply.
05.03 Planning Criteria
To achieve the objectives set out, the following criteria may be adopted for
planning the Sub-Transmission and Distribution System:
1. The voltage variations in 33 kV and 11 kV feeders should not exceed the
following limits at the farthest end under peak load conditions and normal
system operation regime.
Above 33 kV
Up to 33 kV
Low Voltage

(-) 12.5% to (+) 10%

(-) 9.0% to (+) 6.0%
(-) 6.0% to (+) 6.0%

In case it is difficult to achieve the desired voltage especially in Rural areas,

then 11/0.433 kV distribution transformers (in place of normal 11/0.4 kV DTs)
may be used in these areas.
Adequate power supply at normal voltage shall be available at main grid substations to meet the system demand. The transformation capacity at the grid
sub-stations shall be such that the system demand shall be met even with the
outage of the largest capacity transformer.
2. Every Primary Receiving Sub-station, subject to space constraints shall be
provided with at least two transformers having either sufficient cyclic loading
capacity to supply the sub-station maximum demand or sufficient 11 kV
system inter-connection to enable the maximum demand in the area to be
met in the event of outage of single largest capacity transformer.
3. Every 33/11 kV substation should preferably have at least two incoming
feeders from two different sources from reliability consideration. If both the 33
kV incoming feeders to 33/11 kV substation emanate from the same source
(sub-station) then each feeder should supply independent sections of the
33/11 kV sub-station, the two sections being isolated from each other by bus
coupler or isolators. This results in increasing reliability. However, if one of the
33 kV, feeders has much longer route, the shorter feeder may normally feed
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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

the 33/11 kV substation and the other one may be called upon to supply in
4. The sitting of Primary substation i.e. 33/11 kV substation should be on the
basis of load forecast, demographic factors, space availability, right of way
considerations, existing network configuration etc.
5. Power Transformer: The preferred transformer capacities for Primary Substations (i.e. 66/11 kV or 33/11 kV) should be of 6.3, 8, 10, 16 MVA for Urban
areas and 1, 1.6, 3.15, 5 MVA for Rural areas.
6. Distribution Transformer: The Distribution transformers to be installed in the
circle should preferably have standard rating of 25, 50, 63, 100, 250, 315,
400, 500 and 630 kVA. The higher capacity (i.e. larger than 250 kVA) shall be
used for concentrated loads or area with high load density and lower capacity
(less than 100 kVA) may be used for Rural areas. In high rise building having
concentrated loads, higher capacity distribution transformers such as 1000
kVA may be used. 33/0.415 kV distribution transformers of appropriate rating
630 kVA, 1000 kVA, 1600 kVA, 2000 kVA, may also be used based on
techno-economic considerations. Lower ratings could be used for rural areas/
far flung urban areas. Standardization of ratings would help in achieving
reduction in inventory for purposes of Procurement & Maintenance and
reduction in price on account of bulk purchase.
The distribution transformers in urban areas should operate at an initial
capacity factor of about 65%-75% of their rated capacity and would have to
be augmented when the maximum demand on the transformer is near its
rating. In case of Rural areas, a higher loading based on the assessment of
load growth could be considered for adoption.
7. Choice of Conductor: Standard conductor sizes should be adopted for 66 kV,
33 kV, 11 kV and LT lines. ACSR and AAAC conductors for overhead lines
and XLPE and PVC/ PILC cables can be used. Most power utilities use ACSR
on account of price considerations although AAAC conductors are lighter in
weight, have a longer life an account of higher resistance to corrosion.
Rated System
33 kV
11 kV

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Conductor Type
ACSR Panther, Wolf, Dog or equivalent AAAC. Core
XLPE cables of 150, 185, 240, 300 and 400
ACSR Dog, Racoon, Rabbit or equivalent AAAC.
Equivalent Aerial Bunched Cable (ABC) 3-core XLPE
cables of 120, 150, 185, 240 and 300
ACSR Dog, Racoon, Rabbit AAC, Ant, Grasshopper,
Wasp or equivalent AAAC. Equivalent Aerial Bunched
Cable (ABC) 3 core or 4 -core PVC cables of 95, 120,
150, 185, 240 & 300 sq. mm

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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

