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Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 8:61-4, 2006

Construction faults associated with complete denture

wearers' complains
Lija Laurina, Una Soboleva
Edentulism is considered a poor health outcome and may compromise the quality of life. Although the number of adult losing their natural teeth is diminishing, there are still large numbers of
edentulous adults in the population.
A retrospective study was conducted with information derived from literature (from 1984 till
2004) about the patients who experienced ongoing difficulties with new complete dentures, to determine possible underlying causes.
Relationships were observed when denture construction or design faults were compared with
patient complaints and the advised solution of the problem.
Conclusion. This study suggests that in most instances, complete denture patients present with
complaints only when there is real design fault. Clinician must carefully evaluate the denture for
faults in denture base extension and horizontal and vertical jaw relationships
Key words: edentulism, complete dentures, construction faults.

In most Western industrialized countries, edentulism
occurs in about one tenth to one fifth of the general population, in half of the population over age 65. This does
represent a considerable change from the high prevalence
of edentulism found only a few decades ago [1,2]. The
loss of natural teeth is associated largely with low socioeconomic status [3].
Loss of natural teeth and subsequent alveolar resorption has a significant impact on appearance and function. Complete denture fabrication techniques, while not
universally standardized have resulted in a high degree
of success [4,5]. Two thirds of the 118 respondents surveyed in the study reported that they were very satisfied with their maxillary denture as compared with 51%
for mandibular dentures. Of the individuals who wore their
dentures all day, 5% were very dissatisfied with at
least one of their dentures [6].
Many practitioners will experience a situation, when
a patient with newly fabricated complete dentures continues the experience difficulty in adapting to them [7, 9].
This can lead to a long period of appointments that may
not result in resolution of the problem [10,11]. Therefore
it is often concluded that there is some patient factor,
either age, gender, medical or psychological status that
is hindering the success of treatment [1,12,13].
Department of Prosthodontics, Riga Stradins University, Latvia.

Una Soboleva* - D.D.S., Assistant professor, Head of the Department

of Prosthodontics, Institute of Stomatology, Riga
Stradins University.
Lija Laurina - D.D.S., lecturer
Address correspondence to Una Soboleva Department of Prosthodontics, Institute of Stomatology, 20 Dzirciema str., Riga LV 1007,

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2006, Vol. 8., No. 2.

Treatment challenges for such patients have traditionally been described as a combination of function,
comfort, and esthetics.[14]
Often there is not total agreement between the patient and the dentist as to the adequacy of their dentures
[8,15,16]. This differing perception of patient needs makes
management more difficult. The fact that a denture of poor
quality may be well tolerated in one person, while a wellmade one may be a failure in another has been a frequent
source of confusion and frustration [9,13,17]. It has led
many dentists away from taking proper care in the construction and provision of good quality dentures in the
belief that the patient will adapt to almost anything, irrespective of the quality [10,16,18]. Therefore, this article is
a review of selected literature on the sequel of treatment
with conventional complete dentures with included recent
literature found with Medline from 1984 to 2004.
Several authors cite the most frequent complaints
with complete dentures are those pertaining to esthetics,
retention and stability, comfort while eating, and the accumulation of food under the appliance [11,15,16,19].
The factor that most often appears to have an impact on either success or failure of complete dentures is
esthetics [11,15,16,20]. Sometimes the appearance of their
dentures prevents from wearing them. The way in which
the patient believes he should look is not always in accordance with the clinicians perception of a pleasing appearance [9,11,15,16,20]. Attention has also been focused
on patients expectations of their dentures. Patients may
have unrealistic high expectations of their dentures, often believing that the dentures will be comparable to their
natural teeth [13,15,21,22]. It has been stated that these
high expectations of dentures are more prevalent in older
age groups [7,21,23].


