Alyssa's Portfolio

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My name is Alyssa Dyck

and this is my Portfolio.


Alyssa Dyck
440 S. 2nd W.
Rexburg, Idaho 83440

Table of Content:

3 Brochure
Web Design
Photo Design
9 Logo
11 Montage
Event Ad
Business Card
17 Letterhead
19 Flier


Description: This Brochure project demonstrates my skills to use Adobe InDesign,

Illustrator, and Photoshop to create a logo, edit photos, and create a professional
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First, I had to create my original logo. I used
Adobe Illustrator to do this. Using the Line tool, the text tool, and the brush tool,
I was able to create a professional looking original logo. Next, I had to create
a brochure template. I did this using InDesign. After completing my template I
chose the pictures I would be using for this project. I then took these photos
into Photoshop to edit them. After editing them, designing the logo, creating the
template, and writing the Body copy text, it was time to put it all together. I added
all of my text and images into the template and then had it critiqued. From there, I
edited the last finishing touches. I then printed it, folded it, and trimmed it until it
was complete.
Message: The message of my Brochure is that the National Park Service is a great
resource for when visiting National Parks.
Audience: Nature Lovers, and those planning on visiting a National Park.
Top Thing Learned: Always spell check.
Color scheme and color names: Monochromatic, Dark Gray and White.
Title Font Name & Category: Alexandria FLF bold, font family, Old-style.
Copy Font Name & Category: Alexandria FLF regular , font family, Old style.
Word Count of copy: 275

Web Design:

Description: This project consisted of creating an original logo and web page to demonstrate
skills in HTML, CSS, and design.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First I created the text to input into my web page. After
figuring out the basic layout of how I wanted things, I built the basic code using HTML. After
I checked out the code and got my page looking the way I wanted it to, I began with the
design aspect of the project. I then put together the CSS coding until everything looked the
way I wanted. I had my draft critiqued by two peers, and then made the finalizing touches on
the project.
Message: The message demonstrated in this web page is that Black Diamond Snow Gear is a
great company for snowboarders/skiers to buy their equipment from.
Audience: The audience targeted is those involved or interested in skiing, or snowboarding.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing that I learned was that when your web page isnt showing
up the way you want it to, that means there is something wrong with the code.
Color scheme and color hex(s): The color Scheme that I chose is monochromatic, with the
use of the colors mint green, and black. The Hexes for those two colors are, #000000 and
Title Font Families & Category: The font that I used throughout my entire web page was
Helvetica, which is a sans-serif font.
Changes made to the CSS: Some of the changes I made to the CSS include the following:
The logo image, the background image, the text colors, the text fonts, the border color, the
body background color, the spacing in between lines, and the character of the text (bold/

Photo Design:

Description: Demonstrating photography and editing skills through adding color to

an original design to create a photo design.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I decided to make an ad
poster for my custom longboard designs that I create for people. I first figured out
what type of layout and area I wanted to take the photo in. I found a willing victim
to be in my photo and went and took the picture. Next I needed to edit the photo.
I played around with the levels, brightness, hue/saturation, vibrancy, and coloring,
until I had a complete picture that I was satisfied with. Then I began adding my own
design elements to the page. After completing a rough draft, I had it critiqued. I then
touched up the piece, and made it complete.
Message: The message is that they can get really cool custom longboard designs
from this provider.
Audience: The audience targeted in this ad is teenagers up to young adults, that
enjoy longboarding.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing that I learned was that there are so many
amazing tools that you can use to enhance your photos in Photoshop.
Color scheme and color names: The color scheme I used is called Big Split
Complementary. It includes the outer ring of the colors red, blue, yellow, and green.
Title Font Name & Category: The font I used is called Wire One and is a sans
serif font.


Description: Demonstrating skills in Adobe Illustrator by designing a unique logo for

an already existing company.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First I brainstormed ideas and made sketches of my
brainstorming process to get my creativity flowing. I then took my favorite ideas and
recreated my top three logos in Adobe Illustrator. I took a poll from friends and family
on which they liked best and which related best to the company. From the feedback,
I decided that this design was the best. I had this design critiqued and made
adjustments. I then played around with color schemes, added the finishing touches,
and made it look presentable.
Message: The message I am telling with this logo is that Netflix is a company that
provides media that you can watch on your TV.
Audience: The audience I am reaching out to is movie/TV lovers.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing that I learned is that Adobe Illustrator offers so
many wonderful tools, I was able to create the entire logo in this program from scratch
which is very handy.
Color Scheme and Color Names: The color scheme I chose is Monochromatic, it
shows various shades of blue.
Title / Body Font Names & Categories: The font included in this design is called
Lady Ice, and is a sans serif font.


