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MHRM : Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)

Paper title: Human Resource Development, Strategies & Systems

Paper number
Group paper1
Maximum marks
Model Question Papers / Past Question Papers
Syllabus details
UNIT - I :
Human Resource Development (HRD) : Concept, Origin and Need, Overview, HRD as
a Total System; Activity Areas of HRD : Training, Education and Development; HRD
HRD Interventions: Integrated Human Resource Development Systems, Staffing for
HRD : Roles of HR Developer ; Physical and Financial Resources for HRD .
Instructional Technology: Learning and HRD; Models and Curriculum; HRD Trends: nt;
Behaviour Modeling and self Directed Learning; Evaluating the HRD Effort.
Human Resource Training: Concept and Importance; Assessing Training Needs, Types
and Methods of Training; Training Within Industry (TWI).
Management Development: Role Play, In-Basket Exercise, Simulation; Vestibule
Training, Management Games, Case Study, Team Development, Designing and
Evaluating Training and Development.

MHRM : Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)

Paper title: Industrial Relations Management
Paper number
Maximum marks

Group paper2

Model Question Papers / Past Question Papers

Syllabus details
Unit I:
Industrial Relations: Concept, Determinants of industrial Relations; Perspectives of
Industrial Relations; Evolution of Industrial Relations. I.L.O.: Structure and Functions; Its
Impact on I.R.; Economic Restructuring and Industrial Relations system in India;
Unit II:
Public Policy on Industrial Relations in India : Constitution and Labour; Five year Plans;
Tripartism: Indian Labour Conference; Standing labour Committee; Wage boards;
Voluntarism; code of Discipline and Code of Conduct; Industrial Truce Resolutions.
Unit III:
Labour Management Co-operation in India: Works Committees; JMCs; Workers
Participation in Management; worker Director; Employee Grievance Redressal System;

Management of Discipline in Industry.

Unit IV:
Industrial Disputes: Causes, Manifestation and Effects; Trends in Industrial Disputes in
India; Stikes, Lockouts, Gherao, Lay off; Retrenchment and Closure; Unfair Labour
Practice; Dispute settlement.
Unit V:
Collective Bargaining, Conciliation, Voluntary Arbitration, Adjudication and Industrial
Relations in Public Sector.

MHRM : Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)

Paper title: Labour Legislation & Case Law
Paper number
Maximum marks

Group Paper3

Model Question Papers / Past Question Papers

Syllabus details
Working Conditions and Enforcement legislation:
The Factories Act, 1948 and A.P. Factories Rules 1950.
The Mines Act 1952 and its Rules;
The Contract Labour Regulations and Abolition Act 2001 and its Rules.
Industrial Relations Legislation:
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and its Rules.
The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 and its Rules.
The Trade Unions Act, 1926.
Wage legislation:
The Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
The Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
Social Security Legislation:
The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923.
The Employee State Insurance Act, 1948.
The Employee Provident Fund (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1952.
The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
Case Law:
There shall be Compulsory question on case law in the paper.

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