UnliSurf - Supersurf Promos Still Offered As of Aug

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UnliSurf / Supersurf Promos Still Oered as of Aug. 29,

Aug 29, 2015 Tech & Mobile Life



The past few days, Ive been hearing from readers and friends that they were having problems registering to their usual Unlisurf promos.
I knew the telcos were gradually phasing out Unlimited Data promos, but I recently found out that they were still oering the unlisurfs on prepaid, and
yes, even on postpaid!
These promos are still available at the moment, but I dont know until when they will be.
Update Nov. 3, 2014 Unlisurf has been discontinued and replaced by Surfmax, please read: http://www.baratako.com/smart-unlisurf-endingreplaced-by-surfmax/
Update Nov. 26, 2015: Also, check out Smarts Big Bytes 70 it is P70 for 1 GB of internet, good for 7 days. I think it is currently the cheapest priced
legitimate promo (per 1 GB) at the moment.

So I called up Smarts customer service to clarify which Unlisurf promos were still being oered, and heres what I got:
Smart Prepaid
The keywords that you need to text to register to the promos are in BOLD
UNLI 50 unli 1 day, text to 211
UNLI 299 unli 7 days, text to 211
UNLI 999 unli 30 days, text to 211
LTE 50 unli 1 day, text to 211
LTE 299 unli 7 days, text to 211
LTE 995 unli 30 days, text to 211
Smart Bro Prepaid
UNLISURF 50 unli 1 day, to 2200
UNLISURF 85 unli 2 days, to 2200
UNLISURF 200 unli 5 days, to 2200
UNLISURF 250 unli 7 days, to 2200 + 250 texts to Smart, TNT, Sun



UNLISURF 500 unli 15 days, to 2200 + 300 texts to Smart, TNT, Sun
UNLISURF 995 unli 30 days, to 2200 + 300 texts to Smart, TNT, Sun
LTE 50 unli 1 day, text to 2200
LTE 299 unli 7 days, text to 2200
LTE 995 unli 30 days, text to 2200
I was told that these Unlisurf promos are still available until further notice. And all the customer service reps I talked to told me that they dont have
any data caps at the moment.
Here are text messages I got from Smart after my calls:



As for Globe, Supersurf is still available via *143#. Choose Surf Promos, then Supersurf.
Heres a screenshot of the Supersurf options available on Globes *143#:

Supersurf 50 (1 day), Supersurf 200 (5 days), and Supersurf 999 (30 days) are still available. You can also text the keywords to 8888.
The thing about Globe is that at least their Supersurf options are easy to look up. Youll know whether they are available or not just by accessing *143#.
Take note though that they still have a data cap of 800MB per day for prepaid.
This is from Globes Fair Use Policy page:



If a customer reaches the 1GB/day or 3GB/month threshold (Postpaid customers) or 800MB/day threshold (Prepaid customers, the internet speed will just
slow down to make sure that others can also enjoy our shared resource.

Are you subscribing to any of these oers? Whats your experience?

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The Barat Queen

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57 thoughts on UnliSurf / Supersurf Promos Still Oered as of Aug. 29, 2015

September 2, 2015 at 10:51 am

Yey for Smart!

Lets enjoy while it lasts. #walangforever



Barat Queen

Post author

September 2, 2015 at 10:51 pm

Oo nga. Pero sana matagal pa bago mawala


November 4, 2015 at 10:53 am

Wala na itong LTE promo nila, kakaregister ko lng ngayon ng LTE 50 to 2200, not available ndaw. Hahayst

September 3, 2015 at 12:06 am

Thanks..what is the dierence from the UNLI 50 and the LTE 50? is the LTE also unlimited?
appreciate it!

Barat Queen

Post author

September 4, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Hi Drew, its the same. Both are unlimited. Except one is for LTE, the other is for regular 4G. It just depends on whether your gadget is LTE-capable and if you get strong LTE

September 9, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Hello po, gumagana pa rin po ba itong unlisurf promo or tinanggal na?