Description: This project demonstrates my ability to make a montage design using

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing): First I brainstormed
ideas to use for my project. After choosing an idea I found a family picture to use. I
then edited the picture, adjusted the lighting, levels, and vibrancy, and brought out the
teal colors in the girls shirts. Afterwards, I put in the temple image and blended the
edges into the family picture. I then found a textured image to put over the images
and added a layer mask so I could show and hide however much and wherever I
wanted for that layer. I then finished with adding the quote and typography of choice.
Message: The message is that families are so important to our eternal happiness.
Audience: The audience that this design is focused towards is families, specifically the
parents of families.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing that I learned when completing this project is to
print before turning in a finalized project because it may appear differently.
Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: I applied a slight warm filter
to my family image and I also used the sharpen option on the faces of the family.
Color scheme and color names: I used the Analogous color schemes and included
the colors green, teal, and blue.
Title Font Name & Category: For the Title font I used Squares, which is a sans serif

Event Ad:

Description: A full color Event Ad to promote doing a charity 5k to raise money for
our National Parks using only Microsoft Word.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): First I brainstormed ideas for
which type of event I should do. After I decided, I located a picture of mine to use for
the project. Next, I made sketches of different possible design layouts. When I chose a
design layout, I started putting it together into word. After finalizing my rough draft and
having it critiqued, I adjusted it to the final product.
Message: I am promoting a Charity 5k to raise money for our National Park
Organizations. The message I am trying to get across is that this is a fun event for a
good cause.
Audience: People of the community, and more specifically, nature lovers.
Color scheme and color names: The color scheme I used was complementary. I used
the colors burnt orange and navy blue.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned is that knowing what information to
include in your Ad is just as important as the design, because if you forget to put
certain information in there, the design is pointless.
Title Font Name & Category: I used the San serif font called Lantinghei TC Extralight
Copy Font Name & Category: I used the San serif font called Lantinghei TC
Extralight, for the copy font as well.

Business Card:

Description: This project demonstrates my abilities with use in Adobe InDesign to

create a business card.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First I brainstormed ideas for possible layouts for
my business card. I then took my company and created a logo for it using adobe
illustrator. From there I used that logo to create the front page of the business card
using Adobe InDesign. I then worked on the back page of the business card. I used
the shape and line tools to create the little symbols next to the type. I had both
pieces critiqued and finished up some finalizing touches. I then made it look more
presentable as if to present it to a client.
Message: The message is that Custom Longboard Designs is a trendy and professional
business to go to for your longboard designs.
Audience: The target audience is teenagers to young adults interested in
Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned is the importance of having a clear and
simple business card that will be easy to read and follow.
Color scheme and color names: The color scheme I used is called Big Split
Complementary. It includes the outer ring of the colors red, blue, yellow, and green.
Title Font Name & Category: For the title font I used bold versions of the font
Titillium Web, a San serif font.
Copy Font Name & Category: For the Copy font I used thin versions of the fontTitillium
Web, a San serif font.


Description: This project demonstrates my abilities with use in Adobe InDesign to

create a etter head.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): First I brainstormed ideas for possible layouts for my
business card and letterhead. I then took my company and created a logo for it using
adobe illustrator. From there I used that logo to create an appropriate letterhead using
Adobe InDesign. I had both pieces critiqued and finished up some finalizing touches.
I then made it look more presentable as if to present it to a client.
Message: The message is that Custom Longboard Designs is a trendy and professional
business to go to for your longboard designs.
Audience: The target audience is teenagers to young adults interested in
Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned is the importance of having a signature
appearance for a brand/company. If my business card looked completely different
from my letter head then I would not be able to create a signature look which would
confuse the consumer.
Color scheme and color names: The color scheme I used is called Big Split
Complementary. It includes the outer ring of the colors red, blue, yellow, and green.
Title Font Name & Category: For the title font I used bold versions of the font
Titillium Web, a San serif font.
Copy Font Name & Category: For the Copy font I used thin versions of the fontTitillium
Web, a San serif font.


Description: This project is to create a flier that will promote a graduate leadership
conference meeting and to grab the attention of recent graduates so that they will
Process: First, I created four different sketches to get some creative ideas out there on
the table. From there, I selected my favorite sketch of the four and started putting it into
InDesign and playing around with it. After I had a pretty good draft going, I received
some critique from two different knowledgeable sources. I then used that critique to
touch up my draft and make some finalizing changes until my flier was complete!
Message: The message of the flier is that if you are a recent graduate and you want to
have a competitive edge in business, you should definitely attend this conference.
Audience: The audience is recent graduates, focusing on ages 22-30.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned is the importance of negative space, and
that sometimes you have to play around with your layout a little in order to figure out
the appropriate amount of negative space.
Title Font Name & Category: I only used one font in this flier design, and its name is
Avenir Next Condensed. It is a sans serif font.
Copy Font Name & Category: Also used Avenir Next Condensed, a sans serif font.
Links to images used in this project:

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