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Hoy Solubility Parameters

different and non-intersecting roads connecting two places.

While one may travel from the one place to the other on
any road, one cannot travel partially on one road and then
on another road because the roads don't intersect. In other
words, don't mix solubility parameters.



A notable work was the separately formulated (and

nanced) set of solubility parameters developed in the
1970sA and 1980sB by Kenneth L. Hoy1. The work is notable
for at least two reasons: It involved no measurements of
solubilitydas did Hansen's workdand it has proven useful
to many2 despite this lack of actual solubility measurements.
Hoy's methodologyC was purely based on group contribution correlations of measurable physical properties
with molecular structure. Hoy's initial approach started
with Equation 2.6 from Chapter 2 or Appendix C6 (the
Pythagorean Theorem), as did Hansen's initial mathematical approach. The two approaches differ by how the
Pythagorean Theorem is used:

Hoy used Equation 2.7 from Chapter 2 or Appendix C6

to calculate the disperse solubility parameter, along with
independent knowledge of the hydrogen bonding
parameter, the polar parameter, and the total parameter
from group contribution correlations based on structure.

Hoy, K.L., The Hoy Tables of Solubility Parameters, Union Carbide
Corporation, Solvents and Coatings Materials Division, South
Charleston, WV, 1985. As stated in this reference, and collection of
results, the Union Carbide Corporation valued and supported Hoy's
technology for estimating solubility parameters of plasticizers,
amorphous polymers (not crystalline polymers), and some solvents
(Appendix C8, Endnote L).
Calculated results for 814 solvents and 8 amorphous polymers were
provided in this reference.
Hoy correctly avoids consideration of crystalline polymers because
estimates for the energy associated with conversion from the amorphous
form to the crystalline form is not known for each polymer. It is believed
that the three solubility parameters for crystalline and amorphous
polymers are the same but the RO value is different because the radius
includes all thermal effects such as enthalpy of fusion.
This author believes Hoy's purpose was to fulll the needs of his
employer, a developer and manufacturer of polymers. That purpose was
believed to be able to predict solvency behavior (compatibility) of newlyenvisioned or produced polymersdbefore the polymers were produced,
or when only tiny samples of polymer were available.
Hoy obviously succeeded in that worthwhile aim. But Hoy's solubility
parameters, while equally useful as Hansen's, have received little
attention in scientic literature, produced little commercial impact
(outside of the computer programs noted in the reference of Endnote C,
and aredunlike Hansen's solubility parametersdunknown to nearly all
in the cleaning industry.
This is unfortunate, because either can be used to evaluate
compatibility of cleaning solvents with soil mixtures of known or
assumed chemical character. Use of Hoy's solubility parameters requires
no solubility measurements. Their use in scouting work can be
Yet this virtue can also be a critical aw. Without some basis of
actual solubility measurement, one may nd one's forecasts surprising,
and unfullled.


Hansen used Equation 2.6 of Appendix C6 to calculate

the hydrogen bonding parameter, along with
independent knowledge of the disperse parameter, the
polar parameter, and the total parameter from different
correlations based on structure (Figure C5-1, and
Equation C5-1), Equation C5-4, and measured heats of
vaporization respectively.

The two methods are summarized in Table C10-1, so

that the bases underlying them can be easily compared.
DHvap  RT
d2polar d2disperse d2hydrogen bonding
d2TOTAL d2polar d2disperse d2hydrogen bonding


Note that the polar solubility parameter is estimated by
Hoy and Hansen using different and differently based
correlations, to produce non-interchangeable results:

Hansen's correlation is Equation C5-4 in which the

polar character of a molecule is represented by the
measured dipole moment of the solvent molecule.
Hoy's correlation is shown in Equation C10-8, in
which the polar character of a molecule is represented
by the nature and number of the functional
groups in the solvent moleculednot a measured


Recall that the total solubility parameter (dHildebrand) is
estimated by Hansen using the denition of Hildebrand
(Equation 2.6).
Hoy uses a signicantly different approach. His calculated total solubility parameter has a dissimilar form, and
basis. It uses an underlying group contribution concept (as
is done in Appendix C8). Hoy uses a correlation of the
general form of Equation C10-1 to estimate a total solubility parameter (not its square or square root).

r n
Ni  FTi 

K2 Ni  FTi 
C10  1

FT is called, by Small (Appendix C8, Endnote J), a total

molar attraction constant. A constant of this type is

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