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1711 Grant Street

Hopewell, VA 23860

Hometown News

April, 2010

Blessed with a Mission by Pastor Voss

Our Mission Statement: Inside this issue:

“reaching out to all in faith and love, Elders Report 2

sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ,
Deacons Report 2
and serving joyfully!"


What a joyous
day Palm Sunday
REACHING OUT TO ALL… Information Hub 6
was. The service
opened with a 19Therefore go and make disciples of all
reading of the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
triumphant entry Pastor’s Corner 7
Father and of the Son and of the Holy
of Jesus into Jeru- Spirit.—Matthew 28:19
salem. Then, the
children sang for
us and put a smile on our faces as they ...IN FAITH...
handed out palm leaves. The LORD pro- 8For it is by grace you have been saved,
vided the abundant Grace we so need through faith—and this not from your-
through His Word. Finally, we prayer- selves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works,
fully decided upon a Mission Statement so that no one can boast. 10For we are
for our church that you see above. God's workmanship, created in Christ Je-
sus to do good works, which God prepared
in advance for us to do.—Ephesians 2:8-10
What’s so important about a Mission
Statement? It summarizes why we exist! .
It is the lens through which we plan ..AND LOVE...
events and Bible studies. Most impor- Love your neighbor as yourself.'- Mark
tantly, should someone ask you about 12:31
our church, you may only have 30 sec-
onds to tell them about our purpose!
Our Mission Statement provides you ..SHARING THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS
with a rapid response in a fast-moving CHRIST…
15Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world
and preach the good news to all crea- The Hometown News is
tion.”—Mark 16:15
We are REACHING OUT TO ALL in a publication of
FAITH and LOVE , SHARING the GOOD Nazareth Evangelical
JOYFULLY! That sounds like a Christ-
Serve the LORD your God joyfully and Member of the
centered church that would welcome a
gladly. —Deuteronomy 28:47 Lutheran Church—
stranger! To God be the Glory.
Missouri Synod.
Page 2 Hometown News

Elders’ Meeting Report by Steve Foxx

The Elders met on 15 March, 2010, and here are the communicable minutes. Present were Arnie Slim-
men, Bob Dry, Stephen Foxx, and Clint Reierson. We opened with a reading of Psalm 121 and a sea-
son of prayer for Pastor, his family, and our church family. We then split from the deacons and dis-
cussed these items:
1. We are going to recommend at Church Council Monday night that we have the next congregational
meeting on Saturday, 10 April, immediately following our second Church Planning Seminar. We will
have a luncheon between the events. The intent is to improve attendance at both meetings, facilitate
lunch, and to allow the Divine Worship to be the focus of the day on Sunday, the 11th.
2. Pastor is performing Darlene's funeral on Wednesday. The lunch at the church is all planned.
3. We have the privilege of witnessing Baptisms during the next two Sundays at Divine Worship.
4. Annette Dry is doing much better, is home from the hospital now and is healing.
5. Clint's Mother is doing better and is now under General Medical care.
6. We discussed our thankfulness for the preaching of God's Word during services. The Holy Spirit's
work in the heart and speaking of God's truth through Pastor Voss is very evident.
7. Steve will announce before Worship Sunday:
a. a request for ladies to bring in breakfast casseroles (each dish should have 12 servings)
b. this year we will have French toast on the menu
8. Specific Prayer requests arose pertinent to the following:
a. Sunday morning attendance and possible actions to take
b. someone to volunteer to be the VBS Director
9. There was brief but significant discussion concerning:
a. closed communion and communication of such
b. updating the newsletter and calendar (specifically as pertains to Lenten service Readings)

This issue of
The Hometown News
Is sponsored by
Deacons’ Meeting Report by Bonnie Foxx Ernest Wallet
in Loving Memory for
The Deacons met on Monday, March 15th, 2010. Present
his wife,
were Thelma Klein, Karen van Worth, and Bonnie Foxx.
We started our meeting in conjunction with the Elders' Esther Koren Wallet
meeting. Steve opened the meeting with the reading of
Psalm 121.

