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Formula of success in business

Members of the club "Lady Time" have waited for a long time to meet with the "expert on
life", scientist physicist, President of the International Institute of Social Ecology, Vyacheslav
Gubanov. We have gathered a lot questions for him. And finally we have met.
- Before we heard about your Institute only from the magazine. It turned out be even more
interesting in real life!..
- You are right! We work with issues in human life that happen with accordance to the laws of
Nature. All those that are interested to know about most sacred motives of human behavior, are
very welcome to visit us for enlightenment! We work for the leaders of industries, for politicians,
for scientists, for representatives of creative professions and for regular people as well. Institute
is our laboratory. We are open to everyone who wants to learn how to live correctly. By the way,
the higher the person is on the social ladder, the more relevant this need becomes.
We study the influence of laws of Nature on people and know how they work in any human
community starting from micro community called family, and up to the big production
personnel groups. All that needs to be done is to lower the problem to the level of specific live
system, that already was born in our world, matured in it and went through specific stages of
development. Then it becomes obvious that the ways for solutions are unified. Biological and
social formations live under the same laws, and recognition of this fact promises big perspective.
We develop techniques that allow to bring a person to norm, better health of thought and feelings.
- Is that what social ecology is?
- Yes. Our influence also does not carry any forceful nature and thus happens gradually. It
usually happens unnoticed. Without breaking the laws of Nature, we are able to bring a person
to the level which he or she dreams about. His or her ability to control own life improves so much
that it becomes an art: you only think about something, and it is already happening! It turns out
that everyone has an opportunity to live this way, however the work in this field requires a lot of
spiritual involvement. That is why the emotionality of a person is very important to us. When
emotions are alive, it is very easy to see. And if a person already lost the ability to simply smile
at a joke, then he or she needs to be taken out from this stupor! Normal person has to
constantly and sincerely be happy at least due to the fact that he exists in this world.

If he or she is living according to the laws of Nature, then he or she is healthy, merry, successful
and is harmoniously involved in the time of living. We even came up with the formula for
happiness, which is actually an indicator of correct life. In the first place of the formula is health
and its main indicator time, which you can spend without strong medicine. In the second place
is the amount of positive emotions per unit of time, per one day for example. This characteristic
is so universal that by solely using it you can identify persons quality of life. Third place is the
number of positively completed meetings per unit of time. The truth is that it really characterizes
your ability to find agreement with other people and solve the issues with positive outcome.
Learn to speak with others in their language, use the "bait" that fish enjoys, not the one you like.
I assure you, that the results would overwhelm all your expectations!
By the way, there is one of my students among you today. A business lady that was brought up
in the full compliance with the laws that we promote. The problems that bothered her firm, are
long gone; nine managers covered the whole city and elite sausages that they sell of Moscow
company "Dymov" are very popular.
- If all the problems could be so easily solved...
- It is much easier to solve specific business problems then it may seem, if you understand the
algorithm of their solutions. And we are in no way trying to ultimately perfect legislative system
or government policies On the global scale the mistakes accumulate and when they reach the
critical point it results in the social storms. Objectively speaking, they bring to health the situation
in society by clearing the blockages from accumulated contradictions. And truly, it is not very
pleasant to experience the shocks on yourself But there is nothing we can really do about it,
for example: we cant get rid of the inflation even though its a very painful process. And I have
created an "antidote" for myself: do not get mad about the fact that prices are rising, it is better
to simply keep on working. That is, to pay more attention to economic effectiveness of your own
activities and strongly deny the unprofitable one. You should do everything better, faster and
more interesting than others! Announce about yourself in timely and rich in content manner in
the media. Today one has to invest in his or her own image and health. The motto for the third
millennium "Save yourself, and others around you will also be saved". This is individual,
personal responsibility for everything that happens to you and has to be put into the absolute!

Sometime ago popular slogan "Die yourself but save your friend" has become history. By the
way with the current popularity of spiritual individuality the environment frequency is also
changing: large and uncoordinated staff groups are collapsing, and the optimal teams of 5
people take the lead. They start to work each in their own field, they stimulate each other and
interact so effectively that it immediately results in the rapid increase in the profitability of the
company. It really makes the company to stand out among the competitors.
It is vital to search for like-minded partners. If you cant find existing you should help to grow
them. Big number of staff in which allegedly "all for one and one for all" will not be able to
substitute the synergy of the team of few. This truth is from the field of modern management
techniques, and one should pay attention to it and invest in it, as well as in the informational
technologies. A lot of people talk about these techniques today but only few really know about
them. We provide practical assistance in mastering them, and this experience is spread
throughout my work everywhere I go. We do have results, and one of the brightest examples is
the representative office of "Dymov" company in St. Petersburg, which I mentioned before. One
can reach high results when he or she is literate in the energy-informational field. Goals that are
set before human by business, is best to solve using the head I believe that credit money
make people slack. Advice: "you should live according to your funds" is the one phrase that
really works here. It is ok to get credit when it is very clear on how successfully you have
"aimed" and "shot" If you just had a whim to get something, you went to the bank, received a
loan and satisfied your desire, then by this you upset your own correct "aim". For something to
work out, one should work!
- But the person does not refuse to work after he or she receives a loan/credit...
- Nothing good can come out of it: his desire is already satisfied! "A fat belly, a lean brain"
(Russian version: "Full belly, is deaf to work") you cant cheat nature!
Actually it is a big evil when credit money is spent on creation of undeserved image: spending
the cash and then not to care what will happen next And even in the case when a person
truthfully wants to return the credit where are the guarantees that he will be able to do it? The
world is constantly changing. If you start to imagine things that could happen throughout the
years that you have to return the credit, you can get neurosis. Actually the whole western
civilization that is used to live on credit is affected by this sickness. A person spends all his life
as a slave, paying off mortgages and car loans...
- The credit is sufficiently strong motivation for more effective work and bigger income,
isnt it?
- Only in two cases: if it is used for education or to buy a place to live, which will increase the
quality level of life. Then the personal inner potential will receive a boost and will start to

- What about credit for business development?

- The best option is to get credit using the collateral that you already own: real estate,
merchandise. It has to be in the common sense limits and in the limits of personal responsibility.
Otherwise you could have a case with irrevocable loan payments which would create a lot of
If you work correctly, the effectiveness should be no less than hundred percent, or three hundred
which is even better! And these percentages should be measured; you should not work just for
We can help to create truly creative staff team, members of which will work effectively and with
pleasure. If simple, but very important issues that describe the staff qualifications in complex are
known and hiring staff is done in accordance with them, the profitability of work will instantly rise.
Mistakes during the business development are inevitable, they had to be calmly analyzed and
calmly corrected! Positive mind set helps to live through any situation. Those who are down and
gave up, cannot usually work, they are afraid of everything! Business is money, and you have to
carry out transactions every day, thus the appearance or disappearance of money should be
treated philosophically. However, to spend money on family should be done only with great joy.
Such a constant streak of pleasures: received brought home spent. Learn yourself, and
teach your children using your own example what generosity is...
But, you should buy only those things that you are sure about. Spend your time and energy only
on those things that you really believe to be worthy. Spend your emotions only on matters that
you really know. Do not do anything under somebodys pressure: you are smart and wise
enough yourself to make independent decisions about what you need and what is interesting for
Determine whether the thing that is being recommended will bring positive emotions to your life
nobody except you can feel it better!
- I think it is so difficult to determine...
- As I was saying, it is possible. In regards to materially helping people: it should be done only to
the people that have already proved that they can overcome difficult situations. At that, the sum
should not exceed 25 percent of the amount that is just laying around. Do help and check how
this sum is used. If you dont like something or something alerts you, then stop "playing" with
that person.
All topics that we touch on today are worked in details with our students during our practical
- Could you please tell us more about them!
- Sure. "Men and women. Illusion and reality" everything about the relationships, including the
ones in business. During the seminar "Staff audit" we explain the new theory and practice of the

new approach in hiring personnel. During the seminars "Truth and lie about magic. Energy
vampires" we give unique materials regarding the topic that does not exist in print yet.
There is also a seminar called "Dreams come true" during which participants learn about laws,
in accordance with which one can set specific goals and reach them with certainty.
- What should one do when employees are leaving?
- First of all one has to understand that the change of one or few employees is not always a bad
thing. Usually, this fact shows that the previous level of company development exhausted itself
and now the company needs the specialists of a new level. In practice we should do the same
thing as we do when a person physically dies: "cover the mirrors" (tradition in Russia when
someone dies) for some time. The phantom of the departed stays here with us, until it dissolves,
the place is taken. When the phantom dissolves, a fair amount of cleaning from the former
colleague brain waves has to be done to the bodies of employees. By the way, one of our
seminars "Divide and rule" is dedicated to this topic. It is on how to get rid of piled up
"unnecessary relations or friendships", which take a lot of life energy and manipulate the
And if you are really thinking about replacing the one who left, then draw a portrait of person that
in your opinion is needed, order him, and he most definitely will appear.
The year we have spent together with "Lifexpert" came to an end. Throughout this time,
he tried to hint us on how to live correctly, not to be afraid of difficulties, and confidently
resolve them. He even gave us a present in a form of the formula of success Do not be
lazy, try to master it.

Till we meet again!

President of the International Institute of Social Ecology

V.V. Gubanov

Human Resource Management. How to create an

effective team?
Any person as any physical subject consists of energy informational shells: physical body,
energy shell, that is responsible for all life system functions; emotional shell that is the means of
production for the energy shell; intellectual shell and programming shell, which allow to save
stable overall dimensions of a person in time and give form.
Since 1990 there are methods of distant control of the momentary state of a person. There are
49 parameters that are used in these amplitude-frequency characteristics (AFC) of a person. It
can be measured by the special devices or certified specialist. These are the activeness
parameters of the human energy centers. Every center in a human body is connected with a
specific function in the system. Their characteristic shows how active each center is in a given
state of a person. Using these parameters it is possible to judge about the current state of the
person and what to expect from him in the near future. Using these characteristics it is possible
to know whether certain medicine or procedure will be effective for this given person and why
the state of health is getting worse. In addition, AFC shows what this person is doing right now.
If we take the sequence of AFC that are taken with the certain time interval, then we will get the
chronal body of the subject.
Chronal body of the subject is the characteristic that shows the reserve of life forces of a person
in the process of any given point of life time beginning from the conception and up until present
moment. Exact time periods in this kind of diagnosis are chosen depending on the need: year,
month, day, and hour or minutes. It is now possible to accurately define events with certainty to
up to 5 minutes. It is possible to test if the brain of the person, that company is planning to hire,
is in the proper state. That is to define if this person is able to at least potentially perform the
activities of the business that this company is involved in. It also tells if it is possible to develop
the person into the core element of the company from the nugget it is now. Will this element
perfectly fit the place which is provided by the company and will it be productive in its place.
There are critical levels of brain energy supply for a person. If the tested subjects level is below
the critical point, then normal manager will not entrust anything other than mechanical work to
this person. Usually it is even dangerous to entrust mechanical work to this person. Not knowing
these laws can condition the collapse of the company. It can also lead to wrong decision making
by the executives by not taking into account current objective information. This is exactly what
we are talking about here. We are talking about the methods of receiving current objective
information at the times when it is needed!
Up until know managerial decision and decisions in hiring personnel during the companys start
up were best compared to the search for the precious stone that you could implant in the head
crown of a director. The stone was supposed to fit in size, color and quality as well. Huge forces
are thrown on the search for this nugget and special measures are implemented to reform the
expert human resources. However, big number of training programs, turn out to be dirty from
the energy informational safety point of view. They have consequences on the family

relationships and state of health of the ones trained. For example such forceful psycho training
as spring of life leaves energy informational connections to the human brain and has a rather
negative effect on the further business activity. All of this can be traced in the fourth dimension
-- in the space of linear time. There are techniques of disconnection from the energy
informational anchors. Practice is the criteria of truth those who got rid of their anchors can
experience increase in the creative inspiration and improvement in their state of health.
To conduct such diagnosis a photograph of the subject is enough. To get this kind of information
it is even enough for someone to create an image of the subject that you want to diagnose in the
mind. The one who is seeing the subject in the mind is looking at the receiving hand of the biooperator. Bio-operator tunes in to the form that is being formed on his or her hand and takes the
characteristics. Information that is coming to the receiving end is enough to take 51
characteristics. They are rather tentative and rough characteristics that show persons state of
health. If we are talking about healthy people, about those who desire to productively carry their
functions, then it is possible to take the information about the polarity of their brain activity. It is
possible to get the information about their level of energy radiation of objects on the certain
frequency diapason of a human brain. You can see it on a picture as a set of probe orbitals. It is
similar visually and in functions with the configuration of atoms electric shells. (Picture 1.)

Picture 1. Polarity of the brain activity.

As pictured above, human brain is shown as a core of an atom, its mass structure and electric
shells create informational content in so called spine and torsion fields. The fields can be traced
on devices or by the human brain. They lie in the basis of such phenomena as human memory.

You can say that manifestation of each orbital represents direction of functional orientation of a
person in space and time. Activity of one orbital becomes primary depending on the type of
actions the person is involved in. To add to this, you can say that a person is born with certain
set of these orbitals in active or passive form. The existence of these orbitals defines the
potential prospect for education or skill towards certain types of activity. Correspondingly, this
form of defining personal characteristics allows one to work well in the mode of vocational
guidance. Every company that wants to secure its vitality needs to hire such experts that would
supply the most harmonic objective radiation of the collective mind structure.
Picture 2 shows the hiring process of initial human resources, which can lead to a normal state
by increasing their professionalism through increasing the polarized radiating ability.

Zoom In
Picture 2. Process of forming effective work team
Further you can see the set of orbitals of those experts that went through the certain training.
This falls under the jurisdiction of psychological methods, methods of work with trained
personnel and connection of personnel with the enterprise.
One has to know that modern person as a rule is under the influence of controlling stresses,
which can be written on the genetic level from parents. This can become the main factor that
creates problems in the enterprise.
When person comes for an interview, there is a thing that should be checked first of all. Does his
potential prospects and main orientation of brain activity correspond to the position in the

collective mind to which the person is applying to. If it does not correspond or there is no chance
of bringing the person to the normal state then it is best not to hire this person. He or she might
become the anchor for the work of brain structures of other staff team members. Often, this kind
of people turns out to be the reason behind the collapse of the company even though from the
legal stand point they have nothing to do with it.
Company can collapse not only because incorrect hiring of personnel. Sometimes CEO is the
problem (fish starts to get spoiled form the head). CEO is the immune system of the firm. He or
she is responsible for the firms immunity. It is also possible that the firm might have just fulfilled
its main goal and that is why it begins to lose stabilizing brain radiation of the staff which is the
guiding star.
Specific work to create a staff team.
It includes the set of activities in practice that was shown in the video:
1. Work with application. Defining the reserve of life forces depending on the age
and potencies of the potential prospects for the job in the company.
Recommendations for the use of specific candidates, evaluation of their ability to
work, evaluation of their initiative, reliability and evaluation of their intuition.
2. Astrological testing that shows if the person will create conflicting situations in
the personnel team. Creation of team ability.
Regular characteristic during the testing of the person can show the reserve of life forces
depending on the age (life line).

Picture 3. Life forces reserve of a person, depending on the age (life line)
You can say that the person presented in the picture 3 is energy lacking and is started from the
specific point of time. There are stresses that control his or her behavior. Until the given

characteristic is brought into the state of more serious characteristic (thick line) this kind of
person will most likely not bring anything other than troubles to the company. The reserve of life
forces has to be formed throughout the life of a person. Because the human brain from the
stand point of the fourth dimension is the momentary disk which throughout the time of its work
is trying to collate with the matrix of the DNA cell in the moment of the conception (picture 4). If
there are obstacles on the way of the brain collating with the ultimate standard then the signal
distortion occurs and the brain cannot make the correct decision that corresponds to the current

Zoom In
Picture 4. Picture of energy informational interrelation in the persons bodies that belong to
different measurement of thinner levels.
As the result there are sicknesses on the domestic everyday level, false decisions or lack of
intuitive feeling of what really is going on at the business level.
Energy lacking subject can only dream about intuition, it is only intensions and not the action.
On the logical level, the human brain processes information with the speed of 16 units of
information per second. On the subconscious, intuitive level the speed of information processing
is equal to 10 in the 9th power of information units per second. Thats is why when a person is
processing informational structures with high speed, he or she can trace certain personal urges,
as the person is playing the role of the head. This allows one to make the only correct decision
at the current moment of time taking into account objective situation.
Modern managers on the level of traditions still do not take into account the features of the
business activity they are involved.

For example, for big number of high level managers one question turns out to be very important.
It is the question: where to get the loan? It is not only the question of getting the loan, it is the
question of the possible consequences to the further activity of the company.
For example: there are two companies and one of them has a high potential (picture 5.1). The
potential of the other company is as low as it gets (picture 5.2). The second company comes
with the initiative to work together. As a rule, nothing good can come out of it. Summed
characteristics of the new project is energy lacking. In addition, the potential of the first energy
excessive company becomes energy lacking and potential of the second company sometimes
gets stable, but not by a lot.

Picture 5. Potencies of companies

This quite standard situation can be described even on the everyday level. For example: If the
amount of the loan of the first organization to the second one is less than 25%, then nothing
major will happen to the first company. This is the same as what happens when large cargo is
put on the ship. It sinks a little bit but keeps on going. If the amount of investment in the initial
capital is more than 30% then the first company is in serious trouble. It is related not only to the
loan but also to the business itself.
One question can come up: Why the potential company has trouble with getting new finances?
And why does the cargo have excess of the funds?
The answer is very simple: the second company in this case is a parasite. It might have leftovers
of someone it already ate. It is also possible that its ideology got OLDER, the new team was
selected incorrectly, false criteria in doing business and energy leakage was created. The
energy began to leak out of the brains of the personnel and money began to leak out of the
bank accounts.
The strong ones usually start with the new prospective business idea! In this case there is plenty
of food and it is sin not to share it. Otherwise the food can start to get spoiled
In the business cases we can offer express analysis of the company with which you plan to have
partner relationships. There is also an opportunity to take the characteristics of the life forces
reserve of the team that wants to begin process of mutual creative work. Outcomes from such
type of activity can be easily predicted. It is enough to test the CEO or the one who is
responsible for the given project. It can be done during the contact with the representatives of
the company that is planning to be a future partner. In this case we can give recommendations

to begin the relationships with the partner but to continue to be independent. After everything is
defined the company should not to dive deep into offers that may seem attractive at first sight.
We can offer monitoring of inside situations for the modern managers. Every normal manager
should know that once made capable team will not always stay this way by itself! It turns
out that there are serious influences on the work of the brain of each team member from the
genetic relatives, older generations, kids, sexual partners and personal worries. Managers
should give time to check the energy state of the team. This kind of analysis can be done in one
week. It looks like this (Picture 6)

Picture 6. The graph of the energy state of the companys team.

After this, the manager can receive information about the specific moment of time in the
company when something happened and whether there are possible unpleasant consequences.
Credibility of such method is about 90%. If the influencing injury is discovered, then the detailed
research of the situation begins. During this detailed research all companys employees and
active business partners can be tested. After the cause of the stress situation is revealed, the
correction of cause and effect connections can be conducted. The correct work with the key
figure of the given company could be enough. After this, there is a chance for the situation to be
brought to normal. This kind of work is done on the energy informational level and can take from
1 to 3 hours. However, naturally, sometimes there is a need for active work in unstressing the
key figure and neutralizing of the mistakes that were made during managerial decisions
(to be continued)

President of the International Institute of Social Ecology

V.V. Gubanov

Service was, service is, service must be!

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy
William Shakespeare.
At first, let us set the terminology that we will use since it is common when people just meet.
This will give us an opportunity to understand each other the further we go. What is service?
For us, for the experts in the field of informatics and psycho-energy activity of the human brain it
In other words service should increase the quality of life of people and bring them to the next
level. However, it is only possible in reality when the one being serviced and the one giving
service understand each other in the process of the service itself.
When someone needs apples and he or she is offered oranges then this is the sign that there
is something wrong with the service department. Lets look at the problems that our older
brothers meet. By older brothers I mean the people who started to provide services to people
a long time ago, when we were still trying to protect the way the service was done in Soviet
Active in life Americans, even those who are in the service industry themselves, have their own
service team that consists of dentists, lawyers, psychoanalysts and they also have a dream
about honest car mechanics.
This is the four whales for them, and the whole idea of service comes to these 4 categories:
medicine, law, psychology and transport.
Based on the core of the service it is possible to originate the following slogan: WELCOME,
UNDERSTAND and SATISFY. There are many who teach how to welcome the client. The
procedure is rather standard even though it has its own specific features.
However, it is totally different story when we talk about how to understand and satisfy! First,
we can point out that staff has to be properly qualified and have excessive resources to give to
the client to meet his needs.
A joke:
- Hey kid, do you want some candy?
- Yes, I really want some candy!
- Sorry, kid I dont have any!
It is possible that extra parts are missing or there is not enough qualification to solve the
problem of the client. All of it is very easy to solve.

The main concept that we are going to talk about is how to really understand. Since I am an
expert in psycho-ecology, I would like to add perhaps not obvious (at first sight) phrase to the
slogan we came up with before: and to SURVIVE after the client is SATISFIED!
A joke:
a new Russian (usually uneducated people with criminal past who got very rich fast after
collapse of the Soviet Union) enters a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist.
- Do you have bread for sale today?
- Its not a bakery, its a pharmacy!
The pharmacist gets beaten up, and the client leaves. Next day the situation is repeated with
the same question, answer and beating afterwards. On the third day, the same client appears in
the pharmacy, and pharmacist tells him:
- Here is toast bread, here are rolls and here is French bread
- No, thats ok, I already bought bread in the shoe store, I came here to get some sour cream

This joke is a good illustration that modern clients usually have no idea what they want and often
the person that is working in the service has to bring himself together after a visit of such client.
As a result we came to conclusion that a person working in service has to be a psychotherapist
first of all and it does not matter what was his initial education. It is possible to satisfy the needs
of the modern client and SURVIVE his presence only when the service person takes up the role
of the psychotherapist.
Now, lets get back to the main issue. It is possible to really understand another person only in
the situation when you can perceive a lot more information than just from what he or she is
saying. This means that the service expert has to guess a lot of things, simply because even
terminology that is used by the client is different from the one that the service expert uses.
Are you talking about some kind of telepathy? you can say that and you actually would be
right. Understanding and mutual understanding have philosophical meaning as well as physical
During the service process there is a direct interaction between the brain of the client and the
one of the expert. That is why it could be a good thing to really look into what brain really is and
how the process of interaction between people actually takes place. Many who are interested in
how the brain works already about that f functional brain zones that were discovered by dUrville
in 1904. (Picture 1)

Picture 1. Functional brain zones according to dUrville.

Picture 2. Conversation between dUrvilles brain zones during the interaction of two people.
A) Probing the state of the target
B) Reply of the probed zone
C) Programming of the brain zone activity of the target.
From large-scale research on brain activity it is now known that dUrville zones of each person
change to active mode in the same sequence. However, the speed of the sequence change in

activeness is different. The intensity of radiation and perceptibility of the incoming waves is
different as well.
The speed of the change characterizes the temper and state of a person. We call it rotational
activity of the brain. These characteristics show the speed of informational processes in the
brain. Logical people have a low speed; intuitive people have a high speed. Actors that are
playing their role have the highest speed.
Stress has the very strong influence on the power and sensitivity of the radiation. Stress is a
stable deformation of the DNA cell in the activated brain zone of dUrville. Thus,
UNDERSTANDING is possible only when both subjects that are involved in the conversation
have the SAME rotation activity of the brain and certain dUrville zones are activated
simultaneously. There is a dialogue when one is radiating and another one is receiving through
senses. For mutual understanding there is a need for periodic change in the roles of the one
who radiates and the one who receives.
Described above protocol is carried out and it does not matter if people involved in the
conversation dont know about it.
They might also not know that the zones of the energy lacking brain feed on the energy
excessive brain through the radiation. This is the reason behind sudden strange aggravation
among people in conversation. During the conversation it is possible to see rudeness, mockery
and humiliation after which the one who is attacked loses mood or even state of health.
This is the way to make energy excessive person tune into the characteristics of the brain
radiation of the energy lacking person. This makes energy excessive person share his or her
energy reserves. There is a need to know how to protect oneself from aggression of the clients
for a modern person working in the service industry. This has to be done on daily basis and in a
quality way by a person who contacts a lot of clients.
The less is the stress that brain cells remember the more is the frequency of the conversation,
better is the intuition and the radiation is in order. Memory and ability to work is also increased. It
also works the other way around. When there is a lot of stress in the brain, it makes the persons
manifestation during the conversation much ruder.
This means that overstressed brain can lead to inability of an expert to show that he is qualified
in the real situation. (There is a lot of detailed information on the topic of dangers for people in
the everyday domestic situations, business and science in the 3 hour video lectures of our basic
distant study course: Miasma of civilizations, Dangers of modern professions and Dangers in the
science and art.
Smart entrepreneurs are sure and convinced that human resources is everything and
constantly look for ways to protect themselves and their enterprises from the employees that are
able to bring harm to the company by displaying problem qualities on the psycho-energy levels
in the process of work.
For example in Japan contenders for executive position are tested in regards to their olfactory
acuity. It turns out (and it is proven by our research) that people with low level of acuity are more
aggressive and self-assured which does not usually help to create conditions suitable for work of

In Japan in the companies where there is a need for sharp vision and precise hand movement
the work of ONLY VIRGINS is used. The same qualifications exist for those who pick tea leaves
for elite tea production high in the mountains.
There is no discrimination in this case whatsoever. The thing is that female brain even after
single sexual intercourse forms the constant connection with the partner. This connection can
be broken only with the help of special techniques and special methods. That is why whatever
goes through the girls hands is satiated (it is important for tea and food in general) with not only
her energy but with her partners as well. It becomes impossible to have the needed precision in
Airlines in United States (the same is done in US air force) starting from 1995 began to conduct
genetic tests for contenders to work as pilots. It turned out that existence of a certain gene in the
active state can lead to the blockage of brain activity. It can happen even with well-trained
specialists during the crisis situation in the REAL LIFE! Everything is ideal on the simulator, but
high in the air and on high speed there is a possibility of stupor, and it cannot be logically
explained. Many airlines had to get rid of potential Chernobyl-makers even though a lot of
worker unions protested.
To summarize: the existence of diploma about finishing educational course does not really
guarantee good real work of a specialist! If the specialist, the brain and organism as a whole is
under the influence of energy informational BREAKS then there is no need to be socially nice,
and put lives of innocent people in danger.
From my side I can give you signs of problematic psycho energy conditions of a person
that require serious work of psycho-ecologists. This can improve the quality of brain work of the
injured person:
1. Silver jewelry gets dark.
2. Skin on the hands under gold jewelry gets darker.
3. Dark mark on the cheek if you run a golden ring across.
4. Steady high temperature for two weeks without development of any other signs
of sickness.
5. Cold hands and feet (blockage of energy channels that communicate with the
surrounding environment. This fact is enough to get divorce in England and
Muslim countries).
6. Falling out of fillings (sign of active stress).
7. Rapid decrease of vision.
8. Rapid falling out of hair.
9. Drastic change in weight, hypertrophied stoutness or thinness.
10. Infertility, impotence or frigidity.
11. Arthritis, bronchitis, asthma, diabetes, hepatitis B and C.
12. Prostate adenoma, ovary cystous and uteri fibroma.

