Nomad Probe Papercraft by Rocketmantan-D4hci6i

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Launched in 2002 aboard a Titan IV rocket

from Cape Canaveral, Nomad, the first in a
planned series of probes, became the first interplanetary spacecraft with the sole purpose
of seeking out new life. Designed by the eccentric Dr. Jackson Roykirk, Nomad also hold
the distinction of being the first fullyautonomous spacecraft capable of
independent logic.

Many critics have spoken out against the Nomad mission, claiming that space telescopes
are a more efficient way to search for extraterrestrial life. However, Roykirk has ignored
the critics, and holds firm in his belief that Nomad will be the first in a series of interstellar
ships, each and every one of them sailing
through the cosmic ocean.

As of November 2011, Nomad is rapidly apThe probe was initially programmed to travel proaching the heliopause with the help of its
groundbreaking new impulse drive. Nomad
to Alpha Centauri, but after the discovery of
Gliese 581 c in 2007, Roykirk immediately re- has since discovered three minor planets in
programmed the probe, much to the publics the Kuiper belt, and has been programmed to
surprise. This isnt the first of Roykirks eccen- reach a debris field some twenty-seven thoutricities that have been reflected in the probe, sand kilometers wide. While some believe
however. In 2011, a week after Cleverbot had that the maneuver may put the spacecraft at
beaten the Turing Test, Roykirk arranged for risk of debris impact, Roykirk has simply replied in his satirically cavalier fashion: Damn
Nomad to undertake the same challenge.
the debris; full speed ahead!
After defeating Cluebot, Nomad went on to
ace Deep Blue in a game of chess.

sensor part 2

Sperographic Analysis Computer

Sperograph mounts

sensor part 1

Main bus part 2

Tracking Screen

Tracking Screen


Engine part 1

PROBE 2002-45b
NOMAD Mk-15c

Selective Amplifier

Selective Amplifier

PROBE 2002-45b
NOMAD Mk-15c

Attach the
mounts in a

Main bus part 1

assy here

Engine part 2

Engine part 3

Engine mount

Mount on dorsal
side of main
spacecraft bus

Place this behind

the exhaust,
printed side facing

Copyright 2011 Bryan Tan

Star Trek and related properties are property of CBS Broadcasting inc.

Port tracking
screen (dark side
faces forwards)

Data encoders

Stbd tracking

Selective amplifier screens

Selective Amplifier

Place two Vernier Pulse

modules on either side of
the spacecraft bus

Vernier pulse mounts

Copyright 2011 Bryan Tan

Star Trek and related properties are property of CBS Broadcasting inc.

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