Practitioners have statistically significantly fewer adjustment appointments and a greater number of pleased
patients when all esthetic decisions are made by the patient. This implies that when the esthetic result successful, the dentures are more successful over all. Everybody
accept the importance of esthetics in denture success stating that, Good appearance is so related psychologically
to comfort that the two cannot be separated [24, 25].
When a patient experiences difficulty with his dentures, the clinician must critically assess the factors that
influence denture acceptance. These factors may explain
why there is a difference between the perceptions of the
dentist and the patient of where the difficulty lies
Loss of natural teeth and subsequent alveolar resorption has a significant impact on appearance. It is possible to restore appearance with complete dentures
[8,17,23]. Bone resorption in the maxilla occurs mostly on
the buccal aspect and this leads to a decrease in lip support. Incisive papilla is a guide that the vestibular surface of incisor teeth are placed 8-10 mm anterior to the
incisive foramen [8-12,15,21,23]. Anterior tooth position
influences retention and stability of the denture, speech
pattern [6,8,20].
The process of developing an aesthetic scheme for
anterior denture teeth begins at the jaw registration stage.
The wax rims should be adjusted to indicate the desired
buccolingual positioning of the teeth and the level of the
occlusal plane [10,11,18,21].
Both the amount of tooth showing orientation of
the occlusal plane and labiolingual inclination, have an
influence on aesthetics. If the level of the occlusal plane
is set too low, or if the anterior teeth are set on a flat
plane, then the teeth will be too visible. If the orientation
of the occlusal plane is not parallel to the interpupillary
line, then the smile will look crooked [10,11,18,21].
The labiolingual position of the anterior teeth, in particular the neck of the teeth, is critical in terms of lip support [8,9,23]. If the labial flange of the denture is thickened this will cause bulking out beneath the nose. We
can place the necks of the teeth close to the alveolar
ridge and tilt the incisal edges of the teeth labially. This
will improve the lip support [8,10,11].
Some review demonstrates the major concepts of
natural or supernormal appearance. A 100-degree nasolabial angle and a 140-degree mentolabial angle should be
the goal for the extraoral appearance. The incisal edges
of the maxillary teeth should follow the lip line, and a
reverse curve should be avoided. The dental midline
should be both coincident with the facial midline and
vertically straight. A gingival-to-lip distance of 4 mm or
more may be considered unaesthetic.
These factors should be considered baseline esthetic
guidelines in complete denture construction [26,27,28].

L. Laurina et al.
It should be remembered that the tongue of the patient who is wearing complete dentures has a dual function- to take part in speech articulation and to control the
dentures. If the dentures are loose, the demands of this
latter function may be so great that there is a general
deterioration in the quality of speech.
A dry mouth may result in looseness of dentures
and will also affect speech due to the loss of surface
lubrication of the oral mucosa [29,30,31].
A number of sounds are affected by tooth position
,flange thickness and lip support. But sometimes it is difficult to decide whether phonetics will improve as the patient adapts to the new shape of the dentures [ 8,12, 21]

The presence of complete dentures alters the degree

of oral resonance. If the charges in the contact surfaces
require a modification of tongue behaviour that is beyond the adaptive capability of an individual patient, a
speech defect will persist.

Measuring the occluding face height and the resting face height should check the amount of freeway space.
In addition to measuring the freeway space, the clinician
should also assess this visually. If there is too much tooth
showing, or if the patient is struggling to put their lips
together, there may be insufficient freeway space. The
patient should be asked to speak and if their speech
sounds incorrect, this may indicate that there is insufficient freeway space. If there is too much freeway space,
then the patient will look over closed and will show too
little teeth [8,9,15].
If the retention of the denture is satisfactory, then
alteration can be made without remaking the dentures.
Removing and replacing the anterior teeth can achieve
changes to the mould, shape or inclination of the teeth. If
the level of the occlusal plane is incorrect, resulting in
too much tooth showing or excessive amount of visible
polished surface, then all teeth will have to be removed
and a new jaw relationship recorded. Wax rims can be
added to the denture bases and these should be trimmed
to the desired level. When the complaint is that too little
tooth is visible, wax can be added to the occlusal surfaces of the teeth until a satisfactory amount of wax is
visible. A new centric relation record should be made and
the technician should be instructed to remove and reset
the teeth to this new position [8,9,18].
When the patient complains of looseness it must be
checked peripheral extensions, posterior palatal seal,
adaptation of the bases, occlusion, shape of the polished
surface and tooth position [9,11,12,17,18].
In the absence of pain and associated overextension of the periphery, looseness of dentures is in all probability a result of failure to obtain peripheral seal. A further etiological factor may be poor adaptation of the denture to the underlying tissues. This should be suspected
if the patient complains that food accumulates beneath
the denture. The extension of the denture should be
checked, and areas of under extension modified with green
stick compound. The post dam region of the maxillary
denture should also be assessed, and green stick tracing
compound added if the post dam is found to be deficient.
Common areas for under extension in the mandibular denture are the distolingual pouch and the retro molar pad
region [8,9,13,18,23].
Another possible cause of denture looseness is that
the teeth have encroached upon the neutral zone. If the


Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2006, Vol. 8., No. 2.