13. Night horrors, insomnia and syndrome of chronic fatigue.

14. Alcoholism, tobacco and drug addiction.
15. Sadism and rudeness.
This is far from complete list of signs that characterizes a person whom I would not recommend
to go on a spy mission with.
A natural question arises: Who should we work with?
It turns out that we are living in the time of rapid change in the QUALITY OF THE PSYCHOENERGY ENVIRONMENT!
I will illustrate this on the example of computers. In 1986 Soviet Union began to produce central
processor (CP) type 1810 PC 86. This is the same as what was inside the IBM PC XT in the
United States. CPU clock was 10 MHz.
Now Pentium IV has 20 similar processors that working simultaneously. Also the CPU clock for
the personal computers is up to 1500 MHz. The increase of the frequency is 150 x 20 = 3000
However, there is a law As above, so below. If there were no tasks to complete with such
frequency, then there will be no need to create such computers that are widely used.
If in 1986 researches of the brain activity were really surprised when they found out that people
use only 1-3% of the brain resources. It was hard for them to understand the need for such
excess of power that is not used. However in 2001 a very big number of people need ALL
POSSIBLE RESOURCES and all of them have to be in unstressed state.
It turned out that there are SPECIAL LAWS OF NATURE that work on this kind of speed and
using this kind of power!
Not knowing the laws does not free from the responsibility of following them! The new
millennium came and the FLOOD that everyone waited for and was scared of actually came as
The only difference is that everyone waited for a natural disaster or for a water flood. No one
really waited for the INFORMATIONAL flood that is happening right now.
A human is just like an airplane with changing sweep of the wing. When wings are spread apart
it is possible to slowly take off and land, and when they are like arrow it is possible to become
supersonic. Modern people need to spread their brain during work and at home go into low-level
flying. Otherwise, it will be impossible to finish all tasks at work or there could be chance of
bombing someone in your family
Yes, the quality of energy informational environment that we live in has changed!
That is why news sicknesses that make people develop totally new ways of treatment appeared.
Just like with computers, there is rarely a problem with hardware, most problems happen
because of program viruses or from disagreement between software programs. The same
happens with people, most sicknesses have INFORMATIONAL nature and not material virus

I would like to emphasize! This is the reason behind ineffectiveness of medical methods of
treatment. There is no reason to try to fix the hardware with the screwdriver when software has
a glitch!?
Modern person can be compared with the pilot of a supersonic airplane.
Pilot usually gets the map of the area, flight mission, estimation of going through the route as
well as the list of possible malfunctions of the device and ways to fix it. It is possible to show
the mentioned above lists to the modern person using a TABLE GRAPH.

- the map of the area, flight mission and the estimation of going through the route can be
defined by different categories in ASTROLOGY.

- signaling bulbs and different arrows on plane panel of the console are the lines and design of
fingers and palms. This is Chirology.
- rules of the safe flight on different heights and different environments as well as ways of safe
exit from crisis and critical situations are present in the new category of science that is called
All of these sciences fall under the category of MANAGEMENT RELATED ACADEMIC
DISCIPLINES. The fact that mass media is trying to abuse these sciences plays the role of
SPIRITUAL BREAKS of evolution.
These breaks are also created by those who successfully use mentioned above instruments of
estimation and analysis of action management. They dont want for the ELITE CROWD
SOCIETY to change, they dont want for the crowd to become educated.
It is also done by those who AGONIZE in their own creative inability (throughout the history of
humankind the change of the scientific world view paradigm happened through the physiological
death of authority representatives of the old paradigm and not through the process of their reeducation). It happened so that the vacant places were occupied by the newly taught authority
and they also died with the change of the living conditions just like dinosaurs. They still would
not re-educate themselves, just like their predecessors. (Someone great said this.)
It is also done by those who are trying to aggressively defend the need to take your destiny in
your own hands, really do something with it and take the responsibility.
Robot-Animal that is called HOMO-Vulgaris and does not have FREEDOM OF WILL does
not need all of this. He is the slave of the circumstances and servant of the orders
and if something is not right then it is not our business!
As it is said, our Motherland gave an order.
It is just like not being guilty for anything,
Almost like being that soldier!
B. Okudzhava (famous Russian poet, singer).
How about soldiers? I mean what about secret service agents and saboteurs.
In the military there is one phrase: Sometimes good spy in the right time and in the right place
is more valuable than 40 regular soldier divisions in battle!
Terrorist attacks prove this thesis but from the saboteur stand point!
Another question will be logical: How is service connected with secret service scouting, spies
and especially sabotage?!
I will answer.
Competition is the same as war. The only difference is that it happens during peaceful time and
not according to the in governments foreign policy.
This is the time when the new method of PSYCHO-DIAGNOSIS comes in handy.
Lets once again remember the picture of functional brain zones and conditions of
synchronization of brain activity of people during communication. We talked about it in the
beginning of this article. There is a widely known fact for researchers. Synchronization in the

natural conditions can happen just like in harem or female team group when monthly physical
and emotional trouble state happens at the same time.
What if someone does not want to tune in or cannot do so because of the stressed brain?
- The one who is not with us, is against us! 95% of people can intuitively feel this. This kind
of person in the team seems thorny or unpleasant So either the team breaks him and he
gets sick and loses the ability to work or he breaks the team and then the team loses the ability
to work.
Here is a new trend in sabotage against competitors! All that you have to do is just place agent
chief cook in the competitors company and the problem is gone, the companys team will lose
the ability to work. If the chief cook is energy lacking, then his professionalism and following
sanitary norms and rules does not really matter. Food coming from him will knock out people
just like a serious poison wood! (this is actually not a joke, things like this happen everywhere!).
Here is another interesting story for you! For example, here is a case from practice for you. It
was found in practice of psycho-energy diagnosis. The person in regards to whom something
bad is being planned, suddenly changes his or her energy informational characteristics.
The same kind of change can be found in those who are planning or connected with theft.
The same kind of changes can be traced on the cargo that has some foreign eye attached to it.
These OBJECTIVE CHANGES of energy informational conditions is felt by RATS, that try to
escape doomed ship, even though it is still standing at the peer and has no leakage anywhere
Modern person is not usually dumber than a common rat. That is why it is reasonable to state
that it is possible to understand all of it with the use of REASON DIAGNOSIS PSYCHO
DIAGNOSIS. After this it is possible to activate the security in time, plan revision and organize
provocation to know what really is going on.
You all know that a danger foreseen is half avoided (Direct translation from Russian: If I knew
where I would fall, I would put some padding there).
What are the categories that psycho-diagnosis operates with and how it is done in practice?
Lets once again remember about the dUrville zones. Each one of them radiates probing
signals in the surrounding environment. Energy of these rays creates composition of functional
energy informational shells around the body of person. (Picture 4)

Picture 4. Functional shells of a person

(you can find detailed information about the functional shells in our free concept video "Energy
Informatics of a Human 2.0")
1 Physical shell (body)
2 Energy shell (Aura)
3 Emotional shell
4 Intellectual shell
5 Programming shell
Configuration of these shells and their fullness show total reserve of life forces of the person
and the activity that he or she is involved in right now. Person who is conducting psychodiagnosis using certain techniques synchronizes his brain with the radiating brain zone of the
person that is being tested. The zone is activated when the type of activity is chosen.
After that the one conducting psycho diagnosis has an opportunity to MEASURE intensity of this
zone. It can be done throughout the WHOLE LIFE or at any certain period of time of the person
that is being tested. This is work with linear time. The same type of work is done by any person
when he or she remembers something. The difference of modern specialist from a common
person is that the specialist can say I can remember what happened but it was not with me...
As a result the graph is made. The way how it looks can be seen on the Picture 5.

Picture 5. Graph of energy fullness of the testing brain zone.

Using configurations of this graph it is possible to define with precision of up to five minutes what
was happening with the person in any given period of time, just like on a cardiogram. It is
possible to define the conditions of stress appearance and an expert can offer techniques to
recovering the needed ability to work. I would like to point out!
Up until now the hiring process was made based on the diploma and rarely through the
recommendation. In modern conditions it is the same as searching in the desert for the stone
with certain configuration that is needed to fit into the wall of the house that is being built.
We on the other hand offer to take the stone and remove everything that is not needed just like
Michelangelo would. This is the right way because stress can appear with any expert at any
moment. This helps to save the old one and not look for the new one. A lot of things depend on
each individual in any company, since there are not that many qualified specialists to choose
Steep mountains, pay attention!
Dont count on luck!
When you are climbing a mountain rock.
There is no steady stone, ice or cliff!
You can only count on the strength of your hands
On the hands of your friend and mounted hook
And we pray for the safety equipment to work!
V. Vysotskiy (famous Soviet poet, singer)
With the help of such testing that is carried out distantly using a photo or ONLY THE GAZE of a
person that imagines the person to be tested, it is possible to conduct everything we talked
about in the article and receive information about the things in heaven and earth.
These techniques of diagnostics were widely used in the research since 1990. They were used
in the defense industry and in the Institute of Technology and Economics of the Academy of the
Defense Industry of Russia.

In addition to the diagnosis practice there were also techniques of emergency recovery of
people after crisis situations. The variety of techniques were developed and put into practice.
These techniques do not use medical drugs, coding, hypnosis or equipment influence. They just
turn on recovery processes after the person is disconnected from the Controlling Subconscious
Stress (CSS!). However, if the person does not want to help him or herself then you cant be
raped to stay alive!
If we go back to our topic of service then in the modern conditions of wide selection of the
places where you can get the service there is one competitive age. It is the ability and readiness
to COORDINATE your brain with the brain of the client. Then clients come from different cities
and word of mouth advertisement supplies direct flow of needed clients.
Do you remember the dream for honest car mechanics in the beginning of the article?
Here is the real life case from the car service companies that we facilitate.
A) There is a female owner of the car service company. She can quickly sense and react to the
changing conditions, and usually is on time to act before there are tendencies towards trouble.
However, there is a funny nuance, when she began to treat her teeth and not her company, the
flow of the clients disappeared! They just forgot about possibility to visit her, since she turned
off her radiator that was responsible for work of her company. We had to create special work
mode for her brain, so she could eat the cake with her teach and have it :)
B) There is an entrepreneur who had a black belt in karate and was a wizard with car motors.
He created a tactic of working with his clients and staff. He does his work load like he is fighting
in the circle. There is no extra movement! Everything looks like a dance near the car. Diagnosis
is synchronized with the motor, and the setup of the motor is synchronized with the client. Car
becomes tuned for its client, just like a musical instrument is tuned with the owner. It is not a
surprise that a lot of executives from St. Petersburg region entrust their beloved means of
transportation in his hands. Some famous people and people of authority are not even lazy to
drive 50 kilometers to get to his car shop. This happens when there are car shops on every turn.
There is no miracle here! This is the law of attraction at work Similar things are drawn to each
other. It turns out that real aid can be given by the equal or a stronger person. This is the
principle of hierarchical help.
That is why people that reached certain heights in life are looking not only for the Iron
Woodman, but someone who they can really trust.
They will only trust the person who is able to tune his or her brain with theirs. The person in
service has to be strong and flexible with the client. (There is wisdom in the East: Death is the
loss of elasticity).
All of this just means that PSYCHO-DIAGNOSIS is a guarantee of ability to work in the service
industry at the current modern world level.
President of the International Institute of Social Ecology
V.V. Gubanov


Reason for 90% of impotence is in psychology

No one will argue the fact that women consider a male to be high-ranked he has large bank
account, charisma, charm and most importantly Mojo. Many man because of that become the
hostages of chemical pills that prolong the sexually active age, by doing this they sacrifice their
liver, heart and self-respect.
However, the impotence according to the President of the International Institute of Social
Ecology (St. Petersburg) Vyacheslav Gubanov can begin as well as end only in the head. Our
interview is about quality sex for quality life.
Can a righteous person, the one who takes care of his health participate in group sex?
It depends on a person (laughing). If we talk about it seriously, if we talk about the true purpose
of group sex then well find that in history it was always considered to be a cult activity. I think
some of you might remember the topic of astral karate which was very popular in 1992. There
is an analogy the people who work as a network are able to reach the most results. When the
energy of participant in group sex is combined it reminds the might of the heroes in Voltron:
Defender of the Universe. If you remember, there were independent functional transformer
capsules that were controlled by space pilots. They would gather into one mega-construction
and then they would become unbeatable. If the participants are drawn to group sex only by the
zest of the whole process then there could be quite serious problems. In any sex, as well as in
group sex the connections between the people do not disappear after the end of the act.
Are you saying that there is some kind of physiological memory about former
The research showed that horses which experienced intercourse with zebra, but didnt get
pregnant, give birth to striped colts in 2-5 years. Moreover, the scientists not so long ago were
able to fulfill a wish of one woman. She gave birth to a child from a partner who was dead for the
last 7 years. The sperm cells of a partner are absorbed by the female uterus. It turned out that to
get these cells and use the method of egg cell growing that is used in extrapolation to get
someone pregnant was not that hard. As a result the woman successfully carried and gave birth

to the child. There was even a certificate that proved genetic relation of the child with the
deceased. Our research of the infertility problems after the period of post-sexual revolution in
Germany vividly proves the fact that the connections are not destroyed. That is why church does
not support sex before marriage; they dont want all former sexual partners to be present in the
bad of newlywed. The brain of each participant after the act can influence the processes in the
bodies of the other participants. In other words people are just stuck on each other. The same
situation occurs during so called distributed group sex when women or men that have 5 or 6
partners who dont know each other but interchange not only saliva and other discharges
through the common partner, but also more thinner matters on the energy level.
So what should one do?
There are special methods of freeing oneself from his or her former or current partners. These
methods are used by healers and so called soothsayers, but it happens on ritual and
unexplained level. The modern experts in the field of interaction in the environment work with
scientific methods and the use of the theory of torsion contact physics of elementary particles
and other methods as well, but the explanation of that processes is out of the scope of our
current topic.
So what should people who love group sex do?
If people are connected through the emotional connections, they are friends, they have mutual
intellectual and spiritual interests then there is nothing bad in this kind of interaction. For
advanced people, this is normal. But what is good for that kind of people would be just fleshly
lusts for the people of lower levels. By the way, now many people turn into fleshly lusts, they are
just looking for exciting experience and they do not take into account the quality of those they
plan to do it with.
So, in this case, it is better to have just one regular and reliable sexual partner?
If we look at the normal people, that is, at those who do not have psychological pathologies,
then for them there are two main life periods: before 35 and after 35. During the first period it is
recommended to have only one regular partner after the marriage, but after 35 years of age a
person becomes too big to fit in the former limits that got very narrow with time. He cannot be
fully satisfied with only one relationship. Then, if you look at the real life situation and not at the
widely accepted standard norms you would see that this is the time when family friends, family
girlfriends and other similar friends start to appear. The Nature takes its own! And those
people who are able to correctly use the newly found bonds in their matured life have a high
chance of staying healthy and happy without breaking the former family bonds. The truth is that
you dont even have to have physical sex when you indulge yourself in very intensive emotional,
spiritual and intellectual connections on the side. When a person stays in the old hard shelled

rules he or she might degrade. However, I would like to emphasize one thing for you; I am
talking about a person who advances, the one who needs more than just to have a meal and a
conversation with an opposite sex. He or she needs much more interesting things in life than
Are there any signs or symptoms on the body which show that it is time to disconnect
from the partner?
Actually when a person is trying to reach self-realization through sex it is not a healthy situation.
They carry on themselves the mark of all their previous and future sexual partners and it is even
worse when the energy waste of all their relatives down to 6th generation is there. Have you for
example encountered a situation when you meet an attractive young woman (or man) the
figure is good, you like the looks, voice and there is even charm but you begin to smell dead
flesh? Partners do not stay with this person for more than one time. We have that kind of people
coming to us for private sessions. What to do in that kind of cases? Clean oneself.
What are the signs that a person is clogged by his partners or relatives?
First sign is impotence. Doctors by the way also state that the reason for 90% of the impotence
is in psychology. I would also add that it depends on the energy properties. A person can be so
clogged by the ex that he just cant tunes himself to the current partner. Another sign is
infertility. When we talk about ex partners I have to point out that there are cases when a woman
constantly thinks about her first husband to fire herself up for second one. This situation is
pathological and it can cause big health problems in the near future for the second husband.
The man could be just thrown down the drain this way. A woman after divorce MUST disconnect
herself through energy informational ways from her previous husband.
The last but not least question is about oral sex. What do you think about the ancient
Chinese theory that sperm can be a source of eternal youth?
Human organism through oral sex receives nitrous oxide with sperm which increases mood and
heightens the senses which can actually contribute to rejuvenation of the body. Sperm also has
a very serious programming effect on the female brain. Roughly speaking after a woman
receives the sperm she strongly connects with that man, he starts to occupy most of her
thoughts and she wants him again and again. Oral sex brings not only a common relaxation,
after this type of sex man feels energized when after the regular sex they are not. He does not
feel absorbed and exhausted. There is another interesting thing, after few times a woman begins
to understand the man very quickly. I read an article about one of our famous photo artists who
is famous for his well coordinated work with capricious models. He gave away his secret: one
week of oral sex before the photo shoot and no problems in mutual understanding. There is no
need for words! You might even notice that secretaries, who interact with their bosses this way,

are rather effective in their work. We had a trial on shaurma (similar to meet wrap) street
vendors here in St. Petersburg not so long ago. It was a very serious scandal, it was connected
with the fact that sperm was discovered in the sauce that came with the shaurma. In any case,
it was quite interesting fact that those vendors had regular HOOKED ON clientele of both sexes!
It turns out that one has to be really careful to what is consumed during the process of
sex to be safe?
There are interesting cases when a woman cant even come closer to the male sex organ of her
partner with her face, even though everything used to be OK. The rejection happens and even
responsive shutting of jaws is possible. Nature takes care of security by itself!

Interviewed by Natalya Revskaya

President of the International Institute of Social Ecology

V.V. Gubanov

Men are beginning to extinct!

It turns that it is possible to avoid ruined nerves and broken heart according to workers on
environment (scientists that work with energy informational environment on the level of torsion
and other fields of thinner matter existence levels). One can just look at the surface of the
energy interaction issues in family and society for women and men.
Women in general are different from men. Women have a big reserve of life forces, but have
less stability because of their emotions. Based on this, scientists made a fundamental
conclusion: energy abundant and flying women need earthly stabilizer that is played by a
man. He is actually needed without a doubt! That is why representatives of the most beautiful
sex really want to jump into marriage and they try their best to find at least any mate. Famous
Russian singer Alena Sviridova in one of her interview said: I dont need a man for material
support, I dont need a man to open up creatively, I need a man for emotional stability.
What about men? How is everything with them? There is a self-sufficient (in terms of Vyacheslav
Gubanov, president of the IISE) and energy excessive male. He does not have the desire to
stabilize women. However, this desire exists in men who lack aura energy (with small reserve of
life forces). Such men usually get a wife that plays the role of a feeding mother that generously
shares with him all that she has on the energy level and the man just stabilizes her. Everything
is well, but! It turns out that basis for such marriage change in 5 years. Something like an
inventory audit happens. The prospect of the marriage as a result of the audit can be defined

Children on the level of environment can actually make the marriage shake it even more rather
than making it more stable. Then the husband is moved down in priority when energy mother
becomes a real mother and starts to feed her child in actual and figurative sense first of all!
If we change the topic and look at the children then we will see that children often choose their
sexual partners according to the energy informational portrait of the opposite sex parent in the
Another set of rake that young couple usually steps on, and it even might sound strange, lies in
the joy, and pleasant surprises and other things that we expect from the full value family.
Question: How should the partner know what makes you happy? It turns out that to establish
long relationships one needs to know oneself and introduce the partner to the real you. The real
essence of the close relationships lies in the mutual enrichment of feelings, emotions and
Coming back to the healthy relationships, since we are talking about them, the next thin aspect
is vividly seen on the field level. It is the issue of sex. It is a petty that the description of ways to
satisfy partners is outside of this given topic.
There is just one interesting nuance in regards to the desire of turning on the head and logic
(that is male hemisphere) in the most inappropriate time. Does he love you? How can I make it
more pleasant for him? these and other questions make women destructed from the body
senses and think. Men begin to strain oneself, since on the field level there is a man right next
to him that is the male hemisphere is active! The interest just disappears. On the other hand
(if the partner of course is not a total egoist) the best case scenario is when a female after
receiving (even the first one) maximum pleasure with the help of the partner fires him up even
more. Everyone is happy!
The case when men bring home the salary is also quite interesting! Lets say a man brought one
centimeter of green ones ($10 000) or less, the exact amount does not really matter, he wants
the emotions in return. The woman tells him in return put the money to that box and goes on to
continue her phone conversation with a girlfriend. As a result the man gets the emotional
hunger. He gets the desire to through the dirty socks in the center of the living room, or to use
the flower pot as an ash tray or just go to have a beer with friends. All that the woman had to
do was to just feel the joy.
You dont have to notice all of these nuances and just continue living. You can continue to
experience the fear of being lonely. You can also be afraid of getting yourself into relationships
where your real needs are constantly ignored or you can just dont care about anyone. As it is
said, someday everyone will receive according to his or her faith. But it is best to believe that
the kings throne is never empty. The throne that is your heart (or if you want your field or living
environment) has to be made for a king and really be holy so there would be no temptation to
spit in it.

Kseniya Novohatskaya, from interview with Vyacheslav Gubanov, president of the IISE.

Finding female power scientific magic of our days.

The times when womans happiness was just to find the prince and thats it are gone a long time
ago. Of course, having a prince is a good thing, but many of us today want to be creative, active
and socially acclaimed personalities. It turns out that it can actually benefit the traditional female
roles in family and children as well being benefit the loving loved husband. All of this can be
harmonious. To be a woman in the modern world means to have serious advantages, the main
thing is to know how to use them. All of this is coming from the President of the International
Institute of Social Ecology (St. Petersburg) Vyacheslav Gubanov.
- With the XXI century, the era of Aquarius, there is more and more talk about the coming
of the time of women. Is there any scientific data that can support this or it is just
another beautiful legend?
- We are talking about precise division between the types of activities of men and women which
is based on the different energy structure of each sex in principle. We are talking about
fundamental differences, which can explain the difference in body structure and the ways of
communication with the surrounding world and other things as well. There is one funny picture
of remote control for women and remote control for men. Remote control for men has two
buttons food and sex, while remote for women is much more complicated it has all kind of
buttons, arrows and wheels Horrifying!!! But, it is the truth!
Our world is developing from simple towards complicated. When we look at it primitively and
correctly then men are much stronger than women. When we look deeper and get more
complicated then left brain hemispheres (male) type of thinking loses against right hemisphere
(female) way of thinking. Left hemisphere speed of processing information is 16 units per
second and right hemispheres speed is one billion of unites per second!!!
- So it turns out that women are much more gifted?
- It does turns out this way. Men are more clever. Left hemisphere is the intellect, right one is
intuition, abilities, imagination and adaptability. Women had to be adaptable so they can survive
together with children. What does a man need? He went, made a revolution then he came back
in three years, the wife is still there, the house is still there and kids are fed. Men actually did go
pretty far from the cave when they would go hunting. To live on the go in all kinds of conditions is
natural for men!
- You are saying that if a man went to buy some matches and came after three days its

- It is ok. For him it is normal and it does not mean that he is cheating on you or does not love
you. This is just the way energy structure and the way of information processing is made in men.
So until the law of force, codex of honor and settled morale norms are active men can and
should hold key positions in business and politics. However, now there is an informational
explosion. People now are in such fast changing environment that all kinds of moral principles
are destroyed, different laws and rules cease to work and men are just not able to process all
of it. (remember about the 16 units per second?). However, women have feelings, intuition and
today this becomes a very powerful competitive advantage. Women have learned the rules of
the game and logic of the process. In addition to this women can feel the situation and see it
with their inner vision. These features make the woman to be on top of the social pyramid.
For example in South-Eastern Asia, which is rapidly developing and successfully competes on
the world market, there are women as top managers of the largest companies. I work a lot with
this region and I can say that there is truth in the real way the things are and there is also an
image oriented way. To have contact with the western world Asians give respect to the traditions
and have placed male generals. They are professional and qualified workers, however they
would still lose if we take the qualities of real project leaders and managers. A man can have a
very strong impression, but only the impression, all of the work is done by women. If we take
career as a whole, in the East as well as in the West then we will find the research that talks
about the fact that woman that has the same position as a man works 10 times more. Women
work all the time, even when they are having some rest at home, it is considered to be normal,
and when a man did something and didnt break anything then he is a hero! I am a male myself,
and I know what I am talking about.
- Can you give an example how right hemisphere techniques work in business?
- Lets say you have a situation with false documents. Your legal department checked everything
and logically everything is clean, signatures and stamps are genuine. A male would say ok. A
woman on the other hand will have a strange feeling that something smells bad here. She
would say: I dont care about your legal department, but I will not sign it. After some time the
chic cover will be revealed and everyone would realize that there was a fake inside. Women
always know the truth. You are telling her that you were in a meeting but she quickly finds the
marks of lipstick in the places that are really hard to see. I will repeat once again, taking into
account the level of technological development, when any document or paper can be falsified, a
woman with her intuition will end up on top. Among other things, men have a very interesting
peculiarity big boys dont cry we are very limited in choosing our emotional reactions.
Women on the other hand can use features that are not allowed for men in the right moments
and they would win in the end.
- You mean tears and hysterics?

