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1. A lot of young people are on the dole.

On the dole means

a) unemployed and receiving money from the government
b) depressed and in poor health
c) not paid well enough by their employers
d) very successful in their careers
2. The house was full of priceless antiques. Priceless means
a) old and well-known b) extremely valuable
c) cheap and useless
d) richly decorated
3. The bathroom is communal. Communal means
a) small and cramped b) separate
c) large and spacious d) shared by a group of people
4. The child a tantrum.
a) delivered b) threw c) flung d) hurled
5. The families decided to . the feud.
a) cover
b) plant
c) bury
d) withdraw
6. As Jake . to Mrs. Williams, he . that he . her before.

a) introduced/realized/had met
c) was introduced/was realizing/had met

b) was introduced/realized/had met

d) was being introduced/realized/met

7. My cousin is a vegan. That that he any animal products. At the moment he

from a vitamin problem and the doctor . that he should eat some fish or meat.
a) means/doesnt eat/is suffering/thinks
b) means/isnt eating/is suffering/is thinking
c) is meaning/doesnt eat/suffers/thinks
d) means/isnt eating/is suffering/thinks
8. He has been dismissed his job incompetence.
a) of/for
b) from/for c) from/on d) of/on
9. The plane at 8.30 a.m.
a) got through
b) took up
c) picked up
d) took off
10. They constructed the bridge in 1864. The bridge in 1864.
a) had been constructed b) was being constructed c) was constructed d) is constructed
11. They are holding a party at the health club. The party . at the health club.
a) is held
b) was being held c) had been held
d) is being held
12. Alcohol has a effect on the body.
a) noticed b) noticing c) noticeable d) noticeably
13. Phone tapping is strictly
a) unlegal b) illegal
c) dislegal
d) mislegal
14. As a student, I travelled . in the Middle East.
a) extensable
b) extensably
c) extensively d) extensive

15. Emily .. off the bus, and into the bank when she . that she
her handbag on the bus.
a) got/went/had realized/left
b) got/went/realized/had left
c) was getting/went/realized/had left
d) got/was going/realized/left
16. Flooding had cause the collapse of the mine. The collapse of the mine by
a) was caused
b) had been caused
c) is being caused d) is caused
17. Be quiet let me concentrate my homework.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) to
A 32-year old man got/had got/was getting/is getting home from work to find that someone stole/had
stolen/was stealing/is stealing a shed from his back garden. Martin Graham, who had lived/was
living/is living/lives in Francis Road, Darnelly, told/was telling/had told/is telling us he couldnt
believe his eyes. There was simply nothing there. I thought I went/was going/had gone/am going into
the wrong garden. A neighbour who noticed/was noticing/had noticed/notices the men while they
disassembled/were disassembling/ had disassembled/are disassembling the shed, assumed/was
assuming/had assumed/assumes that Mr Graham asked/was asking/had asked/is asking them to do it.
The two men drove/were driving/had driven/are driving off in a white van. Police investigate/are
investigating/investigates/is investigating and have issued a description of the two men.

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