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May 2008

Look at that - yet another issue of this fine piece of literature. Six issues in the books
for us, six years for our good friends at Shitluck Clothing. You’ll find all the necessary
information for attending their birthday party after you turn the page. Shaping up to be
out of hand, I’m sure.

This issue was a bit of a pain in the ass as an event that would have provided the bulk
of number 6 was cancelled due to unrelenting rain over the past month through out the
mighty Ohio valley region. As many of you are familiar, that event was the Knob Creek
Gun Range’s spring installment of their Machine Gun Shoot. For those of you not so
familiar, just search for “knob creek machine gun shoot” on You Tube and you’ll be able
to witness the mayhem. Guess we’ll have to wait until October and hope for the best.

As for us, we’re still pushing forward with no plans of going away. If you’re a subscriber,
you got stickers with this issue, congratulations! As well, we’ve added some t-shirts,
hats and messenger bags to the lineup at: Don’t forget
that you can go talk some shit on our forums at: and find
out the latest and greatest in the world of Lattitude by just going to

Remember, the more money we have available, the better product we can put out. Don’t
be scared to subscribe, advertise or donate. We love providing everything we have to
offer free of charge, unfortunately everything costs money to produce.

Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy number 6.


Lattitude Zine is published 12X a year, monthly in Louisville, KY. Lattitude is collectively
written and designed with subjects and style that will vary from one issue to the next. The
reader base is the staff essentially. There is no formal organization at work.
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Contents May 2008 • Number 6

When the Walls
Come Tumbling Down ................. 4
  Adam Chase

Frog Wackin’................................ 5
  Leland Thurman

It’s Time to Flee the Country ....... 7

  Chalmers Johnson

Those Piggly Canadians ............ 11

  Caleb Johnson

Q&A with Iglomat ..................... 15

  Jimmy Flaherty

Ordained By the State ............... 17

  Michael Gaddy

Collars & Class ............................. 9
  Jimmy Flaherty

Anarchy in Your Head ................ 14
Dale Everett

Triztoons .................................. 20
  Bill Trzcinski

Staring at the Sun .................... 21

  David Brooks
When the Walls Come Tumbling Down

Adam Chase

Holy fucking shit! Those same three walls I First, start that damn garden I keep put-
was complaining about last month came ting off. The less I’m spending at the
tumbling down this morning when I got grocery, the more I can direct towards
to work and learned of mass lay offs in other necessities. Plus, I read an awesome
the company. It’s amazing how fast you go book - “Food not Lawns” that gives more
from hating the environment you work useful information than I know what to do
in to being thankful you work at all. Now, with. It’s a bit overwhelming. However, I
don’t get this confused with me suddenly feel the best thing to do is just start small
loving my job or employer. Both suck, but and move on from there. I know what I’ll
I do enjoy having a roof over my head and be doing this weekend.
a tofu in my belly. These, among other
things require money (or some form of Second, look at my finances. Categorizing
goods to barter) under a system of capital. where my money goes into necessities and
luxuries will really open up my options.
This sort of revelation in employment sta- Once you truly figure out exactly how
tus does make one start weighing options. much money you NEED, your employ-
Not that I was ever content or not search- ment options really broaden. This also al-
ing, but this sort of thing really gets your lows me to possibly take some extra steps
ass moving. The first thing that always in getting perhaps that credit card paid off
comes to mind under such circumstances sooner rather than later so that I’m saving
is how could I live with OUT a full-time a few extra bucks a month. These things
job, or at least without this one? What sort add up.
of steps do I need to take in order to be
more self sufficient? Lastly, update that resume I’ve been ne-
glecting on those 87 job boards. It’s going
to pretty hard for a perspective employer
to get a hold of me for an interview when
my resume has a phone number on it that
I don’t even remember having.

Hopefully by taking the above steps, and

any others I may come up with, will allow
me to project sunshine a daisies by my
next writing. Until then, watch your ass,
the economy has shit the bed and it’s not
looking good for any of us.