Barat Queen

Post author

September 14, 2015 at 11:49 am

Hello, as far as I know, its still available according to their customer service but some people have been reporting connection problems

September 17, 2015 at 8:43 am



Yes, Im one of those people who complained to them about this. As of current, I have connection problems. 4G pero 3G lang ang download speed (approx. 1MB/sec lang
thats too slow for a 4G network), and oftentimes, hindi rin ako makakuha ng 4G signal kahit nasa urban area ako (Makati, Taguig). Nothings wrong with my phone, kasi sa
Globe okay naman. Tried to call their customer service, and norward na DAW sa tech support nila.
And now the waiting game.

September 11, 2015 at 12:19 am

Hello po! Gusto ko po sanang malaman kung na-try nyo na yung lte ng globe?
Ive tried smart lte and mabilis sya. Kaso mas mura kce sa globe ung 70 per week na promo bug nila.. yun nga lang mabagal talaga kaya ung 3g nya..

Barat Queen

Post author

September 14, 2015 at 11:51 am

Hi Kae,
I havent tried Globe LTE because I dont think its available in our area yet. I have used the P70 per week for 1 GB promo (its not a bug), may kabagalan talaga

September 18, 2015 at 3:31 am

Just wondering if youve encountered this issue the past few days. I use both the UNLISURF 50 and LTE 50 promos from time to time on my smartbro pocket wi. I used to
download les without problems (cap). Recently however, I noticed that whenever I reach a certain amount of data used (estimated at 5gb I download a lot of things
online), I get disconnected and I can only get it back after my one day promo registration is over. New cap? Tried searching online but couldnt nd one so Im looking for
other people who knows the answer based on experience. Thanks.

September 18, 2015 at 6:06 pm

I was thinking of migrating from Globe999 to Smarts 999 unlisurf. As of now, I have tried LTE 50 and accumulated 3GB+ for today and then I think I got blocked. I have
observed my pocketwi portals KB/MB meter just stops at around 200kb+. I think there might be some kind of undistinguished Data cap here. Although in my case, I do
not get any disconnection. Its just that I couldnt surf anymore.
I was hoping to try the weekly Smart unlisurf after my Globe supersurf expires by october.

Barat Queen

Post author

September 20, 2015 at 3:43 pm



Hi jmg & Geo, thanks for sharing!

Aww, thats too bad. I guess Smart does have a data cap that they dont tell anyone about

But 5GB/day or 3GB/day for P50 is not bad, I guess. Still better than 800

I never truly expected them to provide real unlimited internet, but Im still a little bit disappointed, too, but trying to look at the pathetic brighter side of internet in the
Thanks for sharing your experience now at least we have an idea of how much Smarts undisclosed data cap is

September 27, 2015 at 4:30 pm

Same here, I have used 3 SmartBro Sims already, and it stops few hours pa Lang. I kept complaining say SmartBro Hotline, though they reverse it naman. I kept asking
them, wala daw talagang data capping. Though nag download ako less than 1GB pa lang until it stops. Maybe may FUP na rin Sila. Any updates?

September 21, 2015 at 8:36 pm

Nandito lang pala ang sagot na hinahanap koh ^_^ so my cap nga etong LTE 50 kaasar kaya pala kahit magload ako 2x basta na reach na ung limit mawawalan pa rin
talaga tsk tsk

Barat Queen

Post author

October 5, 2015 at 12:01 am

Oo nga eh bakit ganito ang internet sa atin

Anyway, kung ganun, just buy another SIM para salitan. Buti nalang mura lang ang SIM sa atin


September 24, 2015 at 7:50 am

Hello po,
Tanong ko lang po kung working pa din yung unlisurf promo ng smart? balak ko po kasi bumili ng smart pocket wi.

Barat Queen

Post author

October 5, 2015 at 12:29 am

Working pa naman

but meron na daw unannounced cap (read other comments).




September 24, 2015 at 7:44 pm

Yeah if there is a 3-5gb per day data cap for p50 i think that is really good considering for here!!
I just got my unlocked broadband(LTE, 4g, 3g) Modem from overseasnow Im ready to try it out.
I dont know what sim card to get. There is the SmartBro sim (regular and LTE) also I heard one can just use a regular Smart Buddy sim and load it up via cell phone.
I live in the province but as of the past months LTE is available here both for Globe and Smart. (from the reviews here it looks like Smart is better)
I just wonder if I use the LTE sim and the signal is not good if it will switch over the the 4g/3g automatically?

