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Olivia Howland

Olivia Howland
795 E. 900 N. Apt. 24
Logan, UT. 84321

Table of Contents
Event Ad
Business Card
Web Page

Description: This was a project to showcase my
skills in taking photography with different views
(ie: Light, Fore and Background, and Lead Room),
and my photoshop skills.
Dates: Oct. 14, 2015
Comm. 130 Section 11 | Sister Kunz
Programs/Tools: Photoshop, sharpening tools, light
adjustments tools.
Process: I went down to the local Dam in Logan
Utah and took pictures of all the required views. I
had a lot of fun with this, it was really my first time
taking pictures like this and I was able to get up
close with the birds and take some great pictures of
them. I took a background and foreground picture
where the focuses were different. The one displayed
is foreground focussing.

Even t Ad
Description: An event ad, using a full bleed, explaining
the time and location and point of event.
Date: Oct. 11, 2015
Comm. 130 Section 11 | Sister Kunz
Programs/Tools: Photoshop, Microsoft Word, PDF,
and JPEG.
Process: First I went to the library at Utah State,
found a picture from National Geographic that I liked,
and went to use the scanner on campus. After several
failed attempts, I checked out my magazine to take it
home to use a better scanner. My roommate has a high
quality printer, so that is where I ended up scanning my
picture. I cropped the edges in Photoshop to clean it up
then played around with making my ad in Word. Once
I decided it was an okay draft, one that needed a lot of
work, I had it critiqued. I then toned it up, but decided
it wasnt done. I then had it critiqued once more and
fixed it again, exploring the program even further and
ended up with the one I have now, which I am happy

Letter Head
Description: Creating a stationary for letters.
Dates: Nov. 8, 2015
Comm. 130 Section | Section 11
Programs/Tools: Ilustrator, InDesign, the pen tool.
Process: I used Illustrator to create the flower water
mark and logo using the pen tool, and then I used
InDesign to put it all together. For the flower I
changed the opacity to get it to the color it is now.
And with the watermark I lowered the opacity a
great deal to make it slightly visible on the paper.

B u s i n e s s C a rd
Description: Creating a business card for a company.
Date: Nov. 8, 2015
Comm. 130 Section 11 | Sister Kunz
Programs/Tools: Ilustrator, InDesign, the pen tool.
Process: I used Illustrator to create the flower
water mark and logo using the pen tool, and then
I used InDesign to put it all together. For the
flower I changed the opacity to get it to the color
it is now. I used normal boxes for the color strips.
I had a completely different layout for the flower
and then desided to change the flower to be on the
card completely rather than just hanging off like I
originally had. I like this new one much better.

Description: A spiritual montage created by
blending 3 photos together, and tied together with
well chosen typography to describe the message.
Date: Oct. 24, 2015
Programs/Tools: Phototshop, Lasso tool, changing
opacity, and crop tool.
Process: For starters, I knew right off the bat
which scripture I wanted to use (Mosiah 20:11),
and thought how cool it would be to have a dragon
defending the temple, defending families, against
the evil of the world. Once I had the idea in
mind, I went onto the schools website to find the
instructional video and after editing the pictures
individually, I put them all onto one page. I began
blending them the way I wanted, and for the picture
of the soldier, I learned how to flip him around so
he was facing the dragon instead of the edge of the
I made the dragon more vibrant than the original
picture so the red and other bold colors would show
up more. The typography was hard, but I played
around with it a lot and found one that I liked. I then
played around with the strokes until I found what
I liked. The programs and tools I used was Adobe

Description: Creating logos using Adobe
Illustrator to build your own designs.
Date: Nov. 1, 2015
Programs/Tools: Adobe Illustrator and the pen
Process: I made the scissors with the pen tool
in Illustrator and then I played around with the
box and circle tool to create some shapes and
ended up with these differet ideas for the logos.

Description: Black and White flier, Graduate
Leadership Conference
Date: Oct. 4, 2015
Programs/Tools: InDesign
Process: I made some sketches to start off
my thought process for the layout of the flier,
I then found one I liked and decided on my
typography. With that I put in my pictures and
lined everything up.

Description: This is my project where I
used my skills from inDesign and Photoshop
to create a brochure for a mock company I
Date: Dec. 6, 2015
Comm. 130 Section 11 | Sister Kunz
Programs/Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator,
InDesign, Pen tool, and Lasso tool.
Process: I started out in Illustrator and made
my logo, I then headed to InDesign to create
my brochure page layout (2/3 fold), and added
some pictures to help create the feel for my
mock company. I went into photoshop and
used the lasso tool to crop the picture in the
upper right hand corner and played around
with some shapes and colors for the finishing

We b Page
Description: This is to show my skills in using
html and logo designs.
Dates: Nov. 22, 2015
Comm. 130 Section 11 | Sister Kunz
Programs/Tools: InDesign and Illustrator,
and HTML.
Process: The programs I used where
Illustrator and InDesign to make my logo.
I then used html and .css to make it into a
website. Once I did that I validated it using

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