Adam Chase is still an apparently disgruntled IT
Administrator from Louisville, KY.
Contact him at:

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 04

Frog Wackin’ Leland Thurman

I look back at my shitty yet fruitful life and

think… hmmm, why is my luck so shitty?
Maybe karma has a lot to do with it? If so,
I’m up shit creek without a paddle. I started
thinking of all the shitty things I’ve done to
deserve this. A lot of them are so bad I can’t
begin to talk about them, but what the hell, less to say, there was an endless supply of
you might think different about me when bullshit to play with.
you read this.
This is where the story gets fucked up….
When I was a child, in case you didn’t know, About 100 yards away from the dump was
unlike Fern Creek (sudo south end) local, a pond where me and the group of kids I
Jimmy LeVan I grew up in the south end grew up with would spend our weekend
of town, the redneck part of town here nights building huge fires and doing all
in Louisville, where we did things a little sorts of weird shit that kids do when they’re
different. My mom was on Prozac, I was ten to twelve years old, probably one of
listening to Hank Williams Jr. and Waylon the strangest games that we came up with,
Jennings way before the Dead Milkmen, I well, it wasn’t really a game, we looked at
enjoyed bobber fishing, and hunting birds it like a sport, was “frog wackin”.
with my BB gun. If you saw me, I looked
like a dirty little Mexican kid, with my big Every Friday and Saturday night we would
bouffant hairdo, no shirt, and a kool-aid all meet up at my house about dusk with
face. The other kids in the neighborhood the biggest, brightest flashlight we could
used to tease me and gave me the name find. Then we would all walk back to the
“Chicano Lee”. Oh yeah, I also used to play dump to get our weapons and supplies.
doctor with the little white trash girl that Usually for a weapon, it was the biggest
lived across the street from me. I guess thing we could swing, like a 2x4, baseball
that’s where it all might have started, but bat, shovel, and old golf club, or sometimes
that’s another story. That really has nothing we brought shit from home, whatever
to do with this story that I’m writing. I’m it was, this weapon we would call our
just giving you guys a brief description of “wacker”. Next we would look for some-
my childhood. thing to make a grill out of. This could be
something as simple as chicken wire, or
There was this neighborhood that was basically anything metal with holes in it
being built across the ditch from where that resembled a grill. After that we would
I lived. There was this big wooded area walk over to the pond and set up camp.
that emptied out into this huge field and
a bunch of roads that were not yet paved, On our way we would collect as much fire-
which is now, “York Town North”. In that wood as we could possibly carry and start
back of the neighborhood was a garbage the biggest damn fire you’ve ever seen.
dump where all the construction workers Then next to it, or on top of it, depending
would dump their garbage after building on how big the fire was that particular
the houses, and anyone else who didn’t feel night, we would set up the homemade
like paying for garbage pick up. So need- contraption that resembled a grill. By this

3 Annual Shitluck Derby Eve Rebel Jam
King of the Mountain, 3rd Annual Run for the Roses Push race, Foot Down & much more
time it was getting dark, and this is where
the real fun begins.

As we all know, frogs like shitty ponds and
mostly croak at night, which was perfect,
and this would play a key roll in the hunt.
It was almost like we were big game hunt-

Meet people from: FBM, Team Major Air, Creedence, Shitluck & many others...
ers. We may as well have been hunting
lions and tigers in Africa.

One person would be the designated flash-

light holder, this man would be called, “the

@ the Louisville Skatepark

spotter,” while the other two or three would
be called “the hunters”. We would then
hone in on he frogs croaking closest to the

Shitluck/United Magnolia Frame up for grabs

banks. The spotter would then shine his
light on the unsuspecting victim, blinding
and stunning it. Next one of the hunters
would wack the shit out of the frog, knock-
ing it unconscious. Unconscious, meaning
still alive and breathing, just not knowing
what the hell was going on.

Afterwards, whoever wacked the frog

would pick it up, carry it to the fire, and
then place it on the homemade grill. When
the frog came to, it would be too late. It
might as well have been fish food. As you
looked around the campfire, every ones
eyes gleamed with delight as we watched
the frog sizzle to death. At the end of the
night, after killing about ten to twenty
frogs, we would all stand around the camp-
fire and piss it out. It was almost like it
was a ritual, and I was always the kid that
would be standing in the smoke and went
home smelling like piss-smoke.