September 24, 2015 at 7:51 pm

Also, can I simply load anything (UNLI surf or LTE surf) directly from my smart buddy prepaid phone sim? (I use Smart for my phone)

September 24, 2015 at 9:01 pm

also..in order for my modem to work I HAD to set the APN.i tested it out with globe.i cant seem to get it to work with SMART ..does anyone know the proper APN
setting for SMART?
I was able to nd this but its not woking for smart:
APN settings for Mobile
username: (blank)
password: (blank)
APN name: internet
APN settings for Wireless Dongle
username: (blank)
password: (blank)
APN name: smartbro
Globe Telecom
APN settings for Mobile and Wireless Dongle
username: admin
password: admin
APN name: (prepaid) http.globe.com.ph

Barat Queen

Post author


October 5, 2015 at 12:31 am

Yes, it will switch to 3G/4G automatically (unless you changed the settings).

September 28, 2015 at 8:29 am

Nice post! I really appreciate how some of us Pinoys manages their time and eort to help others and share there own experience. Last 3 days ago I bought a Smart Bro
prepaid sim from a local store near our place. I asked which carrier on their perspective is the best. The store lady told me that Smarts LTE service is quite good compared
to Globes LTE promo due to data cap. I live in a condo and man, carrier signals here in our place jams way to bad specially for sun and globe. Anyways, When I tried out
Smart Bros LTE unlie surf plan for 2 days, for some reason when I reached a total of 6 to 7Gbs of data (I downloaded apps and games to my newly reformatted Note 3), I
apparently was blocked. I called their tech support team and mentioned that theres no problem with my sim or area and that they told me to wait for further
processing or test for 6 hours. The funny thing is, my second day I continued to download les and apps for my phone and guess what.. The same thing happened.
Basically, my conclusion is that Smarts LTE isnt unlimited though fast (Trust me, try downloading big data les and frequently check your data consumption). But hey,
there service isnt that bad.

Barat Queen

Post author

October 5, 2015 at 12:40 am

Hi Nap, thank you for your comment!

Yes, well, unfortunately, that is the state of the internet in our country. But 6-7GB a day is not bad already for around P42.50/day

Do you recommend getting an P85 2-day LTE promo vs a longer one like 15 days or 30 days? Im just wondering if we will still be able to get 6-7 GB per day even on a 15 or
30 day promo. The advantage of a short promo is that if you ever reach the cap, you can just register again after it expires in a few days and go on living merrily. Whereas if
you registered to a 30-day plan and you got capped, you MIGHT have to wait for the end of 30 days before you can register to any new promo, just in case they dont
renew the cap daily and make it a monthly cap. Please do share if you have any experience with these situations

October 1, 2015 at 1:29 pm

Hi, I got it to work, however I have to go to the town to reload the unli and supersurf packages
Can someone here please tell me how I would send, for example, SUPERSURF50 to my Globe Tattoo sim from my Globe mobile phone. Ive been trying to nd it and I even
called globe and they were useless! So, how do send from my globe regular mobile prepaid phone directly over to my Tattoo for Supersurf?
Also How to do it with Smart Unlisurf with my Smart buddy prepaid mobile?

Barat Queen

Post author

October 5, 2015 at 12:20 am

Hi Drew



The tried and tested method is the remove the SIM, put it in a spare phone (any old cheap phone will do), reload there (or pasaload / GCash/ Smart Money from your
phone) and register to the promo. Wait for the conrmation message, then put the SIM back into the pocket wi.
Method 2: You can use your phone, tablet or laptop to connect to your pocket wi ( or whatever it is for your pocket wi), log in to your router settings. There
should be an area there where you can see messages or SMS. My Huawei 5330 has this tab. You can send and receive SMS using this interface, and probably do the
reloading and registering this way.
Other methods: There are ways to register another number to a service using your phone check out Globes Share a Service here
But Im not sure if that will work for subscribing another number to a mobile internet promo also, I am personally not comfortable with something like that since I am not
sure if the promo actually gets subscribed or not. I just avoid it altogether to prevent any lost load incidents.
To make it easier to send load to another number, check out getting a GCash account or a Smart Money account you can keep money in there just like a paypal account.
You can then use the money stored in there to buy/send load right from your phone. I prefer this instead of doing pasaload. There are rebates and discounts when using
GCash or Smart Money to buy load. I usually put in a few months worth of load in my GCash and just reload my prepaid SIM whenever I need to with just a few texts, any
time. No need to go out and buy load from suking sari sari store / 7-11.

