Can't Reach, Featuring Lucy Heartfilia PDF

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Can't Reach, featuring Lucy Heartfilia

by Damselbinder, 11 hours, 36 minutes ago

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

"One millions jewels?!" a young, curvaceous blonde gasped excitedly. "For a normal job?"
She clasped her hands together. "This is too good!" The young woman's name was Lucy
Heartfilia, and she was a Mage, of the Fairy Tail guild. And, like any guild, Fairy Tail made
its money (as did its members) by accepting tasks from governments and private citizens.
"Hey, hey!" A young man named Natsu had his attention attracted by Lucy's excitement. "Six
figures for a normal job? I'm there!" He looked at the poster that had caught his blonde guild
mate's attention. He read it over, his face gradually falling as he did.
"Uhhh...on second thoughts, maybe you can handle this one yourself, Lucy."
"What?" she said. "Why? What's wrong with the job?" The mission which offered such a
huge reward was for the arrest of a mage named Anastasia Dragmire, who had been running a
hostage racket: kidnapping the daughters of wealthy individuals, before demanding ransoms
from them.
"You know who Anastasia is, right?" Natsu said.
"She's a mage and a criminal," Lucy replied. "That's all I need to know. I mean, she can't be
too strong, it's only a normal job!"
"Yeah, I don't think she's that strong. It's just the, uh, kind of magic she uses that's the
"It says she uses something called Binding Magic," Lucy said. "So what? I think my Celestial
Spirits can handle a padlock or two!"
"Yeah, you're probably right, it's just...y'know how boxers don't like fighting southpaws?"
Lucy had no idea what he was talking about, but humoured the hot-blooded fire mage. "Even
if they win it makes 'em look awkward. That's kinda why no-one wants to take on Anastasia.
It might make 'em look, y'know..."
"Awkward?" Lucy cocked an eyebrow. "Natsu, do you want to give me a straight answer?"
"Look, ain't no mage wants to get tied up in the middle of a fight!" Natsu said.

"Are you serious?" Lucy said. "That's the only reason? I've been tied up in fights before; it's a
common enough tactic."
"Yeah...I'm's not exactly...aarrghh, I'm not explaining it right!!" Natsu scratched his
head. "Look, the money's all yours if you want it!" He wandered off, muttering to himself.
"That guy can be a real nutcase sometimes," she said, shaking her head. "Now...where can I
find this woman?"

Dressed in a blue and white blouse, tight blue mini-skirt, and knee-high, heeled boots, Lucy
strolled through Magnolia Town, happy to catch the eye of many a man (and some women)
that she passed. Always having been proud of her sexual allure, Lucy didn't mind the
wandering eyes that turned her way. Her travels took her into the suburbs of the Town, where
Anastasia had, according to the job poster, been last seen. It was a seedy part of town to say
the least. Lucy's admirers went from giving her sheepish, furtive glances, to out and out
looking her up and down as she got further away from the Guild Hall.
Anastasia had allegedly been spotted at a shop called "The Emporium", a suspiciously

generically named store. Lucy found it on a crooked avenue that did not appear to have a
name. Had Lucy looked, she would not have found it on official city ordinance. It had sprung
up between two other streets as the result of architectural error. A broad shouldered man
would have had a hard time fitting into it. Lucy observed a number of rather...curious looking
stores, hawking wares that were in some cases simply illegal (weapons and magical artefacts)
and in others just confusing, as Lucy walked by a sign proudly advertising "The Best
Making-Good Potions for the Needs".
"If this isn't a seedy underworld den, I don't know what is," Lucy said, going past a crowd of
cloaked individuals, who were so deeply buried in a secretive conversation they almost didn't
notice the pretty blonde walking past them. Almost.
"Hey, good lookin'," one of them said in a low, gravelly voice. "What's a pretty little thing
like you doing in a place like this?"
"None of your business," Lucy said, walking confidently past. But one of them stood in her
way. "Would you move please?"
"Hey, hey, don't be hasty," the man in her way said. "I figure a cute girl like you comes
someplace like this in that outfit, you gotta be lookin' for some company."
"Well, I figure even if I were desperate for company I wouldn't want any from you," Lucy
said, sternly.
"You got an attitude, girly. I like that." Lucy realised that these men would not let her leave
with just a stern warning.
"Uh-oh," she muttered, beginning to feel a little intimidated. Instinctively tugging down her
short skirt to cover herself up a little,looked round at the grinning crooks, who clearly had
less than noble intentions. But she was not in the Fairy Tail guild for nothing. Reaching for
the keyring at her waist, she grabbed one of her Celestial Keys. Lucy was a Celestial Spirit
mage, possessing the ability to summon spirits to fight in her stead through magical keys. She
reached for a gold key, focussing on its power to call forth the spirit associated with it.
"Now, O Spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate!" The magic intensified, as two of
the burly men turned tail.
"She's a summoner! Get the hell out of here!" one of them said as they ran.
The key glowed a soft, golden colour, growing brighter and brighter, until a brilliant white
gate appeared above them.
"I open the gate of the maiden! Virgo!" From the gate, a figure emerged. To the surprise of
the remaining thugs, what emerged was not a great beast, or a fierce, armoured warrior, but a
slim girl, petite even, with pink hair.
"How may I serve you, Mistress?" she said, as the men looked on in confusion.
"Virgo, will you please stop calling me that?" Lucy said. To go along with her submissive
attitude, Virgo wore a maid's outfit, a short black dress with a white apron, white thigh-high
stockings, and a white headband. On her wrists were manacles, from which dangled two short
"But you are my Mistress, Mistress," Virgo insisted.
"Are you serious?" one of the cloaked men laughed. "You're summoning another cutie to
fight us?"
"Virgo, would you please take care of these thugs?"
"Certainly, Mistress," Virgo said. She slowly approached one of the three remaining men.
"You are threatening my Mistress. I must insist that you cease."
"Hey, cutie-pie, I'm not sure you're in a position to - OOOHHHH!!" The man cried, as Virgo
delivered a flying kick - from a standing start, no less - sending him flying backwards.
"How the hell did she do that?" Another man said, wincing when he realised he had attracted