I’ve probably killed about one to two hun-

Contests include:

dred frogs in my lifetime, not eating one

of them. I really don’t believe in religion
or going to heaven or hell, but if there is a
hell, I’m sure I will be going there, or with
my luck, maybe I’ll be reincarnated. And
May 2nd for...
Then Join us

you know I’ll probably come back as a frog,

and I hope to hell that I don’t run into a
bunch of bastard kids like us.

um, yeah. You can go ahead and email Leland

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE

It’s Time to Flee the Country

Chalmers Johnson
originally published in Good Magazine #10, April 2008

Editors note: We realize this is the third issue in in office, one or another candidate may be
a row for tyrannical exploitation. Fear-mongers more flexible, but this is actually unlikely.
we are not. Unfortunately, we are simply reflect- The Republicans have swallowed both wars
ing the current state of affairs. hook, line, and sinker, and the Democrats
know that if they propose any sort of
When I was a graduate student at Berkeley pullout they will be labeled “defeatists”
in the mid-1950s, my teachers included and blamed for the miserable outcome.
many brilliant refugees from Hitler’s And, as many pundits have pointed out, the
Germany. Sometimes, when we got to know
them personally, we would ask them when “The disasters we’ve
they had bailed out. In some cases it was visited on the people
quite late. My professor Reinhard Bendix
was a student at the University of Chicago
of the Middle East are
in 1938 when his parents told him not to something for which
come home. Others left even later, some we’re ultimately
first heading to Cuba and others leaving responsible.”
only when it was almost too late.
outcome is bound to be miserable either
My wife and I used to puzzle over these de- now or later. More civilians will be killed;
cisions (my wife herself had survived four more regions, tribes, or towns will turn to
years of Nazi occupation in Holland), and their own leaders—instead of to the elected
we toyed with constructing what we called national officials—for protection; more
a “Fascistograph”—a sort of checklist of weapons will fuel whatever hatreds are
social and political phenomena that might being nursed against others in the region
tell someone when to leave. I wish we had and most certainly against the United
pursued our intellectual game more seri- States. Isn’t it ironic that we came to Iraq
ously, because I have the feeling that such to “free” its people from a Sunni minority
a checklist might come in handy right now. dictatorship, and we’re now arming these
same Sunnis against a Shiite majority? Isn’t
I see very little hope for America regard- it ironic that the hated Taliban did a much
less of who is elected in November. All better job of controlling the cultivation of
the candidates remaining in the race have opium poppies than the government we
said they will not “cut and run” in Iraq and put in place in Kabul?
Afghanistan. One may speculate that once

The disasters we’ve visited on the people of military—including the National Guard—
the Middle East are something for which will become demoralized and very angry.
we’re ultimately responsible, much as They should be angry for being used as
blame for the Holocaust belongs to the they are; we should be angry for them.
Nazi regime and the Rape of Nanking to
the wartime Japanese government. But I In addition to our moral bankruptcy, there
fear much worse is to come domestically. is fiscal bankruptcy. The Bush government
The lies of the Bush government that got talks about the burst housing bubble but
us into these two wars, and the propaganda says nothing about the obscene military
and public misinformation that continue budgets that are driving our entire econo-
to keep us there have had a corrosive effect my deeper into debt. It will probably take
on public trust. Many people no longer a major financial crisis on par with the
believe anything the government or the Great Depression to reorient our economy
media tells them. So far this cynicism has in a more productive direction. Unfortu-
not penetrated deeply into the ranks of the nately, I don’t hear any viable candidate
armed services. But I suspect that before talking like FDR.
long it will. As the wars drag on and the
deployments stretch out, as the casualties In short, I think our ship of state is head-
continue with no end in sight, and as it ing for a mammoth iceberg. Just as many
becomes clear how poorly these casualties people in 1930s Germany were, I’m too old
are cared for once they come home, our to leave and will probably go down with
the ship. But if I were younger, I would be
thinking of bailing out. Vote, if you must,
in November, but don’t expect that things
will change much, let alone get better.

Chalmers Johnson is an author and professor
emeritus of the University of California, San
Diego. He is also president and co-founder
of the Japan Policy Research Institute, an
organization promoting public education about
Japan and Asia. He has written numerous books
including, most recently, three examinations of
the consequences of American Empire:
Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, and Nemesis:
The Last Days of the American Republic.