October 13, 2015 at 2:44 pm

thanks i was able to gure it out.really easy:

09xxxxxxxx(my smartbro sim number) UNLISURF50 (txt to 808)
it will load this promo automatically..really easy!
SUPERSURF50 (txt to 2+mysimtatoo)
againloads it automaticallyeasy!

October 5, 2015 at 5:10 pm

Registered last month on my smart bro, LTE 995. Successful naman but sa conrmation message, may nakasulat promo until 10/31/2015.

October 6, 2015 at 6:07 am

wala pa po bang capping ang smart? kakabili ko lang po kasi ng pocket wi.

October 7, 2015 at 7:25 am

If youre into online gaming, the supposed unlimited surf plan from Smart is kinda good since based from my experience as to what I replied last September 28, 2015 at
8:29 am (scroll up to see my reply) the amount of data that I usually get is from 6 to 7Gbs Thats daily and also the speed depends on your location. Since SIMS are
programmed to reach the nearest cell towers and all. IF youre planning to register the Unlisurf plan for a month and that what you do is for online streaming / video chat



sessions, then it should be good out at for your needs. So far Ive only tested the unlisurf 85 promo since I only need it for my gaming needs every weekend xp (RD ko
kase hehe) and that I have WiFi at home which sucks (PLDT Im looking at you 2mpbs + Landline). Thank you for this guide again BaratAko

October 10, 2015 at 5:43 am

Just enrolled to unlisurf 299 (7 days) and got a reply from Smart that I was able to successfully register. The reply also stated that their unlisurf will be available only until
November 10, 2015. It seems that they are planning to discontinue oering the unlisurf.

October 10, 2015 at 5:46 am

Correction: UNLI 299


October 11, 2015 at 5:57 am

hai po Simula p po nong bata pa po ako hanggang ngaun anime fan po ako Maya laking. tuwa ko po nong nalaman ko n may unli surf . ask ko lang po ung unli surf. 85
hanggang kaylan po PDE magreg sa promo n yan maganda n kasi ung 6-7 gb a day madami ng anime un hehe kasi ung unli 50 sa smart prepaid n gamit ko hanggang Nov
10,2015 n LNG daw

Barat Queen

Post author

October 24, 2015 at 3:42 pm

Yes, AnimEmil, unfortunately, that seems to be true

I wrote more about it here: http://www.baratako.com/smart-unlisurf-ending-replaced-by-surfmax/


October 13, 2015 at 2:34 pm

why would you do UNLI 299 instead of UNLISURF 299?

what is the dierence??

October 13, 2015 at 7:29 pm




is the Unli50 the same as the Unlisurf50? from that link it seems to say unlimited

Barat Queen

Post author

October 24, 2015 at 3:43 pm

Hi Drew, Unli 50 seems to be for Smart prepaid, while Unlisurf50 is for Smart Bro prepaid

Barat Queen

Post author

October 24, 2015 at 3:40 pm

Yes, unfortunately, they are discontinuing unlisurf. But they said they will be replacing it with Surfmax. So far, no details yet on the important things we want to do know
about Surfmax does it have data caps, is it unlimited, throttled, etc?
More here: http://www.baratako.com/smart-unlisurf-ending-replaced-by-surfmax/

October 19, 2015 at 8:36 pm

Hi! My current unlidata plan in smart will unfortunately end for the next two days.. I was thinking of getting a new postpaid plan with Smart amounting the same php999
kaso they dont oer na the unli data plan.. So i was thinking maybe i could use a prepaid account pra makaregister sa unlisurf nila. Curious lng ako if pwede ba mag
register sa LTE promo even if 4G lng yun pocket wi ko? Any suggestion for this? I am just renting and I need constant internet connection esp that my boyfriend and mga
kapatid ko nasa abroad. The only way for me to get in touch with them.