We discussed:
Visitation & people concerns.
The Kohler scholarship: As far as we know, no applications have been turned in yet.
We proofread the church directory and the worship folder prayer list.
We closed with the praying of the Lord's prayer. Next meeting will be April 12th.
April, 2010 Page 3

Pray for One Another Prayer List updated as of March 28, 2010
For our brothers and sisters in Christ in nursing homes -
Velma Fleming, HHCC (227)
Mildred Skroback, HHCC
For our brothers and sisters in Christ who are home-bound -
Mary Petik
For our members and friends serving our country in the military -
Bruce Layne Danny Petik Chris Graham Dustin Petik
James Eckenrode David Petik Scott Naumann
Jeff & Stacy Crossen Courtney Williams
Jeffrey Head Steve Foxx Brandon Edwards Michael McKinzie
For our members and friends away at college –
Landry Doane Casey Davis Brandon Edwards
For our members who are sick, hospitalized, in need of spiritual care or recuperating—
Evelyn Rayner Rowena Carter
Tina Doane Annette Dry Jordan Layne
For our friends who are sick, hospitalized or recuperating
Jonathan Weston Connie Williamson Rita Joyner
Joann Miller Jeff Walter Mark Black Francis Brinkley Shelby Slayton Phyllis Kane
Suzie Hilton Dorothy Kunkel Bobby Kirkman Regina Davis Freddie Gonzalez
For the families of the Saints departed.

Pastor Plvan sent us this observation on prayer: Prayer

is conversation with God. A long time prayer observed, Gracious Lord, we thank you for the privilege of prayer,
won for us by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. We are so
‘At first I spent a lot of time talking at God, as if
God were a stranger. Then, I talked to God, as I grateful that we can come to You, our Father, with every
would to a friend. Gradually, I spoke with God as a concern, especially for our children who may have drifted
trustworthy counselor. Now, I find myself listening from the faith. We know that You hear these prayers,
to God. And more often than not, I listen for God.’ for “He who promised is faithful”, always!

Bible Study, Adult and Youth Confirmation

Whether you are young or old, visitor Pastor Voss begins a 6-week every Sunday at 9:30 AM and on
or pillar, we have a Bible Study for Bible Study on the official Friday evenings. If you are new
you! LCMS position on current to the Lutheran faith and would
events, called ―This We Be- like to join our church, please
lieve‖ in the church basement contact Arnie to join in.
starting April 18 at 9:30 AM. .
Meet in the ―Old Church‖ Room at YOUTH CONFIRMATION
9:30 AM for a Bible Study on He- ADULT CONFIRMATION After Easter Sunday, we will re-
brews led by Al Schneider. Arnie Slimmen leads an eight sume our 7 to 8 PM Wednesday
week adult confirmation class evening schedule.
Page 4 Hometown News

Board of Stewardship
This report is a consolidated summary of the three only meetings the board has had this year and includes a joint
meeting with the Board of Finance on February 22. Accomplishments were as follows:
- We reviewed the duties and responsibilities of the board according to our congregation’s By-Laws.
- We reviewed the financial reports for January and February, noting that even though there was an increase in
giving brought about by the Stewardship program in 2009, that increase was offset by a reduction in in-
come due to recent deaths in the congregation.
- We discussed the use of electronic giving through the Joyful Response program and are seeking ways in which
to promote this program.
- We planned and fulfilled the responsibility for the Lenten Soup and Sandwich meal on February 24.
- We discussed the gathering and compiling of information for a congregational resource directory.
- We are planning to use the Consecrated Stewards Program sometime during the fall of 2010.
- We plan to meet jointly with the Board of Finance once each quarter. Our next meeting will be at 8:45 AM
on April 18.

Thank You!
Nazareth Lutheran Church Youth raised

$342.42 and 132 non-perishables

During the Souper Bowl of Caring

April Birthdays
Thanks for your efforts this year! The dollars
that have been raised to help those in need
April 3 Tina Doane
will benefit it entire community.
April 3 Jennifer Roberts
April 8 Joseph Roberts Don Gock, Associate Director
April 8 Samuel Roberts
April 9 Bob Dry
April 12 Bruce Layne
April 16 Kyra McKinzie
April 18 Jordan Layne
April 25 Rowena Carter
April 25 Mark Antunes
April 28 Jean Joyner