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 08

Collars & Class

Requested Reading:
Jimmy Flaherty

We receive requests from time to time worker bees. They are taught the basics to
from readers who wish to find out a bit of function in society such as reading, writ-
information on various subjects they find ing and arithmetic (usually), as well as
interesting. After number 5, we received how to follow meaningless assignments,
such a request regarding the suppression not to ask questions and to stand in line.
of blue collar workers from Landon, here Arguably, children are physiologically
in Louisville. While this was mulled over programmed into their future niches.
here and there, played off a few other While all children are encouraged that
writers for opinions, it was decided this they may one day be president, a million-
was just a small, yet important end result aire or whatever they wish, there is zero
of a bigger problem. From blue collar to instruction on how to handle finances in
white collar, people governed are going order to secure a stable future. As well,
to be both suppressed and oppressed. it is taught that labor intensive jobs, the
When we hand over control of our lives ones that make any society possible, are
to another person or group this is the undesirable. Children are made to believe
only possible outcome. However, you can that what they do is a direct reflection of
look at the class divide in America (both who they are. If you grow up to be a gar-
psychological and physical) and from bage man, well, you just didn’t try hard
there follow that right back to where it enough. Meanwhile, there is no shame in
all starts. That starting point being the tossing another mans garbage into the
government school system and the back of a truck. What’s shameful
indoctrination that goes on in is confusing what you do for a
these facilities. wage, or don’t do for that mat-
ter, with who you are.
Generally starting at the im-
pressionable age of 6, Although we could
children are mold- trace the begin-
ed into obedient nings of such
and patriotic little systems so far

back we could write a book, as many as well as that new car and those nice
have, we’re going to begin by thanking clothes. How else are you ever going to
Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal for get ahead in this world?
dumping America into programs such as
the welfare system, Social Security and Maybe the answer isn’t in getting ahead
unemployment insurance and getting of everyone else. Perhaps we should be
the so-called poor dependant on financial considering all jobs are worth doing and
assistance. Before all of this, up into the that this society we have built up around
1930’s Depression era a strong working ourselves would not be possible if it were
class culture flourished. Standard artist not for all of us involved. That said, we
and additional cultural workers produced need to start educating our children on
plays, books, murals and the like in mass the value of understanding finances. The
quantities honoring labor and its work- top three expenses Americans have (from
ers. However, once the act and Cold War first to third) are mortgage, taxes and
hysteria struck there was a stigma placed car payments. Only one of those I see as
upon cultural expression and the idea of necessary and even it would be far less
being a laborer. A new game was in town burdensome if we were to handle our
and it was called convenience by way of money better in the first place and pay
technology. more on mortgages up front.

This technology was brought into being Back to the blue collar laborer... Rosie
by those white collar jobs that only the the Riveter, as it would seem, is merely a
fortunate college graduate was afforded. product of her environment. More often
In turn, parents and teachers alike shy than not, children repeat their parents
away from the idea of putting children mistakes. I truly feel it’s not as much of a
to work so that they may concentrate job and wage issue that has kept “Rosie”
on their studies and get into college. down, but the idea that she needed
From there they will be able to land that so much in the first place. Happiness,
white collar job, allowing them a higher comfort and stability can not be found in
wage, convenience, freedom and a secure the pages of a magazine or on television.
future. Nobody ever stopped to realize, let Those people are actors and those images
alone teach those same children that it’s they are reflecting are staged and fake.
not the amount of money you grow up to Real life, anything worth living, is had
make, or even how you go about making first hand and the sooner we all realize
it that matters. It’s what you do with those that the better everyone’s lives will be.
finances that is going to decide what sort That new car doesn’t mean shit when you
of life you lead. have to spend 40 hours at work to enjoy 4
hours worth of driving.
Again, from that ever impressionable
young age, we are berated with advertise-
ments depicting where the grass is always Jimmy Flaherty despises both collars and
greener. In order to get there, all we need classes from Louisville, KY, but would rather be
to do is make a bit more money to buy a
doing so from somewhere in New Hampshire.
few more items and we too, can live that
Contact him at:
life. You’ll be told that you’re going to
have to pay to go to college in order to
get a good job and pay for that house and
all the important gadgets to fill it with