- I am talking about rich emotional specter. There was a time when I trained a group of female
bodyguards. On the final exam, the fight trainer gave a task to touch his body to pass the exam.
I would like to add that he was highly trained professional and it was very hard to complete this
task. So sometime in the middle of the exam one girl stepped on the ring and tore down her
kimono to reveal her breasts. While the male essence of the trainer was reacting to her trick for
a few seconds she had enough time to not only touch him, but also put him to the ground like
she was taught in this school. If a man would reveal something, then a woman would react ...
hmmm.. in a different way. In other words women have a bigger potential to be manipulative. A
man can react to her like a partner, it makes him fall into emotions, make mistakes and
uncover oneself. In any case it is much harder for men to carry on an intrigue.
- What about politics? Politics is all about intrigues and in this play there are mainly
- The thing is that by winning a fight you can lose a war. If you reached a certain tactical
success, then it does not mean that strategically you and your close ones or even nations would
not suffer from your actions. Male-politicians that play not according to the rules pay a big price
for the choices in their carrier it is oncological and mental sicknesses, accidents and death.
Politics is not necessary dirty, it is just that men with female brain survive more often. They
need to feel the tendencies and be without principles just like women.
- Women are without principles?
- Women act just like Nature. They believe that the right thing to do now is the thing that secures
survival. What women usually do has really nothing to do with principles or agreements.
- Are there women with principles?
- Now we are talking about activeness of different brain hemispheres. There are women with
active left hemisphere. I had a chance to meet such women. One time in Moscow I was working
with one lady entrepreneur from Norway, only her skirt was left from her feminine nature
- There are many other countries in EU in which women (and this is a common case)
stopped to look after themselves and lost their femininity, but they still feel very
comfortable. Moreover, many of them are on their husbands keep and they allow the
husbands to indulge them. It seems that they believe that their husbands are in debt until
the death only because they gave birth to a child.
- Its even worse. Out of 10 German women today only 3 of them can carry the child for three
months. This means that there are 70% of miscarriages. This is a national tragedy. This is the
outcome of the fact that female essence is understood incorrectly. It seems that western women

think that it is possible to be equal with men in everything. Now they are able to match men in
salary and work, but be careful of what you wish for. They began to look like men on the outside
on the physiological level. Female energy is lost, women become sterile, they start to have
mustache in other words, its crazy! This is so called first wave of emancipation. If we take
the South- East Thailand, Burma and other countries as an example, then we will see that
female expansion is going without traumas. Women there control large quantities of capital due
to the strong economic selection and reason. This is the second wave.
- Well, you know what, in so called civilized world, women had to go through a lot and
they were treated as mens best friend. Suffragette, feminists and emancipated people
appeared as a result of evolutional selection. We really had to prove that we are not
people of a second sort!
- We are here not carrying out the verdict. We are just studying the consequences. Women are
not worse than men in any way! Women are better in many ways! But there are objective
beheading in the rights ways that are based on the energy laws. It is chauvinism. There are
consequences if men break the laws, and if women break laws it is also not safe.
By the way in South-East there are limits to the women rights. For example, women still cannot
come near certain saint Buddhist temples. There are statues that only man can come near, stick
a gold leaf and meditate. There are other similar cases as well. We measured radiation that is
coming out of saint places, and it was very powerful until recently. Today, when we come back to
the same place we find there is no human energy field left! Women still cannot come near this
place. So what is happening? Western men with their stressed brains come and make the field
dirty with their distorted energy. We are not talking about some kind of mysticism. We are talking
about a phenomenon that can be measured and calculated with the help of science. From
physics stand point, fast, restless female brain could clog the radiation of the saint place. That
is why they are not allowed to come near the statue. Now, men with the same brain come from
the west Its a disaster! Its not that easy to protect from their brain by just checking their sex
- Is this the same reason why women are not allowed behind the altar in the orthodox
- Yes, for the same reason. Radiation of the female brain is very powerful. It is not bad or dirty.
In some religious traditions it is thought that women are the vessel of sin, especially during that
special period of time every month. From the energy stand point, this special period is the time
of the organism cleaning from all the energy informational trash which a woman would clog
herself with throughout the whole month. Men are not as lucky, that is why they live less and
suffer from stress more.
- What does energy lacking people really mean? Are these the energy vampires that
soothsayers frighten the house wives with?

- On the domestic level yes, since on the physical level this influence is really a proven fact!
We are talking about the state of a persons organism in which the energy that the brain is
producing is not enough to support the healthy state of own physiology and psyche.
- Traditionally it is considered that women are the ones who are vampires they
complain, whine and capricious all the time is it true?
- From the scientific stand point, women are traditionally energy excessive from nature. So when
they are whining and complain all the time, as you put it, then they are just in the energy lacking
state they are tired psychologically and many other things Again, they just want to be small
and irresponsible.
- What are the external signs of energy excessive person?
- Radiant eyes, warm hands and feet. By the way, in Muslim world and in England, if a woman
has cold hands and feet it is a legitimate claim for the divorce! It is considered unnatural for
women. This is the sign of serious energy informational injury. It means that 26 energy channels
on hands and 89 energy channels on feet are blocked!
- Could it just mean that a person has vascular dystonia So if I have cold feet Im a
bad woman?
- It just means that you are stressed. If you teach a person to correctly use own natural abilities
for peaceful purposes then he or she would stop going through life as it is shown in this phrase
Oops, here is pit, oops here is another one. He or she will not be surprised how bruises and
bumps suddenly appear. As you know, ignorance is a vile sin, and not knowing the laws of
nature does not free from the responsibility of following them!
- In other words I should visit a psychiatrist?
- Not necessarily. If the injury is not harsh you can fix it yourself. Our Institute developed an
interesting technique that is turned on with the help of your imagination. In the special literature
it is called visualization. You and your readers can do this exercise/technique. Imagine the place
where women usually bear a child. Imagine that in this place you have a few white marbles that
bang against each other and jump around just like coins in the shut palms. Now you just throw
them out through the natural opening and you imagine how they fall on the floor with a sound.
They fall and they are gone! This kind of exercise/technique allows you to unblock female sex
center and free your organism from the cell memory of visits to gynecologist. I dont want to say
anything bad about them, but when a woman is during her regular checkup, the doctor tries to
think of all possible sicknesses while looking at her inner organs.

- That is why we really dont like to have to go to gynecologists

- Sorry, but this is just a side effect from the professional activity. We are not talking about
conscious evil intentions. The knowing person is able to clean oneself after any visit to the
- Lets get back to the scientific picture of energy excessive woman. From nature we have
a large reserve of energy, and it is not enough, it means that we have to clean. In the west
there are a lot of quarrels with Nature, and it did lead to the sad outcomes. What about
countries of the former Soviet Union?
- Russia and Ukraine are now traditional world suppliers of brides to the western world. It is so
because natural qualities of our women are not broken in general. The Nature was not able to
suffer much during 15 minutes of our independence (laughing). We have a lot of energy
excessive women.
- By the way what is the best thing that feeds female energy?
- Flowers. If a woman pays attention to flower then she becomes fluffy from mans stand point.
That is why actually women love when someone gives them flowers. Chocolate and honey
works the same way.
- It is still a pity that in big business and in politics there are not so many women. Will
this tendency change?
- Most likely yes. By the way, the thing that you are talking about has an exception. There are a
lot of women in sales traditionally. It is quite interesting since a successful sales woman
compensates her unclaimed sexual desire. Sales in her shop, restaurant or other business is
the act of seduction. Here is an example: The lady owner of the jewelry store came to see me
last week, the store had a sudden decrease in sales. It turned out that there were conflicts in the
management, and women spent their energy on the fights. Sales dropped 4 times in one month!
When we solved all the issues everything went back to normal!
- Is it possible to solve these problems without your help? Is it possible to teach a person
how to use your own head and your own energy?
- Yes, its possible. A person can learn through simple rules of work in the energy informational
environment. Anyone can practice them and you immediately receive the results. Otherwise you
can just sign the ultimate pass to the medical institutions constant visits. Here is an example for
you. We have three elite magazines in St. Petersburg. Editor teams of all three magazines

turned to us with the following problem: 8 out of 12 women that work in those magazines got
oncologic sickness breasts, neck, tongue and others. Most of the sicknesses were in the
upper part of the body. Journalists by the way have to be very careful, they have to correctly and
fully disconnect from the information source so the situation does not get worse. This is the
culture of work with big and intensive streams of modern information. It is vital to learn this. It is
not just a need! It is not just the fact that it is never too late to learn, there is a vital need to
constantly learn!
- For desert, if I can ask, can you please give a couple of recommendations for
business women, that currently dont have personal consultants or dont know how to do
it on their own, but they still want to stay sexually acclaimed women, good wives and
- First of all, I would like to point out that any female manager of any level needs a force
stabilizer, that is a man who can stabilize her emotional domain. Female organism really needs
external stabilization either through her business partners, or through personal masseur, or
through consultant, spiritual person if we are talking about religious people or at least a likeminded person. Now about self-tuning. At home you turn on biological zone of the brain and
when you come to work you turn on the social zone. Radiation of these two zones is
perpendicular. In other words, to activate both of them at the same time is hard and has its
consequences. That is why a woman has to consciously re-tune herself towards work, towards
the husband, towards the children and not mix all of this with her role at work. How? We thought
of an interesting way to do it, it is kind of funny but works very well. Imagine that you are Meduza
Gorgona and you have a helmet of snakes on your head. They are moving, looking in different
directions and each one of them holds something in her mouth (some thought or image). We
give them an order to leave everything and take the position of calm and careful cobra. (By the
way, seven headed cobra guarded and protected from rain and sun prince Gautam, while he
was pondering and creating Buddhism!) So you order the snakes to curl into a circle and go to
sleep. You went out from work you made your working snakes go to sleep and woke up the
domestic ones, and in the morning you do the other way around, domestic go to bed and
working ones wake up!
Women, who dont know how to re-tune can be very destructive in regards to themselves, work
and home. There is no need to do it for the most men. They have naturally developed
concentration on a single thing. That is the way of switching from one business to another
occurs almost without an effort. However, the procedure of switching from the robot-animal
state (the role of a manager of middle or higher level), when you are back home, has to be done
by all men and women. Otherwise, the whole staff team comes home, with all its connections
with business partners for the day, for the week, for the year How can you have a place for all
of them at the dining table, in bed or on vacation? That is why you have to learn how to become
yourself again. You have to see yourself - beloved - in the mirror! In bed you have to represent
yourself and your body, and not be the agent with the task from the beloved staff team. On

vacation you have to feel like a real person that follows the following principle: We worked well,
now we need to rest well. Everyone just leave us!
Natalia Revskaya,
Newspaper Weekly Mirror, #20 (649) , 26th of may 1 June 2007,
special interview with President of the International Institute of Social Ecology (St. Petersburg)
Vyacheslav Gubanov

About love, family and relationships

You should live skillfully, you should live playfully (words from one popular song)
Researcher, scientist- physicist and president of the international Institute of Social Ecology
Vyacheslav Gubanov is convinced that our life in society flows under the same strict laws as the
natural laws of physics. The knowledge of these laws allows one to regulate own life, making it
easier and more interesting. Finding the explanation to everything that happens to people is one
of the main goals of those who work in the Institute. It is the main reason why the web page is
called: Starting from this issue Vyacheslav Gubanov will be writing a column for
us under Lifexpert.
The first topic from the Lifexpert is Love, Family and Relationships between people.

I can feel, thus I am alive!

Laws that people follow during their life can vividly demonstrate the ways they interact with each
other. The following picture is a great way to illustrate these laws. For example the law of feeling
is the basis of love. As you can see the power of interaction between the source X1 and receiver
X2 does not depend on the distance between them. It only depends on the level of their
correspondence between each other.

Picture 1. The law of feeling

First of all, this law illustrates the phenomenon of maternal love which is unconditional (picture
2). Mother can never, under any circumstances allow a thought that her child is bad, even if
everyone is saying it and the child is really a lost cause! From the time of birth she nurtures a
child with her human Aura, constantly refilling its reserve no matter where the child is. Even
when she recalls in her memory the childs image, she really catches the feeling from her own
energy that is wrapped around the child. Just like she would be looking in the mirror! She can
surely see herself and her own illusions. She values them more than anything in the world and
will not allow anyone to destroy them!

Picture 2. Maternal (unconditional) love

One of course can ask: according to what law, there are mothers who dont really love their
children or even abandon them? It does happen sometimes and it is a phenomenon that needs
special explanation. The thing is that sometimes a male can become the energy source of the
childbirth process. His energy is being subsidized to the energy deficient female. The energy is
needed and it is the main condition of the child conception and the development of the fetus
inside womens womb. In this case mother takes roll of a transport that delivers the baby to the
world. The baby is born from fa-mother or pa-ma (father and mother in one person
(papa+mama), however father is primary!). There is no surprise that a woman feels alienation
toward the child. The child is not hers! Nevertheless, the child starts to feed from her body, and
the child needs the energy as well! In that case she will not only stop loving her child, but she
will begin to hate him or her. Thus not every woman can become a true mother. In this case, the
mothers job is actually carried out by the father!
Almost 80% of first newborns inherit genetic line of the father, second child in the family inherits
the mother's genetic line, third one inherits none of the parents the child if of Holy Spirit! He
or she is on its own, the child does not get anything from the parent's genetic line. Fourth child is
an extra player on the fathers field, fifth is an extra on the mothers field. What does it mean?
They can potentially grow into taking the role of one of the parents. However, they will not be
able to use their potential to the fullest, until the first representative of genetic line is present.
Only after the death of the parents, the fourth and fifth child begins to show the world their own
data. The sixth child is just like the third, the child is genetically neutral and so forth. The life
of the ones multiple by three of course is harder than the life of others: some call them stupid

and no one understands them (In Russian fairy tales the third child is usually the main character
and everyone calls him stupid)
The first and second child depend on their parents so much, that if the parents are energy
abundant the life is easier, and if parents are energy deficient the life of descendants is full of
serious problems If you remember in ancient history there were many examples of characters
that ate their children!?
Children maintain strong connection on the energy level with their parents until the age of 21.
After that, the Nature does not provide any kindred connection: thats it they are just average
acquaintances! It is important to let go the children on time and sometimes even push over from
the nest just like a bird pushes the nestlings that have already fledged and need to learn how
to fly. If this is not done, they become infantile, and we become responsible for those who we
didnt let go to fly on their own. One has to live by the laws that are as much as possible and
close to the laws of Nature then everything will happen on time, beautifully and happily. The
ideological mind set of a happy life (the law of 4-Ts) states: Do only Those things, a that Time, in
That way and with Those people, when everything is easy, merry and fast!. Knowledge and
execution of this natural law allows to forget about heroic efforts in peaceful times. It also allows
not to spend energy resources in vain. The road of life should be easy: it is the right sign when
life is effortless, natural and right. If you are on the hard road of life, it means that you dont
understand something. It can also mean that this road is there specifically for the purpose of you
paying off the debts, after which in the foreseeable future the situation will change for the best
and everything will be great!
Michael Zhvanezkiy (famous Russian comedian) once made a very wise statement: Courage
and heroism of some is the outcome of bugling and non competence of others! People are not
born to suffer. A person is a part of Nature, and in Nature (look around) nothing is created for
suffering. One just has to know how to single out his own problems among the mass of others
and then start to work on solving them. Do not try to solve the assignments for all in the class
throughout your life! But how to understand which is yours and which is not? There is a law of
3rd arrival: What flows to you do not push away, what flows away do not hold on to it with
the condition that it happens three times (Third Times the charm!). Its a fundamental law of
human relationships. The Nature always warns us and does it benevolently. It will show the
emergency exits, which are usually present in the tunnel of hard life, through which it is
possible to get to the top. Just look up and around you more carefully!
No miracles! (Miracle is the occurrence the Nature of which is not known to the observer). The
real life is lived under exact laws. If you know these laws, everything quickly fits into place. If
something is flowing to your hands, it is better to reject the first desire to take it and make it
your own. Reject the temptation for the second time maybe it is not yours But if it appeared
for the third time during the short period of time, then it is Faith!
What should one do if something or better to say someone is trying to leave your shore? First
of all remember that Love cannot be forced. Secondly, suggest to begin negotiations, but not
more than three times. After that, switch to the reality mode, allow the person to leave quietly
and give up your illusions without any regret.

If I made you up..

From Natures stand point, beautiful wedding does not guarantee the stability of the family.
When there is respect, cooperation and playfulness between the spouses, then their love is
mature and long to live. (If of course one of them does not get a glitch). Unfortunately it
happens very rarely. The crisis in five years of mutual live happens in most families. It means
that illusions of one spouse regarding the other one came to the collision with the reality and
led to a burst. Beaten becomes the one who did not dodge the mark of illusions on time:
nobody asked him if he agrees to fully meet all expectations!
All qualities of the partner are fully revealed in five years. The question of Are we ready to
take the truth? arises. If not, we begin the search of another subject, whom we are also ready
to mark with illusions! Of course, love is not a subject of the mind, however it has different type
of Nature and quite specific characteristics: fatherly, motherly, mad (sacrificial) The later
usually happens with the young, mature can happen to the older generation. If partners
connected in mad youthful love, they usually cannot pass to the second level, which is offered
by more mature feeling which is based on cooperation and respect. That is why early marriages
usually fall a part. Smooth evolution does not usually happen in his case it could only be
radical, revolutionary break with destruction of the previous connection and birth of the new one.
Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but even they prove the rule. And the rule is
that teenage marriages usually happen between couples in which one person is energy
deficient, and the other one is energy abundant. The second one feeds energy to the first one,
and tries to bring him to his ideal at the same time. In doing so he unconsciously destroys the
personality of his karmic chosen one. (he who pays gets to dance with the girl...) The other
one either refuses the absolute submission, or in the end, finds the strength to fight for the right
to be oneself. In our fast times social relations evolve rapidly. It took decades to think them over
before today five years is enough for most people! That is why the methods of marriage
stabilization that used to be progressive, turn out to be inadmissible in most cases today. In five
years people and their relationships change so much that the only things left that connect them
are mutual property and their kids.
It is natural, and to fight against Nature is senseless. It just has to be accepted as any
occurrence of Nature. Just like rain in January: yes, it is very unpleasant but you cant change
rain to snow just by your own wish!
Actions of laws of Nature, which involve family, are sometimes harsh, but one has to know these
laws, so he can see what will happen next to us and our children.
So, lets think of a situation when parents do not love each other any more, but decided to stay
together: it is important to raise a child in full family. In most cases they do more harm than
good to the child, by harming his subconscious every day. He can see with his own eyes that
family life is either war which is openly fought by the parents, or constant lie when they dont talk
to each other pretending that everything is alright. But it is very cold at home! And it does much
more harm than truthful life with one of the parents, when the child can see the other parent

from time to time. The truth in any case is better than the lie! If after the break-up the parents
were able to quietly end their relationships and not leave any aggression in their souls for each
other, then this is the best thing that they could have done for the child and for themselves.
According to social laws, court usually leaves the child with the mother and that is not always
good. And sometimes even tragic! If energy abundant child remains with energy deficient
mother he is in the trap. He rarely meets the father to replenish the energy through him and the
mother back home sucks out the acquired energy. The process can be seen through the results
in school. We suggest to teachers, on which days they should call on the child to answer during
the class so he can receive good grades and raise his self-esteem. These are the days after his
meeting with the father! After three days, the child is different: aggressive, sleepy, and lazy to
learn material. In the situation when his mother is finishing eating him, there is no concern for

If I was a sultan (famous phrase from one Russian movie)

Some people are described as unlucky in personal life. Sometimes they come to us for help. We
measure their personal characteristics that give us the answer to: Why?. Sometimes, for
example, it turns out that a person is a hierarch that has a powerful Spirit, and he is trying to
live his life as a regular person! This attempt is doomed. He cant fit into general rules, they have
to be different for him. Find out about the rules, know and live by them and you will be happy.
Everything is simple! You cant fit an elephant in to a pizza box! Let us think of a main worldly
Christian law: one woman for one man. The similar law for Muslim, allows man to have up to
four wives, with condition that he can give same attention to each one, provide equal material
opportunities and many more things, that in the end you remember the end of the famous song:
If I was a sultan, I would be single!.
As they say, one has to always pay for pleasure. But it (the pleasure) is possible to obtain it by
some of our own fellow countrymen, especially by the ones who are rich. They willingly start two
families and support them, and thus they break the social norms. To withstand the pressing of
such force is not enough to only be rich, there has to be strong will and powerful Spirit. However
even for those that have plenty everything it is sometimes very hard to go against the mentality
and traditional standards environment. Once a person described above turned to us for help. He
had two families: in one of them he had two sons, in another one he had a daughter. He is
constantly at work, and if he is going for a business trip this means that he is leaving his
official family and is going to his second family for some time. After fifteen years of such
existence the situation started to be impossible to manage. One time his friend saw him coming
out from a different house in their home town (right at the time when he was supposed to be on
the business trip). And then two of his sons while walking around our great city went to a store
and met and then became friends with a girl the daughter of the store owner. Similar things are
drawn to each other. This store was bought for unofficial wife by their father, and the girl they
met was their sister. The Lord works in a mysterious ways. The situation became sensible to
the limit! It does not matter that each family had enough attention, and lived on the fat of the

land. In any case it was against the rules! According to the rules two women had to fight
each other all their life and try to prove that one is closer than the other, more important and
more loved. And the real wife can be only one, the other one is just a mistress! And according to
the Muslim law everything works out just fine! He feeds energy through the second young wife,
and gives part of it to the first one. And from the first one he receives intellectual charge, which
he partially gives to the young wife. From the stand point of energy-informational exchange it is
an ideal family! The Nature itself created for them this optimal and only possible model. And
what is created by Nature should not be destroyed! If it would have happened, then he and his
older wife would be in the state of energy collapse: fights, sicknesses and finally the family
would come to an end. If he would have stayed with the second one it could have led to the
death of the first one without the energy feeding possibility. We instantly realized that everything
should be left the way it is, even if it violates generally accepted family views. Luckily we were
able to convince all participants that it is not only the best but the only possible solution. By the
way, it totally corresponds with another law of life: do not interrupt the natural flow of events,
through the use of powerful efforts of the will. Nothing good would come out of it: Nature is
stronger than any rule that was created by humans.
In addition, statistics states that we actually have to be more tolerant to the Muslim model of
marriage. The results of sociological research in 1999 show that for one man of working age
(from 25 till 60 years of age) there are 150 women! And each one is trying to get a chance to
settle her life the way that she feels right. Conclusion: Do not judge, or you too will be judged!

The Emperors new clothes!, The kings is naked..!

Human interrelationships are a very thin cloth with its own pleats and twists. One has to see
the cloth and know it. Do you remember the naked emperor in Andersons tale Emperors new
cloth? We were imposed by the naive childish perception of the problem described by
Anderson! The emperor actually ordered foreign foreman so they will make him extremely lively
thin clothes. He hoped that other people would understand and value what he did, but they
So we just like that emperor sometimes think that if we can vividly see something then others
can see it too. Thats not a fact! The special training is needed for that, and for that training
people turn to us. We actually work with the emperors thin clothes and help people to
understand each other and be understood correctly. I would never believe if I didnt see it with
my own eyes and Real life use is the criteria of the truth!