In the choice of conductor size, the parameters to be considered are the

thermal limit, voltage regulation and economic loading based on capitalized
cost of losses. The first two parameters are technical requirements and have
to be ensured. The loading of the lines should preferably be kept as near to
the economic loading level of the conductor as feasible. This approach could
lead to requirement of huge capital cost. Therefore optimization of conductor
size after ensuring voltage regulation and thermal limits has to be done
considering the cost of decremental losses vis--vis the incremental cost
It would be desirable to limit length of LT feeder to a minimum. Based on the
experience and conditions prevailing in our country, the length of LT feeder
should not exceed about 400 meters. For higher voltage levels, feeder length
should be decided based on studies.
8. The 11 kV feeders shall generally not be long under normal conditions and
shall as far as possible feed only local areas. The 11 kV feeders shall be so
planned that wherever the size of the conductor is inadequate or the voltage
drop exceeds the prescribed limit, the existing conductors shall either be
replaced by higher size conductor or load on the feeder shall be reduced by
addition of new feeders. Existing line should be utilized to the maximum
9. Selection of Voltage vis--vis size of conductor: 0.4 kV, 11 kV and 33 kV are
selected as distribution voltages depending upon quantum and location of
load. The higher the voltage more expensive is the system in terms of
investment cost. However, it would be less in terms of total owning cost by
way of capitalization of losses. The most economic voltage level would have
to be determined through techno-economic studies from voltage regulation
considerations, loading limits of conductor, cost of losses and investment
cost considerations.
10. The Power factor of the system would preferably be not less than 0.95 at 11
kV level.
11. The level of security of supply to be provided is a matter of subjective
judgment for the power utility. Higher the level of security, higher would be
the cost. The highest degree of security is obtained when a subtransmission system is operated in closed ring but this method requires an
expensive protection system. Operation is more complicated and this
system should be restricted to very densely loaded city center or VIP areas
where security of supply is essential. More common arrangement requiring
less of investment would be open ring system.
For industrial consumers, it may be appropriate to provide an alternative
source of supply by using an open ring circuit for 66/33 kV and 11 kV
consumers with the least possible restoration time. In case of improvement
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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

low voltage consumers, it may be proposed to provide alternate source of

supply from adjacent Distribution transformer.
12. Technical loss levels: - Acceptable technical loss levels are subject to the
economic factors such as costs of power and energy, cost of equipment and
discount rates rather than purely on technical factors.
However target levels and maximum tolerable loss levels for each voltage
level on the system with a view to meet the economic loss performance may
be taken as shown below:



System Component
Levels for peak power losses
level %
tolerable %
Step-up transformer and EHV transmission
Transformation to inter-mediate voltage
level, transmission system & step-down to
sub-transmission voltage level
Sub-transmission system and step-down to
distribution voltage level
Distribution lines and service connections
Total Power Losses

13. Maximum Fault Levels : The three phase fault levels may not exceed the
following except where the system is nearer to the generating source where
actual short circuit value may be used to decide switchgear specifications:

33 kV Systems
11 kV Systems

750 MVA
350 MVA (Urban Area)
250 MVA (Rural Area)

05.04 Up-gradation / Strengthening of the Sub-Transmission and Distribution

With increase in load demand, the system would need strengthening and
augmentation to ensure delivery of power to this consumers at proper voltage
and for reduction of losses to a reasonable level. For the development of the
system, the spatial load demands are worked out and imposed on the existing
system to assess the inadequacy of the system for meeting the demand in the
horizon year. This system augmentation / strengthening is then worked out to
cover the inadequacy of the existing system to meet the proposed demand.
The strengthening of sub-transmission system would involve:
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Augmentation of sub-stations
Establishment of new sub-stations
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Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program


New sub-transmission lines

Re-conductoring of sub-transmission lines

After finalization of sub-transmission system, the up-gradation requirements of

distribution need to be worked out. The peak demands on each sub-station need
to be disaggregated to each feeder and then to the distribution transformers.
Voltage regulation & power losses on each feeder section up to DT are to be
worked out using computer software / km kVA method; requirements of
reconductoring / addition of new feeders has to be worked out to ensure voltage
regulation within limits. It may also require installation of additional Distribution
The proposed distribution system would involve

New 11 kV lines
Reconductoring of 11 kV lines
New distribution transformers / augmentation of distribution transformers
Reconductoring of LT lines
New LT lines

