Enbe Final Project Rev B

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Research Unit for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia

Foundation of Natural Build Environment (FNBE)
Elements of Natural Built Environment ARC30105
Prerequisite: None
Lecturers: Ms Delliya, Pn Hasmanira and Miss Iffa
Project Two: Built Environment

Better Towns Exploration & Model Representation

20% Individual Work + 20% Group Work
Presentation Part A (Individual): Week 13 - 30th October 2015 submission only
Presentation Part B (Group):Week 18- 9th December 2015 presentation & submission
Just like any living environment, the city is unique and very alive. It grows, it populates, it requires food, it
requires energy, it needs to move, it needs shelter, and it needs protection and defense system, which are
very similar to the natural environment.
The best way to understand a city is to explore and investigate a city first hand. Every city is different yet the
heart of every city is the people and their activities. In this final project, students will investigate about past,
present and future city. With the information collected students are required to propose the future city. The
future city should focus on the needs of the people, the facilities, infrastructures, and how it will
sustain itself in the future.
To plan for the future we should refer to the past. Great cities such as Jericho, Rome, and Babylon
existed thousands of years before we were born. They were the largest cities in the world, and arguably the
epicenters of human civilization. These cities led mankind to new heights of culture and commerce, though
in the end each of them was surpassed and some of them destroyed. We should learn from history to
achieve a better future city.
Cities have been called the highest forms of social organization. Think of the complexity of road systems,
transportation, buildings, regulations, markets, business centres, hospitality, sports events, food distribution,
educational systems, sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing and etcetera. But that complexity didn't spring
up over night. It is the result of long years of human development.
People live, work, and have fun together in many different kinds of communities. A city is a large community,
home to many people; a town is a small community; a suburb is a community located outside of a city; and a
neighbourhood is a small community that consists of the people and buildings near home. The relationship
between the city, town, suburb and neighbourhood is greatly interrelated.

Cities need lungs for breathing, basically well-maintained open, green, public spaces. The city as a physical
composition involves interaction between these man-made and natural components. Basically, a city
consists of spaces for human activities and interactions. It creates identity to a certain city.
Overcrowding in cities causes problems with waste disposal, health and pollution. There are other
significant urban problems as well, among them violence, crime, drugs, and the over-consumption of energy
and other resources. Most of these problems affect not only the city itself but the countryside and often the
entire world. In short, cities contain within them the key challenges towards our civilization.
There are two sides of a city, the positive and the negative, the promise of success and the threat of
disaster. We may never be able to create a perfect city, but we can certainly make improvements. A great
city is a city that is sustainable and liveable.
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project;
1. To expose the elements of the natural and built environment in their basic unit, form and function
2. To show symbiotic relationship of the elements of the natural and built environment
3. To question, analyse and articulate the impact between natural and built environment
Learning Outcomes of this Project
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following:
1. To describe the different characteristics of the natural and built environment by exploring the basic
elements such as natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure.
2. To differentiate and compare the different development of the built environment by looking at the
natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure
3. To analyse and evaluate the different development of the built environment by looking at the natural
topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure
4. Understand how to communicate ideas through observation and using different
media/tools/techniques to present information of the study of natural and built environment
Tasks - Methodology

1.0 Introduction:
The idea of this project is to understand the component and elements of a city/town and what makes a
better future city/town. This final project is divided into two parts as describe below;


-A4 Booklet

-A2 Presentation Boards

-Physical Model of a Better
Future Town Center

- to investigate and describe a

small city or town where you live
- plus to understand further about
town & cities