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 10

Those Piggly Canadians

Caleb Johnson

There’s been a lot of talk lately that can flag. For awhile, I had the mistaken no-
perhaps China doesn’t deserve the honor tion that I should pull for the person whose
of hosting the upcoming Olympic games; uniform I liked better. So when American
though I must confess that I find myself Brian Boitano took on Canadian Brian
inclined to agree with those who say that Orser in a battle for the gold, I couldn’t
China is really the perfect host. If, after help but pull for Brian Orser. I did, after all,
all, we intend every four years to hold like Orser’s red uniform much better than
a celebration of everything that divides Boitano’s navy blue getup. My grandpar-
us, if we intend to celebrate the glory of ents, of course, were kind enough to point
national pride, then what better host than out the logical error in my judgment. It
a state whose actions embody the conse- was clear that the color of a uniform has
quences of nationalism? nothing to do with a skater’s ability, not at
all like the highly relevant issue of what
I remember as a boy watching the Olym- state rules the land where he was born.
pic games. My grandparents were quite My cousin pulled me aside to explain that
fond of figure skating, and so each year, Orser was “stupid”, while my sister was
the whole family would gather around the astute enough to notice how “silly” Orser
television to watch the figure skaters from was. When Orser missed a critical jump, my
around the world compete. Now, I wasn’t home erupted with shouts of celebration.
especially fond of figure skating, but Finally, vindication.
then again, what young boy doesn’t love
a good competition? So we would watch Of course, my family wasn’t the only one
the young men and women skate around dividing allegiance along such arbitrary
the ice, performing acts of athleticism and lines. Psychologists have long noted
agility that awed my grandparents, and mankind’s tendency to form ingroups
gave us younger children something to and outgoups. When Psychologist Stanley
mock. “Did you see that jump, Mama?” my Coren visited a pig racing competition
grandfather would ask my grandmother. “I at his local county fair in Vancouver, he
saw her miniskirt fly up,” my cousin would noted this principle in action. Each pig
whisper in my ear, in response. Which, was fitted with a cape, that matched the
for some unexplainable reason, I always color of a bleacher section. Coren noted
found funny, no matter how many times it that during the short time that the races
was repeated. were in session, the people who otherwise
were strangers started aligning themselves
I have to admit, though, that I was quite predictably into ingroups, based on
always a bit uneducated when it came time something as trivial as the color of their
to decide who to “pull for.” I didn’t quite bleacher where they were sitting. It began
understand that I was supposed to pull for by praising the virtues of the ingroup. “All
the guy who was representing the Ameri- the smart people chose the red pigs,” “The

“This general
tendency to create
ingroups and
winners are over here in the green section.”
But it quickly progressed to denigrating outgroups is
others who weren’t part of the ingroup. For
instance, some teenagers in the blue section inherently human,”
began to heckle some senior citizens in
the red section, with taunts of, “Your pigs of these enlightened souls, “You mean to
are just as old and slow as you are!” Some tell me that you don’t view any person as
people in the yellow section started jeering any different just because of where they
overweight people in the green section, were born?” “Of course not,” I am assured,
“Looks like you guys got more pigs in your “because any good modern, educated
stands then you do on the racetrack!” man can see that all men are equal, and
there isn’t any good reason to assume that
This general tendency to create ingroups any person is born better than any other
and outgroups is inherently human, but not person.” Quite right. “So tell me,” I ask,
necessarily inherently positive. It divides “what do you think of when I say the word
us against each other, creating the fear and `Nazi soldier.’” Of course, I get a knowing
mistrust that lead to larger societal prob- nod, and a friendly pat on the shoulder.
lems such as crime and war. Belonging to “Son,” he tells me, “now you can see what
an ingroup can lead to viewing the group nationalism does to people. I get just so
in such positive ways that we can only iden- sick when I think about the Nazi govern-
tify these positives by contrasting it with ment. Because those soldiers were good
the negatives that are exhibited by those boys, a lot of them. But so misguided.
outside our ingroup. And while these nega- So misguided. Because they believed in
tives may have no basis in fact, the nega- Germany. Nationalism, you see. Couldn’t
tive stereotypes are necessary to preserve see right or wrong, because they believed
the positive image of the group. And so we so much that they had to be right, just
go on believing them anyway. And while because of who they are, just because they
some of these ingroup thought patterns were representing the Fatherland. It’s so
have fallen into disrepute, (racism is one sad, to see good young boys misguided by
example,) other forms of the same think- such poisonous beliefs. I get such a sick
ing are still alive and well. And perhaps feeling in my stomach to think about it.”
none is more destructive than the disease
of nationalism. Because it is in the name of I couldn’t agree with the gentleman
nationalism that so many people have been more. But when I asked if he felt the same
slaughtered. way when I said, “U.S. Marine,” he didn’t
want to talk about it anymore, other than
Now, I’ve met people who are immune to tell me “that’s different.” But why is it
to the effects of nationalism. I know this, different? Is it different because the U.S.
because they told me so. “Really?” I ask one Serviceman is somehow more noble than

