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While making marketing mix, the courier companies require to make services competitive
which make services competitive which makes it essential that the courier organizations
conceptualize marketing in such a way that the process of qualitative-cum-quantities
transformation are activated in the face of emerging business conditions.
Letters, packets

Letters, Packets


Documents, paper
Boxes (Inland)
Boxes (Foreign)

The service needs to study the behavioural profit of users so as to meeting the changing
requirements of users & hence market segmentation is important while formulating a
marketing mix
Computation makes it essential that the courier organizations should design a sound product
mix which can help then in understanding changing behaviour needs & requirements of
different segments of users, on prospects & the service profiles would be made user friendly.
Innovations must be done to cater the changing behaviour & needs & attractions to the core
services will help in attracting customers, these will require professional excellence & well
developed information systems. Professionals will easily make out the changing trends in
With the industrialization & globalization user needs support of courier services at different
stages moreover inefficient of post department has not left any option in front of users.

Thus stimulation of demand makes it essential that the customers get the services which are
not to be made by post departments. Here comes the role of Innovative services & additional
Ordinary betters and valuable documents should not be discriminated. Especially in
terms of time-honored & safe delivery.
Organizations need to minimize time limit since it is an imp. Factor of courier service.
Organizations should develop a package especially for the habitual & large size
The boxes, letters, packets should reach out to the users / parties onetime in safe

Professionals needs to make it sure that promised services should reach out to the users
without distortion. We cant neglect that users has high expectations as they are paying high.
Courier services is influenced by quality, they offer hence it is essential that in a product mix
they assign due weightage to the different supporting services they need from transportation
& communication network.
Maximum small courier service organizations are operational but they lack strong supportive
network which is envisioning the image of courier services, which need to be revised by
leading organizations by keeping strong support of supporting services like transport &
communication and formulate strong supporting network.
Scope: With the expansion of job markets in the urban areas we find a large scale migration
of rural population to the urban areas. This generates profitable business for the courier
organizations even in the rural areas & therefore efforts should be made to target these
customers too.
While formulating product mix they are required to make service portfolio which includes
both high profit generating as well as low profit generating services hence there is a
requirement of world class professional engaged to market services.
Your quality services lack any meaning unless the target prospects know about the same. You
need to formulate a sound service formulate a sound service profite & to use different
constituents of promotion in such a faction that the prospects are informed sensed &
persuaded in a creative way. For these we have to use different tools of promotion mix:
Advertise play effective role in promoting business. In present sopnisticated era advertising is
more instrumental in promotion of courier services.
There are several options like print media, Broadcast media & telecast media.
Professionals are responsible for choosing the effective media according to their requirement,
budget & target customers.
For courier services print media is supposed to be more useful as the sophistication in the
development of print technology opened the door for creativity.

The print media like Newspaper, magazines are cheaper & have wide approach as it is used
by majority of all segments of users. In addition it provides opportunity of making descriptive
ads to inform details about services, and frequency of adds Attractive slogans can attract
Broad casting may also be used by the organizations.
Because it is costly in nature telecast media cant be suitable for small organizations inspite
of it is effective & its reach to all segment.
PUBLICITY: - Being an unpaid form of persuasive communication, the publicity makes
it essential to develop good relation network with media people so that they can write
articles on the services in business organizations need to satisfy them.
PERSONEL SELLING: - Courier services may be successful in promoting business in
right fashion if the sales people have good communication ability. The organizations
[Large size] may engage agents, trade representatives, with good personality &
communication skills to transform dialogues into deal.
WORD OF MOUTH PROMOTION:-If courier organization offers world class services
to the users, it is but natural that they remain satisfied they will tell to their friends &
relatives & hence will act as a hidden sales force.
Ultimately rewards are given to the quality services offer to customers.
Organizations need to think innovative to satisfy sales personnel, marketing personnel & to
users of services, they can offer gifts, attractive packages, discounted services to the habitual
users etc.
TELEMARKETING:The information regarding to the services, the queries, confusions of customers can be
entertain on telephones. Hence organization should recruit a person with good
communication skills to entertain people on phone & convince the users.
PRICE MIX:In Indian perspective pricing decisions become critical because organizations are supposed to
make rational decisions which will maintain their commercial viability & sub serve the
interest of those segments of people who are not in position to pay high tariff as weaker
factions of society even find courier services convenient.
But organization has to buy supporting services from different categories of organizations
which influence there tariff & the users are only source of their financing, & competition is
also high & they have to explore avenues for same. Hence they find it difficult to offer
conclessional or subsidized services.
Market potentials are available since majority of business is yet to be adopted from post
Departments & post departments are not applying marketing strategies & hence their
customers are dissatisfied. Hence professionals should try to think how to snatch business
from post department Tariff can be used as motivational tool for snatching business.

If they succeed in increasing market share by offering quality services at compatible tariff,
then even a small profit would be instrumental in increasing total profit earned by different
departments & then they will easily manage to pay all operational cost by maintaining
commercial viability.
Rational tariff policy is difficult & they have to make scientific & progressive pricing
decisions, this can be done by charging high to the customers who are willing to dispatch
valuable things,
Charging Loss to habitual users.
Very Low
Large-sized habitual users,
The motive is to increase market share by gabbing business from post office. If they give
quality services at comparative tariff market share will automatically increase.
High promotions & even low prices will not reach targets if personnel & agencies are not
aware of their responsibilities & hence place mix becomes significant.
Services offered should be
processed in a right way: - These offices/ branches should be managed in a proper way
with sophisticated technology & efficient personnel who has taken proper training who
can properly treat customer according to their behavioral profit. He should behave
decently with visitors & check the potentials before making high promises so as to avoid
gap between promises made & services given because if customer full that their
valuables will not reach to the right person at the right time the business will be
adversely affected,
Offices & the branches of
organizations are located at a sensitive point, so that user & working employees dont
feel trouble.
Easy accessibility, proper infrastructure with interiors & proper furniture, sophisticated
communication services etc add attraction to the services.
Then availability of power & transportation facilities are due important care should be
taken about the safety & protection provisions too,
Finally support of head office to different branches requires for channeling smooth flow
of operations.
PEOPLE MIX:Functioning of organization depends upon the employees working for organization. Hence
professionals should take care about the recruitment of proper personnel, people Mix is the
important component of marketing mix. A fair synchronizations of performance orientation &
employee-orientation is needed,
Performance orientation means improving efficiency of employees. Employees working at
the offices should be efficient, well aware of operations & maintenance of technologies,
sincere & punctual.
Employee- orientation means focusing on motivating employees by offering them efficiency
based incentives even high performers may disappoint us if we continue to exploit him &

even low performer satisfy us if we train & motivate him. Hence priority to the incentive
plans for employees should be given
THE PHYSICAL APPERANCE: The physical appearance is the office of the agent or the company. The atmosphere around the
office of the agent. The appearance of the people or the employee who comes to collect or
deliver the courier and also the way he is carrying the package. Is it in good condition or not.
THE PROCESS: The process in a courier industry is of utmost importance because it might involve some
important documents and other packages. Also when someone is there at the door to courier
some thing he may ask several questions which need to be answered which wont be possible
if a proper process is not available. Process is also important to ensure that the right parcel or
letter reaches the right person at the specified time and place. Thus the documentation and
procedure occupies a place of outstanding significance.

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