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Year 11 Christian Studies

Final Due Date:
Topic covered:

6th August 2015 at 3:30pm

P1, P3, and P5
World religions

Nature of task:

Research and presentation task on one of major world

Intended audience:

Shore Year 11
students have been studying the major world religions in some
detail this year, so you probably know more about many of the
beliefs and practices than your parent/guardian. You should develop
a presentation that will be engaging and informative for your
parent/guardian, demonstrating detailed knowledge of the core
beliefs and practices in your chosen religion.

Mode of presentation:
Students should
produce an 8 minute presentation using whatever digital format
they choose. For example, students could produce
an 8 minute edited video; or
film an 8 minute talk (perhaps supported by props or
PowerPoint); or
write an article for publication (assuming that people read 1,000
words in 8 min); or
generate a PowerPoint slide-show that will automatically run for
8 minutes; or
build a website, video game or application that will take 8
minutes to navigate; or
any other form of communication that will engage and inform
the audience.
Initial presentation to your parent/guardian:
You will be required to present a finished product to your
(or a similar audience, by arrangement with your teacher).
Your parent/guardian will be asked to provide feedback by filling out
the form.
The feedback form is attached to this assignment and will also be
emailed to your parent/guardian with an explanation of the content
of this assignment.
Revision process:

After your initial presentation, your parent/guardian is to complete

the attached form, providing you with feedback on your
presentation and making some suggestions for improvement.
You should act on these suggestions and make appropriate
adjustments before the final submission of your presentation.

Final submission:

You should submit two items by uploading them to the Due Work
module on your Lampada Christian Studies class page by 3:30pm
on 6th August 2015.

A scanned or saved document showing your parent/guardians feedback

Your final presentation (incorporating any suggestions from your parent/guardian)
The final product should be saved for submission in a readily
accessible digital format (normally a .doc, .mp4, .ppt, but it will also
be permissible to submit a URL address where a file such as a video
or Prezi document might be accessed).
The maximum file size in Lampada is 250MB, so individual files
need to be smaller than this. Large submissions may need to be
split into several smaller files.
At night time, upload speeds will be slow but the system should
handle the load.
See next page for the 5 options on the topics for your presentation.
Choose one of the following questions.

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
your strength.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
Deuteronomy 6:4-6
With reference to the quotation above, (i) outline how Judaism presents the
central problem for human existence and (ii) explain how this problem is
addressed in Jewish teaching and practice.


God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
With reference to the quotation above, (i) outline how Christianity presents the
central problem for human existence and (ii) explain how this problem is
addressed in Christian teaching and practice.


Praise be to Allah, Lord of creation, the compassionate, the merciful, King of

Judgement Day.
You alone we worship and to you alone we pray for help. Guide us to the
straight path.
Sura 1:2-6
With reference to the quotation above, (i) outline how Islam presents the central
problem for human existence and (ii) explain how this problem is addressed in
Islamic teaching and practice.

The Atman refers to each persons inner-self. Its destiny is determined by
With reference to the quotation above, (i) outline how Hinduism presents the
central problem for human existence and (ii) explain how this problem is
addressed in Hindu teaching and practice.

The keys to the teaching of the Buddha are found in

the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

With reference to the quotation above, (i) outline how Buddhism presents the
central problem for human existence and (ii) explain how this problem is
addressed in Buddhist teaching and practice.
A full academic bibliography is expected for this task, indicating the sources that
you used for your research. This information may be contained in a separate Word
document if the format for your 8-minute presentation does not otherwise allow this to
be conveniently included. The Due Work Module on Lampada can accept submission of
multiple files for the same task.
Note that there is a +/- 10% tolerance on the 8-minute presentation duration.
The 8-minute time guide refers to information collated and presented by you.
Extensive quotations, footnotes or other supporting material should not be included in
your time limit.

Marking Scheme for final presentation, submitted through the Lampada Due
Work module
With reference to the given quotation (i) outline how your chosen religion presents the
central problem for human existence and (ii) explain how this problem is addressed in
that religions teaching and practice.






Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of
the religion being discussed
Makes clear connection between the quotation and the central
problem for human existence
A well-structured response integrating accurate and relevant
Demonstrates strong knowledge and understanding of the religion
being discussed
Makes connection between the quotation and the central problem
for human existence
A coherent response integrating accurate and relevant terminology
Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the religion
being discussed
Makes some reference to the quotation and the central problem for
human existence
A descriptive response some relevant terminology
Demonstrates poor knowledge and understanding of the religion
being discussed
Makes reference to the quotation or the central problem for human
A descriptive response with limited or inaccurate use of terminology
Communicates in general terms about the religion being discussed

Engaging presentation
Outstanding use of the presentation medium to engage the
Strong use of the presentation medium to engage the audience
Satisfactory use of the presentation medium to engage the
Deficiencies in the use of the presentation medium to engage the
Poor use of the presentation medium to engage the audience
Academic referencing and submission of feedback form
Satisfactory academic referencing
Parental feedback form supplied
Inadequate academic referencing
No parental feedback form supplied

In academic and business environments it is important that submissions be easily read

by your intended recipient. Normally recipients would not bother to open any document
that is in an unfamiliar format.
At school, your recipients (the teachers) will take more effort to reward your efforts by
finding ways to access your presentations, but marks will be deducted if this is
necessary.Re: Year 11 Christian Studies Assignment
Dear Shore parent/guardian,
Your child is completing an assignment on world religions. He has been asked to choose
one of the five major world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and
Islam), then (i) outline how that religion presents the central problem for human
existence and (ii) explain how this problem is addressed in the teaching and practice of
that religion.
In order assist your child in developing presentation skills, he has been asked to select
a presentation format that will communicate his learning most effectively to a real-life
audience: you his parent/guardian. His presentation should be complete in about 8
minutes and deal with the topic in an engaging manner.
Please take time to view your childs presentation and then another few minutes to
provide him with some constructive feedback that he can use to improve his final
submission. You are asked to fill in this feedback form and give it to your child so that
he can make improvements to his presentation by the final due date. We dont expect
you to over-analyse your sons work, but simply to give brief helpful feedback as he
seeks to develop his presentation skills.
The final presentation must be submitted to Lampada Due Work by 3:30pm
Thursday 6th August 2015
A digital copy of this feedback form (scanned or .doc) should accompany the students
1. Did the presentation demonstrate clear knowledge and understanding of the religion
being discussed?
Yes, very much

Yes, quite a bit

Some knowledge shown


2. Did the presentation explain the religions perspective about the central problem for
human existence?
Yes, very much

Yes, quite a bit

More clarity needed


3. Was the response well structured, moving towards a clear conclusion?

Yes, very much

Yes, quite a bit

Structure was unclear

Little visible

4. Was the format of the presentation (eg, use of video, verbal presentation, props,
written materials) effective in making you interested to learn about the religion being

Yes, very much

serious work

Yes, quite a bit

Raised some interest


Other comments:



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