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 12

continued from page 12

the German? Or is a U.S. Marine fighting who believe that they are fighting for
for a better cause, a noble cause like drop- this nebulous concept of “Germany”, and
ping atomic bombs on Japanese cities? a world war results. And now, five years
Or dowsing the Vietnamese countryside into our current occupation of Iraq, war
with Napalm? Or maybe our noble goal is continues for the exact same reason. The
starving a million Iraqi children? It may scourge is divisive nationalism.
not sound that noble to me and you, but
the Secretary of State assured us that it So this Olympic year I hope you’ll join
was “worth it”. me in pulling for an athlete for no other
reason than that you like his uniform.
The disgust that the gentleman felt for Or maybe that you like her smile. Or
Nazi soldiers was matched only by his maybe its the hair, or the kids, or the wife,
euphoria for American soldiers. But objec- or something else about that athlete.
tively they are the same. They both listen Something that’s real. Because in the end,
to orders from their “superiors” to kill and we’re all just simply humans, and we’re all
destroy on command. Like the figure skat- pretty great.
ers, the only difference between the two
is which uniform they are wearing. They Except for Brian Orser. He’s stupid.
both fight for the same reason, because And silly.
they believe in “my country”. Hitler was
a madman. Alone he could do nothing.
But put him in charge of a bunch of men contact Caleb:
Anarchy in Your Head

Dale Everett

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 14

Q & A: Iglomat
Q = Jimmy Flaherty
A = Scott Macdonald &
David Jack

JF: What the hell is a Iglomat? The album took a couple of years to get
together. David and I both live in Scotland
SM: Sandy first suggested the name and Sandy is in Texas so the album slowly
Iglomat, he nicked it from the Clikitat evolved over time as we emailed music
Ikatowi song title “Iglomatic” . We’ve just files back and fore. I suppose it’s a truly
discovered that ‘Iglomatic’ is something post modern record in that none it was
to do with Ukrainian needle dispensing written or recorded with any of us all the
machines. So that’s what we are Eastern country at the same time. It’s definitely a
European drug dispensers…….and we labour of love for us so there was no time
didn’t even know it! scale and when it was ready it was ready.

Who partakes in such a thing? There are a ton of different sounds

coming through on these tracks, what
There are 3 main participants in Iglomat, does an Iglomat equipment list look like?
Myself, Scott Macdonald, ex of such rub-
bish bands as I Am Scientist and Pilotcan., Not as big as you might think, guitars,
Sandy Carson who was once in a band keyboards, bits and bobs of kitchen uten-
called Glue, not sure if they sniffed it or sils and a lot of computers. It’s amazing
not. Perhaps we should invent the glue what you can do with a cheap laptop these
dispensing machine for glue sniffers… days that would have cost us thousands
.’Igluematt’…oops sorry for crap joke! Last in a fancy studio a few years ago. In fact
but no least the real talent, David Jack of none of this would have been possible a
the ‘David Jack band’ much loved by the few years ago. We’ve developed a strange
great John Peel, god rest his soul. Mind way of working that hopefully draws us in
you we did a Pilotcan session for John Peel weird directions and comes up with some-
and we were crap! thing original.

The way Sandy described it, this thing We usually start with a sample or an
was assembled simultaneously through- awkward piece of guitar, and then we
out 3(more or less?) separate countries, chop that up in the computer to create a
how long did the album take to finalize? new melody that we probably wouldn’t

have come up with by just jamming. Then getting lots of play on MTV2 and MTV
we play over the top of that and put the Flux which is great. I keep getting weird
results through same process again. David emails from post rock bands in Portugal
usually reverses his bass lines as well, just and such places saying they love the video,
to make them sound weird. Strange skill especially the way we incorporated the
that…playing the bass forwards in such bike noises into the music?! Doh!
way that it will still make sense in the
song backwards. So basically we just try Is Iglomat opposed to the kids download-
and do everything a bit differently and see ing the new CD through bit torrents or
where it takes us….hopefully somewhere other file sharing technologies?
These thing are always a double edged
With all the logistics in mind, are there sword, on one hand it gets the music out
any chances of a live show happening there so more people can hear it but on
anywhere? the other we loose out on sales. Personally
I’m not too bothered about file sharing
We would love to play live but whoever but I can see why a lot of bands would be
was promoting the shows would have to pissed off about it. I guess the powers that
take flights into consideration so probably be will put a stop to it one day so get it
not in your local bar soon….. while you can!

