The Enigma of Multiverse

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The enigma of Multiverse and the Creation

Mubashir Hassan
There are many more things in the heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
The perfect harmony characterizing the universe has baffled the physicists as to how it is so. The
ratio of various physical entities, the value of constants (like gravitational constant), timing of
various events, the rate of expansion, angles of orientation of heavenly bodies with respect to
each other and the distances in between, are perfect. The mass of the sub atomic particles too are
marvelously such as to make the existence of the universe and the life in it possible. If these
values were slightly different, the universe would have collapsed just before its coming into
existence or the haphazardness in it would have caused its destruction or at least the life wouldnt
have been possible. The perfect conditions at the beginning of the universe, (big bang) are big
riddles still unsolved. Stephen Hawking says, If the rate of expansion one second after the big
bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe
would have re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size.
There cant be any other explanation for this fine tuning except the absolutely wise
Creator, Who decided all this. He Who created the seven heavens one above another: No want
of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of (Allah) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again:
seest thou any flaw? Again turn thy vision a second time: (thy) vision will come back to thee dull
and discomfited, in a state worn out. (Al Quran 67:3-4)
As the new research is depicting more symmetry and perfection, the chance argument
loses its sheen. Unwilling to accept the simple truth of the creation, the atheists are putting forth
one or the other imaginary theories but with little success. In the theories which these people put
forth for the explanation of the universe, there are loopholes and impossibilities which cant be
resolved and ultimately lead to the existence of a Creator. However, these atheists do not want to
venture out into the realm of Reality when it starts to dawn, instead they close their eyes and
chase Mirages. But those who disbelieved - their deeds are like a mirage in a lowland which a
thirsty one thinks is water until, when he comes to it, he finds it is nothing but finds Allah before
Him... (Al- Quran - 24:39)

Currently the Multiverse theory is in news and gaining momentum and at large Hydron
collider they are going to conduct an experiment to prove whether the Mutliverse exists, though
indirectly. Simply put, the theory says that there is not just one but an infinite number of
universes. In 1954, Hugh Everett III, a Princeton University doctoral candidate, came up with the
idea that there exist parallel universes, exactly like our universe. "These other universes may
even contain you, in a slightly different form." We are told that there are scientists who believe
that "these parallel universes exist less than one millimeter away from us." (BBC
Programme, Parallel Universes). We are unable to perceive these new universes, as they exist in
dimensions different from the four dimensions of our universe, but in future we may be able to
make contacts with them, they assert. Mir Faizal, one of the physicists concerned with it, said:
Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two dimensional objects [breadth and length]
can exist in a third dimension [height], parallel universes can also exist in higher dimensions.
The logic behind this uproar is that if there exists a vast multiverse, the probability of fine
tuning on our earth increases and it becomes easier to explain. Hawkins, the greatest physicist of
our times, speculates that other unseen universes may exist, increasing the odds that one of them
(ours) is perfectly fine-tuned for life. One thing is clear that these people are ready to accept
anything which doesnt, in their opinion, favour Creationism. This stand itself is biased,
Let us suppose that they succeed in proving that an infinite number of universes exist,
would it serve the purpose of atheists? No. Not at all. The problem is not fine tuning of the
universe or the number of universes. These things are immaterial. The established fact that the
universe has had a beginning is a great challenge to atheist. Whatever they propose fails to
satisfy even their own selves. Their theories and assertions fail at last and their explanations
appear bereft of logic. Allah, the creator, is Omnipotent. It is no wonder that He has created a
Multi-universe. It does not matter whether He created one universe or multi-universe. He can
create whatever He wants to. We have not fully understood the meaning of Rabb al-alamin,
which we recite at the beginning of each Rakat of our Salat. What does Aalamin Mean?
Obviously it means many universes. For believers it doesnt matter whether there is single or
Multi-universe. It is all same. It is all created.
If the Multiverse is discovered, it would pose new problems to the atheists. They are
unable to explain the existence of one universe how can they account for the existence of infinite

number of universes, so close but oblivious of each other. They would then have to account for
new problems that would appear from the discovery of it. They would have to explain whether
they came into existence simultaneously or separately. How the gravitational fields of one
universe affect that of other? How they interact. Possible radiations from one universe affecting
the other. So many unsolved mysteries. They would again come to point where they began. The
reality cant be replaced by Fantasy and Fiction. Creation is the reality and the rest is fantasy.
Whether the scientists can prove it or not and whether other universes exist or not, is yet
to be seen. But one thing is clear, that there are things beyond the realm of our observation, our
thoughts and even our imagination. We can never be certain that whatever we have understood
about the universe is the ultimate truth. There is no point in dismissing things we do not know
about or understand. There is always room for improvement and further understanding. When we
talk about hereafter, life-after death, hell and heaven, these men of science (?) laugh at us, and try
to make us believe that these are imaginary things, but when they say imaginary things and if we
do not believe them they label us as ignorant people.
Dhoondne Wala Sitaron Ki Guzrgahon Ka/
Apne Afkar Ki Dunya Mein Safar Kar Na Saka (Iqbal)
(He tracked the orbits of the stars, yet could not Travel his own thoughts world.)

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