Saturday, April 10, 12:30—2:30 PM
Lunch will be provided beginning at 11:30 AM
All members are encouraged to attend this important congregational meeting. All members serving on
boards/committees will provide updates for the congregation and we will be discussing important updates that
will require congregational approval. We will be holding our Mission Planning seminar that morning, why not
join us for both the seminar and the meeting?
April, 2010 Page 5

The Hometown News

EDITOR: Susan Skalleberg
Thank you to all who submitted articles and information to this
We encourage you to submit your articles and ideas electronically
to: or call 731-6959
Newsletter information is due in by the third Sunday of the month.
We are looking for regular contributors to the Hometown News.
If there is a certain article you would like to write on a regular
basis, please let us know so we can discuss it with you. Young and
old are encouraged to volunteer for this very important newslet-
ter. Glory to God on the highest and praise to the leaders of each
SAVE MONEY AND PAPER Committee who have provided updates to the congregation
The Hometown News is posted online at the same time it is this month. Our communication with one another not only
mailed. Please consider reading it online so we can save on post-
age and paper. It can be found on the home page of our church keeps us united in Mission, but engaged with each other and
website: the opportunities to serve in our church.

Some Food for Thought for Our Stewardship Life

When do you eat leftovers?
In some houses it is usually on busy days when someone gets home late,
there is a piano lesson in the evening, somebody has a meeting, or only
some of the family will be home for supper.

Would you serve leftovers to an invited guest?

Maybe, if it is only a school friend coming over for the evening or a relative
who stops by a lot – somebody you don’t consider really special.

But would you serve leftovers to a special guest – like Jesus?

If Jesus isn’t important enough to us, there’s a chance we’re going to serve
Him leftovers.

Does Jesus get the leftover time you have? What is your answer?
Do you use your best talents and abilities for Jesus? What is your answer?
Is your weekly service to the Lord based on what you have leftover? What is
your answer?
Is it possible that you could remember to pass the dinner plate to Jesus first in-
stead of letting Him eat leftovers? What is your answer?
Page 6 Hometown News

“Magnify your ministry ADULT INFORMATION/ CONFIRMATION: Nazareth Lu-

through LCEF” is the theme for theran Church will be offering an information and confirmation
this year’s LCEF Sunday which will be class on the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod of what it is
celebrated April 25 in congregations of and what we as Lutherans believe. This 8 week course is
titled “That I May Know Him” will meet at 9:30AM on Sun-
the SED. We will have a display of in-
days in the main conference room upstairs. For those of you
vestment products and services in the an- that cannot make it in the morning, a nighttime class on Fri-
nex and the old church meeting room day Nights at 6:00pm will also be offered. If you have any
available o you to review. A power point questions or would like to participate, please see Arnie Slim-
presentation about LCEF will also be men.
presented. Come take a “closer look”
and learn about the ministry services and LWML TEA: Back by popular demand!
investment options offered by LCEF and
how they can benefit both our congrega- The Spring Tea, sponsored by the Lutheran Women’s Mis-
tion and you as individuals. Again, the sionary League, will be on Sunday, April 25th at 3:00pm
down in the Fellowship Hall. All proceeds will benefit the
date is April 25 and everyone is wel- James House. The tickets will be $5.00 per person. Would
come! Come and enjoy coffee and re- you like to adopt a table? Please let Cindy know. For the
freshments while learning more about table you would need to set up and decorate a table with 6-8
LCEF, its investment products and ser- place settings. You can use paper, plastic or china. The
vice. theme is ―Gardens‖ and you must use a Bible Verse and sell
tickets to the seats at your table. We can also use all sorts
of tea food items. If you have a recipe you would like to try
or just like to cook we could use your donation!
Dr. Paul Maier is coming to Nazareth on
Saturday, September 18th to give a
VBS DIRECTOR: If you are interested in directing Vacation
presentation on the historicity of Jesus
Bible School, please see Sandy Wunder, Chairman of Chris-
Christ. This is an excellent evangelism
tian Education and Youth.
and outreach opportunity for us! If you
would like to volunteer to make this visit Scholarships Available!
a success, please contact Pastor
Voss. We are looking for people to help Applications for the Koehler Scholarship Fund are now
with organizing, advertising, and logistics available. If you are interested, please see the church
for the event and we will meet once a
secretary. Applications need to be turned in no later
than April 30.


