Appendix: Hoy Solubility Parameters

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| C10 |

Hoy Solubility Parameters

Imagine: You are Gary Arlen Kildall. In 1973, you develop
the rst high-level programming language for microprocessors, called PL/M. You create CP/M the same year to
enable the Intel 8080 microprocessor to control a oppy
drive, combining for the rst time all the essential
components of a computer at the microcomputer scale.
You demonstrate CP/M to Intel, but Intel has little
interest. By 1981, you have founded Digital Research
Company, which enjoys $5.4 million in yearly revenues.
Your product, CP/M, runs on 3000 different computer
Surely you make billionaire status when IBM buys your
CP/M operating system in 1981? Actually, no. Paul Allen
has negotiated a licensing deal with Seattle Computer
Products (SCP) for rights to a CP/M clone, 86-DOS. Allen
has 86-DOS adapted for IBM's hardware. Bill Gates sells it
to IBM, who ships it as PC-DOS. Lawyers can't distinguish
the two pieces of software.
It's almost, but not quite, also that way with solubility
parameters. There is a second independently developed,
full-featured system of solubility parameters. It was
developed by Union Carbide Corporation, after the
development of and with knowledge about Hansen
Solubility Parameters. It is useful; possibly even more
useful than the system developed by Dr. Hansen, but it is
hardly ever used.
The purpose of this appendix is not to criticize, advocate,
or choose, but to complement by disclosure. It's worth
knowing about Hoy Solubility Parameters.



While not commercially signicant today, six of these

methods were briey noted in Appendix C8, Section C. It was
these building blocks that supported the group contribution
work of Stefanis and Panayiotou, and othersdbut not the
work of Kenneth L. Hoy. Each of these researchers produced
systems of solubility parameters based on assumptions and
estimation methods somewhat or slightly different from
those of Dr. Hansen. Consequently, while the individual
solubility parameters produced by each author may be, or
have been, used for the same purposes as those of Dr. Hansen, the various solubility parameters developed by various
researchers cannot be commingled.

If one prefers the solubility parameters of van Krevelen

(Appendix C8, Endnote N), as an example, one must use
all three of van Krevelen's solubility parameters exclusively,
as was done with Hansen's solubility parameters in
Chapter 2. One can't use Van Krevelen's hydrogen
bonding solubility parameter, the polar solubility
parameter of Hansen, and Small's (Appendix C8,
Endnote J) disperse solubility parameter, or any other
combination. However, one can use Appendix C6,
Equation 2.6 (the Pythagorean Theorem) with any
consistent set of three systems of solubility parameters.

By analogy, one might consider the different solubility

parameters developed by each or any researcher to be


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