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Objective of the report:

Main objective:
The main objective of the report is to find out how an organization maintain staffing
strategy and HRP, know about the recruitment and selection device, to determine how
Jahan Textile Ltd. Forecast human and determined gaps.

Specific Objective:

How are job objectives/standards set by the company

Various job analysis process and role of HR activities that the company is using
and reasons for that

How do the companies ensure a fair and equitable evaluation

Methods of internal and external recruitment

How is the staffing strategies determined for each level/rank of employee

Determine the gap and develop action plans for demand and supply forecasting of
the organization.

Scope of the report:

The scope of this report is limited to the overall descriptions of the logistic firm, its
services and its HRP strategy, job analysis, recruitment and selection device, human
resource forecasting.

In the organization part, much information has been collected from journals, brochures
and web sites. All the information incorporated in this report has been collected both
from the primary sources and as well as from the secondary sources.

Primary Sources of Data:

For collecting primary data we have developed a questionnaire and go for face to face
discussion with Md. Shafayat Hossain (Executive officer of Jahan Textile Ltd). Most
of the data are given by him.

Secondary Sources of Data:

Secondary information has been collected in order to create this report. The information
has been collected from internet, related text books, class lecture, journal and companys


People of Jahan Textile Ltd. are very hesitated for sharing some information
which is confidential.

Data finding was really difficult and time consuming. The project could be more
informative if we could find more data from them.

In sense of collecting information, sometimes, we couldnt collect latest

information and thats why we had to use backdated information.

Company Overview:
In Bangladesh, there are many trained and skilled people in the textile sector. Keeping
these in mind and providing them with the right mix of training and using them
efficiently and effectively the country can, possibly improve the textile sector and its
related investment as well as the development of new textile factories such as Jahan
Textile LTD which deliver the best services.

Jahan Textile Limited

Jahan Textile LTD (FTL) will be a vertical integrated textile manufacturing &exporting
composite unit. The Fabricana group will have the facilities for Yarn spinning, Fabric
knitting-dyeing, finishing and Garments cutting-sewing-finishing-packing-exporting.
From Fiber to Garment, Fabricana is a truly integrated undertaking. The Textile Division
will have the capability to offer a complete product range for the export and domestic
textile markets.
Jahan Textile LTD will be an evolutionary textile and garments factory, which is going to
start its operation in 2008. it will be a 100% export oriented textile and garments factory,
which will be receiving orders from USA, UK or other countries and will be supplying
them and will earn foreign currency for the country. The rational behind the existing
structure and future expansion of the Textile Division is to capture value-added at each
stage of the textile manufacturing process. Despite Bangladesh's lack of indigenous
cotton production capability, Fabricana will have leveraged Bangladesh's labor cost
advantage and export competitiveness to the maximum.

Their mission is to be the leading worldwide quality fabric and garments provider by
providing quality products to the buyers in given time at a very competitive, yet
affordable price so that they can secure the buyers faith on them to explore new
opportunities that builds revenue growth and sustainability using their core competencies
to gain a leading market position.

The vision is to be the leader of the textile industry in Bangladesh by 2015 by
expanding the factory, extending production capacity,utilizing the in-house facilities to
achieve and maintain the optimum quality standard and deliver fabric and garments at the
shortest time possible for the minimum inventory level for the buyers, creating a safe and
sound work environment for the employees and creating more employment in

Organisation Values:
There will be several elements that define this excellence

Customer Flexibility:

Products will be developed based on consumer

needs. Success will be driven by product design from market analysis,

demographic and economic data with systems, which allow rapid development.

Employee flexibility:

One of our primary responsibilities is to

provide exceptional service to our policyholders and our field partners. Every
employee of this company will share this responsibility.

Product Performance:

Product performance will be core strength of

Fabricana Composite Textile LTD. we will always try to maintain it at any cost.

