LC IPN PJ Transition 2009-1010

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Projects Area is an important part of any LC in AIESEC
because this area try to increase the number of traineeships.
In addition, we can contribute to make a good impact in the

Just think about all the amazing things that you can do
in a project that really interests you!!!

You can work on the general concept, organize

conferences, learning circles, moderate virtual
dialogues... But more importantly – EXCHANGES!!!!

So, I invite you to learn more about this amazing area:

The first thing that we need to know is What’s an ISSUE?

“ISSUE” is a topic or them.

It can be anything from
exportation, investment banking,
forest conservation, and HIV/AIDS
to corporate responsibility,
entrepreneurship, and education.

What’s an ISSUE based XP (IBXP)?

An Issue-Based eXPerience is an @XP that is lived around a
particular issue (or topic). @XP stays the same, you have just
given it a particular colour.

The official criteria to qualify an @XP

as an IBXP is that you
• Take responsibility and/or a leadership
• Do an exchange based on the issue
• Or in other words that your taking
responsibility stage and/or leadership
experience as well as your internship
have the “same colour”.
Why do we create IBXPs?
A general @XP allows you to develop
your own leadership competencies linked
to the characteristics of the change agent.
The leadership competencies are what we
can call “horizontal competences”, because
they apply to any sort of sector you might
be engaged or be working in.

An IBXP (Issue based XP) gives you in

addition expertise in a particular issue,
topic or sector: thus we can call what
you gain in an IBXP “vertical competencies” because you deep
into a subject matter.

This is what has been named the T-Leadership concept.

What’s a PBoX?

PBoX stands for Project Based on Xchange.

It is a way of connecting an intense learning environment
with exchanges, all organized through a project (and not in the
ongoing way all other AIESEC activities are organized).

A PBoX must fulfill these criteria:

Have external relevance
Have the interest of AIESEC
Realize at least 4 incoming and
outgoing exhanges.
Create the complete learning
environment around its issue.
Create sustainable revenue for
the LC (minimum: TN fees!).
PBoXes can be part of Learning Networks, and thus
constitute their grass-roots.

PBoX is based on Exchange

Area Structure



OCVP External OCVP

OCVP Learning
Relations Exchange

Project Director

Mission of the position:

To design, manage, administer, control, evaluate and develop the

PBoX local levels based on the PBoX plan in order to generate
exchanges (min 4 incoming or outgoing), learning and revenue
(min TN fees).

Main Functions:

•Lead the team that is going deliver IBXPs to all its members.
•Ensure the execution of the PBoX Plan.
•Ensure execution of learning activities calendar.
•Ensure the accomplishment of the exchange goals (TN & EP) set
in the plan.
•Take responsibility for compliance with budget.
•Report monthly to LCP and MCVP Projects. Reports have to be
based on the PBoX Performance Indicator tools.
•Take responsibility for the personal development (competencies)
of the members of the PBoX team.
•Collaborate with LCVP to ensure evaluation of team members.
Management Indicators:
•# of members involved in OC.
•# of leadership positions*.
•# of incoming exchanges realized.
•# of incoming X realized cumu.
•# of outgoing exchanges.
•# of outgoing X realized cumu.
•# of learning partners.
•% compliance with budget.
•# of learning activities/month.
•# of learning activities cumulated.
•% participation of interns in learning activities.

Leadership Competencies:

Competency Required level

Respect 3
Empathy 1
Adaptability 2
Social Inclusiveness 2
Self confidence 2
Negotiation 2
Results Orientation 2
Stakeholder focus 2
Integrity 3
Accountability 2
Developing others 1
Resource Management 1
Self Awareness 1
Communication 2
Innovation and creativity 1
Organizational 2
OCVP External Relations

Mission of the position:

To manage, coordinate and control the sales strategies based on

the project plan with the purpose of obtaining resources for the
accomplishment of goals and increasing the amount of income
(for the LC) from profits of the conference.

Main Functions:

•To manage and direct the sales to obtain the necessary

resources for the execution of the project and to generate a
profit for the LC.
•To manage and direct the sales to secure new learning partners
to the project.

Management Indicators:

•To increase and diversify incomes.

•Number of sales realized.
•Efficiency in commercial management and trade processes.
•To increase and retain learning strategic partners.
Leadership Competencies:

Competition Required
Integrity 4
Precise self-evaluation 3
Conceptual Thought 3
Direction to Profit 4
Fulfillment of commitments 4
Directive leadership 3
Impact and influence 3
Multicultural and interpersonal 4
Relations development 4

OCVP Learning

Mission of the position:

To manage and drive the academic contents of the project.

To create, coordinate, control and evaluate the organizing
committee (OC), that will permit the planning and execution of
the activities (meetings and conferences) of the project.