Only in flight can planes live

The life of a person that does not know the laws that we just talked about is just like a blind flight
in the clouds on autopilot: you cant see anything; it can suddenly get into turbulence and be
thrown from left to right. The influence of the wind is impossible to measure. The prospect is

usually really gloomy, there will be a crash. That is if we do not know how to use the navigation
panel and there are no radio beacons.
Gradually by learning the laws according to which the Nature suggests the life should be we get
out of the clouds and start flying where the sky is clear and there is no chance of storm. We can
also calmly observe other participants of the flight, and at the same time we can correct our
position in the air space if needed. We can even do TOP GUN performances if needed!
In the situation when the clouds are still there, you can still turn on high frequency radio radar
and with its help see through the clouds The radar for a human is his right intuitive and
creative hemisphere. We teach how to turn it on so it is possible to see the objective information
through the clouds of our illusions that try to hide it. And if in the end the person discovers the
third dimension the knowledge of Spiritual and Natural laws of life - he receives a chance to
finally fly above the vanity, and leave behind all destructive obsessions and sicknesses. This is a
feeling of a free flight and it cannot be compared to anything! With it comes the excitement of life
and all the problems with health disappear, and there is no use of any medical drugs, coding or
any other rough material influences.
President of the International Social Ecology Institute
V.V. Gubanov special for magazine "Lady time"

Listen to yourselfThrough the eyes of a man and a

Womens point of view
A magnificent woman surrounded by mystery This is the way Elena Koshutina was seen by
the photographer. We could not even imagine how many interesting mysteries she knows about
our world!
- I became interested in this a long time ago. It is just that in the constant urge to realize oneself
in business and satisfy your own ambitions people usually forget about spirituality and it is not
given proper attention. I am not an exception. The life makes people to be materialists, because
material is good, it is security and comfort. However, it doesnt make your soul sing. You have to
understand correctly wealthy person can be spiritual as well. Everything just has to be in
harmony. This happens quite rarely. When soul is a second priority and material mind becomes
the top priority then the whole organism becomes imbalanced and crooked. The situation
becomes worse if you dont fix this: first, it could be a light disease, then it could be the more
harsh form of that disease, and then problems in life may appear (including material ones). The
Nature itself is trying to tell person that he is living incorrectly! Nature has many ways to do it
I am convinced that if a person uses all means possible to reach his or her goals then the harm
is done not only to the person and the children the harm is done to everything that surrounds

him or her. How to become harmonious person? Roerich (Russian painter, philosopher,
scientist, writer, traveler, and public figure) once said: Blessed are the hardships, they make us
grow. Why? Because, all the troubles on our way are tests that show if we are ready to remove
everything negative from our soul and thoughts that exist in all of us. It is not that easy to do.
You have to live through it, to let it go through your heart and to consciously refuse all envy,
jealousy and anger. Only then this negative energy is transformed in to positive one and gives a
push to the positive mood, words and doings. We come to this world to change everything that
is bad in us into something good, so in the end we know how to control our life, and we are not
under the control of our own inner demons and vile desires.
With every little victory over oneself a person receives a prize as a wild bolt of positive energy. It
cures him or her and leads to another level of development. It happens only this way and there
is no other way to grow.
Good and bad on Earth exists as a whole. Our ultimate priority as humans is to make good
triumph. The one who was not able to do it and continues to spoil the surrounding world is just
removed as Nature does not need someone like that. Sometimes Nature does it with those who
already fulfilled their goal on Earth. That is why many poets and artists leave the world so early.
They leave so they can realize themselves on some other higher level. This should be the
attitude towards death
We are living in a very interesting time, even though it is hard. Life constantly is getting faster
and the informational field becomes more and more dense. Sometimes it seems that time itself
is transformed and it just flies through in a dense form. Dont you have a feeling that sometimes
you just lose few hours?... They say that it is totally different in space, linear time exists only on
Earth as well as this polarity: good and evil...
People have to constantly work on their mistakes, otherwise mankind can just suddenly die at
once. This warning is a quite serious. If you look inside your own world, you can find out a lot
about yourself. About the envy which is the most terrifying and is the basis of self-destruction
and about the fact that you should not hold resentment inside you. You can resent a little bit and
then forget about it, otherwise this resentment will result in a sickness. There are no accidents,
and if you are suffering from some disease, then you are responsible for it yourself.
Listen to what is going on in your soul and try to figure everything out. Most likely you will quickly
be able find the answer to the question about what is destroying your inner harmony. By the
way, everything that happens inside is reflected on the outside. The way the person is living,
where he is working says a lot about him and is actually a continuation of his own Self. The
people that we interact the closest with are also our reflection.
The entire world is something complete, and we all are in one system just like cells that form the
organism. Besides, a human is a very complex structure. It consists of seven bodies: six energy
ones and one physical. The seeable part is only one, the other ones we cannot see but they are
the main ones, the ones that direct us in our life.
Here is an example. Onetime I felt that the business I am working in for many years is not
interesting to me anymore. The stage in which I fully realized myself is finished. Now I am
different and life requires different skills and abilities from me. And you know what? I feel that I

have them. Many people live without even knowing how much hidden abilities they have our
brain according to scientific research uses on average only 4-6 percent of its power!
We all are the same, each one of us has the Gods sparkle in us. However, emotions are
different for each one of us. Each one of us has their own vibrations, innate color and sound
just like a code of life.
Realization of this human nature helps to diagnose and cure anything. When all the energy
garbage is taken out and the energy field is recovered, then it is reflected on the physical state
of the body: all the sicknesses disappear. The energy field is what our thoughts are: we live
the way we think. It is just that you need to realize it not with you head but with your soul. You
need to understand in time what is really important in life. By the way, there are certain days
when a person is going through the test whether he or she is living correctly those days are
the birthdays. If the person is doing everything right, then as a rule something good happens in
his life.
Lately I became very interested in the issue of energy transformation. It turns out that it is
possible to correctly build it around oneself and this is very interesting. If people learned how to
do it, then a very powerful positive informational energy field would cover the whole Earth!
Previous civilizations disappeared as soon as they ceased to satisfy the Universe. It is
interesting that all of them were connected to a single informational field of the Earth, but our
civilization is not for some reason. This is probably because most people forgot about their main
goal to connect with that godly being that is in each one of us.
It seems that lately everything is changing for the best. It seems that many people woke up,
matured spiritually and began to perceive life differently: not just a constant fight with similar
beings for the chance to settle in better and become richer than the others. There should be
more spiritually mature people, so our society can be better and cleaner.
A mans point of view. The magic porridge pot, please stop! (from the fairytale by Hans
Christian Andersen)
When we found out about the interests of the Lady Time club member Elena Koshutina we
introduced her to the person who is professionally working on the mysteries of the human inner
world and the subject of the universe. Vyacheslav Gubanov is a researcher, scientist, physicist
and the president of the International Institute of Social Ecology.
- Our main field of work today is the informatics of the brain and research of how it works in
different conditions: in business, family, creativity and how it acts in the conflict situations. We
also conduct research on the issues of injuries a person can get when he or she goes to the
battle of life without knowing the rules.
Some time ago we were a part of the defense ministry and our goal was to bring military staff to
a normal state without the use of medical drugs, coding or other medical devices. Now we can
also bring a person to a normal state in five minutes. We can make him or her feel confident and
comfortable. In just a few hours the person is totally ready for the battle of life.
- Can you really influence brain this way?
It is not us who influence the brain. The person does it independently. We are just helping to act
in accordance with the recommendation of a great Michelangelo: you take the stone (that is

yourself now) and you remove everything unnecessary. As a result you get the masterpiece of
art. The technique of such method of removing is very simple. Do you remember the fairytale
by Hans Christian AndersenMagic Proridge Pot! You just need to order yourself to refuse the
negative that is inside of you. How? Try to transfer the problem into game? This is what we
usually do during our first class. Do you remember the game in high school called shaker: you
put your palms together in a lock, put some coins there and shake them for some time, then
you pull the palms apart and look how many heads and how many tails turned up. You stand
up (legs apart) and you shake your palms with the white marbles in them, you imagine that
these are the eyes of an expert doctor (if we are talking about women, then it could be
gynecologist). Then you release the marbles out of your palms with a sharp sound and your
energy shell is recovered in the places where it was injured. This is how the healing of organs is
done without any kind of medical interference, only through the energy and with the full
participation of your conscious and brain.
- What human brain really is?
From the medical stand point it is an endocrine gland where certain hormones are produced.
For me, physicist-materialist, the brain is a control console and a very powerful computer with
specific functional zones and programs that allow to control the events. Everything is just like in
equipment: there are techniques of brain tuning to the programs; distant options of program
transfer and so on. Brain is the connection console of a regular person with something that most
people would like to see but dont know how.
- Why some people can see it, and even touch it with their hands while other cant?
- If a person is clean enough from the programming stresses, then he or she can be ready to
contact thinner levels of matter existence. To clean oneself one has to learn how to
professionally control your own brain.
- Do you have techniques that allow one to combine left and right hemisphere and make
the conscious the whole?
- It is possible to coordinate them, but it is impossible to combine them. Right hemisphere is
intuition, senses and emotions; left one is logic. They are different in principle. Nevertheless, it is
possible to somewhat control emotion with logic. For example, there are techniques that help to
manage the creative process. Flash of inspiration is actually a handmade thing. To write poems,
one just needs to know the technique of a miracle.
- But it would be the other type of poems something like a computer made music
- But it is not computer, it is a human who is writing them by sending own vibration to the space.
The sound scale increased by them and it summons certain emotions. We can easily teach you

that. It is much harder to teach men to follow the way women think, because we are totally
different. We - men, have active left hemisphere of the brain. We are keen on logic. Women are
used to living and thinking mainly according to their intuition their right hemisphere is more
developed. Sometimes both hemispheres work the same way this can happen with creative
people. You can read the characteristics of the brain work on a hand, it is important to know it
because brain is our main doctor and executioner.
- What should be done for brain to be the doctor?
- You have to think using images. Actually, Russian language can in way give you an answer to
that. There are two totally different concepts that come from the Russian word obraz (image). If
a person cannot think using images then he is bezobraznik (translation: scamp, bez without,
obraz image, bezobraznik without images). But if a person learned how to do it then he got
the obrazovanie (translation - education). This kind of person has a very powerful brain
radiation which goes through the biologically active points that form so called energy shell. By
the way it can be measured by very serious equipment that navy used in 1957. This shell leaves
the body of memory just like the trace trail. It keeps everything that happened in life of a person.
This is the same as soul for religious people. Scientists-materialists on the other hand made
biological, spiritual, social and event related diagram of the brain activity. The person is
successful when he or she uses vertical petal of the brain activity (this is the dark side, under
which the spinal cord comes from). Vertical petal is responsible for spiritual and intuitive
components of the brain activity. It can detect all bumps on the road of life in advance. This is
called Destiny or Karma. So if you really want to be successful you should develop spiritually.
Social ears of a brain allow one to keep the orientation so it would be tasty to live. They also
help to find effective ways of work.
- So you can say about yourself that you can see through any person?
- Probably, but there is nothing supernatural about it. Everything in us can describe us: the
finger configuration, the nail form and the face all of this actually contains a lot of detailed
information. You can tell about the person even by the form of the eyes and wrinkles These
basic theories of personality characteristics are needed to learn how to correctly interact with
different people. With one person it is best to hold the distance, with another one it is best to
have a trustworthy conversation and with the third one it is best to talk using slang
- Another question arises by itself. What about energy vampires?
- Some people are born this way. However, it can happen that people become vampires. A
person becomes energy lacking and he or she begins to live by feeding on someone else. By
the way, very often children before 12 become vampires. They feed from their parents so they
can grow faster. A child is not an emotional donor but an energy vampire. So if you bring parents
to the normal state then children will recover as well.

The power of grown up vampires is horrifying! I met this kind of person in Kyiv, Ukraine once.
After the conversation with this person I spent three days in fever and with temperature of 39,5
- How to protect oneself from this kind of horror?
- I told you about the contact with super vampire, from whom one can protect through a
technique, but the problem arises when the vampire asks for help without knowing his nature.
For us it was a case for research. For regular people the best way of protection is to avoid
meetings with such vampire!
- What if these kinds of people are in the family?
- Bummer! It is actually a very common situation. I had to recover one man. His wife was a
vampire. The guy was actually a very good guy. He should have run from her as far as he could,
but he stayed and tried to save the family. I told him straight to his face: you leave her and you
stop being henpecked. Integrity also has its limits! You would begin to live happily and your child
would come to visit you to replenish the positive energy the mother has an opportunity to suck
the energy from the child anyway.
- You have all kinds of strange and interesting objects in your office. All of them are here
for a reason?
- Yes. But it has nothing to do with Fen Shui. Everything just appears here. I dont do anything
special to search for them. This cup for example is from Burma. If you rub your finger on the age
of the cup you would get the sound which favorably influences the brain. These kinds of sounds
actually have a very good effect on subconscious This cup is from Vietnam. It can also give a
beautiful and melodic sound. These are the things that secure persons spiritual comfort in the
difficult times
- You also have candles. Is it good when they are burning in the house?
- Yes. It is great way of aromatherapy! When wax is burning it colors the flame with vibrations
that are allied with your spine. That is why the energy of a candle is very tasty for a person.
Wax itself is very good for health.
- What types of people are the hardest to bring to the normal state?
- All people who occupy the executive positions in business, science and politics. It happens
because their traditional emotional connections with life are usually gone.
We give them informal interaction opportunity with equals. With our help they can give a new
breath to the components of brain activity that are responsible for emotions and for interaction

with the surrounding world. Usually, we conduct these kinds of seminars for them somewhere in
the South-Eastern Asia. This gives them enough effect to keep them going for at least a half a
year. We actually teach the terrifying truth of existence, of how to be supermen and
superwomen: how to be wealthy and saint at the same time.
- Is there anything in business relationships that should not be transferred to family?
- Yes. Home should be the secure fortress. It should protect from the informational overload and
aggression as well. If suddenly a businessman begins to solve some business related issues
while having a family dinner then people present can experience a strong informational injury.
After this kind of dinner someone might get indigestion, someone might feel sick or get herpes
I am convinced that all of the sicknesses are informational. There is an ancient eastern wisdom:
stop the vanity and the truth would uncover itself
The truth is that everything is thought through in details in the Nature and everything is simple. If
it was difficult it would collapse. If you could dig deep into the natural mechanisms and uncover
them, then everything will be well.
I was able to dig deep enough and I believe for it to be my most valuable achievement in my life.
That is why I can bring a person to a normal state in 20 minutes without medicine, even if he or
she has a serious disease: pneumonia for example or problems with appendicitis. Sometimes it
is possible to cure diabetes in three days. It all depends on the brain its specific settings or
psycho-state. If you learn how to work with your own brain you can keep on living happily. If
you didnt then you will only get puzzles and riddles
- Does any of this have anything to do with medicine?
- None. It is solely informational work, thanks to which it is possible to cure quinsy in 8-10
minutes and there is no need to remove tonsils. We work with psycho-ecology. I consider people
as informational systems I am a physicist!
- Your website has a very eloquent name Maybe you can tell us what
happiness is?
- First of all life that is full of adventures. Secondly, these adventures should have positive
colors. Thirdly it is health. Fourth is the feeling of huge prospects that await you and burning
desire for everything that happens to you. You should have an absolute certainty that you are
truthful to yourself and to people that surround you.

Lady time magazine, November-December 2006

interview with Vyacheslav Gubanov,
president of the International Institute of Social Ecology.


Do Everything At The Right Time!

President of the International Institute of Social Ecology - Vyacheslav Gubanov is talking
about critical ages, how to prepare for them and how to live through them.

- If I knew the place I might fall, I would have put some hay there (an old Russian
proverb), the Easter egg on the Easter day is expensive and another one: The spoon is
of high value when it is time for dinner. All of these and many other proverbs mostly say
about one thing: you should do everything at the right time. Common sense wisdom, as

always is correct! Everything in our life has been already written and programmed, so
there is no really free time. The human is a fruit of nature and it takes a lot of time for it to
mature. According to the scientific point of view that is based on the research of our
Institute, a human exists in the state of Spiritual embryo up to 49 years of age, and
throughout this time it constantly prepares itself to the grown up life and keeps taking
exams For every year out of 49 a person is given a flight task, which defines what he
or she should do in the nearest future. And at the end of the term there is a harsh
inspection: has it been completed or not? So called school of life consists of 49

49 is seven times by seven years, which distinguishes crisis (critical) ages. Actually, out of

this, the life ladder goes from one step to another, forward and upward, to the top!
Unfortunately, it does not work like this for everyone. My apologies for such an example, but if
you walked through the cemetery and looked at the ages of those who lie there, you would
mainly see the poor students, who did not to solve the given assignment and failed the exam
and that is why they were expelled from the school of life. If we know what exactly and how we
should act, and we do so we will go up the next class. So it turns out that advice to do
everything at the right time is vital necessity. As it is said, the one who is warned is armed. If you
want to be an honor roll student of life you should do your homework regularly - complete your
assignments and peacefully keep on living. But you should do it fairly. Student logic that the
exams are twice a year so let the dean office worry about it will not work in this case. In real life
the rules are different. Everyone has their own way here, and everyone, as they say in the east:
touches the stones of their way.
If you know what is to come, and from this stand point you measure everything that happens to
you, then you won't suffer and you wont worry in vain during critical moments, and you are able
to preserve philosophical calmness and ability to enjoy life.
Attention to the table!

This matrix 7 by 7 was developed by me in 2001 and I was very proud when it actually worked
in practice. Then , when I visited library of one Buddhist monastery in India, I realized that
everything had been invented before me. Nevertheless, I did come up with the idea of the table
all by myself, and even improved it compared to the ancient one. So , in my version, after the

age of 49, the table changes its regularity and becomes solid because the life of a human is
starting to be controlled by additional new laws.
As to the basic matrix of 7x7, it comes from the fundamental phenomenon, that human body
has seven main Chakras energetic functional centers. Vertical year chakra (vertical columns)
defines the assignment for the current year. Horizontal row the leading chakra for the next
seven years. Their crossing at a specific age outlines the main assignment for the human, which
has to be completed on appropriate level.
So, during the first year of a human life, a baby is working with the immune system ; during the
second year - sexual; during the third year he or she learns to independently provide for their
own survival: eats independently, cleans up after themselves, etc
Until the end of the first year, a child is fully dependent on the mother and the first crisis age
occurs when he or she is taken away from the mothers breast. Then a child departs from
mothers protection and becomes very fragile and especially needs the protective attention from
all those who surrounds him. On the third year, the Spirit of a growing human joins the body, and
we can see a developing personality. Father starts to pay more attention to his own child,
because before that he perceived the child as a sexual rival, who unexpectedly switched all
attention, strengths and emotions of a hot loving wife to himself. Father suddenly realizes, that a
new quite interesting creation with his own view of life is growing next to him!
By the

5th year the spirit gets stronger, and its holder begins to think and as a rule is

very original! At seven the feeling of responsibility finally becomes apparent in that little person.
Exactly at this time he is ready to enter school: his brain only at this time receives biological
ability to perceive studying. Child prodigies, as we know, do happen, but unfortunately they
usually do not meet brilliant expectations, that are imposed on them in their youth. I just cant
really recall large number of famous politicians, scientists or diplomats that grew out of child
prodigies. Why? Because everything should be done at the right time. And a child after he had a
fulfilling childhood should grow up at the right time! One should not try to steal from the child
natural emotions, playtime and experience of life without worries; these experiences are
absolutely vital for a person in a grown-up state, as on this foundation he or she will build his
fulfilling life!

7 years of age a child is moving from the first floor to the second: the process of

pubescence begins (see the table), which will last till 14 years of age. At the age of nine he
begins to feel the strong influence of the opposite sex. (It is possible that in his previous life he
was in the body of the other sex otherwise where do all the male and female beginnings in us
come from?!).
In me, for example, women often feel higher spirit that understands them. That is the female
spirit of my previous life is being manifested through my current male body. If two spirit
beginnings, female and male, coexist in us on equal terms only then it is possible to have a
balanced, harmonious and mature personality, which has content ability to manifest those
qualities, that are needed at the given moment: either complete male, or female.

So, at the

age of 9 the affirmation of current sex takes place. A human receives a

greeting from the previous lifes dissolved body through the way of its soul. During this time,
many even quite normal children begin to feel terrifying fear of death. Not many people talk
about it, but it often becomes the reason of childs neurosis. Kids feel shy and try to
independently find answers to the questions which torment them in different literature. By the
way, it is because of that this irrepressible lure of horror movies arises: fear has to come out
somehow, and become neutralized!

17 years of age the time of demands to satisfy growing needs by any cost: give
me money, super jeans, super cell phone!... It is normal. The interest towards acquiring means
of getting things will shine through only a year later, at 18. Exactly at this age we MAD-ly fall in
love, sometimes even try to create a family. Actually, its a horrible age, because at this time
the previous life of our spirit reminds of itself again: now in the aspect of social unrealized
matters of the previous carrier. It is the time of uncertainty, ambitions and one can be easily

critical age is 21, the year when a body structure is finaly created from

below up to the waist. Thats it, third bodily chakra accumulated the strength and started to
breath fully and powerfully!

Attention to Mohawk!

Thats how we call this diagram. From the time of birth and up till 21 years of age, the human life
is formed in a way that teaches us harsh lessons. This time could fully be characterized as
beating defines consciousness! Regrettably, it is possible to repeat over and over again about
conscience, duty, and decency to a person that did not reach 21st year, he will know these
concepts, but will not be able to really feel them. The period of spiritual self-knowledge begins at
the age of 21 and goes on until 28 year of age. Biologically it is manifested though activation of

parietal zone of a brain. A person learns to think about his or her deeds, analyze and evaluate
First really global crisis awaits us at the

age of 28, when the serious bill for our previous

years is presented to us. Three months before or three months after the 28th birthday the twoweek streak of a real unbearable life sets in. The events come in the memory brightly, hit very
hard and it feels that your previous life is absolutely worthless. This serious cleaning before the
transition to the next life level needs to be carefully lived through, without any rapid movements
or being nervous. The thing is that up to 28 years of age we all are children, from the stand point
of the status of our energy field. Maturity happens suddenly and hard. Many people when
starting their 29th year become absolutely alien to their body and their already formed familiar
emotional shell Someone cannot handle this withdrawal pains and then it is possible for so
called Saturnian death to take place (28 year of age is the time of one rotation of Saturn
around the Sun). Club 27 in US
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28-35 year

the time of heightened attention towards the opinion of others. Any

judgmental word is considered very seriously it knocks you down; any praise - lifts you up. The
activation of social personality is taking place.
By the way, we usually experience social conflicts once every five years. This embraces all sides
of social life. It does not matter if you are creating a family or your own business, in five years
you are bound to experience serious problems. This is the hardships of growth. They are natural
and will be even beneficial if your creation has healthy potential. Then, in two years the process
reaches its new positive level. If there is no potential, then after the crisis peak follows the two
years of painful agony and inevitable failure.
So before accepting a job offer make sure to ask about the age of the firm put off engaging
yourself into relationship with a five-four-year-old firm: time will tell how this business will go
through the five-year crisis.
Spiritual, creative and worldview processes also experience crisis moments, but they happen
every 9 years.

At 35 years of age the second period of life shocks happen. They are called to

strengthen the spirit: beating again, defines the consciousness (Attention to Mohawk)! By this
age a person should make it to fully define himself in society. This age is another one, more

mature step towards understanding of oneself and achieving inner harmony. Body matrix is
united with the spiritual matrix as a whole.
The age of 35 is very hard to go through it is better not to change jobs or start new business.
36 years of age is a very good time to correct personal world view, and lead the spirit to a new
quality level of development. If this is not done, the upcoming 37 years of age can become
deadly, as they were for Pushkin, Esenin, Mayakovskiy (famous Russian poets who left this
life at the age of 37) After fulfilling initial mission on Earth, the great ones did not proceed to the
new one and their further stay here, according the laws of nature became, pointless.

42-49 is the time of spiritual self-discovery on the new more mature level. Women often

all of a sudden have an urge to give birth! Perhaps, she just does not realize that she
experiences the need to just reborn herself as a new person with the complete accordance
with requirements of Nature?! To really give birth is not recommended under any circumstances:
because you are going through the age of spiritual self-discovery, a small child now is a false
step and fuss, which would pull you down to a biological level of development. And this would be
a step back that goes against evolution requirements of Nature.
If by 49 years of age the process of personal self-discovery is not finished, the person becomes
boring and useless to its own spirit: the Nature does not need spiritual barrens. The natural
elimination of the physical body takes place The others are offered to even more actively
perfect endured union of valuable body health and even more demanding spirit. It is necessary
to advance as a character, accumulate potential and gain incentives in social and personal life.
Through this way one is being prepared to the approaching

56 year of age. This age

is so important that for many it becomes the time of second Saturnian crisis. Or second
Saturnian death For women this age is characterized by the climax: it is often desired to
cross out personal life, become a grandmother and fence oneself from the world with diapers.
However, on the contrary, it is needed to take care of oneself and the spirit, to live and be happy
that you actually passed this hard exam with the code name 56!
Next crisis is

63 years of age, from which few years already lived being retired. If a

man of 60 years of age is deprived of active social activity, he will not live more than 3-5 years.
There is a reason why academicians live long is explained by the fact that they never retire.
They continue to live for science. It is simple - they are interesting to society, and life is always
interesting to them! Next 7 years to get to the 70 years of age flies by unnoticed, and then they
even bring discovery riding so called white horse one reaches next level of incentives (see
the Mohawk).
As to the common people, the knowledge of critical ages helps to protect themselves from a
number of unpleasant surprises and problems, that one should know how to explain and not let
them to turn into snow ball. Everything is cyclical in this world, everything brings us to the new
higher level. One just has to remember it and not to worry every time regarding natural

inevitable twists of life. We live under inevitable laws: spiritually- creative, biological and social.
The skill to follow them is the foundation of long, dynamic and creative life.