Marketing Excellence:

We recognize that we have a responsibility

to provide value-added sales and market support systems for our product
offerings. A major focus in the future will be to bring information, sales systems
and programs to our field force to increase the effectiveness of their marketing
and sales efforts.

Systems Excellence:

We will strive to create efficiencies that will

enable Fabricana Composite Textile to keep products and services on the cutting
edge. We will work to create a paper-less environment where appropriate and

Organization Philosophy
Organizational culture, beliefs and values are a critical part of guiding philosophy and
therefore vision. In every organization there should be a philosophy, based on what the
culture of the organization is built and practiced. Similarly, It will be the creation and
expansion of businesses critical to Bangladesh's development, businesses, which will be
developed and will run by Bangladeshis, businesses that develop technologies and
practices specific to the needs of the country, which is the defining characteristic of the
Jahan Textile LTD.




Team Work Integrity


The Companys aim/objective is to ensure long-term growth in earning by

Serving Customer needs for quality fabrics

Focusing on selected businesses where the company can maintain an effective

market and cost position

Development of collaborative, cross-functional teams to do work and solve


Removing error and making prevention

Making a standard of zero defects

Managing Cost

Assuring quality in any effort the first time, every time

Sustaining an environment which optimizes employee contribution to the

achievement of company objectives

Strategic Direction
Fabricana Textiles strategic direction for the next several years reflects an ambitious
agenda with a strong focus valued on its expertise in organization and factory
management and its ability to positively impact the delivery of quality product. To
support this bold commitment, they are challenged with sustaining and growing staff
populations. As Fabricana is a composite textile, it will always give continuous effort to
ensure the different types of quality product within desirable time through specialized
procedures and good management workforce.
The Strategies are

The company will always try to be the benchmark to other companies

The buyers demand will be the main focus of the organization.

The company will offer fast and effective service.

The company will go for different buyers from different countries.

The company will focus greatly on its production strategy and make the
shipments of the orders on time.

These Strategies will be achieved through

By setting internal controls.

Constantly upgrading machineries to provide better production and faster

Decentralizing authority to the production levels.

Developing incentive compensation schemes.

Implementing variable premium payment frequencies allowing flexibility for

policyholders and improved efficiency for employees.

Product Range
The products that will be manufactured by Jahan Textile LTD will be Fabric, Jersey,
trousers, Shirt, T-shirt. It will manufacture these products of different designs and
different sizes according to the buyers demand. As the organization expands its
production capability it may increase the variety in itsproducts. That will be again on the
buyers demand.

Office location is very important to any business. A factory should be placed outside the
city for avoiding environment pollution. Moreover the temporary Bangladeshi
government has given its backing to a deal to move garment factories away from capital
Dhaka. Keeping these in mind the Board of Directors has established the Company in
Kanchpur, Narayongonj. The address of the company:
Corporate office:

11029 Green Road, Farmgate, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.

Telephone: 9119995, 01712-193560
Plot no - 22/58, Kanchpur, Sonargaron, Narayongonj.

Human Resource Department

The existence of a human resources department is vital to overall productivity and
efficiency of the strong workforce in any thriving company. In most professional
organizations, the role of the human resources department is not sidelined or eclipsed by
other departments. In fact, good human resources can be one of the most valued and
respected departments in an organization; their job is people, and people are the
companys most important asset.
Now in the competitive global market human resource is the most welcomed resource
than other resources. Human resource planning will be a central matter in the strategy of
Jahan Textile LTD. This is because human resource planning would help their managers
to decide what strategies to develop to help maintain a supply of skilled workers who will
best contribute to meet the future needs of their organization. One of the major roles of a
human resources department in a successful business involves a lot of observation and
analysis from behind the scenes. Indeed, the intelligence of the human resources
department often involves what can be likened to crunching numbers. Compiling
complex data and metrics that follow the performance of individual employees, as the
move through the workforce is an important task, which has helped human resources,
work out crucial solutions to inefficiency, sagging profit margins and more.