Virgo's attention. Standing a few feet away, she swung her arm in his direction. The chain on
her wrist extended, whipping out towards her target, and grabbing him by the neck, before
swinging him down into the ground.
As Virgo dealt with the thugs, Lucy looked around the narrow street, spotting a shop with a
worn sign over the door that read "The Emporium."
"This is the place," she said, and peered inside. "What's one of those places?!" Behind
the anonymous storefront Lucy found an assortment of decidedly unsavoury items. There
were curious outfits on sale, for one thing: extremely revealing leather corsets, maid uniforms
even skimpier than Virgo's, and even a leotard outfit that came with a pair of bunny ears. In
addition, there were chains, leather sheaths to bind someone's arms, and rubber spheres
attached to leather straps, which Lucy failed to recognise the use of.
"Hmmm..." she thought, taking another look at her Celestial ally. "Maybe that might work..."
"Ughhh...guuuhh...let's get out of here!" One of the battered thugs got to his feet, running
away as best as his bruised body would allow him, shortly followed by the others.
"Was my service satisfactory, Mistress?" Virgo said.
"You did great Virgo," the blonde replied. "Say...I think there's another way you can help me
today." She grinned. "And I get the feeling it's going to come very naturally to you."
"Certainly, Mistress," Virgo said, obedient, but a little concerned by Lucy's attitude.
"Come, slave!" Lucy barked, as she strolled into the Emporium.
"Yes, Mistress..." Virgo followed in behind the blonde summoner, her arms bound behind her
back. At Lucy's instruction, Virgo had used her magic to wrap the chains attached to her
manacles around her wrists, binding them tightly, Virgo's hands crossed behind her. She had
her head bowed in a gesture of submission.
Though Virgo considered this relationship between Spirit and Summoner to be perfectly
appropriate, if not preferable, to Lucy's egalitarian style, this was nonetheless a show. There
was only one audience member, however: a strange looking woman at the counter, with long
mottled brown hair that trailed down her front, and small, black sunglasses. She could have
been anything from thirty to fifty years old.
"You there!" Lucy turned to the shopkeeper. "I'm looking for something to teach this
worthless slave not to question her Mistress!" She had a feeling that affecting such a manner
would make her more of a convincing customer. "I feel really stupid acting like this..." she
"Weelll..." the shopkeeper drawled. "You do make a handsome couple, don't you?" She left
her counter to come over to the pair, seeming to glide along the floor, in a long, brown cloak.
"Might I recommend one of these, if the slave is getting a bit lippy?" She pointed at one of
the rubber balls with straps attached, Lucy still not recognising what they were used for.
"Perhaps," Lucy said, not wanting to reveal her ignorance. However, without asking, the
shopkeeper grabbed one of the balls, and promptly shoved it into Virgo's mouth.
"Mmmpphh..." the spirit whimpered quietly, as the shopkeeper fixed the straps in place
behind Virgo's head. Lucy at last realised that Virgo had been fitted with a ball gag, muffling
her voice.
"There. The little whelp won't be asking any impertinent questions with this in her mouth!"
The shopkeeper smiled, sure that Lucy would be pleased.
"No," Lucy said. "That's not nearly elegant enough." She took out the whip that she kept
attached to her belt, realising that it might lend further credence to the persona she'd adopted.

"A Mistress must maintain a certain dignity."