Special interview for magazine "Life and security"
These days I discovered that a lot of scientific theories that are being offered, in press, TV and in
all kinds of different conferences that are dedicated to the issues of transformation of social
order and improving the life of humanity, in one way or another try to describe environment and
space that surrounds us. The most interesting among them are those that try to describe the
surrounding space from the point of view of so called informational energy processes. It means
that the origin of all processes, that happen in society and with a human, first are formed in the
informational level, then descent to energy level and only then have the embodiment in the
physical level.
Most of the developers of these theories vigorously argue their own truth for the understanding
of the surrounding space and fight among each other for the right to be called the founders of
the fundamental science. While no one can really say much regarding the sacramental question:
"How YOUR theory can practically help specific person in his or her specific problems in health,
relationships and in everyday life? And thus, a new question arises: "Why the hell there are so
many theories, if all of this cannot be used in practice?" As practice has always been considered
the criteria of the truth! And somewhere inside the journalist desire for truth awakens: is it
possible among all of this verbiage to find someone who would say that "YES! There is practical
application of our science theory, we have experience and statistics of the applied theories, and
I am ready to be responsible for my words regarding the issue!" (what the scientists, I have to
say, dont like to say!).
May one find what he seeks, and here, at one of the next round tables dedicated to the social
ecology I heard the lecture of president of international Institute of Social Ecology, Gubanov
Vyacheslav Vilorievich. The most that drew my attention from his lecture was that practical
application of theories developed by the Institute cover almost all fields of human activity :
health, relationships in family and business, particularities of modern professions and safety
during carrying out of modern scientific research. It is probably easier to list the fields that they
were not able to get their hands on yet. The 10 years of experience and accumulation of statistic
information allows the conclusion that everything in our world follows only one set of laws, and
when the laws are not being followed one receives blows in the ways of sicknesses or social
problems. This knowledge allows to forecast with great chance of probability the results of
activities and events not only on the level of specific person, but also on the level of groups.
V.V. Gubanov believes that the main goal of all developments of his Institute, is the need to form
new style of thinking for modern men Intuitive Intellect. And since it was my luck, it would be a
sin not to use this opportunity and visit mentioned above Institute, and talk with the president in

more calm atmosphere. The conversation turned out to be very interesting, long and from time
to time it took such sharp turns that I had shivers all over my body from the information I heard.
Vyacheslav Gubanov used to work in defense industry as a developer of systems for noncontact sea weapons. His life at its time forced him to study processes that are not seen by
regular sight, but as he says are fundamental. These are informational energy processes that
were mentioned above. During his work for the defense complex of the country he created
emergency techniques that bring people to normal state after experience of crisis situations: war
combat, acts of God, crashes, psychic traumas, and after injuries through narcotic, bacterial,
virus and INFORMATIONAL means. After the Academy of the Defense industry of Russia was
dissolved, V. Gubanov continues his work under the organization that he becomes the Head:
International Institute of Social Ecology.
- Vyacheslav Vilorievich, what is meant under the style of thinking: "Intuitive Intellect?
At first sight two such incompatible concepts: intuition and intellect! And why it is so
needed for the modern men?
Modern frequently changing external environment, demands the same fast and adequate
reaction to its changes from the men. That is why, the style of thinking of men needs to be
formed. When he or she lives and sacredly follows proper laws of surrounding environment, he
or she has a chance to turn on his intuition when there are specific changes in the environment
and form new laws which would reflect altered conditions.
The same could also be expressed as follows: the person is aiming with his or her logic, and
with the intuition shoots to reach the target. Just like during the shot from a canon: the marker
aims using his rules, and the cannonball flies to the target using the rules of live nature: under
the law of gravity, atmosphere, the rise angle of the canon barrel etc.
Logic of a person works at speed of 16 units of information per second, while intuition at the
speed of 10 in 9th power of the same units. So you see, in a nonstandard environment, when
rules are frequently being changed, a person has to masterfully be able to use his logical way of
thinking as well as intuition.
- Since you appeal to such terms and logic and intuition, people for you probably are also
divided into some categories? Describe them.
- We are not the ones who divided people, the Nature has divided people into two big
categories. First category are the intellectuals. Meaning, those people that perfectly work with
their logic, use logically formulated rules and it is important to them for those rules to exist in the
form of the calculations, diagrams etc. Second category are those who use their intuition. As
antagonists to intellectuals these people are creative, they dont recognize any rules, they get
suffocating in rules. These are people cannot live in standard forms, cannot do everything as it
is accustomed to, cannot act as they supposed to. They act as their own nature requires them to
act in given situation.

- For example?
- It often happens that a person does not want to do something. One intuitively feels that he or
she should not go to the office today for example, so he skips work. From the point of view of a
logical person he is committing a crime, he is breaking the rules! And then it turns out that his
office building was blown away today. It is possible nowadays. If he or she obeyed the intuition,
broke the formal rules or the rules of propriety thus saved himself from very big troubles.
Before, the non-compliance with such rules was considered a crime, now it has the right to exist,
because the work of intuition mechanism could be seen.
For example, true story. Relative of one of our students in the fall of 1999 was coming back
home at night, and was supposed to buy groceries in a 24h store which was located in the
nearby building. Suddenly he felt very tired and lazy and went straight home to sleep! And when
he entered the apartment building one of the two Moscow terrorist attacks on apartment
buildings took place. Can you imagine his feelings, when he heard the explosion of the store in
which he was supposed to be grocery shopping, but he was not by CHANCE!?
- Can one say that based on your theory, women use their intuition and men use their
logic more?
More exactly that there are two types of thinking: man and woman. Woman in social issues is
a logic, she always follows the rules. If woman is entrusted with a work task, - a Woman with
capital letter "W" she would collect a lot of information regarding the ways this issue was
resolved before, and will do the work task in a traditional and quality way. This is a standard
administrative observation. Men whoever, in business relationships acts as intuitionists. And
Men men with a capital letter "M" - never know and do not remember those rules; they dont
really care about them. For a man who is lazy by nature it is much easier to revolutionize given
task. That is why in creativity and imagination, women happen to be more revolutionary than
men, but in industry very often men are more revolutionary and intuitive than women. They
really know the rules, but they have to rejects them, because known rules can no longer meet
the requirements of today. Already formed rules always lag behind. "The word that was spoken
is already a lie" as it is said in ancient philosophy. And managerial revelation saying is "if you
know for sure what you should not do, then you will never do what is needed".
- What is implied under the rules?
- Rules is the set of laws, which allow human to adapt in a slow changing environment.
For example, traditionally it was considered that a human must strive for health. And health was
understood as statistics option, when a person is not getting sick and keeps this constant for a
long period of time. Thus, from the lifes view point, he is not moving. The life however, shows
the fault of this statement. And a new rule of dynamic understanding of health had to be formed:
it is not frightening to get sick, it is frightening not to get well for a long time, hence not to find the

solution for the problem, that was harmfully reflected on your condition of health. It is the new
rule, it is dynamic. Thus, the one who is never at fault is the one that never does anything! And if
you are not living, you are not going to die... (from famous Russian song).
Another example. It is very often that we have to realize this popular wisdom, which we know
from fairytales as: "morning is wiser than evening". For a long time people took this saying as an
allegory. But now we know the rule to solve scientific-technical or managerial tasks: when before
going to sleep you concentrate your thoughts on solving a task, you go to sleep with these
thoughts, during your sleep the solution for this task appears. At this moment you wake up (you
already have a pen or a recorder ready) and quickly state the core of the solution, after which
you go to sleep again with pleasure. This is the rule of work of the Intuitive intellect, which aims
through long concentration on logical level of psychic processes, and then frees itself during
sleep or meditation.
- What about controlling events and developments of your life?
- As people from Odessa say, Easy! It is possible to use specific scheme to form desired images
of what you want to reach in a period of time. If you correctly control your own psychic
processes, this technique leads you, almost certainly, to those results, which are naturally
possible to realize your wishes. People want to get work here, please, we have needed
techniques. People want to meet significant other with suitable psycho energetic characteristics,
here, please, we have such a technique. It perfectly works for almost forty years!
- So it appears that knowledge of different social processes creation increases
possibility of realization of your own wishes?
- Yes, knowing the Nature of the social processes, processes of the deep, which flow in the
subsoil of collective mind s social structure is a great power! If we know these rules, then we
reach the specific goal. That is practically, logic (modern logic!) starts to describe intuitive
processes. It does not describe them exactly "up to each semicolon", but with precision of
opportunity to control the intuitive processes. There have to be a synthesis of one thing and
another. Then you are based on one level, but have an opportunity to jump to the next level and
consider it already complete and logically universal.
For example, the works in the fourth dimension were considered to be in the field of science
fiction before. Today it is everyday work, that does not even require to go into trance. It is just
one of the ways to view the surrounding world, into which a normal person can get transferred
so he or she can see what is going in one particular or another case of his everyday life. And the
conclusion is the following - it is possible to control intuitive processes with logic. That is what
term Intuitive Intellect implies.
- You are very confident in saying that you have already solved the issues of curing AIDS,
hepatitis B and C, flue and many other sicknesses. It is not always possible to quickly

cure these sicknesses, or to cure them at all with medicine. How do you address these
-These issues are addressed on the level of psychic-energy techniques, they allow through the
mobilization of reconstructive processes in a human to restore to health the organs and systems
that are responsible for symptomatic manifestation of these sicknesses. There is a technique
called "Virus", it equally cures from virus of flue and virus of hepatitis. One technique is used
almost for any Virus type damage that was done to a human body.
- One technique for a number of different sicknesses???
- And that is the advantage of this technique. This actually proves its Natural origin: one
technique against a number of different, according to medicine, sicknesses. That is, we solved
the issue of how to strike the critical target point of the program that harmed a human, and the
cause of harm itself is killed. Since the "terrorist" is killed, the human brain has a chance to bring
the body (organism) to normal state, using the internal resources of human energy. And the
internal resources of human energy of a human is the health matrix, which was received by a
human at the time of its conception. That is, the brain receives an opportunity of an energyinformative appeal to the hologram of DNA molecule of impregnated ovule. Here is what the
"secret" of our techniques of initiation of regeneration-reconstructive processes is based on (see
the picture).

- So, one technology for each person?

- Technique is one, but the ways the organism realizes it are many, because for any sickness
the same TYPE of regeneration process is manifested. The only question is, can the person

who is sick, turn his or her brain into intuitive work regime and do this technique for 5 minutes
every day throughout one and a half months. This is the "phenomenal" work load that needs to
be done to get rid of such sickness as hepatitis C. One and a half months, for five minutes, but
every day! Without taking any medicine. And no such things as hypnosis, forgetting, clanking of
the chains and other attributes of miracles...
- What about AIDS?
-The situation with AIDS is different. AIDS is the only exception, when our techniques appear
to be not fully effective when used alone. The level of impact of this sickness is so great, that for
getting well the cooperation with medicine is needed. But the difference in using the combination
of our techniques and medicine is that in three months after the work with our techniques, a
person can stop taking medicine and nothing will happen to him. That is, what doctors call
antibodies to AIDS virus, almost certainly, will not be found. Why "almost certainly"? because,
to talk about guarantee when you talk about work with human body/organism is sacrilege.
Human body/organism is a living system and its reaction to these or any other interference
cannot be predicted with 100% probability in principle!
- You said that in the foundation of regeneration processes of every human lies its matrix
of DNA molecule at the time of conception. What if conception takes place under
abnormal conditions, for example under influence of alcohol?
- One can count the only abnormal condition, it is a conception at the nuclear waste junkyard
when the external/surrounding environment penetrates ovule by it ionizing radiation. In all other
cases, it is a different story. A believe you are asking a question about so called "drunk
- Yes, exactly, about this warning of Ministry of health (throughout the Soviet Union time,
the Ministry of Health had a very strong campaign regarding the harm of drinking), that
so firmly imbedded in our minds.
- So, traditional understanding that after drinking a shot of alcohol the matrix configuration of the
DNA molecule of ovule begins to change is not correct in principle. The truth is that a man who
cannot get erection and reach orgasm without influence of alcohol, is in the stress and energy
insufficient state. And so the conception from such male has very serious negative, probable
(again) outcome. The spermatozoon of such male are already "damaged" (eaten) by himself. As
a rule they have low mobility, defective internal structure of DNA molecule fragments. Namely in
this kind of situation handicapped (defected) children are born. But those children are born from
karma burdened individuals, and not from healthy parents who drank 100 grams of 80 proofs
"cheer upper". The same way in the long run forecast, defective children are born when a female
cannot conceive naturally, and medical intrusion for conception is carried out, including electric
corporal impregnation.

- So you think that affects from such intrusions are inevitable?

- They just really happen. And I am fully responsible for my words, as a specialist in untraditional
health insuring techniques, because I am not bound by the oath of silence that representatives
of "medical confessions" have to follow. It is advantageous for them to present these or other
trends of medical activity as absolutely harmless, and the ones that dont have any destructive
side effects. And I know this simply because I have to work with outcomes from the cover up of
the correct information by the doctors.
- So you are saying that doctors know about it???
- They know. At least the ones that permitted to the experiments. While doing lobby interviews,
whispering with the trusted individuals, the ones who (like us) can advise on these or other
trends to increase the results they tell everything. But they will never, in their life say anything
openly, because the truth would discontinue financing of their research work. And who would do
such a thing in free will? By the way, the best cover up of the truth is uncovering partial truth.
And this kind of luxury in relation to the society they can allow themselves, because they do not
carry personal responsibility with their own health for the results of the experiments. Their clients
are the ones who risk their health, the ones who bought the advertisement regarding donor
conception, cloning, freezing.... Moreover, these "lab rats" pay for experiments on them!
- According to the energy-informative processes how does this look?
According to the energy-informative processes, this kind of behavior and such medical doctrine
is ignorant and irresponsible in principle. The prove of this, is real situation of health related
issues of ALL people in all segments of population. For example, according to the Club of
prenatal care "Bereginya" in St. Petersburg, Russia, only 0,3% of children meet the standards of
medical term "healthy". And this fact does not depend on the state of wealth! Wealthy people
also are dying like mammoths... Someone should say something about it at last! However the
concept of medicine does not have a possibility to say the truth in principle. Because then, you
could ask doctors: What should we do?". They dont have an answer to this question.
- Why?
- Because the concept of medicine have already exhausted itself in the new conditions of
energy-informative environment. Think for yourself! For example, in Israel, diabetes is so wide
spread, that it no longer considered being a problem they have just arranged for diabetes
eating habits. In Germany, out of 10 conceived females, 6 have miscarriage before the 3 month
of pregnancy dew to the chromosome defects of the offspring. They try to find the solution by
attracting immigrant females with the goal to get married. There is big number of kids with celiac

disease in United States, UK and France. This misfortune started to increase the number of its
victims in Russia as well. This sickness arises allergy reaction to foods that contain GRAIN,
RICE, CORN, not to mention animal protein and edible fats. All mentioned above is the result of
CHROMOSOME VAMPIRISM, prevention nature and methods of which are well identified by
our specialists.
- What are these new conditions in the environment that you have mentioned before?
- We have developed a "table graph" (see picture) which shows how the life environment
FREQUENCY of a human changes, that is the volume of information which a modern person
has to "digest" at one unit of time in relation to the volume of information which cam across the
average person in the beginning of the era. By "average" we mean all levels of populations:
scientists, homeless, house wives, representatives of different professions.

- Why these numbers on the axis of "the amount of information units per second"?
- Of course, one can argue regarding the amount of information units per second. And there is
no single classification or single point of view in the research. This is more of an illustration
which gives an understanding about the levels that human can achieve. Exact numbers in this
situation are irrelevant.
- Ok, Can you then explain what is important here?
- First of all the important this is the quality of the graph, that is the formation of the steep front of
quality changes of the surrounding environment (thick line!). And secondly the content of the
table. From it you can see, how different types of activities are distributed based on the level of
the frequency. In the upper left wide column are the examples of types of injuries that people
caused each other dew to energy-informational impoliteness. In the lower left part is the list of
"trojans" that is types of activities and matters, that bring to human organism the stresses that
control his or her psyche. Standard sized middle column is the distribution of types of energyinformational aids based on frequency, including known types of medical aids, which effectively
withstand relevant or lower in the table injury factors. And at last, wide column on the right
(behind the graph) are the behavioral or physiological manifestations of human injuries on
appropriate levels. That is, it is the hierarchy of sicknesses, that can be crossed by single types
of aid and those with higher frequency. And it is possible to see WHEN people start to go over
the boundaries of the natural health recovery opportunity during the influence of one or another
factor. In addition it is possible to see when these or other types of aid, stopped being effective.
The boundary of the world view era is 1996!
So this first frontier (thick line) reflects that informational flood overwhelms new "frequency
peaks", which were either unreachable for a regular humans, or the types of aids where very
reliable. For example, the religious methods of aids had guarantees to pull out the person from
the injuries on the level of 10 informational units per second. This means that, pretty serious
stress situations were removed from a person in our Era and up to 1996.
- This means that, if before it was possible to cure such sicknesses as schizophrenia,
impotence, tuberculosis through the help of religious measures...
- Yes. For example Christianity has a ritual of exorcism through reading prayer in Book of Needs
(Peter Mogila). In medicine this is manifestation of specific types of schizophrenia. In any
religions there are methods to treat tuberculosis, infertility, impotence and epilepsy. For example,
in churches of Greece, people hang golden and silver plates with symbols of sick body parts in
front of icons and plates with images of children for the birth of which they solicit...
- And now...

- And now this doesnt help. It is just so through the fact that in the beginning of our Era there
was no microwaves, no computers, Internet, no cell phone conversation in the process of driving
on the packed with traffic freeway and there was no opportunity to connect with a person in
another time zone through phone. There were no flights to space, there was no television in
color, there was no such variety of musical influence, walkman and headphones that aroused
low and high frequencies in the energetic centers of a human. There was no interethnic
marriages, against which religious doctrine always seriously spoke against. Before marriage one
of the main requirements was for both bride and groom to take one faith. And now there is a
scientific explanation for that, because otherwise the stimulation of the level of DNA interegregor low frequency vibration takes place, which leads to genetic malfunction in people, born
from mixed marriages. Aggravation of these injuries of organism could be seen when interethnic
conflicts arise (for example Chechnya, Yugoslavia....)
Beforehand such injuring factors were not widely known. Now they have effect at its full force.
Nowadays, the cities are overwhelmed with electromagnetic waves, which did not exist in the
beginning of the Era. That is why the frequency of a human brain under the influence of strong
external and internal affects increases by itself. I would like to underline once again, by itself
because of the influence of surrounding environment!
- What conclusions could be drawn from the information shown in the table graph?
- The main thing is that right now the effects of the rules starts to influence regular people, and
these rules were not known before; only "enlightened" highest Spiritual hierarchs knew them.
- What do you see as the way out of the situation?
- That's why the issue arises that nowadays a regular person has to receive new volume of
knowledge, which before was either prohibited, persecuted or incomprehensible. As now, if
people do not have such knowledge, and since people are biological carriers of the mind, they
would just start to die out just like mammoths did. Which, actually is already happening!
As for example, many people who receive blood transfusion get sick with hepatitis B. And
doctors know about it, but they cannot do anything about it with this effect and that is why they
have to be silent. And that is right, because if they dont give blood transfusion the person will
die. And even knowing that after blood transfusion there will be hepatitis B in most number of
cases, doctors have to use the principle: the act is justified if negative effects from the act are at
least 3 times less than positive effects from the act. Hepatitis B is the price, but the person stays
- So it turns out that the type of aid that people used for almost 2000 years, now cannot
help everyone, because the level of surrounding environment influence have been
changed. Right?

- Low frequency types of help are still affective for people who do not have high frequency
injuries. But for many these types of aids already lost its effectiveness. If we are from the tribe
"Yum-yum" and we move to modern city, this would be the only one way to save our health: we
would have to implement the main commandment of any religious doctrine. Namely: allow God
in your heart and do not depend on the church, do not depend on the interpretation of holy script
by a priest, but feel intuitively and independently the Godly (read as Natural) laws and do not
break them.
Because the holy script shows how to build human community, so that all people are close to
one another and can draw mutual benefit from communal existence and not break rules of
community life. Any religious doctrine tells how to build intentions in the human life, so they
would not get injured.
- But how many there are cases, when a person lives by the rules, but still gets sick,
suffers and gets broke?
- Yes. For example, a person is sick, because the house he lives in was built 200 meters from
the electricity lines. He lives there and does not know of electromagnetic influences that
redirected at him in such little distance. What should he do? Only pray? Sorry, but that will not
You have to know the main injuring factors of today, and if the house is already there, then an
educated person even under the alcoholic delirium will not settle there, because he knows that
Natural law was broken. The law is broken by the builders, who do not care about the laws of
nature: they were given a piece of land and they have built on that land. They have built with
quality. But to live in this house is not really working out for many. And this information no one
would disclose in city building administration. Information is suppressed, because if it will be
available then no one would want to live in this house, and the question of relocating the tenants
would arise, and this would huge expense of budget money. Society cannot answer positively to
this question.
And houses with the view on cemetery, or on the places of former cemeteries, on covered junk
yards, on the places of the creeks and on top of underground rivers.... So the information is
suppressed to avoid panic from uneducated tenants. So with the closer view the phrase "Your
life is in the hands of professionals" provokes sarcasm. And the question arises Did these
professionals at least washed their hands?"
- Why your table graph ends with the year 2012? Where does this number come from?
- Few independent sources point to this number. Astronomy talks about the 2012 as the year of
Great Planet Alignment , when the planets of solar system form a line and from the view point of
energy-informative processes the Solar System enters the new level of its energy-informative
development (evolution). And from the view point of brain informatics we are talking regarding

the clusters of brain activity of different plans of matter existence, and when they form a line
above the specific DUrville brain zone (see the picture), establish a contact of this brain zone
with the plans of matter/universe existence. This act is called CONCENTRATION: the collection
of environments into one point, so the contact is possible with informational environment of the
specific brain zone, which is responsible for these or other types of psychical or physical human
activities. Approximately the same happens from the planetary point of view to the Solar system
in 2012. That what Great Planet Alignment is.

On the other hand, there is this curious Maya calendar, which is called Tzolk'in. It is described
well in the book by Jose Arguelles "Maya Factor". This calendar describes the pleads of
processes in human society for the period of 4000 years. It very well describes main effective
factors: how the human society changes, how the event in human society must take place under
the influence of harmonic processes of Cosmos environment that manages this social process.
So this Tzolk'in ends in 2012. It just happened that way.
Meaning: two independent sources modern astronomers and Maya calendar end on the
same date, that is why it appeared in our table graph.
- So what should we wait for in 2012?
We are considering those current processes, that take place in the society, as informational
change in the density of the environment, quality change of those laws of Nature that have to be
taken into consideration for a person in his or her everyday life. Meaning that from mammal,
human has to evolve into Spiritual being with accordance to these laws. And it looks like the
society by the 2012 from Tahiti islands to Antarctica and USA and valorous fields of Russia
would have to follow first of all the spiritual laws, and not the laws of economy in its animal
- Can economics be arranged in a spiritual way?
- With accordance to all mentioned above, we have developed a concept of spiritual economy.
Not material economy, that was taken as a base, but really spiritual economy. Norms of human
relationships, norms of business activities, norms of the concentration of money in one hand
turn out to be different in modern era, from the one before. Take for example Bill Gates, who
made his fortune using informational technologies and take any shah from Oman or Brunei, who
got rich through trade of natural resources of his country. The origin of his money if different in
principle, I would underline: some money is "black", other is "white". And the "white" money the
one of Bill Gates, even though it might be sad to hear for people working in informational
systems business. Even though there is a lot of blame, the objective truth states that it is money
and information in the modern era that take the first place, and not the amount of gold and
diamonds, which the country produces. Information and energy!
- So who has the first place in information?
- First place, from the view point of computer technologies belongs to the western technologies.
But the problem is that this information is logical. It ages very fast. And logical information has
its limit of stability. That what was found in the computer operations system of the same, Bill
Gates? There are not really contradictory user opinions regarding Windows 2000. The
illustration could be joke from a user who was caught in the process of washing his mouse pad.

His friend asks him Why are you washing your mouse pad?" And he answers: "I installed
Windows 2000 and my mouth through up". It used to be very popular joke among IT specialists.
That is the logical informational system became so complicated the lost its stability. On the other
hand everything from Nature is simple, that is why it can survive without doctors in the process
of centuries and millenniums. That is why the future is in the living informational systems,
brought to order with the help of currently formed dynamic laws.
- So what principles a person has to build his or her life on, to not receive injuries?
- Using the principle: everyone is for himself, but in a good way, since one God is for all! That is
everyone has to become an expert in relations to his or her life, in relations to his or her goals in
spiritual, economy and family activities and take personal responsibility through own health for
educated realization of laws of Nature. And here (from the written word we stare at the reader is
where "the dog was buried" ("thats where the shoe pinches")! It turns out that human body is
just a system of biosensors that watch over the correctness of persons realization in specific,
objective, energy-informational conditions. Sickness is the result of violation of laws of Nature
by a person during his or her course of life. And if a person brings to order his or her energyinformational bodies, eliminates controlling stresses that turn into zombie the psyche the
sickness disappears by itself, even without the help of such exaggerated and absolutely not
financed in our country state body as Public Health.
Lets look in the eyes of truth. Wild amounts of money in the whole world are spent on research
in the field of curing AIDS. 20 billion dollars are needed annually by scientific laboratories to
develop something that from the point of view of the Nature cannot be developed in principle.
Then, I am sorry, but this money is just thrown in the wind. When we talk regarding the solution
of this problems, and we openly talk about it in press since 1996, no interest whatsoever arises
from any public health workers. It simply proves the fact, that they really need money and not
healthy population.
- For example, about what health problems solutions you already talked about?
- During the round table of exhibition "Live water" in the Society of Diabetics, in the newspaper
"Smena" in 1996 we said that the problem of diabetes is solved on the energy-informational
level. Secondly, in the Institute of "Ear, throat, nose and speech" we announced a report
regarding the fact that quinsy could be eliminated in 10 minutes by proper energy-informational
methods. It is possible to cure arthritis, otitis, stutter and allergic rhinitis. We also have video
recordings about it since 1997. And again, no one from "science forming guys from the Institute
was not interested in our practical methods. And medicine is still uses "the emergency plugs for
the steam" for a human: they still surgically ablate tonsils, adenoids that grow back again if
energy-informational problems are not solved. But Nature did not give human anything extra to
spare, that is why if surgically ablate the tonsils, the quinsy do not stop, but often grow into

bronchitis with further transition to tuberculosis. And our valiant doctors are silent about this as
- With regards to this issue, what kind of responsibility is on the person, who
consciously suppresses the information of this kind. I mean these societies, institutes,
- Legally none
- And not legally?
- Those people, who suppress information consciously to hold back the scientific and technical
progress, carry very interesting personal responsibility. Again, we have rather big statistic
information regarding this issue. These people after some time bump into the problems that they
can only solve solely through methods of the trend that they have "suppressed". And if they do
not use these methods they just die! First the pets die, then children, then elderly and then the
specialists themselves die. This is the reason behind the deaths of specific genetic families,
members of which are responsible for holding back the information. This is what manifestation
of responsibility on the level energy-information is. The sin here leads to execution through
death! And any bureaucrat should also know about this.
- And in the end, a natural question that come to mind: how to keep on living after all that
was heard?
- The answer is very simple. There is a fundamental goal: to bring up an energy-informational
human immune system that is suitable for use in the new conditions. In our Institute for the last
10 years we have a course that teaches how to develop psychophysiological abilities of a
human "Magic of life", which takes 2 years. When this whole horrible situation becomes known
to a person, he or she already knows how to protect in these or other cases and to continue life.
And to live fruitfully, developing creativity and developing his or her intellect further. I will repeat
the work goes on for 2 years, and then, when the main knowledge goes to subconscious, these
norms become integral qualities of everyday and every second work of subconscious immune
system. Subsequently, the time for normal and creative goal oriented work is freed, without
breaking the laws of society and without breaking the laws of energy-informational fields. So that
is when a person is not doing what the Nature is against and does not spend time, his strength
and resources to overcome the results of his errors. Because the saint is not the one who does
not sin, because he cannot, but the one who can and does not sin because of faith.
President of the International Social Ecology Institute
V.V. Gubanov special for magazine "Life and security"

The Lost Symbol!