October 19, 2015 at 8:39 pm

My minimum data consumption in a day would be 1.5gb kasi I use my pocket wi to connect to all my gadgets, and I usually do videocalls and video sharing most of the
time..So this is really a dilemma for me kasi i dont go oine at all! Help!

October 19, 2015 at 8:41 pm

I am just renting and doesnt stay at one place for long so i cannot opt for the wired connection.**

Barat Queen

Post author

October 24, 2015 at 3:45 pm



Hi Ann, yes you can register to an LTE promo even if you only have a 4G gadget

However, you wont be getting LTE speeds, just 4G speeds.


October 23, 2015 at 5:40 am

Hi! I succesfully registered lte 995 using my phone and Im around 5gb data consumption before my connection became so slow (the signal is still in lte) that I cant even log
in to my fb account or just browse the internet.. Luckily it resets daily and not monthly

Barat Queen

Post author

October 24, 2015 at 3:49 pm

Yeah, that kinda sucks since you were told you were buying unlimited internet. But anyway, 5GB per day is a very high cap!

Some people have been reporting that they

were capped at around 1.5GB daily. Anyway, some people have been recommending just cycling through several SIMS and just subscribing to 1 day promos instead.
Its funny AND sad that we consumers have to think of various workarounds just to get what we expect.

November 9, 2015 at 9:42 pm

hanggang ilan po ang capacity ng smart prepaid ? pareha po ba to sa capacity ng smart bro per day?

Barat Queen

Post author

November 11, 2015 at 12:33 am

Wala na pong Unlisurf. Surfmax na

For Smart Bro for prepaid, the daily cap is 800 MB per day, while for postpaid, it is 1 GB per day.
More info here: http://www.baratako.com/smart-unlisurf-ending-replaced-by-surfmax/

November 10, 2015 at 11:04 pm

GOOD day
Ask ko lang po kung wala na poba UNLISURF995 sa smart nag try po kasi ako magpaload ng direct di na daw po available. Meron po ba kyo alam na UNLISURF sa smart??.


Barat Queen

Post author

November 11, 2015 at 12:34 am

Hello Joy, wala ng Unlisurf. Pinalitan na ng Smart, ginawang Surfmax. You can read more here: http://www.baratako.com/smart-unlisurf-ending-replaced-by-surfmax/
May data cap na.

November 15, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Hi po, ask ko lng po what po still available na unlisurf promo for prepaid smart bro

November 20, 2015 at 8:52 am

may supersurf50 pa ba??


November 20, 2015 at 8:52 am

may supersurf50 pa ba?? at unli surng paba yun?


Barat Queen

Post author

November 23, 2015 at 10:31 pm

Hi Jemuel, not sure. Some people have said that they are still able to register to Unli50. Please read: http://www.baratako.com/unlisurf-50-is-back-again/

November 22, 2015 at 6:53 am

Please clarify if SMART BRO UnliSurf Services still available. Parang sa SmartBro Unlisurf kasi wala na rin yung Unli Service nila at sinasabing gamitin na rin yung SurfMax.
Nagtry ako na mag Unli Internet for one day (UNLISURF 50 to 2200) pero ang sabi the service is no longer available, at sinuggest na gamitin ang SurfMax. And lastly, from
SmartBro, di ako makapagsend ng Pasaload sabi not enough load pero may load naman ako.

Barat Queen

Post author

November 23, 2015 at 10:46 pm



Hi, ocially, wala ng Unlisurf. But some people say that they have been able to subscribe to Unlisurf 50. Im not sure if this is only limited to a geographical area or a
certain type of SIM. No idea at all. Its just that some people have claimed that its back. http://www.baratako.com/unlisurf-50-is-back-again/

November 25, 2015 at 11:34 pm

Ano ang may mas malakas na connection


November 30, 2015 at 11:51 pm

Thanks for the info


December 1, 2015 at 9:14 pm

Bumalik na po ba unlisurf promo ng smart?








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