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College Websites: A Comparative

Study on Usability of UI and WSU


November 22, 2015

A White Paper by: Lucas Kerner

College Websites: A Comparative Study on

Usability of UI and WSU websites
College websites are the first step to all potential college goers. This white paper will compare the usability
and functionality of two different college websites: University of Idaho, and Washington State University.
The test is to ensure that kids, just out of high school, who arent computer savvy, can learn all they need to
know about the colleges that they wish to attend. The tests will include all of the information that the
average would desire before applying or accepting their admittance.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015


This test will be done using the web browser Mozilla Firefox version 42.0 and by visiting the following
websites:, and The tests were completed on an at-home HP laptop located in
Moscow, Idaho. The testing took three consecutive days. The laptop is running on windows 8. The
webpages will be tested without any additional extensions, thus not hindering any test results.
The following tasks are those found most important to high school seniors who are about to apply for

1. Navigating cost of attendance.
2. Navigating the application Process
3. Navigating the housing options.
4. Locating a schedule of upcoming events.
5. Setting a Tour of the University.
6. Navigating the different majors/minors offered.
7. Transportation/Parking Options

Each task will be judged with a Likert scale and questions.

The task was easily located

The task was completed in a timely manner.

The task was easily learned and remembered.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Steps and Results:

1. Navigating Cost of Attendance

Washington State University: As soon as the page opened, I was greeted by five tabs, About,
Admissions, Academics, Research, and Community Life. After clicking on admissions a list of 35
sub-links are shown each underneath the previously listed link. I clicked on the sub-link Student
Financial Services. This brought up a blank white page full of words. The typography was very
poor. On the left side of the page in another sub-link I clicked on Cost of Attendance/Aid
Estimator. From here, I was able to find a link that let me see the cost of undergraduate admissions.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015

University of Idaho: As soon as the webpage is opened, several headlines are seen, About,
Admissions, Academics, Student Life, Research, Athletics, Calendar, Arts, and Outreach. I started
by clicking on the Admissions tab. Here I was able to scroll down and see a large link read
Financial Aid. The current spot is easily organized and includes many large pictures and a lesser
amount of links. The typography of the links make them easily to be seen. From here, I was able to
scroll down until I saw University of Idaho Costs and Tuition. I clicked on undergraduate 20152015 and the results can be seen below.


Task was Easily


Task was completed

in a timely manner.

Task was learned and


University of Idaho

Washington State

After trying to navigate both pages I found that the University of Idaho is more user-friendly. They
use larger fonts as well as fewer links, thus making the more important links pop out. Washington
State University however was more easily learned how to navigate. I performed the test multiple
times with both websites.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015

2. Navigating the Application Process

University of Idaho: First I clicked on Perspective Students and Admissions. This immediately
brought me to a site where I am to pick my student type. I chose first-year student. This brought
the first year admission requirements. I chose the requirements from an accredited high school.
This immediately brought up the admission process.


Task was Easily


Task was completed

in a timely manner.

Task was learned and


University of Idaho

Washington State

After the test the Washington State University application process was easier to find and
remember. It is inconvenient however to have to switch sites entirely and create a new account in
order to apply. Locating the task was easy however to fully complete the application process would
have been more of an inconvenience.
3. Navigating the Housing Options
University of Idaho: I first clicked on the sites Student Life link. This brought me to a site with
many different pictures of housings as well as activities to participate in while on campus. I clicked
on the picture that read Live on Campus. This brought me to a choice of living in the residence
halls or fraternity and sorority life. I explored both links and found all the required steps needed to
find housing as well as a broken down cost of living in both fraternities and residence halls. I found
that the fraternity life is cheaper.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015

Washington State University: First I clicked on admissions, and then Applying to WSU. I then
clicked the campus in Pullman and first-year student. On the top right of the page, A large link read
APPLY, where the link to the application was found. I had an option to apply with a printable
application or to create an account at CollegeNETs ApplyWeb service.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015

Washington State University: I first clicked on the Admissions tab and then the student life tab.
This brought up the housing options. I then clicked on freshman housing, and once again I was
given two options, residence halls, or Greek life. I clicked on the Greek life option and it stated
that all freshman must begin living in the residence halls. From here it gave me the choice for
interactive tours as well as a list of costs and other details about each living quarter.


Task was Easily


Task was completed

in a timely manner.