Beyond Noetic Science!
In this interview Vyacheslav Gubanov, the President of the International Institute of Social
Ecology (IISE, St. Petersburg, Russia) tells us about simple truths and laws of Nature that we
have heard of many times. Vyacheslav Gubanov gave us a new interpretation of these truths.
He is a scientist and physicist who also feels the harmony of math. He uses science and his own
life experience to prove that joy is one of the main conditions for happy, healthy and successful
life. Joy is the lost symbol which will be the main pass into the bright future during the
challenging period that will begin in 2012, the end of times according to the Mayan culture or
the quantum leap by the progressive scientists.
N.Revskaya: Americans claim that they are the ones who introduced the new field of science
a mixture of mysticism and natural sciences or in other words physics and metaphysics. Since
your institute is working in this field for a long time now, dont you feel offended by this claim?
V. Gubanov: They originated Noetics (Noetic Science) or new ethics. For the last 20 years we
have researched and accumulated content for the new science that we call "INFOSOMATICS".
This field of progressive science includes, without exaggeration, hundreds of different noetics!
NOETICS in fact is just the safety measures on how you should interact with energy systems of
different levels. This includes humans themselves, natural environment and so on.
INFOSOMATICS, however, is the science about a very wide spectrum of informational streams
that influence people, about correct generation of these streams on different levels and about
methods on how to influence them. This means that it gives you effective methods that help you
control the events in your life. INFOSOMATICS lies in the foundation of Noetic Sciences as the
system programming language (for a computer) lies in the foundation of any software program
that allows a person to receive joy and quality service in satisfying the human interests. This
shows that we went further in science than our American colleagues. INFOSOMATICS
controls energy processes (a person can control an elephant, for example, a laptop can control
a power plant).
N. Revskaya: Can we say that your scientific school is the most progressive and promising as of
V. Gubanov: Yes, absolutely! This reminds me of what one businessman who was one of my
clients and took part in the TV Show Business sharks said: We do not invest in the projects
that China is able to copy within 5 years. A stranger will not be able to copy INFOSOMATICS in

the process of 5 years for sure. We have people who are not just regular scientists, they had to
go through a long period of personal worldview corrections and learn how to correctly manifest
themselves in regards to the multilevel and multi-plane world.
N. Revskaya: I think the phrase correctly manifest needs more explanation.
V. Gubanov: Sure! We have developed highly effective method that cures diabetes. This is the
result of our 15 years of successful practice. The roots in solving the problem of diabetes lie on
the informational level. Incorrect set of values of a persons worldview, as well as assigning
qualities to people in close circle that they dont have lead to somatic changes - blockage of
pancreas functions. We eliminate the problems with manifestation of roles using energy
informational methods and pancreas begins to work! In many cases the client is insulin
dependent before the use of the techniques!
To illustrate how it works lets take the following example. During the World War II, Japanese
soldiers stopped American tanks almost barehanded. They would stick a wooden log between
the crawler and the leading wheel. On one side there was a tank, its crew, tank cannon and on
the other side just one specially trained soldier. Incorrectly taken or perceived information can
affect the work of internal human organs just like that log affects the ability of the complicated
machinery to move forward.
N. Revskaya: So you are taking out the logs?
V. Gubanov: The main question is if the "victim" is willing to change his or her worldview, the
view on that informational-log and INDEPENDENTLY, with just the help in precise aiming, get
those logs out along with the stones in the pockets and legs in the swamp. Success directly
depends on the level of agreement (synchronization) between our work and the "victim". If the
worldview of a person does not allow us to work with him or her, then all the external actions are
useless. Medicine has successfully proved that.
N. Revskaya: Then why cant we see miraculous healing cases everywhere?
V. Gubanov: Just because there are not so many people who can really act upon transforming
their worldview. Most people just talk about it, and do nothing. However there is a way for those
people who are ready and have the need to change and evolve, for those who want to control
not only their own state of health, but also the flow of events in their life. They can be truly called
- people of the 21st century! Those people who believe that everything should be given to them
on a silver platter turn to medicine for help. Medicine is the wrong way out; it can only eliminate
the symptoms. Most people just turn themselves into the slaves of pharmaceutical companies.
In reality, problems with the human body do not lie in the small and defenseless human
organism, they lie in the level of persons Spirituality, in his or her thoughts, emotions, feelings
and so on. We fully studied this correlation and certain results of our work are freely available on

our web site and are in the process of being translated into Italian and English. There is a
demand for these materials in Russia, Ukraine as well as the rest of the world.
N. Revskaya: Did I understand you correctly? Medicine will be kind of split in two ways in the
future medicine with the use of drugs and medicine for the chosen?
V. Gubanov: You can say that. However I would not call the second way medicine, I would
change it to assistance in learning. Medicine implies external (chemical, mechanical or
electromagnetic) coercive methods of influence. It is a concept of compensation and
dependence. While assistance in learning implies that a person independently chooses the
way, learns independently and correctly turns on the brain to resolve own problems and
sicknesses. This is the way through which a person can become the chosen one! For example:
I get a phone call from one of my clients and she has the famous flu (famous because we
can arise and eliminate the flu in 30 minutes during our seminars. This is a very illustrative
example. We gave a lecture regarding this method back in 1996 in St. Petersburg in the
Otolaryngology (ENT) Institute). So, she said that she has a very high temperature and her
throat hearts However, after a 10 minute conversation on the phone and correction of her
worldview, the symptoms miraculously disappeared! She just had to turn off the fragments of
her brain that were generating a certain personal role manifestation in the surrounding world.
After our conversation, her brain began to correctly manifest her as a person, her state got back
to normal and symptoms disappeared.
N. Revskaya: What was her incorrectness, can you tell us?

V. Gubanov: She has a deputy with whom she worked for the last five years. Suddenly, she
decided to make their relationships more intimate. Her deputy turned her down. He already had
a wife and strong family values. This lady got offended, first of all, because she was turned
down and secondly she got offended at herself for showing such desire and discreditable
conduct. So she began to really condemn herself. Since her brain is very powerful, almost
nuclear, her self-condemnation almost turned into a suicide. Thus, her immune system was
first to take the hit, as a result her tonsils became inflamed. When I explained to her, WHAT she
was doing to herself - the flu went away.
N. Revskaya: So in this case the amendment thy shell not covet thy neighbors wife really
V. Gubanov: I would look at this situation at a wider angle. Every person should give him or
herself a right to make a mistake. Condemning yourself for dirty thoughts is where the
incorrectness lies. You have to calmly deal with your mistakes and with the fact that not all of
your wishes will come true. You should not carry on self-destruction process, you should learn

through your own mistakes. Moreover, you should learn not to make the same mistakes again,
those mistakes that turn-on the self-destructive mechanisms. You should treat life with care.
When a person notices that his or her life is not the way it was intended to be, he or she gets
sick and this is the signal that Nature is just trying to stop the person from falling deeper into
even more hopeless state from the Nature standpoint. Sickness is the sign of sin and the sign
that laws of Nature where broken. Death (not always, but in most cases) shows that the
payment (as a fine) for the certain violations was taken through the energy of life.
N. Revskaya: What laws were broken in that case?

V. Gubanov: The law of consistency: You should continue doing whatever you were brought
together for and the rule of four Ts. You should do THAT, at that TIME, THAT WAY with
THOSE people, when it is easy, fun and fast. So if it is not easy, not fun and not fast then it
shows that natural flow of events is being violated. If we respect the Laws of Nature and make
the top priority to follow them, no matter how weird they sound life will improve and everything
will get much better! Coming back to our lady client, to wish intimacy with a like-minded male
colleague is natural. The fact that the man she wanted turned out to be not for her is not a
reason to condemn or kill oneself. Besides, she already had true intimate relationships with him
for the last 5 years! The relationships were not on the physical level, they were on the
INFOSOMATIC level. Creative and administratively effective cooperation without this process is
impossible! They just went through the regular audit of their marriage contract that happens
with ANY TEAM after five years. They just went over the position of where they stand and they
can continue their further cooperation.
N. Revskaya: You are talking about the things that people discuss at their family reunions. This
is pretty common. As far as I understand, you are a scientist. Is there real equipment? Are there
devices and methodology, that allows one to measure the fairness level of these laws?
V. Gubanov: Before I begin to talk about the real equipment and devices, that do really exist I
would like to point out one more law of Nature, it is the law of Joy cultivation! It is the most
important and the most secret weapon in the survival of the fittest. There is a famous Russian
song with the following words There is no bad weather in Nature . Those who will learn to
see good in all manifestations of Nature have much bigger chance to survive and thrive in the
future. Now, about the devices: There is a device called Politron. When I was an expert in noncontact navy weapons we tested this device (by the way this former navy weapon expert is now
called psycho-ecologist). This device was used by the Soviet military starting from 1957. Military
stopped using the device in 1975. This device can measure pranic consistency of water.
Meaning, it can detect the presence of wake trace by using particularities of water mass even

after 3 days! You can even detect the license number on the submarine after three days by
using this device. So it turns out that all people leave similar trace in the surrounding natural
environment just like submarines in the water. As an expert in non-contact navy weapons I
understand the concept of how this device works very well. Lets get back to the research in
energy-informatics of a human. We gave a task to the ones we were testing. At first we asked
them to radiate the most powerful love emotion they can, and then they had to quickly shift and
radiate the highly concentrated emotion of hatred. The results showed the influence of these
emotions on the Politron device. Using these results we were able to see the power, flexibility
and ability to control psycho-emotional shell of a person. Me and my partner conducted these
tests in 1993!
N. Revskaya: Research of Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto about the influence of emotions
on water was published much later than that?
V. Gubanov: Yes. I can even add and I am joking of course. Masaru Emoto should have
watched the Soviet cartoons; there was an interesting phrase in one of them It can get so cold
in Arhangelsk (Siberia) that even words would freeze. Words are nothing when compared to the
frozen beautiful songs! And in spring when everything begins to melt everyone can hear
beautiful singing coming from everywhere!
N. Revskaya: Did I understand you correctly, psycho ecologist is the one who has sufficiently
powerful energy and can influence environment by his words and thoughts. Why do common
people need to control this?
V. Gubanov: When we were trained for psychotronic war, the brain of a common furious
person was considered to be one of the very effective types in non-contact weapons. Truly
furious common person can cause great damage. Here is how it works: in 1992 we had a very
enlightened person from India visiting. After one of his lectures when it was already dark, he
was going home. Accidentally he bumped into a common Russian babushka (old
lady/grandmother). The guy was from India so his skin was kind of dark and the night was pretty
dark too, so the babushka didnt see him coming. So when she actually bumped into him, she
just absent-mindedly swore at him and cursed him. As a result none of his Indian techniques or
methods were able to help him and he had to turn to the local experts from St. Petersburg. That
is why all the phrases that are said with anger and come from grandmas, grandpas and alike are
not that innocent. Unfortunately, people can even die from those words! This is actually
professionally used in making mass media into the weapon of mass destruction.
N. Revskaya: Lets get back to the joy and to that Politron device.
V. Gubanov: At that time I noticed that the laboratory where we conducted our experiments
became like a cursed place, a lot of accidents and problems began to happen. The secret

behind it was quite simple. Algorithm of work was as follows: the experiment began with the
emotions of love and ended with the emotions of anger and hatred. Just imagine what happens
when powerful people who were tested begin to radiate powerful emotions of hatred! There is
such a phenomenon and concept as reverberation (persistence of sound in a particular space
after the original sound is removed). So the resonance after the emotions of hatred was just
insane. I suggested switching the order of the experiment. Always end the experiment with the
emotions of love. Clearly, the atmosphere in the laboratory miraculously changed after that
change in the order. That is how, through the practice and statistics, we were able to prove that
any interaction always has to end with emotions of love and joy.
N. Revskaya: You cant really call life in our society joyful or happy
V. Gubanov: If we conduct even just a little research of historical documents we will see that
people where never happy about the government. People always suffered, taxes always grew
and income always was decreasing. It happened in China, Medieval Europe, in Arab countries,
in Soviet Union and Russia government always used people in their own interest, however
everyone survived somehow. Is it a paradox? Not really. Two NLP experts in St. Petersburg
came up with two terms wrinkle-buttlers (butt+butler) and go-gators (from go-getter).
According to the Pareto principle (80-20 rule) we know that there will always be not more than
20% of go-gators effective and successful people. The other 80% will always be dissatisfied
with everything and they, as a result, will die out due to the natural selection process. Take an
apple tree, for example, bees pollinate only those flowers that from their standpoint are the most
tasty. And still, not all pollinated flowers become a ripe fruit. The same happens in the human
society: those people who care to search for joy in their life have a rather big chance to become
a ripe fruit. Others, unfortunately - not. And what about you? In this way I would like to say that
anyone can find joy, it lies on the ideological level. However, one might have to work, it cannot
just happen with a sway of a magic wand. You just have to stop wrinkling your butt and change
your own worldview
N. Revskaya: It is easy to do when circumstances are on your side. What if life hits you and hits
you very hard?
V. Gubanov: Using my own life experience (I had to publish my whole biography on the internet)
I can assure you that life hits not FOR something you did but FOR you to start doing something
about it. It hits you not to kill you but so you can learn something. I will give you a very simple
example. Currently there is a burning problem of mono-cities, at least we have this problem in
Russia. Mono-cities are those towns and cities that were formed around enterprises that worked
in the military-industrial complex. Now, people in those cities dont have work, because large
military orders are gone. There is no one to fight with. Question why people are sitting and
waiting, becoming alcoholics and slowly committing suicide by primitive and weird ways? Why
they do not turn on their creative essence? Why for some people the shutdown of a factory is

the beginning of the bright future and for others it is the end of life? Let me quote few lines from
a request for a Lifexpert personal consultation: My uncle (on my fathers side) decided that he
will live until age 50. However during his 49th birthday he got too drunk and mixed up the dates.
He thought that he already turned 50, so he went to his garage and hanged himself. Another
brother of my father got too drunk and killed his own mother and after two years on the date of
Orthodox Christmas he hanged himself. 6 years ago (when I was 22 years ago) I fell off the 4th
floor. I was lucky enough to survive without any major injuries. I also have 5 girlfriends who fell
off different floors at their time. I think all of this is not an accident.
N. Revskaya: I think your view and position is not really correct. Not everyone can quickly
recover after the collapse or bankruptcy of enterprises or countries?
V. Gubanov: Of course not everyone! That is why not everyone is living well! And our main goal
as psycho-ecologists is not to mourn about the past but build the future. That is why I am saying
that only few are ready to rebuild their worldview and move forward. For many are invited but
few are chosen (everyone makes their own choice). If we are talking about the subject of
correctness, then I am very polite and civil person, otherwise I would not be able to work with
people the way I do and come up with such effective techniques that can be used universally.
And for me to be even more correct, I posted a lot of detailed information on the web site for
free, for those who cant afford it but desire to think and develop. Our work and practice for many
years shows that the information posted on our web site for free is enough to start moving,
evolving and stop crying. And still, from time to time I am being blamed in different forums and
blogs for taking money for personal consultations. Where is the logic in it? If you want to stop
suffering just go on the web site, learn and work with the materials that are there. But, no, it is
much more fun to express your negative opinion to the whole world! So what should be done
with this kind of people?
N. Revskaya: Are you saying that we should eliminate those people or fight them?
V. Gbanov: I suggest to not pay attention to those people, simply because Dog bites only due
to the hard dog like life (The dog barks, but the caravan goes on) and there is also a need to
effectively defend oneself from this kind of angry people. Remember, there was a famous
Russian general who said: Those who will come to us with a sword will die from that sword!
Natural defense system of a righteous person turns on automatically. And of course, there are
ways to help the defense system through organizational processes and techniques. As you
know from my biography, my past is connected with Soviet Military Defense Industry and it
would be wrong to make such life experience go to waste! ;)
N. Revskaya: I heard that you have a special course dedicated to defensive techniques against
toxic surrounding environment including techniques against ill-wishers.

V. Gubanov: Yes, we do have such course. We do have a big number of people that already
took this course, however I usually begin the course with the principles of correct worldview,
which automatically protects from anyone at the peaceful times.
N. Revskaya: There are different types of ill-wishers however. Some of them are as educated in
this field as famous psycho-ecologists. In business and in politics energy informational methods
of combat are used all the time. Can the worldview help in those cases?
V. Gubanov: I am nicely smiling right now because I recall elections in certain regions of
Russia. Nature truly finds a way to eliminate incorrect and dishonest people, those who dont
know the deep essence of politics. I am talking about severe diseases, accidents and many
other things! I am actually talking about election process in your country (see Elections in
Ukraine 2004). We can take an example from our own practice. We used to actively work in
politics. I can tell you a story about one mayor. This comrade was successfully elected, but the
first thing he did was he gathered the business elite of the city on a boat for a party and
threatened to drown them if they refused to sign the checks with certain amounts to support his
budget. On the third day of the mayors rule he got in a car accident. He flew out of a car window
and injured his right arm. He lost the ability to sign the documents. And even after six months he
still could not use his right arm and work. The bone refused to knit (for some reason) This
comrade just broke the main principle of interaction You should continue doing whatever you
were brought together for. He was elected with the slogan to be in partnership with business.
He broke the principle and he received the feedback immediately.
N. Revskaya: There will be no politicians in Ukraine (or in any other country for that matter) if
they would get penalized for breaking their promises!
V. Gubanov: Well, I had to make a special topic on controlled accidents during the seminar
Defensive techniques of highest level. The topic was on what happened with Leh Kachinsky
(president of Poland). I had to give all energy informational details and explanations. Similar
processes are already happening in your country, dont worry. You dont know what is really
happening because you can only see the outside, which is filtered anyway. That is why the
answer is very simple: you should look for joy in everything that happens with you and that
includes the politics! As soon as you begin to play with all of this, you begin to win. There is a
great movie to illustrate this - the Karate-Kid. This movie shows very well that anger and
aggression will never win against professionalism, game and kindness. If needed, a professional
can fight back and he does not walk around in wrinkles from constantly generated aggression
and anger. He feels joy towards life in all its manifestations! The one who is wise does not feel
sad for the things he doesnt have, on the contrary he feels joy for the things he has
Democritus said that. Thats where the real democracy comes from. It does not come from the
political slogans.

N. Revskaya: Lets imagine the logic of the divine! Lets say a person gets hit by life and other
people all the time, gets in all kinds of trouble and has to deal with many different issues and he
or she just smiles and waves all the time. You can get easily killed, dont you think?
V. Gubanov: God doesnt give us what we cannot handle. In my own life since 1964 till almost
year 2000, I was constantly surrounded by lethal circumstances and I went through the evolution
from an angry being to a person who is happy and finds joy in everything he does. I was able to
do it only due to this view on life. I look for the game and joy in everything that happens to me!
This is a very powerful concept!
N. Revskaya: Is this the secret recipe which will help humankind in the year 2012?
V. Gubanov: You just have to know that there are several planes of stable matter existence. And
the main goal of a person in 21st century is to harmonize the bodies of higher planes and
personal mind center. Currently most people live like they are in a bunker. Lets call it that. That
is, they live down to earth by caring only about the material things and they are not thinking
about the fact that they are much more than their body, house or even their business. When the
mind center goes up with each level or plane, the surrounding environment becomes cleaner
and it is easier to breathe. Low (bodily) energy centers of almost everyone are dirty from the
impulses of fear, envy and anger, which are subconsciously generated by people. When a
person goes above this level or plane using his or her mind center, then he or she is forced to
clear the mine fields that were left behind and clean the blockages of dirt and other waste from
vital activity. As long as a person is alive there is still a chance to conduct this work. If you want
to reach a higher level then please go ahead and do some serious work: meet your fears in
the past, remove subconscious controlling stresses, form your new worldview that corresponds
to the certain level, make yourself at home and try to get maximum possible amount of joy.
However, as soon as you hear the signal: you should get up and move forward and higher! And
there Those are our mountain peaks! They will help us!... (by one famous Russian poet
V.S.Vysotskiy) you should be ready to leave this level and move forward to start over
everything once again. This is the process of evolution. Everything that does not evolve
eventually dies. This way, every stage, every peak that you reach eventually becomes your
home front and stage that you already passed. However from time to time you have to fight off
the raiders that want to profit from your fruits of work for free. One of the rules by Herbert
Casson on how to handle the money states: As soon as you have some freely available cash in
your pocket, your main goal becomes the protection of that cash from the group of friends,
relatives and friends of your relatives that suddenly appear in your life. The true meaning and
purpose of life is not to get somewhere SOMEDAY, but to enjoy the ride! In any case, you should
use any opportunity to make yourself at home, defend yourself and relax on the occupied height
of the evolutionary process. Its a must! Life is a very fundamental educational process! I am just
telling you about the stages in the school of life. Should you be angry at your teacher for giving
you already planned according to the school program pop quiz or exam? That is why let me

repeat one more time: it is not a goal of Nature to torment and exterminate the humankind, the
main goal of Nature is to increase our level of consciousness. Intellect and Spirituality are not
the same. Intellect is utilitarian and technological, while Spirituality creates the meaning and
purpose of existence for the Intellect!
N. Revskaya: So there will be no end of the world?
V. Gubanov: Even the scary word Apocalypses is translated as revelation. The only scary part
about revelation is that you will have to do something about it: realize your own Godly essence,
become the creator and so on. And as soon as you become the Creator and not the wrinklebuttler the other current issues of personal and biological being will be solved money, sex,
health and so on. By the way during our seminars we use INFOSOMATIC methods to measure
a price of a person, that is, we measure how big the money channel is. It is very easy. You
take the money bills you use in your everyday life and stack them up. You take the stack of bills
and you have to hold it in your hand between the thumb and your index finger. The volume of
the stack on which your fingers lock up and it is hard for you to release them is your current
money channel limit. We use this method during the seminars and training for professionals who
have millions of dollars. Money is something that should be expended for creative or
administratively-conceptual projects. It is not something that should cause a heart attack.
N. Revskaya: What INFOSOMATICS has to do with it? It all depends on how long and strong
your fingers are!?
V. Gubanov: It all depends on the greed. If it is easy to take that stack from the persons hand
then this person will easily earn this amount and easily spend it, which means that he will be
able to earn even more. It is the same with anything in life. There is an Eastern wisdom: Death
is loss of elasticity. That is why you should easily unlock your fingers, stop trying to hold on to
the old, learn, be joyful, happy and without fear live towards the 2012!
Interview with the President of the International Instittue of Social Ecology, Vyacheslav Gubanov


People with extrasensory and supernatural abilities:

who are they really?

Today any old lady on a street has supernatural abilities only people practicing "magic" used to
have. People with extrasensory abilities and psychics: who are they really?
It all began when someone put an "evil eye curse" on me or as some people say - someone
jinxed me. The "evil eye curse" did not reveal itself in any way until it was discovered by a
psychic who I met by chance. My materialistic mind resisted it! It cant be real! Its nonsense!
However, a little voice from somewhere deep inside or my subconsciousness was telling me:
what if it is true?
Another well-known psychic did not deny the "evil eye curse" on me either. For more detailed
analysis of my case he requested rather big amount of cash, though.
That is why I had to research the whole issue myself and find the answer to it independently. It
turned out that there are plenty of experts that can remove the evil eye curse nowadays. Every
newspaper has ads about mass sessions and individual consultations with psychics, energy
healers and people with supernatural abilities. People react differently to those ads. Some say
that all of them are just fraud; others believe that they are not fraud, but simply on the wrong
track. There are also those who believe in everything that those people say.
Nevertheless, it turned out that there are people who look at supernatural things from the
scientific standpoint. Scientists from the International Institute of Social Ecology - IISE (our
newspaper already talked about their extraordinary research) have examined more than four
hundred well known psychics, people with extrasensory abilities, healers and other people that
have various supernatural abilities. As a result they gathered sensational discoveries and we will
hear about them from the president of IISE - Vyacheslav Gubanov.
L. Bazarova: "Evil eye curse" what is it?
V. Gubanov: The basis of our research allows us to say that all of it is Einstein theory of
relativity and quantum physics in its most modern understanding. What people call evil eye
curse and jinxing is an injury of energy informational shells of a person in the zone of a certain
organ or organism system that was caused by a certain injuring factor. This is the way to explain
it through the physics of informational processes in a human brain. Anyone can try such an
experiment: stare at any object concentrating on its details. Then take your hand and try to move
it up and down in front of your eyes. Even untrained people can feel something on their hand. It
is the energy that is flowing from your eyes, which can be easily used as an injuring factor. It all
depends on the nature of a person: on how evil thinking, jealous he or she is. It also depends on
the extent to which the human brain is really stressed and how complaisant the victim that
received the look is.
L. Bazarova: Is it possible to protect yourself?
V. Gubanov: It is possible and it is quite easy. It is also possible to bring yourself to normal state
after the injury was received. Healthy organism has a natural protection system from common
evil eye curse - polarity change in the energy process of our body happens every two hours.