DJ: DOING A SHOW WOULD INVOLVE US Where can paying customers get a copy?
PLAYED ONCE, SO REHEARSING A WHOLE SET The album will be out on general release
WOULD KIND OF BE LIKE LEARNING A WHOLE from the 2nd of June but you can get it
BUNCH OF COVER SONGS! REMEMBERING from most download shops like iTunes etc,
WHAT WE ACTUALLY PLAYED WOULD BE QUITE now. If you want to get an early copy of
TROUBLESOME I IMAGINE! the CD you can get them from the KFM
Records online store and if your in the
Anyway, back to Scott………. states and don’t want to pay the postage
from the UK you can get them from the
How’s the response been since the CD T1 online store.
release? I read somewhere MTV2 Europe
was playing the shit out of the Dial T1 online store:
Wookie video.

We’ve had loads of great feedback from KFM Records online store:
all over, reviewers, myspacers, friends and
family. Mike Manzoori used Dial Wookie html?s=home&m=&c=viewitem&item_
in the new Etnies BMX promo flick and id=14386
very kindly (Cheers Mike!)let us use the
best bits from the film as a video. MTV
over here in Europe loved it and it’s been

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 16

Ordained By the State:
A Recipe for Failure

Michael Gaddy

loss. To counter this loss of

personnel, the Army/State
designed what to them was
the perfect solution. They
My life experiences have taught me to would take a new recruit/
be more than a little skeptical when it draftee who had scored
comes to accepting the words, qualified high on his Armed Forces
or certified, as relates to those who are Qualifying Test (AFQT) and place him
“educated.” I am even more suspicious in a Non-Commissioned Officers Course.
when those certifications or qualifications After 22 weeks of schooling, the candidate
are bestowed by the State. I believe those would graduate as an E-5, while the top
words carry far too much weight with 5% were made E-6’s. They were immedi-
most Americans. ately sent to Vietnam and placed in the
position of Platoon Sergeant over soldiers
My first experience with this phenom- of lower rank, many of whom had more
enon came at the ripe old age of 18. I had time in combat than these “instants” had
problems understanding why a 23-year- in the Army! The resentment was imme-
old Lieutenant with an Animal Husband- diate: not exactly healthy or conducive to
ry degree from Clemson University, and success in a combat unit!
less than 7 months in the Army, was more
qualified to lead men into combat than a Could certifications and qualifications,
40-something sergeant with a 10th grade when issued by the State; be not a
education and several years of combat guarantee of competence, but instead
experience in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. an indication of an acceptable level
What the hell, the Army said he did, and of indoctrination? Where could this
since they were the representatives of the phenomenon be more obvious than in
omnipotent State, they were the ultimate academia? A person can have years of
authority. experience in a particular field of study,
but be unqualified in the eyes of the State
Again in Vietnam, the State ordained to impart their knowledge and experience
another fiasco. Those in the field came to students. Without a battery of tolerance
to call it the “Shake n’ Bake” program. and diversity courses, the State believes
Qualified mid-level Non-Commissioned one should never be in the presence of
Officers (sergeants), many with more students seeking an education.
than a decade in the Army, were leaving
in droves because of the debacle that was I have often wondered if the State issued
Vietnam. No one with the State had yet with each certification or qualifica-
thought of the back door draft called stop- tion certificate, a degree of arrogance?

The thought again came to mind when university in his hometown and offered
corresponding with a professor from a to teach in the Computer Engineering
well-known college in one of our South- department, pro bono. He was surprised
ern States. He took issue with my article when the dean of that department
comparing the situation in Iraq today called him and said, “no thanks.” He was
with that in Vietnam in 1968. He went informed he was not qualified to teach
into great detail to inform me that, “we” without proper certification and therefore
won the Tet offensive. While I was not in the university would not be able to accept
country during Tet, I did attend the 20th his offer. To the State, actually succeeding
anniversary reunion of the Tet Offensive in your chosen field of endeavor does not
in Richmond, Virginia, in January of 1988. equate, in any way, with their bestowed
I heard hundreds of veterans of those honor of certification.
battles speak of “surviving” Tet, but I
never once heard them speak of the cam- If one had a son or daughter wishing to
paign as a victory. pursue a career in the computer field, the
wisdom and experience of such a man
I assumed that since the professor had would be invaluable. Yet, the system as
used the word “we” in his email; he was a it stands, will not allow the benefits of
veteran. When I questioned him as to his such wisdom and experience. It is more
military service, he became incensed that important that one receive the proper
one could imagine that made a differ- Marxist/statist theories and sensitivity
ence. His reply was, “Lets see... where was training rather than knowledge which
I ???? That makes a difference, does it? could provide monetary gain for them-
And you served in Nam? I know another selves and their families and make them
who did that and he is a traitor.” This valuable members of society.
“expert’s” certification certainly came
with an arrogance enhancement. Considering the State’s requirements,
Bill Gates would be deemed unqualified
I also received an email on my first article to teach a course in entrepreneurship
at LRC from a professor who is chairman without the proper State indoctrination.
of a historical society. His comment on
my declaration that “I am an anarchist This nation has an abundance of people
as defined by Robert LeFevre,” and that I with a vast amount of experience in many
saw the government of the Confederacy fields. They have acquired that level of
responsible for atrocities committed in its practical knowledge as opposed to those
name, was, “What your article proves is: in the teaching profession who have only
what was needed was more government, dealt with theory. Many of these folks
not less;” I suppose only a “State Certi- could make fantastic contributions to the
fied” person would be qualified to make education of our youth, but to the NEA
such an assessment. and State certification boards, theory and
proper socialist/statist indoctrination is
Several years ago, I met a man from much more important than experience
Colorado who had sold his software en- and knowledge.
gineering company for millions. He was
piloting his own Lear Jet and had flown Is it not remarkable that the mere
into Tucson, Arizona, for the day to play mention of God is not allowed in our
a round of golf. During conversation, he schools, but the concepts of Statism reign
told me he had recently gone to a local supreme? We are making a terrible