"Hmmm..." The shopkeeper paused, before removing the ball gag. "Perhaps one of these,
then?" She took a semi-hard, large leather panel, pressing it again over Virgo's mouth.
"Hhmmpphh?" Virgo found that affixed to the back of the panel was a plastic ball similar to
the one that the shopkeeper had put on her before. She allowed it to be shoved into her mouth,
as the leather panel was strapped into place, gagging her even more securely than before.
"Mmmmpphhh..." she moaned, her face turning a little red.
"Oh, why am I surprised that she's enjoying this?" Lucy thought, a bead of sweat dropping
down her forehead.
"How's that?" the shopkeeper asked.
"Certainly an improvement," Lucy said. "Maybe I should say something...dominatrix-y." She
turned to Virgo. "There, you little...uh, worm! Not so mouthy now, eh?" She cracked her
"Whhhggmmmphhh..." Virgo whimpered, looking at Lucy with a strange expression in her
eyes. "This is my punishment," she thought, "for performing badly in the last battle. I shall
accept it..."
"That's right, slave!" Lucy said. "I've gotta stop this soon, or she's going to get a seriously
twisted view of how things are between us." She turned back to the shopkeeper. "This is
excellent for, um, humiliating the slave... but maybe I've been asking the wrong questions."
"Oh?" the shopkeeper said. "And what would the right questions be?"
"Do you know anything about...binding magic?" The shopkeeper immediately clammed up.
"Uh, no, I...know nothing about such things. Madam is a connoisseur, certainly, but I regret
to say that we are but a humble purveyor of ordinary equipment for shall I
say...Madam with an eye for quality." She hurried back behind her counter.
"Are you sure?" Lucy said. "Because word has it," she continued, lowering her voice to a
whisper, "that Miss Anastasia Dragmire comes here from time to time." The shopkeeper
froze. After a moment, she leaned in close, lowering her sunglasses to reveal a pair of pale
green eyes.
"Follow me, Madam," she said, pulling a concealed lever beneath the counter. Lucy heard a
loud click from behind a rack of chains of various thickness. The shopkeeper pulled it aside,
revealing a hidden door. She walked in.
"Come on, Virgo," Lucy said, her ordinary geniality creeping back into her voice. "I mean, uh,
come along slave!"
"Hhhhmmmphhh," the meek maid said, following after her summoner.
They descended a shallow flight of stairs, coming into what could only be described as a
dungeon. There were no windows, the walls and floor were of stone, and a number of cages
hung suspended from the ceiling.
"So," Lucy said, "are you going to tell me about restraining magic?" The shopkeeper laughed
"Madam thinks, perhaps, that I am a fool."
"What are you talking about?" Lucy said.
"You think the little routine with your maid-friend is convincing anyone? You're not much of
an actor, blondie." Lucy was getting nervous. If the shopkeeper knew it was an act, why had
she brought them down here?
"If this is how you treat your customers," Lucy said, "then we'll be going." Before she could
even turn around, however, she heard the door slam shut of its own accord.

"I think not," the shopkeeper said. "You'll be staying right here." She looked up at one of the
cages. "Just like a pretty little budgie."
"That's not going to happen," Lucy said. "Virgo, now!" At her command, the maid unravelled
the chains binding her arms, and pulled the gag from her face.
"How did she do that?" the shopkeeper asked, but Virgo was quickly upon her. Using the
chains as whips again, she made for the shopkeeper, but the sunglasses-clad woman was
surprisingly agile. She jumped back from Virgo's assault, before hurling a length of rope,
weighted at both ends, at her opponent.
"Hnn!" Virgo managed to duck out of the way, but she'd almost been caught off guard. "I
didn't see where that came from...did she summon it with magic?" Lucy had been having the
same thought.
"Virgo, watch out! She's the mage we're after!"
The shopkeeper, or rather, Anastasia, grinned.
"Figure that out all on your own, did you, blondie? Hehhehheh!" Anastasia held out her hand.
A magic circle appeared in front of it, out of which shot a thin, orange tube.
"Virgo, watch out!" Lucy cried, as the tube whipped towards her ally. Lucy had seen this
kind of magic before, having once been caught in its coils by a mage named Millianna. The
petite spirit was fast on her feet, though, and managed to duck under and around the tube. She
leapt into the air, twisting herself between the tubes, as she delivered a flying kick to the
"Arrghh!" Anastasia grunted, having barely blocked the strike with one of her arms. "That
actually hurt!" She raised both arms this time, and two tubes shot out this time. Knowing she
would not be fast enough to evade them using her acrobatic skills, Virgo accessed her earth
magic, plunging down into the ground, away from Anastasia's attack.
"Nice one, Virgo!" Lucy said. Anastasia cursed under her breath, trying to find some way to
predict where and when Virgo would emerge. However, when she looked again at Virgo's
alluring summoner, she realised she did not need to.
"I'll just take you instead!" Anastasia turned, and directed the tubes at Lucy.
"Oh no!" The blonde saw the tubes coming towards her, realising that there was nothing she
could do to defend herself. At the last moment, however, Virgo emerged from the ground to
protect her summoner, her body immediately being struck by the tubes.
"Unnh!" Virgo felt the orange tubes immediately begin binding her. One twisted round her
torso, pulling her arms behind her back, twisting around her elbows and forearms, holding
them together. It wound down her short dress, pressing into her breasts and against her
stomach as they fixed her arms in place. The other tube seized her legs, immediately pressing
her knees together, before simultaneously criss-crossing up and down, spinning round her
calves and binding her ankles, while at the same time swirling around her thighs, binding and
pressing all the way up to the skin that her stockings left bare.
"Forgive me, Mistress..." Virgo said, as she tumbled to the ground, the petite maid wriggling
in bondage.
"Virgo, no!" Lucy said, bending down to try and pull the bindings away from her ally. But
another orange tube shot out, seizing Virgo by the ankles. She was pulled away, into
Anastasia's grip.
"'re a Celestial Spirit, I take it," Anastasia said, holding the pink haired girl by her
narrow shoulders. Her trusty orange tendril picked up the panel gag from the ground, and
dropped it into Anastasia's hands. The wicked mage promptly placed it back over Virgo's

