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In the additional paper for assignment two, there will be two main themes that I am going to
follow. The first theme that will be covered is power, and the second theme will be presence. The
power aspect comes in to play simply due to every clan having a different technique that makes them
stand out from other clans. Different powers give the individuals in clans skills that will aid them in
battle and gives the clan an overall power rating. Presence would mean the clans presence or
importance in the village. Which clan stands out the most, makes up the greater population, or does the
most for the village. With these two themes, I believe that I can take this paper in multiple directions
and keep my readers intrigued until the end.

Whats New?
The sources that I am using all have their own ratings on which clan is assumed to be the best in
the leave village. I myself am using these lists, along with the factual and opinionated statements, in
order to compile somewhat of an overall summary for each clan in order to truly determine which is the
most prevalent in Konoha. What some of the sources are missing would be references to the episodes
directly, and examples of efficiency, those of which I have obtained through observations and years of
watching the show. As an avid fan, and great memory of the series itself, I believe that I am bringing a
lot to the table that can be added to the information found in the sources.

From giant nine tailed beasts that wreak havoc on villages and countries, to
young pre-teens fighting crime using elemental super powers, Masashi
Kishimotos, Naruto, has become a worldwide sensation. Imagine jumping from
tree to tree in the notorious Forrest of Death while trying to fight off humongous
poisonous snakes that could swallow you whole. Imagine training every day at
the age of 12, mastering martial arts, learning chakra control, and utilizing the
different elements to create jutsus [chakra based attacks] that will enable you to
become an unstoppable ninja. Imagine if the different family lineages or clans
as they are called in the show, had different powers that ran in their family blood
and each relative could master the power gifted to them by fate. If you can
picture these things, then you can see into the world of Naruto, the story of a
parentless pre-teen who is striving to be the best ninja he could ever be.
This world is completely imaginary and improbable, but, by watching this
show, I have found my imagination to run with it as though I were a part of that
universe. First airing on February 15, 2007, Naruto hit the ground running and
immediately gained followers. I, having previously followed animes such as Yu

Yu Haku Sho, and Inuyasha, was particularly glad to find out that another
anime would be hitting the screen. Thanks to its persevering protagonist and the
constant theme of never giving up, this series has shown that not only will it be
entertaining but also inspiring to those who can connect with the main character
and understand the multiple predicaments that he faces along his journey.
As I mentioned earlier, each clan has its own special ability that is shared
throughout the generations. Some of the clans are stronger, some are smarter,
some are faster and so on and so forth. That is what this paper will focus on,
which of the clans in the series is the strongest. Having compiled different
sources, and taken multiple observations of the television series, I will be able to
narrow down the top 3 clans, give detailed descriptions of the clans, their
abilities, and their weaknesses, and finally choose, based on evidence of course,
which clan in the Naruto universe is the strongest overall.

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