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 18

continued from page 18

mistake by allowing the vetting of teachers We have absolutely no chance of ever re-
by the State. It is obviously not important turning this nation to the one envisioned by
that our children learn anything but the Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and other
concepts endorsed by the State! true patriots as long as we allow the State to
dictate the standards and the curriculum for
No matter what perfumed version of social- the education of our children. The State and
ism proposed by government, the results are liberty are diametrically opposed. As long
the same. The only difference in the much as the State is in the position of certifying
vaunted education programs of the Clintons those who teach, the majority of teachers
(Goals 2000) and those of the Bush regime will gravitate to the oppressive doctrines
(No child left behind) are their names. The that lead to slavery and our children will
goals of indoctrination and political correct- never know why our founders intended this
ness are identical, the only difference being country to be a Constitutional Republic and
NCLB comes with a much higher price tag. not a democracy.

I have heard and read many in this country

that say they are aware of the shortcomings Michael Gaddy, an Army veteran of Vietnam,
of the schools, but they supplement their
Grenada, and Beirut, lives in the Four Corners
children’s education at home. This is a tragic
mistake. You may be able to give your chil- area of the American Southwest.
dren more knowledge at home, but how are
you going to combat 6 hours of liberal/so-
cialist/statist indoctrination? That equates to
30 hours each week. How many of us have
that amount of time with our children?

One of the despotic acts by King George III

that led to many leaving England and com-
ing to the new world was the requirement
that all preachers/ministers be licensed
and sanctioned by the crown. This insured
only the doctrine of the crown was dissemi-
nated to the masses: how convenient here
in America for the State’s indoctrination to
begin at age 5 or 6.

Our children’s minds are being stolen and

poisoned by State ordained teachers and
professors who have inherited a whole
stable of sacred cows they revere and honor.
There are notable exceptions, such as Pro-
fessors Thomas DiLorenzo, Clyde Wilson,
Thomas Woods, William Anderson, Butler
Shaffer and Special Education Teacher
Linda Schrock Taylor, but they are in a
most distinct minority. Steven Yates writes a
most compelling piece on why anyone who
genuinely cares about their children should
get them out of the clutches of the legions
of statists.

Bill Trzcinski •
May 2008 • LATT!TUDE
david brooks

david brooks

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 22

Free State Project Join the Second

5th Annual Porcupine

Freedom Festival

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social atmosphere for people the most exciting pro-liberty
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rience the beauty of New
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May 2008 • LATT!TUDE
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AK Press title as it appears, as well of the Free State Project (FSP). It’s a
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You can always use more customers. of New Hampshire. Register today at:
We need the money to get the next
issue printed.
Anarchy in Your Head
New comics every Friday at
Who is Ron Paul?
Visit to find
out what you can do to help turn this
ship around. The Salton Sea is now America’s
worst ecological disaster. Yet a few
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On Your Left Cycles - now under including a roadside nudist and a
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If you like reading Lattitude and
would like to see it not only stick
around, but progress to it’s full form, World’s Smallest Political Quiz
please donate a couple dollars to
assist with our printing and delivery

May 2008 • LATT!TUDE 26

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