We give praise and glory to God that the commitments made by Nazareth and sister congregations allowed our
district to reach its financial goal for Ablaze! As you recall, our commitment was to be over a 5 year period be-
ginning in 2008. Please continue to financially support this important work of sharing the Good News of Jesus
Christ. Envelopes in which to place your Ablaze! offering are in the narthex.
More Prayer Partners are needed. The district goal is 3,000 prayers. At last report, a little over two-thirds of that
goal had been reached. If you are not already a Prayer Partner, prayerfully consider doing so. And remember,
prayer works!
Another way for members to support the Ablaze! movement is sharing your faith with others. The district goal is
2.5 million Faith-sharing Moments. At last report, over 350,000 of these moments had been recorded. Informa-
tion how to report your Faith-Sharing Moments will be available soon.
Lastly, mark your calendar for the Tending the Flame conference to be held in Richmond July 30 through Au-
gust 1 and make plans to attend. Forms for registration will be available later.
April, 2010 Page 7

Pastor’s Corner
Strengthening the Bond – Relationship Building
Friday, April 9, 7—9PM
Join your friends in the congregation for a night of learning
how God strengthens our relationships within the church for
our benefit and to His glory. It promises be a night of fun and
fellowship. Snacks will be provided. Registration is required
by April 6. Please call the church office to sign-up or e-mail
Mission Planning Seminar II
Saturday, April 10 AM, 9:30—11:30 AM
All members are encouraged to attend the mission planning
seminar to further discuss our core targets. That is, to whom
will we be reaching out to specifically? Registration is re-
quired by April 6. Please call the church office to sign-up or e-
Mission Planning Seminar III
Saturday, May 1, 9AM—3PM
All members are encouraged to attend the final mission planning seminar to learn about the marks of
missional church and what we can do to reflect God’s Mission to all nations.
Pastor’s Calendar for April
4/13 Professional Church Workers Conference, Silver Spring, MD
4/16-18 (Joy) Pastor’s Wives Retreat. Roselyn Retreat Center, Richmond, VA
4/22-23 PALS Retreat. A retreat for all District first year pastor’s and their wives
For Your Information
OFFICE HOURS 9:30 AM—1:30 PM, M-F - Regardless of how busy things may get, you can always reach
someone from the church during office hours. At minimum, either Karen or I will answer the church
phone Monday—Friday from 9:30 AM—1:30 PM. Should you ever need to get a hold of me, regardless
of what time it is, please reach me at 721-9381. After 6PM, please call with pastoral emergencies only.
DIVINE SERVICE IV—A reminder that we will be moving to Divine Service, setting IV on the Sunday af-
ter Easter.
WORSHIP COMMITTEE—I recently mentioned to the church council that I have put aside the initiative
to start a Worship Committee. The purpose of a Worship Committee was going to be to discuss our wor-
ship practices and music in the context of our church and community, always with the understanding
they would remain rooted in Lutheran theology. Over the past few months, I have not sensed any ur-
gency from the members that this committee must be created. The congregational survey has revealed
that our worship is one of the aspects of our church life that we enjoy the most. Also, the number of vol-
unteers who are now participating in the music of the church has grown to a wonderful number. I sense
unity in worship among us and a diversity in Christ centered music that is pleasing to all.
GOSPEL CONTACTS—If someone were about to walk into the street right in front of an oncoming bus,
would you pull them back to the safety of the curb? Me too. If someone did not know that Jesus Christ
was the only door to salvation, would you take the time to tell them about Him? The fact is, the conse-
quences of not believing in Christ is a much worse fate than getting struck by a bus—our mission is an
urgent one. Can you share the Good News of Jesus Christ with one person a month? The opportunity
will present itself, will you offer your hand to that person and let the Holy Spirit pull them back to the
safety of the one true God? More information is coming soon. We are Nazareth—we are Missional.
Nazareth Lutheran Church
1711 Grant Street
Hopewell, VA 23860


Nazareth Lutheran Church

"Reaching out to all in faith and love, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, and serving joyfully!"

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