Task was learned and


University of Idaho

Washington State

After performing the test multiple times I found that University of Idaho site was easier to navigate
due to the amount of graphics used. UI also showed great detail in the breakdown of costs of living.
4. Locating a Schedule of Upcoming Events
University of Idaho: First I opened the webpage and clicked on events. This immediately
brought me to a calendar with options to change the date. The calendar included sporting events,
academic events as well as philanthropic events.


Task was Easily


Task was completed

in a timely manner.

Task was learned and


University of Idaho

Washington State

The test showed that both sites have the test easily located and remembered. I prefer the University
of Idahos event page because it is a calendar and can more easily be navigated. It also includes a
convenient search bar.
5. Setting a Tour of the University
University of Idaho: On the home page on the upper right is a link that reads VISIT. From
here you are navigated to a schedule your visit. A calendar is brought up and you can pick the any
date as long as it is within Monday through Friday and during regular business hours.
Washington State University: First click on the Visit link. The options of campus tours or
group tours is given. I chose campus tours. From here you are given the choice of selecting when
you want to visit. The tours are only from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Task was Easily
Task was completed
Task was learned and
in a timely manner.
University of Idaho

Washington State

The test proved that both sites are equally accessible. I prefer the leniency of the University of
Idahos campus tour time schedule. Both are very easy to navigate and to communicate with the
campus office.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015

Washington State University: After opening the web page I was able to scroll down to the
events link. From here it showed a miniature calendar with no more than three events. I clicked on
more events and it brought a list of events in order related to when they will occur. This included
academic and athletic events.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015

6. Navigating Different Majors/Minors

University of Idaho: I clicked on the main link of Academics. From here the first sub-link was
Find Your Degree. From here you are able to search your degree by either degree level, by
college, by topic, by availability, or by campus location. There is also a large list including picture
of the degrees below this. If you click on the by college option, you are shown every college that
the university contains. I chose to click on the college of Business and Economics and the large list
of degrees below narrowed to only the degrees offered in that college. Each degree showed the
level one can obtain, a small description and a picture of the degree in action.

Washington State University: I clicked on the main link of Academics. From here immediately
a page called Find your major was brought up. The university offers 95 majors and 86 minors.
The options to find a major include by academic area, by college, or by alphabetical order. I once
again chose the college of Business and Economics. It brought up a list of 9 majors and 2 minors.
They were alphabetically organized without any pictures or descriptions. I then, clicked on the
Accounting major and was given a review of the college of business and not of the degree selected.


Task was Easily


Task was completed

in a timely manner.

Task was learned and


University of Idaho

Washington State

According to the test, both websites were found easy to navigate and learn. The University of Idaho
was more user friendly and offered more detail to one who needs help deciding the major. The
pictures give the viewer a glimpse into the future if they are to choose that major.

Washington State University: I was unable to find a link that lead me directly to the Parking
and Transportation Services. I used the main search bar on the page and searched, Parking. The
results showed many links including athletic event parking. I was unable to find a general parking
list of rules and regulations. The only links for general parking are for the Spokane campus.


Task was Easily


Task was completed

in a timely manner.

Task was learned and


University of Idaho

Washington State

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015

7. Transportation/Parking Options
University of Idaho: I was unable to find a link that lead me directly to the Parking and
Transportation Services. I used the main search bar on the main page and searched, Parking. The
first link after the search was parking and transportation services. This page includes a very easy to
navigate and read campus parking map, online services, as well as car-side help during business
days. I clicked on online services and was given the options to pay parking tickets, add vehicles to
my account, appeal parking tickets, and see the prices for permits.

College Websites: A Comparative Study on Usability of UI and WSU websites | 11/22/2015


Total Scores:

Task was Easily


Task was completed

in a timely manner.

Task was learned and


University of Idaho




Washington State




After performing the seven tests the evidence is clear that the University of Idaho is the greater. The
website is organized in a user-friendly way. The links are very well organized and flow great from one to
another. The interactive pictures help guide the user through his tasks providing both visuals and
descriptions. Every aspect of this site is sound for if a task cannot be found, the search bar will complete the
task. The web page is clear and easy to follow for those who are wanting to find more information before
applying. Although not covered in the tests above, the webpage also has a great help link. Questions can be
answered almost immediately with the Q/A forums. The University of Idaho web page is extremely
descriptive with all information and is also structurally sound. The Washington State University website
lacked in detail. The links were easy to find but the information searched was not available.

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