- to propose a new future better

town center
- to apply the principles learnt to
the new proposed town center

2.0 Part A: (Individual 20%) An A4 Booklet About A City/Town

A4 BOOKLET - Individually students are required to produce an A4 booklet about the city or town nearest
to their existing home or home town plus to include investigation about cities and towns in general. In this
booklet students are required to observe, investigate and to collect information about the selected city or
town and basic history and principles of cities and town in general. Students are required to organise the
information collected into a booklet that will be easier to understand by any reader. The booklet should
include the following content;
a. DESCRIPTION OF TOWN OR CITY To provide definition and some general introduction.
(1-2 pages)

b. PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE CITY - To investigate and provide information about one ancient or
medieval city, one current city and one future/futuristic city.
(3-6 pages)

c. TOWN PLANNING PRINCIPLES - To investigate and describe further one of the following town
planning principles. (in a group each person takes one different topic)
1. Garden City Concept
2. Geddisan Triad Patrick
3. Neighbourhood Unit
Sir Ebenezer Howard
- C A Perry
4. Radburn Concept
5. Satellite Towns
6. Broadacre City
(2-3 pages)

d. BETTER FUTURE TOWN GUIDELINES To investigate and provide information about what
makes a better future towns and cities. Students should list it out.
(2-3 pages)

e. THE CITY/TOWN THAT I LIVE IN To investigate and tabulate information about a town or city
that you live in according to guidelines below.
(8-15 pages)

An Overview (To provide and introduction about the town or city that you are observing,
investigating) location, distance, population, density, demographics, ect.

About the city/town - (To locate, identify and elaborate about the followings through
diagrammatic maps and images about the types of areas, condition, location, size, type of
building, activities related to the build environment, space usage and activities etc)
- Zoning of the city/town (residential, industrial, education etc)
- Residential areas (the different type of areas new/old low cost?)
- Public buildings (library/stadium etc)
- Public open spaces, recreational parks (parks/squares/sports area etc)
- Market place / night market / agricultural market, commercial buildings etc
- Government buildings, Police Stations, Hospital, Fire Station, Hospitals etc
- Education areas and buildings
- Transportation systems and transportation hubs
- Religious and cultural areas
- Facilities, amenities and infrastructures

Conclusion about the explained city To provide a thorough conclusion or

rationalization about the current condition of the city/town that has been investigated. And
to suggest options to improve the city/town into a better liveable city.


PROPOSAL FOR THE BETTER FUTURE CITY To give some opinion and ideas for the future
city in point forms and some annotated inspirational pictures. These ideas should be based in your
research and findings.
(2-4 pages)

g. APPENDIX - Students are required to compile systematically all the investigation information, data
collection, case study information, mind maps and analysis, draft sketches, exploration and
planning information, all the references, website links, images links etc.
(5-20 pages)

<<<A template will be provided>>>

It is best for the students to go back to their home town and not just refer to the internet. However students
may chose a location nearby if their home town is too far or if it is difficult to gain information about that
particular city/town. Students will have to justify their reasons to gain approval form their lecturers.

3.0 Part B: (Group 20%)- A2 Presentation Boards & Physical Model

In groups students are required to propose a new better liveable town center. The aim of PART B is to
come up with an improved version of the current town/city from part A to meet the context, population and
demands of that particular town/city. Lecturers will choose one town or city from part A in the group as a site
The task is to propose a new future liveable TOWN CENTER from scratch. Students are required to follow
the step by step instructions to design and make this new town. Please see page 5.
When planning for the new town, students are required to consider and include the followings where


The geometric shape, form, pattern, hierarchy, system and structure of the town and form
of the buildings.
The aim of the city, the green approach, new waste management, new technology,
business plan, new initiatives, how the town to sustain itself etc.
The main focus of the city; such as the square, garden, monuments, town hall, pavilion,
civic building, axis and vistas.
The zoning of the city. (government buildings, business area, commercial areas,
recreational areas, education areas, religious and cultures areas, hospitals, services area,
industrial area, residential, community area, port and shipping area, forest and green
areas, agriculture area, hospitality and tourism etc)
The people, population, social issues, activities, food distribution, crime, security,
education, culture and religion.
Transportation and networking.
Infrastructure, utility, services and amenities. (Energy, water, waste etc.)
Sustainable initiative and climate change consideration and resilience etc.
Other services (such as police, army, economy, security, technology etc)

Submission Requirement

Part A:- Individual

The A4 Booklet Submission 30th October 2015 Week 13
a. The booklet should be submitted as A4 documentation. You may use any type of paper. You may
design the booklet in any way you like however it must be an A4 size when submitted.
b. The booklet should contain information as mention above.
c. The booklet should be concise and simple with informative information, diagrams, descriptions,
plans, section, illustration, images, annotation and labelling.
d. You may use any images online however please write the source in the appendix.
e. After submitting students are required to upload their booklet to their E-portfolio.
f. Please bring the brief and tutorial progress sheet for every tutorial.

