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The inspiration of nature in design created a movement of Organic Architecture through functionalism and

minimalism since the 1800s influencing some of the greatest architects to emerge. Functionalist
architects and artists design utilitarian structures in which the Organic Architecture dictates the
development within and moves outward in harmony with its surroundings, without regard to such
traditional devices as axial symmetry and classical proportions or any other heavy ornamentation. Louis
Henry Sullivan's design theory that form ever follows function leads the dialogue towards a new world of
design where the buildings effect on its surroundings is considered. Inspired by his mentor Frank Lloyd
Wright expands on the design theory with form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.
Nature is used in relation to building, materials and design. Phillip Johnson contributes to the movement
with stating Architecture is the art of how to waste space. By simplifying with the International Style
which has geometric forms, open interiors, and the use of glass, steel, and reinforced concrete there is an
unobstructed view of the exterior from the interior. Eero Saarinen pushed past what he called The ABCs
of modernism that were simple & abstract to utilizing new materials, innovative construction techniques,
and sculptural forms in his design. He created some of the most interesting roofs. I intend on showing
how each of these architects in their own contribution inspired awareness to nature and design. The
movement of Organic Architecture is a product of all their dedication and hard work.
Louis Henry Sullivan (18561924)
Louis Sullivan was born in Boston in 1856. He went to MIT before moving to Philadelphia then to
Chicago. He also studied at LEcole des Beaux Arts in Paris. In the 19th century this school was
considered just as prestigious as todays most sought after graduate schools of fine arts. It attracted
students from all over the world. The American Institute of Architects was formed in 1857. This caused
universities like MIT and Columbia to offer degree programs in architecture. Ecole des Beaux Arts style
stresses classical proportions, scale, balance, beauty, and an understanding of from the ancient world
down through the Renaissance and its influence on architecture. Louis Sullivan thought both MIT & Ecole
des Beaux Arts
were disappointing do to the focus on the Renaissance and classical periods. He yearned for something
outside the box. This hungry for more helped him be noted as one of the influential & innovative architect
in movement of the modern period. When he returned from Paris partnered with Dankmar Adler and
formed Adler Sullivan in Chicago in 1881. They both had specific roles in the firm. Sullivan with the design
partner and Adler was the engineer. Chicagos regrowth after the Chicago Fire 1871 was booming, so
their timing was great! The two complemented each other creating an appreciation of their work because
it pushed to a more forward thinking in design approach. For example the McVicker's Theater which was
remodeled in 1885 caused critics to proclaim their work genius! Sullivan used incandescent lighting and
electric chandeliers when most were still gas lamps. After another fire in 1890 it was redesigned by Adler
& Sullivan again. Sadly the building was demolished in 1985 and replaced with a new 40 building.
McVicker's Theatre, before the fire of 1871 McVicker's Theatre, completed 1883-1885. Demolished 1922
Louis Sullivan rejected the standard classical design with detailed ornamentation was inspired by organic
architectural elements inspired by nature. Sullivan was influenced by the theory of evolution by Charles
Darwin. Most know Sullivan for creating the first skyscraper with the use of iron and steel skeletons. His
designs of these vertical buildings were known as tall office buildings. He answered the need for more
office, department stores and financial institution space in a city. He would use intertwining vines and
organic ornamentation on these tall buildings growing into the sky. Sullivan stated; It is the pervading law
of all things organic, and inorganic, of all things physical and metaphysical, of all things human and all
things super-human, of all true manifestations of the head, of the heart, of the soul, that the life is
recognizable in its expression, that form ever follows function."(Cannon) From that moment on
Functionalism in architecture is noticed. Functionalism in architecture means that the construction, types
of materials and the purpose of the building should determine the design. In short take notice on how a
building will affect its surroundings in the design process. Sullivan was a very talented architect. Looking
through Louis Sullivans designs even in his residential designs there were tall doors, windows; it was

very vertical similar to his skyscrapers. He was influenced by different periods but Victorian which was the
one he mostly designed in he disagreed with. It was too much design not enough function. He stated in
his autobiography that his love for nature came from years on his grandfathers farm. Sullivan solved the
problem of the skyscraper (Cannon) He looked at it as a column. It has all the parts; a base, shaft and
capital. Examining this theory most of his work is based on this principle he had.

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