mouth, gagging her once again.

"Mmmmmppphhhh..." The maiden whimpered, her slender body held fast by Anastasia's
bindings. "For this failure...even being bound like this is not sufficient punishment."
"Such a meek, humble little maid," Anastasia laughed, stroking Virgo's hair.
"Virgo, I'm sorry," Lucy said. "I'll get you free!" She tried to use her magic to dismiss Virgo
back to the Spirit World, but found, as she had feared, that this was impossible. She
remembered that when Millianna had bound her, the rubbery tubes had blocked Lucy from
being able to use her magic. Not only was Virgo now powerless, she was blocked off from
returning to the Spirit World. There was only one thing for it.
"Now, O spirit," she said, reaching for another of the keys at her belt, "answer my call and
pass through the gate!"
"Another one, eh?" Anastasia said. "Today, I think, will be a fun day." She let go of Virgo,
who fell to her knees, subdued.
"I open the gate of the ram! Aries!" Another shining gate appeared, and another slim, pinkhaired maiden appeared from it. This one wore a short, wool lined dress, a wool ruff around
her neck, cream stockings, and woolen, knee-high boots. Adorning her head were a pair of
small horns. The way she tugged down on her dress certainly did not indicate the presence of
a fierce warrior.
"Aries," Lucy said, "please defeat this woman, and rescue Virgo!" The wool clad girl saw her
fellow spirit restrained, and was rather unhappy at the idea that she might find herself in such
a situation. But no matter the situation, if her master required her aid, Aries felt utterly duty
bound to assist.
"Whatever you wish, it is the role of a spirit to lend matter the enemy," Aries said,
assuring her master.
"Another pretty girl you bring here, eh?" Anastasia said. "You seem scared, little lamb."
Aries didn't answer, but Anastasia was right. "Don't want to get tied up like your little
friend?" Aries shrank back. Anastasia took this for weakness, and fired out another of her
"Aries watch out! If she ties you up you won't be able to use magic!" But Aries did not need
telling. Raising her hand, she launched a fluffy ball of pink wool towards the encroaching
tubes. On contact, the ball exploded, blowing the tubes apart.
"You're a tricky ewe, eh?" Anastasia said. She raised her arm to launch more tubes, but Aries
was faster on the draw. The shy spirit launched out another ball of wool, which detonated
halfway on its path to Anastasia, sending a flurry of smaller balls towards her.
"Aaaghh!" the mage cried out, as she found herself trapped in a soft, woollen prison, her
limbs sticking comically out of the wool. "What is this?"
"Alright, Aries!" Lucy yelled out.
"You will not threaten our master," Aries said. "And you will release Virgo at once."
"Stupid girls!" Anastasia growled, wobbling in the woollen ball. "You think my magic is so
limited?" Her eyes flashed momentarily. Aries did not notice any immediate effect, until she
felt a slight tickling sensation around her thighs. She looked down, and it looked as if her
already short dress was getting shorter.
"This is...peculiar," she said, as looked closer, and realised that her dress was unravelling.
Her face went red as her pink underwear was revealed, before - gasping - she saw that not
only was her dress beginning to unravel from the top down as well, but even her woollen

stockings were unravelling, gradually baring her legs.

