Euthanasia in Medical Ethics

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Euthanasia in medical ethics

Couse Coordinator

Ns. Fatikhu Yatuni A, S.Kep., MSc


Hellen Marini


Euthanasia in medical ethics

The word euthanasia is taken from Greek eu thanos, meaning good death.
Euthanasia often being defined as effort to help someone in hasten its death one easy
way disability effect takes on to suffer that elongated and no more expectation for living

or healed (Arifin Rada, 2013). In common, euthanasia is agglomerated into two groups,
which is euthanasia active and euthanasia passive. View that agglomerates euthanasia as
active and passive goes upon it on the way euthanasia that was done.


euthanasia not particularly helpful as both sides claim the advantage of bringing about a
good death, and indeed, the question of what constitutes a good death is at the heart of
the euthanasia debate.
There are many the world society that agrees with euthanasia because some
reason, amongst those which is chronic diseased patient, will only suffer without can be
cured. The only way to soften patient charges with condition of that is with gives
placating death ( mercy

killing ). Patient that experience terminal disease sighs to

perceive that so pain. There are many patients which say that they want quick end up
her or his life so they do not feel grief continually. Besides, palliative care that needed
patient with terminal disease is very expensive. They should getting care along in her or
his life (Best Megan, 2010). We knows that patient with terminal disease is
impossible to be normal. It is must so heavy to her or his family from economics flank.
Someone of Indonesian society opposes with euthanasia. Indonesia that gets
personality and get guidance to pancasila, have another view with euthanasia.
Indonesian society give opinion that euthanasia is unsuitable with value that consists in
pancasila. In pancasila is named that we shall mutually love and humanitarian among
fellow being. Euthanasias action at assesses not get humanity to someone life. There
are many person assesses that family that done by euthanasia will accept that action
with sincere without know about her feeling. Someone will perceive that her or his life
is worthless if they know that her or his family suggests to does that action. So it needs
to get deep assessment from family or medical team
Review islamic law will hit euthanasia, particularly which is euthanasia active is
prohibited (Sir Thomas brown,2013). Since, euthanasia active is assessed as
conduct of suicide that is prohibited and threatened by God with forevermore hellfire.
Just God that deserved end up someone life, Therefore person that end up its life or
person that helps to hasten someone death all the same with oppose religion rule.
Judicially, task and medical team responsibility at Indonesian, in a bind by alone health
manner that it is content a medical team shall everlastingly remember liabilities to

protect patient life. In euthanasia was presupposed to divide really patient quite a wants
it, but a lot of terminal patient that experience critical condition and they are
unconscious to make one decision. So that way euthanasia is not be done to patient in
critical condition and unconscious.
Euthanasia also prohibited by our positive law which is KUHP (Suwarto, 2009).
One and only section which is utilized as base of law that exists at deep Indonesian
penal code is section 344 KUHP who names Who are ever despoil others soul at one's
request alone one is clear to be declared for by seriousness, threatened by criminal
prisons at longest twelve years . Of that section sound is clear that euthanasia can not
withstanding do at one's request patient with seriousness.
Thus principally don't everybody agree euthanasia's action, such even with
medical team. Partly agglomerate society gets starting point in consideration religious,
so all something constitutes the will of god. Argument who revealed by medical team in
Indonesian, figure attitude and medical team view at Indonesian about euthanasia.
Euthanasia's performing requires various decision, well of formal law facet, medical
ethical code, and also confession of patient and family.

Best, Megan. (2010). The ethical dilemmas of euthanasia. Diases
tanggal 4 desember 2015 melalui

Jewell, Paul. (2005). Rationality, euthanasia, and the sanctity of life.

Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics 12th Annual Conference.
Rada, arifin. (2013). Euthanasia dalam perspektif hukum islam. Jurnal Perspektif. 18
(2), hal : 108-117.
Suwarto. (2009). Euthanasia dan perkembangannya dalam kitab undang-undang hukum
pidana. Jurnal hukum pro justitia. 27 (2), hal : 169- 176
(Sir Thomas brown,2013)

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