This means that every couple of hours all negative influences that were embedded in the given
energy shell or field are simply discarded. However, most people nowadays are not healthy and
that is why they can be controlled by such negative impact.
L. Bazarova: Can psychics and people in classified section of a newspaper who claim to have
extrasensory abilities really help in getting rid of the evil eye curse?
V. Gubanov: Not all of them. Some of them can only see something in the field of the person
and say that you are jinxed; you have an evil eye curse on you and tell you that you have 30
days to live If this happens, they actually just make the situation even worse. It is possible that
in reality there was nothing there before they told a person about it. After that such experts
begin to ask for money so they can fix the harm they caused themselves.
L. Bazarova: Evil eye curse is always done intentionally?
V. Gubanov: It doesn't always happen intentionally. Often it is done subconsciously, when
people dont even know what they are doing. Modern people have the ability of powerful energy
influence. There was one case at the end of eighties in one of our "houses of culture" (place
where people would get together during the Soviet Union). There was a presentation conducted
by one highly acclaimed guy with supernatural abilities from India. He was going to a metro
(subway) station after meeting with his students. It was kind of dark and he bumped into one old
lady that lived in some old house nearby. He was flying high in his thoughts after the hard day of
work and he didnt notice her. All that the old lady said was: Damn foreigners! She said it when
she saw the way he looked and the way he was dressed. After that event, the powerful guy
(healer from India) had a very high temperature for three days and none of the Indian methods
of healing could help him.
After the accident the Indian healer felt deep respect for the abilities of the Great Russian
nation, especially for old ladies who live in the old houses :) It is the reality that we have to live in
L. Bazarova: How healers and people with supernatural abilities can influence people? Surgeon
is working with a scalpel, physician prescribes medicine it is understood. What about common
energy healers what do they use?
V. Gubanov: They work using their own brain. Mechanism of this kind of influence is impossible
without explaining special terminology. That is why let's use such new term as rotational activity
of the human brain. This is the speed with which certain brain zones are subsequently activated
in the process of perceiving surrounding environment. You can find a direct analogy in a radar
station. Ray of a radar station rotates around its axes. The same happens with the human brain,
it constantly examines certain zone of the surrounding environment. Brain of a regular person
can perceive up to sixteen units of information per second. A person who has supernatural

abilities can register up to 10 in the tenth power information units per second. This is the secret
of people that have super sensitivity and other phenomenal abilities. They can increase this
speed and keep it at a certain diapason.
L. Bazarova: So what do people with extrasensory abilities do with their "rotating brain" to other
people during mass sessions (sessions for big number of people) for example?
V. Gubanov: They are just like a regular transformation station located in proximity. Using the
radiation from their own brain, they render arousal and synchronization influence in certain brain
zones of the viewers.
By arousing their own rotational activity such experts on the subconscious level send the matrix
of a healthy organism to the patient. The healer shows the subconscious mind of a viewer how
to come to norm on the level of analogue sensing. This is how such healing happens.
L. Bazarova: Is it harmless at least?
V. Gubanov: As in any phenomena, there are of course side effects. Attending such kind of
mass session is normal when it is just a onetime thing. However, it cannot be treated as an
absolute miracle cure for everything.
There is still a need to teach people how not to get into the situations that lead to sicknesses. If
the person after a session continues to live the same lifestyle then he or she gets the same
problems again.
L. Bazarova: I guess that most healers work intuitively and have no clue what is going on with
their brain and the brains of their patients during the sessions.
V. Gubanov: Very often they dont know the nature of their influence and the laws of physics on
higher planes of matter existence. They often dont even follow elementary ethics, rules of
conduct that correspond to the level of hierarchy that they belong too.
L. Bazarova: What is this level of hierarchy?
V. Gubanov: There is a hierarchy of people with extrasensory abilities. Those people are gifted
with non-traditional ways of influence. It has an incredibly long history. Actually the level of the
hierarchy to which the person with supernatural talent belongs to is defined by the ability to
maintain high rotational brain activity. Old healers know this very well and preach this concept of
hierarchy level. If there is something that they cant do, then they direct the patient to the
hierarch who has a higher level. Nowadays, however, because of modern stress intensity and
due to the overload of brain structures, there is a possibility for common people to be forced
out to the higher hierarchy levels. Often they dont even know about it. Nevertheless, not
knowing the laws does not free one from the responsibility. If people break the laws of Nature in

regards to the hierarchy level that they belong to, they are punished by problems with their
organism. People with talent towards healing often lose their qualities because of their
L. Bazarova: Can you give an example of ignorance in such cases?
V. Gubanov: The most common and simple example: now there are a lot of ads in newspapers
about "white magic" practitioners who can perform a charm to excite love spell.
It is not that bad if it happens only because of ignorance. The thing is that any charm to excite
love spell is an action of "black magic" and it does not matter who does it. It is so because of
one defining principle: the will of another person is forced to do something it might not want to
do as a result of this spell. There is a law: free will of a person is sacred, unless it tries to
interfere with the sacred will of another person. Charm to excite love spell violates this law. I can
state officially that side effects of charm to excite love spell are infertility, impotence, cyst and
other sicknesses that begin to appear in a very short period time.
L. Bazarova: So only a person practicing "black magic" can do this?
V. Gubanov: It depends on the level of the person practicing "black magic. He or she is a
representative of destructive forces. Nevertheless, I am saying that without any intention to
offend anyone, it is just the nature of this practice. There are cattle and there are predators.
Predator has to eat the cattle. The cattle, however, has the right to protect itself.
L. Bazarova: Are those predators born this way or life makes them the way they are?
V. Gubanov: There are so called genetically dark people. But there are not that many of them,
by our calculations (using data of current year) there are only around five percent. They are kept
alive in our world only because of our medicine. In natural conditions they would not be able to
L. Bazarova: Our world is only adaptable to people of light?
V. Gubanov: Initially, it was adaptable for light energy excessive people. However, now apart
from genetically dark people, there are people (there are many of them) who fell into energy
lacking state due to the stress and wrong goals in life and worldview. They have become dark,
they betrayed their own nature.
L. Bazarova: Do these people suffer?
V. Gubanov: This kind of people suffer because they are destroying themselves. Imagine a dog
with a fur on fire. It can bring harm to those around as well. When a person is energy lacking

there is a constant need in feeding from other people. This is the nature of vampires. It does not
mean that all dark people are bad and that they should be lunched. Any human has both sides
by nature. Any person has the "light" side The Spirit and the "dark" side the body. That is
why people interact with forces of creation as well as with forces of destruction. We are trying to
promote harmony between these forces.
L. Bazarova: So should people turn to healers or not? Is there a benefit?
V. Gubanov: To turn to them or not should be decided individually using their own senses.
There will be some benefit only in the case when the person is developing independently as
well. When he or she is perfecting the Spirit, trying to discover surrounding world through all the
senses and loves this world in all its manifestations. Only then there is a chance for some
benefit in the session with a healer.
L. Bazarova: Not many people would want this. Many want to just visit the psychic and get rid of
all problems.
V. Gubanov: This is a general tendency of parasitism. People think that since they paid a lot of
money to the healer they should get a miracle. The truth is that a healer can only show the way
to recovery. Lets say a person stumbles and falls into a hole. For the first time he or she needs
help to get out of there. This person also needs someone who can explain that when there is a
dark hole in the ground it most likely about 5 meters deep and you should not come really close
to it. If the person stumbles for the second time, then maybe he didnt hear the explanation. You
can repeat it once again. However, if this person is walking towards the hole for the third time,
then an experienced healer can only watch how this person disappears under the ground. There
is a rule: you can help only three times. If a person does not learn from own mistakes, then this
person is just a mistake of evolution and should be removed. Nature takes care of itself. Just
dont get in the way.
L. Bazarova: Nevertheless, it would be really good to know some universal method of protection
from an evil eye curse, jinxing or any other related trouble
V. Gubanov: This method is as old as our world. There is nothing more effective than this
method. It is more effective than knowledge in quantum physics and being an expert in the
nature of energy-informational processes of the human body. The secret is really simple: Love
Thy Neighbor as Thyself and Love the whole Universe inside of you since you are a part of it.
Interviewed by Larisa Bazarova
President of the International Institute of Social Ecology V.V. Gubanov

Karma is coming to get you!

Everyone knows that conventional science is left without financing and currently in a very
difficult situation. Nevertheless, in spite of a common opinion there is a positive fact in this even
though it might seem unpleasant at first. A human thought is going through revolutionary
change in our society and it made a gigantic leap that can only be compared to the launch of the
first sputnik into space. The same thing happens when carbon changes its structure under the
influence of a very strong pressure and it turns from graphite into a diamond. Our new science
discovered how to work with the fourth dimension, which is time, and now we are able to give
quality explanations to so called karmic processes. This means that something that was
considered to be intangible before human soul, spirit, and destiny is now measurable and
can be understood by materialists. In the LAST few years we developed the theory base and
practical techniques. These techniques allow anyone to restore the details of the past events in
life and allow a person to correct them by re-writing the chronal (or karmic) fields. This gives an
opportunity to control the future. It means that the process that we call karmic correction
technique can influence persons destiny, health and behavior and you dont need any device,
medicine or subconscious programming to do that.
The effectiveness of the Karmic correction technique in the bodies of higher planes can be
proven on the cases when modern medicine is helpless in curing a disease. These kinds of
diseases have a serious influence on the form of the bodies on the higher planes. The
deformation of those bodies is passed on to the next generation as a family treasure. These
diseases are materialized on the human body when the body of the higher plane gets deformed.
The common participants of this process are the members of the family that lost touch with their
senses of the environment around them and their health loses its contact with the Mother
Nature. When this happens, the laws of Nature take the person out of the game of life using
chronic family sicknesses. That is the time when the person comes to realization of these laws
of Nature and tries to fix them with the help of new knowledge as well as trial and errors. When
the person refuses to conduct Karmic correction technique he or she gets sicknesses like
diabetes, asthma, psoriasis, allergy and even AIDS.
To conduct Karmic correction one needs to begin with the review of the conditions during own
birth. If the mother died or was in the state of clinical death during birth, if the process of giving
birth was very difficult, if during the first three hours after the birth the child was not put near the
mothers breast which was widely practiced in our country (Soviet Union) then there is a
need to conduct a Karmic cleaning (or correction) technique. The aspect of breast-feeding is
actually very important. If the child did not get the contact with the mothers milk during the first
three hours of life then the child can get the stress of being a homeless child. This syndrome
can be eliminated in the future only through the Karmic correction technique.
The time period between the childs conception and birth is really important as well. If one of the
parents was against the birth of the child and actively expressed disagreement with the decision

to have the baby then the infant that is in the mothers womb receives the destructive
informational program. The same happens in cases when the parents of the spouses are
actively against the marriage even before the birth of the child. In those cases the child receives
negative program even before its conception.
What other problems in life of the newborn can signal the need to conduct Karmic correction
technique? There is a need for the technique when the mother loses her milk or has mastitis. It
is also needed when the father is an alcoholic. The thing is, an alcoholic or a person who drinks
a lot is usually a person who lacks energy in his or her energy shell (an alcoholic is trying to
stimulate his or her life through the alcohol) and can program the descendent to be energy
lacking. By the way, when alcoholics are going through the coding process to stop drinking, it
does not cure them from the addiction it just mutes the symptoms. Karmic correction technique
has proven its effectiveness in the cases of alcoholism. However it can be effective only in the
cases when the person still has at least some interests in life. Another indication of the need to
conduct karmic correction technique is the consequences of the genocide that had influence on
the given generation in the past. Undesirable reaction or Karmic problems usually appear in the
next generation. The problems occur because of repressions, collectivization and aggressive
atheism in the past history of a certain nationality or ethnicity. Problems that are connected with
this type of karmic issues are often encountered with people of Armenian, Jewish, Russian,
Native American and German heritage.
The science of today has the ability to detect the moment when those problems were born and
offer the solution, which is the correction of the bio energy-informational qualities of a person.
For example, our techniques were able to help in eliminating the effects of the genocide in 1914,
when Turks killed many Armenians. These events had a strong effect on certain branches of the
families and created a program that was destroying Armenians. This destructive informational
program would destroy men or made them handicapped between the ages 20 and 24 and it
would go on for three generations!
When someone takes part in the war conflict against representatives of another religion it can
cause problems that would require karmic correction work in the future. There are two such
military conflict zones currently in the world: Chechnya and Iraq. It is ascertain that if a person
who is a Christian participates in the military conflict against Muslims or Buddhists then there
will be harsh consequences for him even if his side won the war.
One can ask: if a family member received a destructive program in the past does it mean that it
hangs on each member of the family? It doesnt necessarily happen to all the members of the
family because often the major part of it becomes the burden of the oldest child in the family
(that is why it is common for the first child to be born dead). However, it can happen that the
whole family takes the burden of the karmic problems. In this case any family member can learn
the field of energy-informatics and use the techniques to put down the influence of the problems
on him or her and on the children as well.

However, It can shift the karmic burden on the brothers and

sisters of the person who was able to correctly conduct
energy-informational technique. The load will disappear from
the karmic structures of the one who was able to correct them.
It does not necessarily mean that the person is the one who
puts the load on someone elses shoulders though. The laws
of karmic structures are made that way that they are trying to
show other members of the family that they also need to work
on their problems. There is also a very serious problem with
children who were given away by the parents. We worked with
people that grew up in orphanages and we took their
characteristics. We saw a very vivid picture of defects in their
field structures. These people had damaged conditions of
their launch to this world. Even if the organism is genetically
healthy, from the stand point of the medicine, those kids that
were given away by their parents have a tremendous spiritual

View full picture

The problems do not go away even if the child is adopted. It is common that an undeveloped
child (in the early childhood) values the physical father more, than the one who is bringing him
up. Children need their genetic father. It does not really matter if the foster parent is the best
father there is, genetic incompatibility can still happen. However, there is a way out: for example,
we can show the potential parents different parameters of their field compatibility with the child
they want to adopt using the numbers. This is a very important procedure for the parents who
want to adopt. We can also recommend techniques that will help to harmonize the higher bodies
of parents and the child and this will allow them to reach spiritual kinship. We also discovered
certain issues with international marriages. There is a problem in the way children of these
marriages feel. We have a lot of international marriages in our country. We were able to discover
that if the conflict arises between the two ethnic groups that childs parents belong too, then
destructive vibration can start to affect the DNA cells in the childs. Children become hostages of
politicians. We have encountered many problems due to the war in Chechnya and Iraq.
When parents represent different ethnic or religious groups they form the lowest common
multiple fragments in the DNA frequency. As a result, so called advanced genotypes are made.
For them any religious concept that favors evolution of Spirit is understandable and friendly.
The laws of karma are inescapable. If you resolve the given life task incorrectly, then after some
time you would get another chance to resolve it and the negative situation will repeat. Karmic
law does not forgive, if the person is not even trying to resolve the situation and just runs away.
In this case the problem will be thrown to the higher level and the weight of the consequences
from going through the karmic circle will increase all the time.

Here is an example: if there is a lady who needs to resolve problems in relationships with the
parents of her husband. However, she decides not to solve them and just avoid solving the
problem. It is possible that after some time there will be problems not only in interpersonal
relationships but also in the business, on the level of organization or company where she works.
If she goes through this "knot" of life passively and without proper resolution then the problem
can reveal itself in the steady problems with health, but it would happen on "next round" after
lets say seven years. The person will not be able to follow the cause and effect connection and
connect the sickness with the initial conflict.
There is another important set of issues when we talk about the need for karmic corrections. It is
problems of infertility, frigidity and impotence.
Medicine is trying to solve these problems with the help of in vitro fertilization, mechanical
arousal methods and the use of any stimulating devices, but all of this just deepens the problem.
What happens on the higher planes of matter existence in the moment of in vitro fertilization
and WHO is born does not bother medicine for some reason? Nevertheless, distant
consequences of such experiments on the physical as well as on the spiritual level are very
serious. You have to remember about the fact that if Nature is trying to prevent something from
happening then there is an explanation. The whole variety of ovary cystous, fibroma and
obstruction of uterine tube for women is connected with serious emotional experience in the past
and as a result the spasm of certain brain area activity occurs. So until the energy informational
block is not removed, there is a danger of incorrect programming of the fetus during its
development in the mothers womb.
Karmic laws are not trying to destroy anyone. They have a different purpose they force a
person to draw conclusions, attain knowledge and experience through the situations in life. They
teach correct and ecological way of thinking, adequate and correct behavior. The laws of nature
also try to teach how to correctly work with the energy informational structures. Everyone should
know that life does not hit anyone for no reason; it is just the sign that it is time to make
decisions. It is time to learn the lessons from what Nature offers us!
Based on the research by Vyacheslv Gubanov, president of the International Institute of Social
Ecology, Vyacheslav Gubanov

Brain of a modern person is a super power weapon!

Mystics strongly believe in this statement, but materialists on the other hand do not believe that
because the heroes of Final Destination missed their flight it led to the line of deadly
predetermined events.
However, from time to time they might also receive some type of warning from above: do not get
on that plane, do not walk under that balcony or do not stand under that crane. So when this

balcony, plane or brick suddenly falls to the ground even the most confirmed materialists start to
think: is it really true that the world is as simple and easy to understand as it may seem at first
In the past few years the real breakthrough is happening in science. It is happening silently and
without being noticed. Whole groups of scientists and materialists, those that have nothing to do
with mystics, here and there come to conclusion that the picture of the universe is not just what
we can perceive with our five organs of sense. It turns out that apart from having dense physical
body every human (and actually any living and nonliving object) consists of thinner matter which
is an energy-informational field. That is what usually people call Spirit.
Our city also has scientists that came to such sensational conclusion in modern material
science. Experts of International Institute of Social Ecology agreed to tell our readers about the
results of their work that they were conducting for quite a few years. This research touches on
probably the most important and current issue for humanity survival and security of a human
in the modern world.
We are talking with the president of International Institute of Social Ecology - Vyacheslav
- From your point of view, why do you think different kinds of disasters happen?
- Often people become the reason behind the accidents and disasters without even knowing
about it. Lets take for example an accident on the Kirovsko-Vyborgskoi line of our metro. The
reason behind such events is the following: people extended their activity at the place where
energy informational environment is abnormal. People - the generation of materialists for a
long time did not take into account local influence of Nature on buildings. However, if a person
created something at the abnormal point then this object is dissolved very quickly: it does not
stay in the same state as it was intended by the human.
In the case of that metro station the Nature taught humans a lesson. If you are doing something
and that activity influences natural processes, you should at least foresee the possible payback
involved. No one foresaw the payback, humans just roughly intruded in the chronal processes of
Earth crust in that particular place. The result is there.
- What is so abnormal about that zone?
- There is an ancient riverbed of Neva. The creation of structures of the consistent world at that
place runs differently. In other words, the processes of decay flow differently.
- Faster?
- Much faster. Few seconds that passengers spend in that zone while riding a metro have no
effect on them. However, structures created by hand at that place were decaying very fast.

There is a movie about a modern ship that was in the similar abnormal zone and it began to rust
very quickly.
- All of this actually sounds more like from a science fiction movie.
- It is known that science fiction is the means to present the truth. There is a science of physics
that can describe these processes. We discovered how to control the gerontological processes
in real life. We can turn time backwards in the individual field of a human. It makes the person
younger without the use of chemical means, medicine, coding and without any external
influence whatsoever. There is also a possibility of artificial aging. But people do it to themselves
anyway. Many people look like they are 60 when they are just 38.
- Disasters as a rule are fatal and predetermined?
- Actually there is a concept of fatal predetermined disaster. But I will answer this using an
analogy: if suddenly the situation changes quickly in front of the car that is moving, it is very
hard to avoid the crash, however if the driver is good and is not sleeping, then he can do a lot of
things to save himself, passengers and the car. That is why sometimes there is a chance to
prevent accidents and disasters. We already know how to work with chronal (or karmic) bodies
of any living or nonliving object. Chronal body is more commonly known as persons soul,
nevertheless it has material nature and separate physical parameters. This means that an
expert who is able to work with chronal bodies can receive a signal about upcoming disaster or
accident. He or she can check it using a number of sources, identify its validity and conduct
actions to discharge intensified karmic junction in the given place or given structure. It can be a
car or even an airplane
- What is intensified karmic junction?
- The law of karma is the law of cause and effect connections, according to which a human after
certain period of time receives the fruits of his or her actions. If a person acts incorrectly in a
given situation then surrounding energy informational environment the strong impact in return.
When excess of the limit of the allowed load occurs, certain microscopical brain parts lose their
elasticity. These brain parts control the state of the surrounding environment at a given point of
time. This illustrates the mechanism of how the stress is formed. The stressed brain that was
disconnected by few parameters from the surrounding world is trying to get back its fullness. To
do this, it needs the excess energy which is now directed towards the surrounding environment
and stressed parts of the brain. A person is able to bring the fullness of the brain only when he
or she finds the right solution for the situation that brought to the stress. Incorrect solution
hardens and stresses the brain even more and the person needs to work even harder to solve
the task and find the solution to the problem. That is why subconscious mind of a human pulls
in similar stress situations so the homework in the school of life can be completed. It can
look as the clouds are getting darker. In these cases people can say: the trouble is here, open

the door. From the stand point of people who believe in karma it is just a karmic junction.
Repetition of more harsh stress situations have to make the person build the correct model of
action so it can be used in further life. If the person is stubborn in the heresy towards the
Nature, for example becomes aggressive or negative towards something then as a result he or
she is exterminated from the school of life and from life itself. This process is done through the
transfer of quantity into quality: the amount of stressed brain zones eventually make the brain
isolated from the contact with the surrounding world. That brain becomes alien to life itself.
- It turns out that if a human gets himself into an accident or disaster then it is
predetermined? Or something is possible by accident?
- There are people that get there by accident. In any phenomenon there is a percentage of eggs
that are broken, you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. But these types of accidents
happen with people that do not follow the spiritual evolution. If a person is on the animal level of
evolution, then actually for the environment he or she is not considered to be an intellectual
subject. It does not matter if he or she is working and moving in the environment using the given
template. If persons mind is not turned on to the reaction of the surrounding reality then there is
now way that he or she is an intellectual subject. This kind of people usually dies in accidents,
because all protective forces are generally eager to save the Mind. If you live together with your
body in friendship, if you satisfy the needs of the body and it satisfies the needs of your Spirit
then this symbiosis, which is called Advanced Human, does not get in that car or on that plane
that is already meant to be destroyed. From many sources you can get the information that there
were less people than usual on those means of transportation that crashed. People who still
have the sense of the field do not get on that flight. It all can happen due to the line of
accidental events. It is possible that people without any logical reason follow the sudden
burning unmotivated urge to not fly or drive anywhere.
Prevision exists in real life, but people often do not understand it and do not listen to the signal
that they receive.
- Many children die in accidents as well. How can this be explained?
- Any person in the process of life goes through the line of different stages. If a person was not
able to go through one of the stages correctly then he or she goes through it with a big tilt and
he or she can be recognized as a dangerous subject for evolution by the environment. This kind
of person leaves the world and it does not matter if he is a child or an adult. Moreover, it is
possible for children to be influenced by the karmic problems of the family. If one family
accumulates a lot of karmic problems then the weakest one, which is usually a child, suffers.
- What if a person was in the accident and didnt die? Should this be interpreted as a

- If a person is distracted by something from realization of the goals of the spirit, then he or she
often gets in the stress situation, it could be an accident or something else. It happens because
due to the stress some parts of the brain are turned off. In this case all life forces of a person are
directed to the parts that are left. These parts are needed by the Spirit to realize the goal. For
example sometimes a person who gets himself in some kind of a trouble finds new abilities that
are called extrasensory in life. When the goal of the Spirit is in the process of realization then
these people often receive an opportunity of amnesty. The parts of the brain that were lost are
restored. It happens if a person learned from the lesson of the past, realized where he or she
was not correct in regards to the goals of the Spirit and decided that he will not do it again.
This is a natural way to make a person follow his or her path of realization of the Spirits goals.
There is really no other way that Nature can do it. It can only do it through the beating. Beating
defines the conscious.
- Lets talk about the people who constantly encounter danger due to their line of work.
- It is possible to help them. We actually came out with a proposal to the management of the
fire- departments to implement the procedure of restoration of field structures of staff. However,
it was not approved since external injuries can be seen the special costume protects firemen
from the burns while alcoholism and temper inconsistency can be found in representatives of
other professions. Nevertheless, we found out that firemens energy informational structures of
higher levels are greatly influenced by inconsistency. They cannot be protected by just a
costume when they directly work with the flame. The change is actually happens on the genetic
level, this means that descendants are the ones to suffer.
Many people of what is considered to be a peaceful profession cannot even imagine how
dangerous their work is. Lets take for example the professions of a masseur or a hairdresser. All
karmic troubles from a client can be acquired through hands and he or she will pass on them to
the next client just like an infection. The same problems can be found in the work of dentists.
They insert artificial teeth for people that often have karmic problems. Dentists usually do not
disconnect themselves from their work using the energy informational techniques. As a result
they get pain in their arms, impaired vision and other problems. On call doctors often can be
influenced the same way. When they visit the sick, they usually do not follow proper safety
instructions. They are the only ones who know how they feel after the visits to the sick at their
- For society it is unusual to consider the profession of a doctor to be dangerous. Other
line of work is usually considered to be dangerous businessman profession for
- The situation with businessmen is vividly described in the article Business and karma, which
was published in the first issue of Stalking magazine (it is also posted on our website As a result of our research we found out that karmic structures that belong

to the staff of the companies that cheat people are injured very severely. The reason why they
get injured is the massive negative opinion of people. People got cheated and it usually happens
with older people, those who have a lot of negative charge from life. There is a reason for
people to say that a stare of a child or an old person can carry a curse. People with enthusiasm
and emotions direct all of the accumulated negative feelings toward the companies that have
cheated them. People didnt get their money back and because of this those who cheated them
receive a karmic weight on their informational structures with a mark Paid, return is impossible.
These kinds of situations happen everywhere. They have an effect on health conditions and
destiny not only on the CEO of the company, but also on members of the staff, their children and
- Lets talk about the wave of crime and terrorism in the country. Does it also have
something to do with the karmic problems?
- Absolutely! It is the time for karmic cleaning of the nation. The crime outburst and crashes of
governmental structures are justified from karmic stand point.
- So you are saying that all of this should be perceived calmly and with dignity. There
should be no crying as to: Why is it happening?
- There is a reason why it is happening. This is a logical outcome of the way we lived during
the Soviet Union for the last 70 years: we didnt have spirituality, which is usually provided by
church. We lived in the situation when an individual obeyed the pack that was controlled by the
idea to be a volunteer in every activity. Any sign of intelligence was annihilated. We lived and we
blew up churches. Today it is possible to see what happened with those people who blew up
churches, we can also see what happened with their descendants. They had the most horrifying
injuries that are possible. In principle it is possible to remove them, there are techniques to do it.
But it is possible to remove these injuries only when a person is ready to expiate the sins of its
- Are you saying that in general people get themselves into the disasters and death
through their own negative perception of the world, aggression and stressed brain? Can
you offer a way out of this closed circle?
- We have learned to help people solve their problems. We preach the principle: the human
brain is a connecting junction between manifested world and thinner levels of existence; it can
solve any task in regards to life support of a body with only one condition. There has to be a
freedom of chronal channel coordinates (in time) between the brain at given point of time and
the matrix of healthy state of a body. The matrix of a healthy state of the body for us is the DNA
molecule right after the ovule was impregnated. If the way is clear between these two points
then the brain will be able to verify itself using the healthy matrix. The brain would know how it

should react to the external influence and what should be done in the given situation. But the
brains of many people are very stressed, the channel of connection with the healthy matrix is
blocked. This is the result of received hits to which the human reacted incorrectly. This is the
reason behind the sicknesses, depression and subsequent failures. We help people to solve
these problems by removing breaches of the communication in the channel. It turns out that we
help people to find the freedom of mind. Thats it.
Actually, we are ready to give the basics of this knowledge to all people who desire it. We can
give it to people who are materialists and to people who follow religious traditions. We are ready
to give the methodological key to the understanding of what environment really is. We can also
explain the different levels of matter existence and teach how to correctly act in any situation.
Among all other methods that are available for people to use right now, this one is the most
effective. There is always another option. You can always choose death.
Interviewed by Larisa Bazarova President of the International Institute of Social Ecology V.V.