"Aries, what's going on?" Lucy stepped forward, whip in hand to aid her spirit.
"Stay back!" Aries warned. Her dress had almost completely unravelled, revealing a pink bra
like a pair of fluffy pom-poms over Aries' chest. The shy girl, her slender body almost
completely revealed, became wary, putting herself on the defensive. This was an error. If she
had attacked while Anastasia was vulnerable, she would surely have been victorious. But she
hesitated, and did not notice that the unravelled threads had not simply disappeared, and were
suspended in the air, circling the horned maiden.
As soon as Aries' clothes had finished unravelling, and the feminine spirit was standing clad
in nothing but her shoes and her underwear, the threads snapped back against her body. They
did not do so as garments, though, but as binding coils.
"Huh?" Aries felt the threads press back against her body, rapidly winding around her torso,
and pinning her slim arms to her sides. "No!" she cried out, realising that she was being tied
up, and feeling the soft threads pull against her arms, tightening, restricting them against her
body. Her palms were flat against her upper thighs, and she could not move them away.
Aries could feel her now bare legs being bound as well. The threads that had once made her
stockings entwined Aries just above the knees, snapping her soft thighs together, before
encircling her ankles too, and pulling them tightly together, fixing Aries' lithe legs into one
useless limb.
"Lucy..." Aries bleated, before dropping to her knees, her legs too tightly bound for her to
balance. The threads continued to wind around the meek damsel, until they were visible over
just about every part of her, holding her lissom, waiflike body in bondage. Being thin, the
threads left most of Aries' exposed skin uncovered, but they were thick above her knees,
around her ankles, and just under and atop her breasts.
"Unnhh...unnhh..." the kneeling dame moaned, wriggling her narrow shoulders in the tight
threads. She felt an utter failure, not only stripped, and her pert breasts and long legs exposed,
but bound with the threads that had been ripped off her, humiliated twice over. Aries' magic
sealed by Anastasia's, the strength of her slender limbs alone certainly not sufficient to free
her from her bonds.
"There, my lissom little lamb! Nice and snug in your wool now, eh? Just not quite in the way
you're used to." Shaking off the last of the wool that had trapped her, she pushed Aries in the
back with her foot, and she fell with a soft yelp onto her front.
"Forgive me, master..." Lucy watched as another of her spirits, of her friends, fell prey to
Anastasia's perverted brand of magic.
"What is wrong with you?" Lucy demanded. "Let her go! Let them both go!"
"Er, no," Anastasia said, smiling mischievously. "I don't think I will."
"Master...I'm sorry...please escape while you can..." Aries said, barely able to lift her eyes
from the ground, let alone fight against her captor.
"A sacrificial lamb too, eh?" Anastasia said. "So sweet. But your sweet little voice is a little
too loud." Anastasia twirled a finger, as the white ruff around Anastasia's collar - the last
vestiges of her dress - unwound into threads. They hovered in front of Aries' mouth for a
moment, her wet eyes fixed upon them, before they twisted tightly around each other,
forming a knot in the middle, before whipping into Aries' mouth.
"Nnngghhrrrmmmppphhh!" Aries found her clothes now gagging her as well as binding her
body, a thick knot gag, tied behind her head, keeping her muzzled. Feeling hands on her bare
shoulders, Aries was hauled back onto her knees, placed next to Virgo. The two spirits looked
at each other, seeing how helpless the other was, as each bound beauty wiggled their supple

limbs in their bonds. They both blushed a little, realising that they themselves were equally
helpless. Aries, her long, willowy legs bare, was the only one of the two to feel that they knelt,
not on stone, but on a small metal circle embedded into the ground.
"You conceited old witch," Lucy said, "what gives you the right to do this? You think
because you get a kick out of tying girls up you can just keep getting away with it?"
Anastasia's cool was certainly not broken by Lucy's accusation.
"You're a mage, blondie. The mouth starts flapping when you lose control of the situation,
eh?" She laughed again. "Let me show you just how much." She snapped her fingers, and the
purpose of the circle on which the two spirits knelt was revealed. From the ceiling, iron bars
plunged down, locking down over the two pink-haired captives, forming a cage.
"Mmmmmppphhh!" Aries moaned through the thick gag between her lips, as the
confinement of the iron bars pushed her closer to Virgo, her bare left thigh pressed tightly
against Virgo's stocking-clad right. As the two wriggled, now both scarcely able to move at
all, their breasts touched. Aries crimsoned, but Virgo merely whimpered submissively.
" an appropriate punishment..." she thought, as the cage was lifted up into the air,
suspending the two damsels in their iron prison.
Lucy was now in a dire situation. The drain on her magic power from summoning two spirits
in such quick succession was serious. Normally it would be even worse, as both spirits were
still active, but the one boon she gained from Anastasia's magic-sealing bonds was that, while
cut off from returning to the Spirit World, her servants did not drain her power any further.
"So, I do have enough..." Lucy murmured, as she fingered another key at her waist. "This has
got to work. She won't lose...not against someone like this." She pulled the key out, the one
she had had since the beginning of her time as a summoner.
"And who will you bring out for me to tie up now?" Anastasia laughed, as the key began to
"Now, O spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate!" Lucy expression was stern. She
would not give up without a fight. "I open the gate of the water bearer! Aquarius!" This time,
the woman who emerged from the gate was not slender, or meek, but ample chested, with a
look of proud arrogance on her face. Though her hips were certainly womanly, she did not
have legs as such - Aquarius was a mermaid, and she had a tail, floating slightly outside of
water. In her hands she bore a clay pot - a jar through which she could channel her aquatic
But before getting to whether or not she would use her powers, Aquarius surveyed the scene.
She saw Aries and Virgo, bound, gagged, and caged. She saw Anastasia, grinning. Lastly she
saw Lucy, a look of fear on her face, not fear of Anastasia, but of what her own servant
would do to her.
"Lucy," she said. "Would you care to explain to me how exactly Virgo and Aries got
"Well," Lucy said, quivering in her boots, "it's this mage we're after...she's a little stronger
than we -"
"And let me guess. You stood there and let them do all the fighting while you stood here
attempting to look pretty?" Aquarius was positively fuming, her hot-blooded persona a stark
contrast with her cool appearance.
"Aquarius, would you please take care of this mage quickly? Summoning three spirits within
a few minutes is a drain on my magic," Lucy said. Aquarius noticed that her breathing was
"Hmmphh." She looked askance at her opponent. "Fine. But after I've helped Virgo and Aries