L. Laurina et al.
dentures are unstable when eating and speaking, this is a
likely cause. If this is suspected, then the clinician should
trim the lingual aspect of the posterior teeth to increase
tongue space and assess this after a few weeks [8, 10, 18].
The other feature to check is the width of the polished surface around the maxillary tuberosities. When
the mouth is opened wide, the coronoid process of the
mandible can encroach upon the neutral zone in this region. If the adjacent polished surface of the denture is
bulky, then the denture can be displaced. If this is suspected, then the thickness of the polished surface should
be reduced gradually until the patient can open the mouth
without displacing of the denture [8,18].
If the impression and polished surfaces are satisfactory, then the problem may be related to the occlusion.
Check the occlusion in centric relation and excursive
movements. If there is locking of cusps when under taking excursive movements, then the denture can be displaced. These contacts should be identified and adjusted
until balanced articulation is achieved [7,9,10,20].
At the present time, large numbers of adults have
edentate maxillary arches opposed by partially dentate
mandibular arches. Usually they have a complete maxilla
denture but do not have a mandibular prosthesis. A common problem when such a combination presents is that
of flabby tissue in the anterior maxilla. This may make
the maxillary complete denture unstable, because the
flabby tissue displaces during function [5, 9, 18].
The anterior part of the maxillae is the weakest part of
the upper arch to resist stress and when the lower anterior
teeth occlude anterior to the basal support, trauma is inevitable. The remaining mandibular anterior teeth seem to
extrude along with the bony process, and excessive bone
loss occurs in the posterior part of the ridge under the
partial denture bases. These five changes may constitute
a syndrome, as they are quite characteristic. These changes
are (1) loss of bone from the anterior part of the maxillary
ridge, (2) over growth of the tuberosities, (3) papillary hyperplasia in the palate, (4) extrusion of the lower anterior
teeth, and (5) the loss of bone under the partial denture
bases. Its called combination syndrome. This situation
represents 26 per cent of the denture patients [32].
A further difficulty may be that there are insufficient
occlusal contacts to maintain a stable maxillary denture.
When molar and premolar teeth are missing, occlusal forces
are directed through the anterior aspect of the maxillary
denture, resulting in a tipping force, which displaces the
denture posteriorly. The clinical challenge is to decide how
many occlusal contacts are required to overcome this situation, and this varies from patient to patient [9,18].

The following treatment options for the mandible
should be considered:
restoring missing teeth with a removable denture;
ext en din g t he sh or ten ed dent al ar ch usin g
cantelivered bridge work;
extending shortened dental arches with implant-retained crowns or bridges.
The advent of osseo integrated implants has improved the options for edentulous patients. The use of
implants to stabilize prostheses reduces the need for the
patient to develop the complex skills required to control
conventional complete dentures. This can help improve
oral function for the patient and it is possible to achieve
greater patient satisfaction with the appearance of complete dentures which are retained on dental implants.
There are many ways that dentures can be improved,
and dentists should be able to assess the quality of a
denture in terms of aesthetics, support, retention, stability, occlusion, vertical dimension and extension of the
denture bases.
There are still no reliable methods to predict the outcome of complete denture treatment and there are many
problems related to treatment with complete dentures.
In addition to clinical and technical skills, insight
into patient behavior and psychology and communication techniques are also necessary.
Complete dentures even the best may not provide
optimal ability to speak, masticate and socialize. Inevitable
ridge resorption over time, may further decrease oral function if dentures do not remain retentive and stable. Ill-fitting dentures can prevent enjoyment of food and affect
overall nutrition. Edentulism can also have profound effects on psychological, emotional, oral and general health.
Complete denture patients experiencing difficulties
with their dentures most frequently complained of looseness of their dentures, esthetics, difficulty while eating,
and accumulation of food under the appliance.
The most frequently observed faults in denture construction related to retention and vertical and horizontal
jaw relationships. There is significant relationship between inadequate retention and inproper intermaxillary
relationships and patients complaints of looseness and
difficult eating.
Clinician must carefully evaluate the denture for
faults in horizontal and vertical jaw relationships before
concluding that the patients complaint is related to age,
gender, or general medical condition.

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Received: 21 01 2006
Accepted for publishing: 27 06 2006


Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2006, Vol. 8., No. 2.

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