What your soul is crying about?

Interview conducted by Larisa Bazarova

It is really strange that this person has a real first name, last name and patronymic. Somehow
these earthly names dont really fit him. There is a desire to address him differently. I had an
urge to address him using something more mysterious like Magister or something similar!
Nevertheless, he is absolutely normal person. He is the expert in his field and he gave many
years of his life to the defense industry of his country. He represents official governmental and
scientific entity Institute of Informatics, Technology and Economics (former Institute for retraining executives in the radio engineering industry) under the Academy of the Defense
Industry of Russia. Even though we will only talk about his field of science, it seems to me that
all of it is a part of some kind of sci-fi movie. The name of the laboratory where we are
conducting this interview does not indicate that this entity is related to science: Laboratory of
Social Ecology and Karmic methods of influence.
Vyacheslav Gubanov developer of the unique methods for correcting health, destiny and life.
He can eliminate stress and harmonize interpersonal relationships without the use of any
devices, medicine, diets and actually without any external ways of influence. His method has
proven its effectiveness in practice. It is based on the scientific research that was known in the
laboratories of our defense industry for a long time, but it was a mystery for public up until now.
That is why this method seems sensational and even shocking. When scientists begin to agree
that God actually exists it can be a real sensation to an atheist. It is also a shock for religious
people when they hear about material natures of what they call God.

- What kind of similarities there are between defense industry and such concepts as
healers, psychic correction and harmonization of interpersonal relationships?
V.V. Gubanov: The thing is that we always had knowledge about the newest inventions and
discoveries since we were a part of the defense industry. And as you know, this is the place
where all most progressive ideas are. It is the same all over the world. We have information
regarding similar laboratories in different countries. In these laboratories the attention is given to
the issues of diagnosis without devices and non-device influence on a person. However,
everyone is trying to hide the level that was reached. Psychotronic research is one of the most
secret fields. In any case, I can state with full responsibility that our country is the leader in this
field. Now, when the government does not dictate the way we work as strictly as before, the
highly trained professionals are searching for the means to continue their scientific research, to
which they gave many years of their life. People have realized that their research has great
potential and that they can work on the higher levels than people in other countries.
- How did you come to work in this field?
V.V. Gubanov:- Almost everyone who is working in this field, including me, came to this
business because they saw ineffectiveness of medicine. The situation was lethal. All medical
experts didnt know what to do but they would still take the money. There was a desire to stay
alive. When a person wants to live his brain just turns on and he or she begins to search for the
There are plenty of cases. I will give you an example of Mikulin who was the designer of aircraft
engines. During the time of World War II doctors discovered a lethal disease when he was at the
age of 42 and they gave him 6 months to live. When he heard this news, he began to develop
his own health system. He compared the human organism to the aircraft engine, since he knew
a lot about the engines. As a result he not only lived for a long time, he also advanced in quality.
It was a unique case for that time. The book that described this system was published with the
stamp X-files (direct translation from Russian: for special services use only).
- When you worked on your method did you use your own experience as well?
V.V. Gubanov:- Absolutely! I am an expert in non-contact systems of navy weapons it covers
the knowledge in the physical fields, the systems of information distribution, recognition and so
on. In addition to this, I am also an expert in computer systems.
- So, you really compared a person to a computer?
V.V. Gubanov:- Absolutely! There is a direct analogy; practically all laws that are connected with
the informational process in the microprocessor systems are applicable to humans. In our
scientific research we were able to do something that was impossible before. We were able to

measure so called chronal fields. We measured them as an informational structure that controls
the brain activity of a human.
- Chronal field is what usually called bio or energy field?
V.V. Gubanov:- No, it is what usually people call Karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect
connections of human existence in time. Bio-field is just a manifestation of karmic interactions at
the given moment of time. The bio field which is changing throughout the time starting from the
conception of a human and until current moment is the karmic body or chronal body. The other
name for it is soul. We studied topology and mapping of these chronal fields in great details.
They have their own configuration, density and size. They have defined physical parameters.
- Representatives of official science do not use such terminology as soul. Official
science believes that the physical body is primal.
V.V. Gubanov:- We agree with official point of view. It does not contradict what we are doing.
We also can confirm that physical body is primal. However we look at this physical body
differently. It is just that there are different levels of matter density. The thing that is called
Karma, chronal fields or soul is also a matter but it is a thinner matter.
- Are you saying that soul is material? This could be a revolution in the scientific view of
the world?!
V.V. Gubanov:- We already have experience with this worldview concept. We have also seen
what is happening on the higher planes. We are ready to present this view to the people. With
this goal we even began to publish a magazine called Stalking (Stalker is a famous sci-fi
book by Strugazky brothers). We are ready to introduce safety instructions. Most people are
present on the higher planes anyway, even though they dont know about it. They are just
collecting the fruits of their ignorance.
- So what is the universe? Does God exist?
V.V. Gubanov:- For each person there is something that exists objectively and that he or she
can call God. I can affirm it as a materialist. Each person has an opportunity to meet what is
God for him or her. Any religion will tell you: God is inside you. We just looked inside and
discovered WHERE it is and how to connect with it. The only question is whether a person will
be able to establish the harmonizing contact with this energy-informational structure or not.
- Any religion or philosophy believes that God is beyond the grasp of the human mind in
principle. Were you really able to discover what it is?

V.V. Gubanov:- I can show you what it is. (Draws a circle on a sheet of paper editor). This is
what can be called God or Spirit. This is the way the Spirit is.
- Why is it this way?
V.V. Gubanov:-Because this is its physics. Physics describes it as a spheroid. There is a Spirit
on the surface of which there is a road. A human is moving in time on the surface of a spheroid.
The goal of a human is to smoothen the surface of the spheroid. When a person acts incorrectly,
sins or inadequately reacts to the surrounding world then he is not smoothing the surface, on
the contrarily, the person distorts the surface and burdens the Karma or the destiny. Spirit is a
part of a human and at the same time it exists outside of a human. This is what people perceive
as God. We currently can easily establish contact with these intelligent structures through what
we call personalities.
- Lets get back to your method. How does it work?
V.V. Gubanov:- We are able to draw an accurate personal karmic lifeline graph. For example,
we can tell what a person was doing, in what kind of situation and what his or her enthusiasm
was towards the activity. It is possible to be as precise as five minutes at any given point of life.
However, this kind of precision is usually not needed. Our goal is to find the cause of the
disease, conflict or other problems in the persons past. The reason or cause is usually an event
which brought stress and left a certain mark in the brain and in the informational fields of the
person. In many cases that we work with conventional medicine cannot do anything to cure the
person or even state a diagnosis. We were able to learn how to discharge stressful situations
from the past that got stuck in the human brain and became the cause of a disease. In principle,
this is a totally new approach to the notion of human health and life.
- You work without using any equipment?
V.V. Gubanov:- Back in the day our main goal was to develop methods of aid without equipment
or without medical drugs and those methods had to be effective in any situation. For example,
during battle combat we would have to help a person with any type of injury and make sure that
recovery will be fast. We made it happen. In principle it is possible to use equipment, however
during work in chronal fields the regular equipment fails. We are used to computer processor
breaking down when we begin our work. Wave fields that arise around a person begin to
influence the equipment. By the way, if a person who is working in the chronal fields gets
nervous, then it is possible for computers to break, watches to stop and batteries to die out.
- What about my recorder? Will it break as well?

V.V. Gubanov:- Your recorder will not break. We see that this is an expensive piece of
equipment and that is why we are sitting here quietly and doing our best not to even breathe on
- You were born with such abilities or is it possible to develop them?
V.V. Gubanov: Potentially each person has them and it is possible to develop them. The only
question how much time it will take for each person.
- So, ok, you find the cause of a sickness in the karmic field of the person's past and
remove it. What if the disease is a payment for certain sins? Is it ok to correct any
problem with your techniques Will the fault of a person be removed through the use of
your techniques?
V.V. Gubanov:- Its all done quite differently. If we were doing our work the way you mentioned
then we would not be alive. You are right; you cant correct everything just by mechanically using
the technique. It is impossible to just run the person through certain tests, conduct some
mechanical maintenance and the person becomes healthy. Yes, we really consider any disease
as something that shows that the person committed a sin. It happened when the person was
inadequate in actions towards surrounding world. As a result he or she received emotional or
energy hit. The person remembers that hit and keeps on living with it. Until the person solves
these problems he or she will stay sick. That is why any method that is used on a person
externally (medicine, surgery, extrasensory methods) gives only temporary relief and throws the
problem to another level: for example, you cured your lungs your kidneys get sick. We treat not
the disease but the person, not the body, but the soul. The essence of our method is that the
patient corrects the field by him or herself. We just bring the person to the point in the past
where he or she received the problems. We give techniques with the help of which it is possible
to get out of the hole and stop making mistakes in the future.
- What are these techniques?
V.V. Gubanov:- For example: Love thy neighbor is a very good technique. Especially for
domestic conflicts, it works great. It is very effective. We usually begin with it. Any person
without any training can imagine a person who he or she considers to be an enemy and wish
him or her health and love. Then this person will not think badly about you for a very, very long
- It is easy to say to love the one you hate. What if everything inside of you is against
this person?

V.V. Gubanov:- This is the main problem, many people dont realize that a thought is material.
They cant even imagine what real physical processes can be launched if they truly begin to love
a person. People dont understand how they can love the enemy. That is why we usually explain
how to do it. First of all we make people look at the person who is bringing a lot of trouble from a
different angle. This person is your teacher and he or she helps you to see your weaknesses.
You should train yourself, improve and try to live differently and this person will stop causing you
troubles. If this is pathological aggressor then there are qualities of informational fields that
protect a person if he is thinking positively. Physics can explain this phenomenon and we explain
how these field shells work when you think something good about a person.
- All that you are doing is called magic among common people. Are you saying that this
is really science?
V.V. Gubanov:- This is a very serious science called akmeology. This is science about human
ability reserve which is officially acknowledged on the same level as physics, mathematics,
chemistry and other fundamental sciences. There is even an International Academy of
Akmeology sciences.
- So is this that we are talking about here called Akmeology? What about Psychotronic?
V.V. Gubanov:- Psychotronic is an old name. It mainly studies the influence on human psyche
using devices.
- How often people turn to you with a request to correct their destiny?
V.V. Gubanov:- For us it is just everyday work. As a rule, people suffer from simple things:
failure in family life or inability to create a family. Very often it turns out that a person lacks
certain spectrum components in sex. This is what we call sex dominant component. It is
possible to find the moment when this spectrum was turned off for this person and turn it on
again. It is very simple to do, for those who know how to do it of course.
- Does it mean that destiny is not predetermined?
V.V. Gubanov:- To a very big degree, destiny is predetermined. If a person does not conduct
karmic correction techniques then the chance of life being predetermined is very, very high. If a
person does not evolve spiritually then in many cases the burden on the personal state of things
is increased. One should know the laws that control what is happening on the higher planes of
matter existence to improve the state of things. Then it is possible to learn from own mistakes
and correct own karmic bodies. When you are doing this, you receive one thing that is the most
valuable and fearful at the same time, it is the freedom. The freedom from the influence of the
past, wrong actions and from your own mistakes, as well as from the mistakes of ancestors in
the family (genetic) tree. You also receive freedom from predetermination of your destiny.

- Can one correct his or her own destiny?

V.V. Gubanov:- That is exactly what we are doing. However this is not just a onetime thing. This
process has to be constant. There is one wisdom in the East: the one who is walking is living,
the one who stops falls down.
- Did you become happier as a result?
V.V. Gubanov:- Hundred percent happier! And not just happier but even more happier! Many
serious changes occurred and objectively all of them are very positive.
- Are there people that you were not able to save?
V.V. Gubanov:- There are cases when a person completes the goal of the Spirit for this given
reincarnation and leaves this place just because it is not interesting for him or her anymore.
There are people who just gave up on themselves and are slowly dying, alcoholics for example.
It is impossible to help such people; karma correction would not really change anything. If the
goal of the Spirit is not realized from the stand point of the Spirit then the person represents a
dead end and thus the human material is eliminated.
- Does it mean that people live more than once on this world?
V.V. Gubanov:- I would put it this way: we received strong enough prove to agree with the
reincarnation theory. We even had to create our techniques taking into account multiple
personal reincarnations. There is certain prove that definitely show us that this person that is
living now could have lived three generations ago in this family.
- In any case, where does it all come from? Where all of these energy informational fields
and laws of their existence come from?
V.V. Gubanov:- It comes from the physical qualities of the environment where the unfolding of
human life is taking place.
- Is it possible to say that it comes from God?
V.V. Gubanov: It is from physical laws of Nature. If you want you can say from God. God is
also Nature. Everything is from God, everything is from Nature.
Interview conducted by Larisa Bazarova
International Institute of Social EcologyV.V. Gubanov

Beyond Noetic Science!

The New Science with practical approach and
techniques that can teach you how to correctly
interact in our energy-informational world!
Interest to the research in the field of Noetic Sciences is growing everyday. The latest bestseller
The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown also mentions the new field of Noetic Science.
From the work of the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) the organization that actually created the
word Noetics we can see that one of the main goals of the Institute is to help people reach
their potential and research phenomena that does not fall into the category of conventional
Here, at the International Institute of Social Ecology (IISE) we would like to share our knowledge
in what we call Social Ecology or Infosomatics. We believe that we were able to discover even
more effective and practical ways to help people reach their true potential than the ways of
Noetic Sciences. We were able to discover not only the methods and techniques to help people
with their problems, but we also found the way to explain cause and effect impact on the events
in human life.

Intuitive intellect: the new professional way of thinking! (IISE)

On video: Vyacheslav Gubanov, president of International Institute of Social Ecology

We have great respect for those who work in the field of Noetic Science, however we strongly
believe that Noetics is more like a software program that you can download and install using the
operational system of Infosomatics. In other words, our twenty-year research and practice gave
us a chance to create a map of the energy-informational world around us and we would like to
share it with you. It is vital to know the basics and the rules of the game of life to move further in
the research (read an interview with the president of IISE here).
We strongly believe that knowledge of techniques and different methods of aid are important
however the real key is persons worldview. It is the ultimate defense system and the true way to
reach the new level of consciousness and evolve. In our online course and seminars we teach
both. We share our knowledge about unique techniques that we have developed and tested in
practice as well as we help with building the correct worldview based on the real life examples
and cases from our practice.
One of the things that makes us different from schools that teach Noetic Sciences or other
similar fields is that we can give explanation to what is really happening on the higher planes of
matter existence through the laws of physics. It is also important to point out that one of our

main concerns is the safety measures. Many schools teach people how to activate abilities that
might seem extraordinary to others. We however can teach how to turn those abilities on as well
as how to turn them off when needed. One of our main goals is to help people live happily in our
current society without escaping reality of life.
Since you are on this page you are probably familiar with the concept of the human Aura or
energy shell. However not many people know that Aura is formed by the brain activity waves
that go through biologically active points and energy centers or chakras. Human brain is like a
very complicated radar system that can receive information from the surrounding world or
cosmos and transmit the energy to create the energy shell, which in its turn forms our physical
body (you can learn more about human brain informatics and how human Aura is formed in one
of online seminars we posted for free).

Picture 1 Energy-informational levels of interaction

Our research showed that human body is an object on the material plane, which is formed in
accordance with the information on the higher planes of matter existence. Our practical work is a
vivid proof of this theory. We all know that Practice is the sole criterion for testing the truth. Any
sickness or problem in the human life happens due to the disturbance in the informational

processes on the higher planes of matter existence. We have special techniques that can help
anyone to independently analyze those processes and correct them if needed.

Picture 2. Stable Planes of Matter Existence (SPME) diagram.

Picture 3. Superposition of Incarnated Spirit, Personality (complex of psychological qualities and

manifested roles) and Bodily matrix (- soma, somatics)

Our techniques use the universal language of visualization and their effectiveness does not
depend on gender, ethnicity or age. Anyone who knows how to use their own imagination can

use our techniques and feel their effectiveness on the body right away (when technique is
conducted correctly one usually feels a wave of warmth and tingling effect).
We believe that our knowledge will be very interesting to those who have studied Noetic
Sciences before and also to those who are new to Noetic way of thinking.
Follow the links below if you want to learn how to uncover your full potential and learn about the
laws of Nature tested in practice. We can teach how you can find the mission of your own Spirit
and follow it so you can become healthy, successful in whatever you do as well as happy in your
personal life.

(from "info" information and somatics body manifestation) - is a scientific trend that lays in
the foundation of the International Institute of Social Ecology (IISE).
The foundation of this scientific trend is the law of transforming the information from the thin
plane of matter existence into the dense plane of manifested material world taking into account
the flow of time.

Picture 1. Stable Planes of Matter Existence (SPME) diagram.

In agreement with this law, the human body is an object of material world that is built according
to the informational programs that are installed on the higher planes of matter existence (astral
plane, mental plane, causal plane, bodhi plane, atman plane of stable matter existence and
higher). Thus somatic (body) sicknesses are only the outcomes of the disturbance in the
informational processes and programs in the bodies of regularity that is higher than the physical
human body.

Picture 2. Embedded succession of form creating matrixes for the complex of interacting human
bodies of thinner regularity.

Picture 3 Energy-informational levels of interaction

Infosomatics has diagnosis instruments to identify causes of somatic disorders (sicknesses) as

well as techniques for correcting disturbed informational processes in the human bodies of
higher regularity.
In accordance with the concept of infosomatics, health is only a side effect in brining to norm
the informational processes on the thinner planes.
All infosomatic correcting techniques (visual techniques of Infosomatics) are built on the
visual principles and use visual type of thinking of a person to transform and bring the disturbed
informational processes into etalon state at the stage of diagnosis.
The main postulate of Inosomatics: As above, so below; As below, so above
In according with this postulate, for correcting bodies of thin regularities and eliminating energy
informational injuries it is enough to transmit a proper IMAGE of etalon to the chosen SPME
(stable plane of matter existence) and show the way out toward the etalon from the disturbed
state using the universal language visualization, which certainly can be interpreted and
understood by our subconscious.
Infosomatic influence in the way of a sharp sound that brings the brain into the impulse
working mode is used for conversion of formed image to the chosen SPME.

The somatic reactions of physical body are used for feedback from the conducted correcting
procedure on the human bodies of thin regularities and for defining the precision of the
conducted procedure (warming of the whole or parts of the body, goose bumps, sweat exuding
reaction). The results from the repeated energy informational diagnosis of a person after the
correction was conducted is also used. The result of work with infosomatic techniques with the
human bodies of thin regularities is usually a quick recovery of health.
For the last 20 years (starting from 1990) we have been conducting research and studies on
energy and informatics of a human brain. The base of this research and technological
developments are VERY GOOD and PROFESSIONAL knowledge and skills in creating
computer systems of control and conduct of large scale experiments in different fields. That is
why we were in the state to notice how a human brain changes in regards to its energyinformational activity under the influence of external informational streams and how brain activity
impacts somatic state of a body and its parts.
We saw an absolute similarity of sickness appearance in a given person with a computer virus
that tangles the brain of our virtual family members and personnel.
Inside the human micro-communities, as in the computer world, it turned out to be possible and
absolutely vital to define the source of injuring program, protect oneself from identified influence
and recover functions of the disrupted hardware.
However the environment of spreading the harmful information (and often energy streams)
turned out o be different from wires and fiber-optic cable.
Thus, from everything said above you have probably understood that a human body is just a
correctness indicator of the processes that happen on the higher planes of matter existence. It is
also a touchstone that defines the correctness of the chosen role, through which a person is
manifested in the world.
We will explain in detail:

Picture 4. Superposition of Incarnated Spirit, Personality (complex of psychological qualities and

manifested roles) and Bodily matrix (- soma, somatics)

Problems with body (sicknesses) can come from:

1. Genetics
Techniques of Infosomatics can help here as well. They allow one to disconnect from the
sick Genome of the family on the energy-informational level and become the Founder of
the healthy quality.
2. Personality
Incorrectly chosen role of manifestation in the society, weak position in life, world view,
psychological complexes and problems do not give an opportunity for a person to show
the Spiritual potencies and realize the goal of a Spirit. In addition to that, problems in
Personality also lead to allowing the stress through and missing the energy-informational
hits (that come from society) directed to the human bodies of thin regularities (and it
leads to the sicknesses on the physical body).
Correctly developed strong Personality, active world view and correct choice of role in
society are reliable defenses that protect from a big number of energy-informational
injuries and also give steadiness in stress situations by not letting external influence to
the thin planes.
For quick change in your world view and development of Personality you can use our
course of distant learning developed specially for that: Infosomatics on DVD ->
3. Incarnated structures and bodies of thin regularities

Old and un-discharged stress from the past forms so called energy-informational holes.
It causes the constant flow of body energy towards the holes from the future to cover the
energy-informational debt that is left in the personal life of a person. See Picture 5.

Picture 5. Energy-informational holes on the life line of a person (mental body, Soul on
the picture 4) that show the moments of implementation by the controlling subconscious
stress in the past of a person.
< Enlarge>
The immediate environment of a person (relatives, friends, sexual partners) and their state of
energy (energy excessiveness/ energy lacking state, vampirism) also have direct influence on
the state of the thin regularity bodies of that person.
Your body, your somatic will suffer if you dont put proper defense on your bodies of thin
regularity in time. The defense has to be put against uncontrolled drain of energy towards
energy lacking relatives and sexual partners. It will happen if you dont learn how to dose
amount of sucked off energy from you, dont disconnect and distant yourself from the energy
With the help of certain methods of Infosomatics it is possible to precisely define the
characteristics of Informational influences that cause certain sicknesses in a human. After that
with the help of visual techniques of Infosomatics in the impulse mode, quickly and in a game
mode it is possible to eliminate pathological energy connections as well as accumulated
stresses of the past (see picture 5 )on the mental body (body of memory of the 4th dimension).

The body here has the quality of resented partner who got attacked by evil leeches. :)) That
is why when through the organs of sight the brain receives the visual recommendations that are
made using THE LANGUAGE that tells the brain how to untangle the tangled gyri, the brain
throws all the forces supported by Nature towards the recovery, renewal and bringing to normal
state the metabolic processes and energy-informatics of a body. This way the unblocking of the
life support system takes place. This is in other words is a surgical operation in the human
bodies of thin regularities. It can be done only through the methods of INFOSOMATICS!
What term INFOSOMATICS really means?
INFOSOMATICS IS A SCIENCE on types and ways of influence on the metabolic processes
in the human body, informational phenomena and streams that come from:
a) Chronal coordinates in the past, which means from informational memory body of a human
and its genetic relatives as well as from any people that at any time came into informational or
emotional contact with the observer-receiver.
b) current chronal coordinates (in the present) without changing energy field effect in so called
device diapason of influences, without consumption by the observer-receivers body of dense
material substances (medical drugs or stimulating/depressive substances) with direct
informational influence on the virtual, audio and olfactory organs or with emotionally-personal
contact of objects.
c) The future statistical concentration of attention of the observer-receiver on encountered and
personally emphasized (by subconscious or conscious from chaotic stream without logical and
goal oriented grounds) signs, symbols, fragments of encountered objects configuration,
intuitively arising moods and desires, aroused needs, meeting and parting with objects of
possession and communication in aggregate with configuration of mutual Solar system
planetary alignment, symbolic constellations and calendar dates of development and recognition
of symbolic situations and events.

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