- since someone has to rescue them from your incompetence - you are definitely getting
"So," Anastasia thought, "this one's more of an S to the pink princesses' M personae, eh? This
is going -" She did not finish her thought, however, before a massive jet of water struck her,
sending her flying back.
"Ooogghh!" she grunted, picking herself up. "You've got some -" But Aquarius was in no
mood to let her opponent chat, and fired another jet of water. This time Anastasia dodged, but
only just. She threw a magical bolo whip at the fierce mermaid, but the blue haired spirit
merely swatted it aside with her tail, firing off another water jet. Anastasia did not try to
dodge, summoning another orange tube. But it was engulfed by Aquarius' jet, which
promptly slammed into Anastasia, knocking her down again.
"You...are strong, eh..." she panted, hauling herself back to her feet, before being knocked
down again.
"And you are not," Aquarius said. "I don't know what impression these two gave you, but
Celestial Spirits are not to be trifled with, woman. I most certainly am not." Another gush of
water burst from her jar, Anastasia not even having enough time to get back on her feet
before being hit again. Lucy began almost to feel bad for the shop owner, as she was being so
easily overwhelmed by the mighty spirit's magic. She breathed a sigh of relief, though. The
situation seemed back under her control.
But Lucy had not seen, and neither had Aquarius, that the orange tube that Anastasia had sent
out had not been destroyed by Aquarius' magic. The sturdy, rubbery tube had simply shot
down, into the hole that Virgo had created when she dived into the ground. Lucy gasped
when she saw it emerge from the other end of the bound maid's tunnel, emerging behind
Aquarius, and shooting towards her.
"Watch out!" Lucy shouted, realising that she had failed to warn the mermaid that Anastasia's
bindings would seal her magic. Hearing her summoner's voice, Aquarius turned, but too late.
The tube, upon touching Aquarius' voluptuous body, immediately wrapped itself around her
arms, yanking them behind her back, spinning around her wrists and binding them together.
Her jar of water fell to the floor.
"What the hell?!" Aquarius said, struggling against the rubbery bindings, but finding herself
just as overwhelmed as Virgo had been. The tubes wriggled around her torso as they
encircled the womanly mermaid, fixing her arms to her back by criss-crossing over Aquarius'
chest, wriggling between her voluminous breasts, jiggling them from side to side as they
wound all over them.
"Nnnnrrgghh!" Aquarius strained mightily, curling her tail up to try and pull at the bindings.
But this was a grievous mistake. The still moving tube seized the end of Aquarius' tail,
wrapping around it, and binding it against her arms. Effectively hog-tied, Aquarius dropped
onto the floor, wriggling and cursing, her body bound tightly. Much to her chagrin, the tube
had not quite finished, winding once, twice, three times around her mouth, again and again
until her angry voice was very much sealed.
"MMMPPHHHH!!" she roared from behind her rubbery gag. "NNNMMMMPPHHHHHHRRRMMMMMPPPHHH!!" As volatile as Aquarius' temper was, though, she was still
helpless. Her magic was sealed, her body securely trussed up. Her eyes were wide and furious,
but she had been rendered as weak and as feeble as either of the two meek damsels wriggling
against each other in the iron cage.
"Aquarius, no!" Lucy cried out as the third of her spirits fell.