Corporate Culture
They will be committed to providing the best possible climate for maximum development
and achievement of goals for all employees. Employees will also be be challenged to
improve Jahan Textile LTDs quality and quantity of production. It will their practice to
treat each employee as an individual. Each employee will encouraged to develop and
promote a spirit of teamwork- individuals working together to attain a common goal that
allows every employee a chance to succeed.

In order to maintain an atmosphere where goals can be accomplished, they have provided
a progressive workplace where open communication is promoted and new ideas are

Mission of Human Resource Department

Mission of HR department ensuring that the organization has the right employees with
the right skills in the right places at the right times, to prevent overstaffing and
understaffing, to ensure that the organization is responsive to changes in the environment
and to provide direction and coherence to all HR activities and systems.

Create Necessary Jobs

Preserve concrete Recruitment and Selection procedure

Maintaining an effective Training and Development program

Design effective Compensation policy

Developing competencies that enhance individual and organizational


Increasing the innovation, creativity and flexibility necessary to enhance


Maintain the proper Performance Evaluation system

Applying new approaches to work process design, succession planning,

career development and inter-organizational mobility

Preserve the right to terminate and renew of Job contracts

Human Resource Planning (HRP)

Jahan Textile Limited Planning how their organization will meet its human resources
needs and how people will be supported and nurtured within the organization is critical
for success.It is the first component of HRM strategy. All other functional HR activities
are derived from and flow out of the HRP process. It has its basis in considerations of
future HR requirements in light of present HR capabilities and capacities. The company
is proactive in anticipating and preparing flexible responses to changing HR
requirements. It has both an internal and external focus. They have some key objectives
of Human Resource Planning. These are

Prevent overstaffing and understaffing

Ensure that the organization has the right employee with the right skill in the
right place at the right time

Ensure the organization is responsive to changes in its environment

Provide direction and coherence to all HR activities and system

Strategic/ Plan based Human Resources Management

Jahan Textile LTD has a strategic plan which guides the organization in successfully
meeting its mission. Strategic human resources management, which is also called
strategic human resources planning, links HR management directly to the strategic plan
of organization. Based on this strategic plan, their organization can develop a strategic
human resource plan which will allow them to make human resources management
decisions now to support the future direction of the organization.
The overall purpose of strategic or plan based human resources management is to

Ensure adequate human resources to meet the strategic goals and operational
plans of your organization the right people with the right skills at the right time

Keep up with social, economic, legislative and technological trends that impact
on human resources in your area and in the voluntary sector

Remain flexible so that your organization can manage change if the future is
different than anticipated

The strategic Human Resources Planning Process

The strategic human resources planning process of Fabricana will have four steps

Assessing the current human resources capacity

Forecasting human resources requirements

Gap analysis

Developing human resources strategies to support organizational strategies

Assessing the current human resources capacity

According to the organization's strategic plan, the first step in the strategic human
resources planning process is to assess the current human resources capacity of the
organization. The knowledge, skills, and abilities of the current staff need to be identified.
This can be done by developing a skills inventory for each employee. The skills inventory
should go beyond the skills needed for the particular position. List all skills each
employee has demonstrated. For example, recreational or volunteer activities may
involve special skills that could be relevant to the organization. Education levels and
certificates or additional training should also be included.

Forecasting human resources requirements or demand

Through human resource planning, Jahan textile Ltd. expect to accomplish an effective
deployment of human resources through by forecasting and balancing the demand and
supply of employee and labor in the country and in the organization. The next step is to
forecast human resources needs for the future based on the strategic goals of the
organization. Realistic forecasting of human resources involves estimating both demand
and supply. Questions to be answered include

How many staff will be required to achieve the strategic goals of the

What jobs will need to be filled?

What skill sets will people need?

How will the external environment impact on our human resources needs?