Part B: Group Work

A2 Presentation Boards PRESENTATION & SUBMISSION 9th December 2015 Week 18
a. Students may use any type of presentation board. Maximum 4 A2 boards and minimum 2.
b. Students may produce it digitally or by hand or as a collage. The information must be clearly
presented, presentable and information must be well structured. Drawing must be to scale
and label accordingly.
c. To provide one scaled master plan, a zoom in illustration at street level, a sketched
perspective of the town centre (such as the square or transportation hub) and some
illustration of the other parts of the town.
d. Please document the making process and the final product and up load it on your E-portfolio.
e. The presentation board should contain the information as stated above in the task.
The Physical Model PRESENTATION & SUBMISSION 9th December 2015 Week 18
a. The size of the model should not exceed 2x A1 size board as the base. The height should not
exceed 600mm. There is no minimum size.
b. Students are required to use recyclable materials to make the model. It would be great if
you could use daily items as model material such as bottle caps, straws etc. Less material is
better but with different colour and sizes. Do get advice from your lecturers regarding the
scale, colour and materials for the model. However students are encouraged to look for
inspiration first.
c. Please prepare a casing for the model for storage purposes and safety during
construction and exhibition.
d. Please label your model with you group members name, lecturers name, batch and Taylors
University logo at the side. (Digitally prepared)
e. You are given 5 minutes to give a verbal presentation about your city as a group.
f. Please document the process, the final product and the presentation session and upload it on
your E-portfolio.
All sketches, research, planning, discussion to be placed in The Journal Note Compilation and
E-Portfolio individually. Its the responsibility of every student to make sure they record the
process and their work.

Assessment and Marking criteria

The assessment for this assignment will be based on;
PART A: 20% - Individual Work
Depth of research, appropriateness and importance of content (town & city )
Depth of information, appropriateness, clarity and structure of content (selected town)
Originality, creativity and quality of illustration or photos, page layout, arrangements of the content,
the design and workmanship (as a booklet)
(20%) total: 100%
PART B: 20% - Group Work
Depth, appropriateness and importance of information, ideas and content as explained on
the boards, verbally and demonstrated on the model.
Originality, creativity and quality of illustration, layout and arrangements, the design and
workmanship of the presentation boards.
Verbal presentation & overall outcome
(20%) total: 100%

Suggested References
These are just a few things you should read;
1. http://www.slideshare.net/RajendraPSharma/evolution-of-town-cities-and-urban-world-perspective
2. http://www.slideshare.net/sdeepanshu/ebenezer-howard-38047148?related=1
3. http://www.slideshare.net/architecttinlagman/land-use-planning-15541531?related=1
4. http://www.slideshare.net/NeoAngala/elements-of-urban-design?related=2
5. http://www.slideshare.net/geordiegraeme/urban-design-an-introduction?related=1
6. http://www.slideshare.net/PlanningTheory/image-of-the-city
7. http://www.slideshare.net/TapleighNiethamer/delivering-urban-efficiency-throughcollaboration?qid=409f15e3-1aab-4e97-b800-7ef6bfbf498c&v=qf1&b=&from_search=12
8. http://www.slideshare.net/krishnachand3994/urban-square?related=2
9. http://www.slideshare.net/naparstek/better-streets-better-cities-better-world?qid=409f15e3-1aab4e97-b800-7ef6bfbf498c&v=qf1&b=&from_search=2
10. http://www.slideshare.net/eman_sabour/public-space-26565988?related=2
11. http://www.urbandesign.org/elements.html
12. http://www.slideshare.net/vjspa/city-forms
13. http://www.slideshare.net/paarsegeit/a-brief-history-of-urban-form
14. http://www.slideshare.net/ctlachu/planning-concepts?qid=9c6ec899-259e-40cb-a3162c3ab4f1a435&v=default&b=&from_search=9

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