"You are strong, eh," Anastasia repeated, "but not, maybe, so smart?" She cackled. "Cute
little fishy like you," she said, approaching the bound mermaid, "needs a special little cage."
She stretched out her hands, performing a piece of magic that obviously required some effort.
"Mmmrmmmmmpphhh!!LLMMPPHH-HHMMMMPPHHH!!" Aquarius screamed, trying to
get Lucy to help her. But the blonde didn't move. She had seen this eccentric woman
overwhelm, defeat, and capture three Celestial Spirits. What could she, she thought, a normal
human girl do against her? She didn't have any more magic to summon further Celestial aid.
"Alakazam!" Anastasia said, as a large, glass bowl rose up around Aquarius, trapping her
inside. Though large for a glass bowl, certainly, it was tiny for a human-sized occupant, and
the helpless mermaid was squeezed tightly inside, even less able to move than Virgo and
"MMMPPHHH!!" Aquarius moaned with indignation, as she realised that she had been
placed inside a fish bowl.
"Mmmmphhh...nnmmmpphhh..." Aries whimpered piteously, the half-naked damsel seeing
one of the strongest of their number reduced to the same state of powerlessness as herself.
"Guys, no..." Lucy said. "I'm...I'm so sorry..." Though most Celestial Spirit mages considered
their allies mere tools, Lucy had always felt like her spirits were part of an equal partnership.
She felt now as if she had spectacularly failed to hold up her side of that.
"Now then," Anastasia said. She turned her eyes to Lucy. The blonde's blood ran cold, as she
realised that Anastasia had no more targets but her. She dropped her whip, realising how out
of her depth she'd be against the wily mage, and turned to run.
"Silly girl," Anastasia said, summoning a bolo whip in each hand, and throwing both at the
retreating dame.
Lucy heard both whips, but didn't see them. Guided by magic, they homed in on the fleeing
girl. One caught Lucy in the back.
"Aah!" she cried, as tough brown ropes wound down and around her torso. Her yielding
breasts were squeezed as the ropes began pressing her slender arms against her sides,
covering her blue and white blouse in cord. The other bolo caught her soon after, snagging
her long, bare legs, spinning around her knees and her boot-covered calves.
Finding herself bound within seconds, Lucy tripped, falling onto her front.
"Nnhh! No!" Lucy strained against the bolo whips, but the frail damsel was much too weak to
undo them. Her spirits might have stood a chance - none had been caught in the whips, after
all - but Lucy was no match for them.
"Well, well, well," Anastasia said, approaching the fallen blonde. "What do we have here?"
She knelt down next to Lucy, and grabbed her wrists, pulling them behind her back despite
the tight bolo whips. Summoning more cord, she began to slip it around Lucy's delicate wrists,
ensnaring the pretty blonde in even tighter bindings.
"Please," Lucy said, "please don't tie me up..." Anastasia laughed again.
"Oh, that is rich, eh? You asking for favours after barging into my store, and sticking your
Spirits on me?Real comedy, ah?" She pulled a tight knot, making Lucy whimper as her wrists
were fixed together. Once this was done, Anastasia spun Lucy over, unwinding the whip
around her torso. The blonde looked up at her captor, lying bound at her feet, her brown eyes
wide and wet. Anastasia began tying her arms against her back, wrapping rope under her
breasts, pushing them up. The villainous woman even allowed herself an indulgence as she
bound the lovely intruder, squeezing her ample bosom, fondling her pretty captive.

"No...don't..." Lucy moaned, but she knew by now that Anastasia would ignore her. The
buxom blonde soon felt Anastasia's hands on her long, moist legs, as she felt rope binding her
ankles, before the second bolo whip was removed so Anastasia could bind Lucy's legs to her
satisfaction, trussing them together just under the knee, above her leather boots.
"What's this?" Anastasia said, observing the small tattoo on Lucy's hand. "You're a Fairy Tail
"Y...yes..." Lucy said.
"Heh!" Anastasia scoffed. "I've known Fairy Tail mages before. Try to come after me at least
once a year. Normally just barely get away: never managed to capture one before. More
likely you got that stamp from a nightclub or something, 'cause I don't see a mighty Fairy Tail
mage here. I just see a sexy little damsel in distress with long, long legs and a short, short
"No, I - nggmmpphh..." Lucy found a large rubber ball pressed inside her mouth, straps
attached to each end buckled behind her head. Lucy had been fitted with a ball gag. Finding
her voice muffled, as well as having her lips forced open in such a manner was the height of
embarrassment for the high born blonde. She looked down at her curvy, trussed up body,
seeing how pathetic a job of covering her that her skirt did, her naked legs completely open to
being caressed and fondled by her mad captor. "Someone like Ezra...someone strong would
never let this happen to them...oh...I'm so pathetic...just a pretty girl who's gone and got
herself kidnapped..."
"Come on, blondie," Anastasia said, "let's not keep you away from your friends, eh?" She
reached for Lucy's hips, encountering no resistance from the buxom blonde as she hoisted her
up, tossing Lucy over her shoulder.
"Mmmmpphhh!! Hhhhhhhrrmmmmppphh..." Lucy whimpered, halfway between outrage and
submission as she felt Anastasia's hands on her thighs, and her firm ass, which was exposed
by her skirt as she flopped down over Anastasia's shoulder. She was carried to a pillar near
the centre of the back wall, where the captured spirits would be looking right at her, and she
at them. She gave a wriggle of defiance, but Anastasia punished her with a smack on her
round behind.
"Mmphh!" she yelped, not expecting that her level of humiliation could increase any more.
But it did, and she went scarlet, moaning loudly in protest. But though her muffled whimpers
increased, she stopped wriggling. Her captive humbled, Anastasia placed Lucy down on her
knees by the column. She pushed her in the back, Lucy finding her pliable breasts pressing
against the smooth skin of her bound legs. She could feel Anastasia tying more rope to the
bonds that went around her back, before Lucy found herself pulled up again. Anastasia tied
the length of rope that she'd attached to Lucy's bindings around the pillar, tying the browneyed damsel in place.
"Mmmmppphhh!" Lucy moaned, as she saw Virgo and Aries pressed against each other, saw
Aquarius groaning in the tight confines of her glass prison. The two pink haired damsels had
their eyes lowered, whimpering softly in their helplessness. Even the wrathful Aquarius
found a note of pleading creeping into her rough voice. Seeing her most powerful spirit in
such a state made Lucy feel all the more ashamed.
"Lucy...Lucy..." Anastasia mumbled, having heard her captive's name from Aries.
"Lucy...who works for Fairy Tail..." She grinned. "I know you, eh! You're the Heartfilia's
daughter! Very rich family you come from, huh? Don't know why you gotta slave away at a