The requirement of LT lines may be worked out based on extrapolation of results

of typical distribution transformers.
05.05 Reactive Power Compensation
Shunt capacitors are the simplest and cheapest way of managing the reactive
power Agricultural pumpsets & LT motive load are operating at very low power
factor (0.6 to 0.7) causing reactive power management and voltage profile
problems in the system and thereby increasing system losses. It has been
realized that the installation of LT capacitors close to the consumer load would
(i) reduce load current in the LT feeders (ii) reduce overloading of distribution
transformers and 11 kV lines & back-up system.
As LT consumers do not ensure the working of capacitors even if these are
provided at the time of release of connections. This problem can be taken care
of by the power utilities by providing LT capacitors on distribution transformers.
As changing load demand characteristics pose problems in deciding on the level
of compensation. It would be worthwhile to provide minimum level of fixed
compensation of LT level to meet the average demand conditions and prescribing
for higher nominal voltage (+10%) to ensure safe operation under possible
adverse conditions. The balance requirements could be met by placing
capacitors on 11 kV feeders where ever the site conditions permit.

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Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

While deciding the optimal location of the capacitors, considerations like

maintenance of capacitor & feasibility of monitoring & maintaining have to be
kept in view.
The requirement of additional switched reactive compensation at 66 / 33 / 11 kV
level may be decided based on system studies. Adequate capacitors at 66/11 kV
level may be provided on 220 / 66 kV and / or 132 / 33 kV S/S.
05.06 Evaluation of Technical Losses
The studies by simulation of the proposed system would facilitate in identifying
the element wise losses in the system. The total technical annual average
energy losses of the proposed system, would be computed using appropriate
load factors at different voltages in the system and corresponding load loss
05.07 Reliability Analysis
In order to demonstrate the improvement in quality and reliability of supply with
the implementation of project, reliability indices of power supply in the circle shall
be estimated before and after implementation of the project. The reliability
indices can be assessed as under:
Customer Interruption Frequency Index =
Total Number of Customer Interruptions
Total Number of customers Served
Total Number of customer Interruptions = Sum of No. of Customers having no
power supply in each interruption
Customer Interruption Duration Index =
Sum of Customer Interruption Duration
Total No. of customers served
Sum of Customer Interruption Duration = Sum of No. of Customers not having
power supply Duration of Interruption
The supply interruption of customers may be due to
Grid supply failures
Breakdowns of 33 kV, 11 kV or LT lines
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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.

(A Govt. of India Undertaking)


Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

Rostering of 11 kV rural feeder

Failures of distribution transformer
Blowing of transformer fuses
Individual fuse off

Cost Estimates
The detailed cost estimates for each item of work has to be prepared. The
estimates shall be prepared based on prevailing market rates.


Phasing of Works & Their Estimates

The works have to be phased year-wise as per the capability of the utility to
execute the works and the finances available. The phasing of works shall be
decided on the priority accorded to various sub-works depending on the benefits
from each sub-work. Higher priority should be given to those activities that are
especially effective in loss reduction.


Financial Analysis
The design and sustainability of project is to take into account the level of
incentive for undertaking and maintaining a project investment. The financial
incentive takes the form of the increased income the investment generates with
the execution of project.
A financial statement can be drawn up by showing the net income generated by
the project investment after allowing for loan inflow and loan payment etc.
The works proposed for strengthening, up-gradation and improvement of
substations and distribution system shall help in bringing down the technical and
commercial losses by the horizon year. The system shall also be able to meet
the load demand in the Horizon year with resultant increase in sale of energy.
The up-gradation would also enable larger amount of energy to be delivered to
consumers, which will result in higher sales. This approach however, assumes
that the existing network would continue to operate at the present level of
efficiency (and inefficiency) without any up gradation. That is to say that without
any network up-gradation, the prevailing level of technical losses would not
increase and / or the capacity to deliver energy would not diminish in (i.e. in the
horizon year).
It would also be reasonable to distinguish between technical losses vs.
commercial losses. So, careful consideration should also be given to determine

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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.

(A Govt. of India Undertaking)


Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

whether the administrative actions needed to reduce commercial losses could

be effectively implemented without up-gradation. For instance, metering a
various input / output points and at consumer levels is a pre-requisite for
launching a successful program of reducing commercial losses. In such a
situation it may be appropriate to consider apportioning a part of the credit for
reduction of commercial losses to an up-gradation project.
There shall be many other indirect benefits, which cannot be quantified in
monetary terms viz. improvement in quality and reliability of power supply, fewer
break down increased customer satisfaction etc.

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Power Finance Corporation Ltd.

(A Govt. of India Undertaking)


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