When forecasting demands for human resources, they also asses the challenges that
will have in meeting their staffing need based on the external environment. In this
case, they consider few things like

Considers the firm s strategic plans effects on increases or decreases in the

demand for the firm s products or services. firms plans firm

Assumptions on which the forecast is predicated should be written down and

revisited when conditions change

Unit forecasting(bottom-up planning) involves point of contactestimation of

the future demand for employees

Unit forecasting (bottom-up planning) involves point of contact estimation of

the future demand for employees

Top-down forecasting involves senior managers allocating a fixed payroll budget

across the organizational hierarchy.

The demand for employee skills requirements must also be considered.

The level and quantities of abilities, skills and experiences can be determined
using a Skills Inventory

A human resource information system (HRIS), especially computerized databases,

updated at least annually, is a dynamic source of HR information.

Markov analysis can be used to create a transition probability

Demand Forecasting using Qualitative & Quantitative methods

After gathering data from the primary and secondary sources, then they will attempt to
forecast the demand levels in the future. The tools that are available for forecasting can
be divided into three broad categories, which are explained in detail below

Qualitative Methods
These methods rely on experts who try to quantify the level of demand from the available
qualitative data. The two most widely followed methods are

Management Forecast
Opinions of a group of experts are called for and these are then combined to arrive at the
estimated demand.

Delphi Method
In this method a group of experts are sent questionnaires through mail. The responses
received are summarized without disclosing the identities. Further mails are sent for
clarification in cases of extreme views. The process is repeated till the group reaches to a
reasonable agreement.

Quantitative Methods

These methods forecast demand levels based on analysis of historical time series. One of
the important methods in this category is Trend Analysis. It is the forecasting labor
demand based on an organizational index

Select a business factor that best predicts human resources needs.

Plot the business factor in relation to the number of employees to determine the
labor productivity ratio

Compute the productivity ratio for the past five years

Calculate human resources demand by multiplying the business factor by the

productivity ratio

Project human resources demand out to the target years.

Gap analysis
The next step is to determine the gap between where your organization wants to be in the
future and where you are now. The gap analysis includes identifying the number of staff
and the skills and abilities required in the future. All organization's human resources
management practices to identify practices that could be improved or new practices
needed to support the organization's capacity to move forward. Questions to be answered

What new jobs will we need?

What new skills will be required?

Do our present employees have the required skills?

Are employees currently in positions that use their strengths?

Do we have enough managers/supervisors?

Are current human resources management practices adequate for future needs?

Developing human resources strategies to support organizational strategies

There are five human resources strategies for meeting our organization's needs in the

Restructuring strategies

Recruitment strategies

Selection strategies

Training and development strategies

Restructuring strategies

Reducing staff either by termination or attrition

Regrouping tasks to create well designed jobs

Reorganizing work units to be more efficient

If their assessment indicates that there is an oversupply of skills, there are a variety of
options open to assist in the adjustment. Termination of workers gives immediate results.
Generally, there will be costs associated with this approach depending on their
employment agreements. Notice periods are guaranteed in all provinces. Be sure to
review the employment/ labor standards in their province or territory to ensure that are
compliant with the legislation.

Can provide up to date technology
Can increase job satisfaction level of the employees
Can introduce job retention process
Can increase reward & compensation
Can increase the network coverage
Can get the leader of telecommunication section

A textile is a cloth, which is either woven by hand or machine. "Textile" has traditionally
meant, "a woven fabric". The term comes from the Latin word texere, meaning to weave.
Textile products play a vital role in meeting mans basic needs. We often only consider
textiles to be the clothes we wear. Obviously, the clothing industry is where the majority
of textiles are produced and used. However, textiles are also important in all aspects of
our lives from birth to death. The use of textiles has been traced back over 8500 years.
The technological advances of textiles in various industries do not always get recognized

as they do in the clothing industry. In 2010, 1016,000 workers were employed by the
textile mills and textile product industries and Jahan Textile Ltd. is one of them where
they provide an atmosphere environment for the employees of human resource
department and accomplish their goal.

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