"Mmmmphh!" Lucy quivered in her restrictive bonds, as she recalled that Anastasia's modus
operandi was to kidnap pretty heiresses, and demand ransom from their families. Now Lucy
had delivered herself into this woman's hands: she had a perfect target for her usual scheme.
"But a rich girl like you, special girl...deserve special kind of bindings." She extended her
hand, exerting her magical control over Lucy's restraints. The blonde found the ropes around
her wrists pulling them in front of her, attaching to the cords wrapped over her breasts, and
tying her arms up, like a cat pawing at a closed door. The bonds around her thighs began
slipping up Lucy's legs, tying themselves around her waist. At first Lucy didn't see the point
of this, until she felt the rope around her waist knot itself to the ropes around her elbows. This
had the effect of fixing Lucy's arms in place, making her unable to move them either up or
"Mmph!" Lucy yelped, as she felt a rope slip between her legs, pressing against her skirt and,
underneath it, her tight underwear. "Hhhmmmpphh..." she mewed, turning red, as she
realised that the rope between her legs rubbed against her every time she moved.
Anastasia laughed again.
"For a rich girl, not very ladylike, eh?" She exerted her power over the bindings securing
Lucy's ankles, pulling the loops around her left leg almost up to her knee, while keeping
those around Lucy's right leg near her ankle. Twisting the cord so that the knot between the
two sets of loops rested on the front of Lucy's calf, she forced the blonde to put her right leg
over her left.
"Mmmnnmmmpphh?" Lucy moaned, confused.
"Don't you know,blondie? A lady always crosses her legs."
"Mmmmnnnmmmpphhh!" Lucy whimpered, unable to prevent some spittle from dropping
from her restrictive ball gag, as the sunglasses wearing Binding Mage mocked her
mercilessly. As the gag caused her even more embarrassment than simply gagging her, Lucy
tried - since her hands were in front of her - to reach up to take it off. But her arms were fixed
in place.
"No...can't...can't reach..." Lucy was completely powerless. She couldn't get to the gag. What
was more, every time she wriggled the rope between her legs made her blush an even brighter
shade of crimson. She looked at the three caged spirits, all of whom this strange woman had
tricked and captured, binding the lovely lasses for her own amusement.
"Ah, look at you all," Anastasia said, admiring the helpless, defeated beauties that she now
had at her mercy. "Such a lovely collection. A petite, submissive maid; a shy, slender, lissom
little lamb wrapped up and stripped down to her skivvies; a furious, voluptuous wriggling
mermaid...and you." She turned to Lucy. "who walked in here so sure it would be easy to beat
me. Who got her friends captured and caged. Who got defeated so easily, once she didn't
have any more spirits to do the fighting for her. You, who strolled in here showing off those
luscious legs of yours in such a delightfully skimpy outfit, and honestly didn't think that that
might backfire if the mage who is famous - I think fair to say famous - for kidnapping pretty
girls managed to get her in their clutches."
"Mmmmmppphhh..." Lucy bowed her head, completely demoralised by Anastasia's words.
As her captor bent down, and started stroking her naked, crossed legs, Lucy stopped resisting.
She was utterly defeated. "The only thing I can do hope that someone can be
bothered to rescue me..."

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