Main Functions:

•To coordinate and ensure satisfactory academic content,

including the academic agenda of the conferences.
•To support the working teams in the development of their
learning activities in collaboration with the OCVP X and LCVP TM
•To support the virtual dialogue, from an academic point of view.
• To establish and coordinate a working team (from the LC), that
organizes activities (conferences and meetings) of the project
•To make and confirm the respective reservations to carry out
the activities of the days in which conference will take place. This
involves the place, the food, the transportation and others.
Main Functions:

•To organize venues and resources during the days of the

activities (halls, auditoriums, sound system, video beam,
didactic materials, etc.)
•To coordinate the reception and accommodation of the
participants who come from other cities, and ensure their safe
departure after the activities, support by VP Projects and OCVP

Management Indicators:

•To improve technical-functional competencies of AIESEC

•Efficiency in learning processes for AIESEC members.
•To improve leadership competencies for AIESEC members.
•To improve technical-functional competencies of AIESEC
•Efficiency in people
development processes for
AIESEC members.
•To improve leadership
competencies for AIESEC
•Efficiency in planning,
organization and execution
processes of events.
Leadership Competencies:

Competition Required
Integrity 4
Precise self-evaluation 3
Conceptual Thought 4
Direction to Profit 4
Fulfillment of commitments 4
Directive leadership 3
Impact and influence 3
Multicultural and interpersonal 3
Relations development 4

OCVP Exchange

Mission of the position:

Coordinate, follow-up and give support to the members that are

handling the matching process of foreign trainees.
Coordinate the full exchange process of the project.

Main Functions:

•To coordinate; and offer assessment and support to the

members of the exchange team who are in-charge of matching
the student nominee (SN) forms of foreign interns that will
participate in the project.
•To maintain efficient communication with the members of the
exchange team so that processes will be carried out with no
•To check the contents of the profiles of incoming student
nominees (SNs) and outgoing student nominees, to fulfill the
requirements of the project.
Main Functions:

•To support the PD Team in the reception of trainees.

•To manage the international cooperation amongst LC’s and
PBoXes related with the issue to ensure the incoming

Management Indicators:

•Realized Incoming Exchanges.

•Efficiency in Processes of International Interchanges.

Leadership Competencies:

Competition Required level

Integrity 4
Precise self-evaluation 3
Conceptual Thought 3
Direction to Profit 4
Fulfillment of commitments 4
Directive leadership 3
Impact and influence 3
Multicultural and interpersonal sensitivity 4
Relations development 3

Staff Logistic/Finance

Mission of the position:

•Budgeting of learning environments.

•Managing Budgets of sales/promotion campaigns.
•Manage logistical performance of the project learning activities.
•Directly supervised by the Project Manager (VPPJ) and
accountable for LCVP finance.
Project Cycle Management


In this first stage, the scope of the

project is defined along with the
approach to be taken to deliver the
desired outputs. The project
manager is appointed and in turn,
he selects the team members
based on their skills and experience.
The most common tools or
methodologies used in the initiation
stage are Project Charter, Business
Plan, Project Framework (or
Overview), Business Case
Justification, and Milestones Reviews.


The second stage should include a

detailed identification and
assignment of each task until
the end of the project. It should
also include a risk analysis and a
definition of a criteria for the
successful completion of each
deliverable. The governance
process is defined, stake holders
identified and reporting frequency
and channels agreed. The most
common tools or methodologies
used in the planning stage are
Business Plan and Milestones

The most important issue in

this phase is to ensure
project activities are
properly executed and
controlled. During the
execution phase, the
planned solution is
implemented to solve the
problem specified in the
project's requirements.

During this stage we have to generate knowledge through the

Learning Environment.

The learning environment is a medium through which members

are able to live and learn from the AIESEC experience. It enables
individuals to reflect, learn from others, participate in groups and
contribute to physical and virtual forums as well apply their
learned skills.
The AIESEC learning environment has 6 elements:

Individual discovery and reflection:

Being able to draw your own conclusions and big picture

understanding regarding your surrounding is crucial to your
self development. Through self discovery at each stage of the
AIESEC experience, you are able to drive your own learning to
complement your personal development.

Team experiences:

This is the basis of our current organisational structure. This

environment gives you the opportunity to apply what you learn
and helps you gain desired experiences, skills, network and
practical knowledge in an area that interests you. It creates
the space for innovation and activity which makes it the hub
for enterprise in the organisation.

Learning circles:

These are local learning communities which are formed by

local, national and international AIESEC members who share a
common interest in gaining knowledge, experiences or
networks in a common sector or topic. They are informal and
dynamic to allow freedom in exploring different topics you are
interested in.

Conferences and seminars:

AIESEC holds over 350 national and international conferences

every year, and they serve as a major organisational activity
support. AIESEC members are able to gain high quality
information and training from alumni, partners and
experienced members through this element in addition to
engaging with our stakeholders within the learning

This process removes you from your comfort zone that is enough
to help you gain objectivity over yourself. Mentorship advances
your personal awareness and further develops your potential by
gaining professional or experienced advice and guidance from
your mentor based on your goals and personal plans.

Virtual spaces:

This is the online platform that enables us to share and explore

information among the AIESEC members. This is through features as wikis, forums, blogs etc.


In this last stage, the project manager must ensure that the
project is brought to its proper completion. The closure phase is
characterized by a written formal project review report
containing the following components: a formal acceptance of the
final product by the client, Weighted Critical Measurements
(matching the initial requirements specified by the client with the
final delivered product), rewarding the team, a list of lessons
learned, releasing project resources, and a formal project closure
notification to higher management. No special tool or
methodology is needed during the closure phase.


Closure PBoX Planning


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