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1. Topicality: Political Environment – Page 2

A. If health care was a chemical EPA might regulate it
B. Health Care controversial measure only further pollutes the environment
C. Independents are disgusted with Washington which is polluting the environment
D. Health Care produces a major impact on the political environment
E. Define: Political Environment/Pollute
2. Topicality: Health vs. Environment – Page 3
A. Environmental Councils seek Health Policy Directors
B. Environmental Policy Interventions (Health Stuff)
C. Protecting human health is part of the EPA’s mission.
D. Health Care aims for little environmental impact
3. Polls and Surveys – Page 4
A. 41% want the Health Care Bill and 55% don’t want it.
B. Most senior citizens against health care. (they use it the most)
C. 49% of voters want the states to sue the federal government.
D. 60% believe that it will increase of federal budget deficit.
E. 49% believe it will be bad for the country
F. CBS Poll shows 70% of Americans oppose ObamaCare
G. Most Americans do not want the Fed Gov in any way involved in their health care
4. Generic Significance - Page 5
A. If we don’t repeal it we will face stiff penalties. Unfortunately, Democrats refused to listen.
B. Health Care is described as a “killer bill”
C. 17 Reasons Why the Government shouldn’t Provide Free Universal Health Care for All Americans.
D. The Health Care is nationalism that will fund abortion and cut off senior cirizens
5. Government Control – Page 6
A. The Federal Government used to control 13% now its 50%
B. Health Care is government control. Which is what Obama wants.
C. Government running our health care is “unacceptable.”
6. The Constitution Violated – Page 7
A. For any federal law to be “constitutional,” it must meet these minimum standards…
B. Unique: Health Care violates all of those
C. Health Care Bill violates the 10th Amendment
D. Health Care bill violates states rights by forcing costly programs
E. The Tenth Amendment, Federalism and Text of it.
7. Tax Increase – Page 8
A. The Health Care Bill being Passed will raise taxes more than half a trillion dollars
B. Would reduce demand for investment
C. Health Care package would cost $940 Billion
D. New taxes for people earning less than $200,000 a year which violates Obama campaign pledge
E. Most Families make less than $250,000
F. Numerous fees that the health care bill will impose
G. He will be taking money from the tax payers and giving it to the non-taxpayers
H. $1 Trillion-plus legislation
8. Free market HealthCare – Page 9
A. Fixing health care requires freedom and free markets
B. Better left to the state governments
9. Privacy – Page 9
A. The Fed employees can access your health record. Say good-bye to privacy
B. Section 431 makes the IRS divulge taxpayer identity information
10. Quotes – Page 10

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1. Topicality: Political Environment

A. If health care was a chemical EPA might regulate it
B. Health Care controversial measure only further pollutes the environment
C. Independents are disgusted with Washington which is polluting the environment
D. Health Care produces a major impact on the political environment
E. Define: Political Environment

A. If the health care bill was a chemical EPA might regulate it

Gary Andres, March 18, 2010 (is a American neoconservative opinion magazine published 48 times per year. It was
founded by News Corporation and made its debut on September 18, 1995.)

If the Democrats’ health care bill were a chemical, the Environmental Protection Agency might label it as a toxic substance
lethal to incumbents. More wavering House lawmakers are realizing this chilling electoral reality as the showdown vote
approaches in the next several days.

B. Health Care controversial measure only further pollutes the environment

Gary Andres, March 18, 2010 (is a American neoconservative opinion magazine published 48 times per year. It was
founded by News Corporation and made its debut on September 18, 1995.)

The three dozen or so Democrats who end up voting against the health care bill could be in the same boat. With 253
Democrats in the House, up to 37 could vote “no” and the measure would still reach the bare minimum 216 needed,
assuming every Republican also opposes the plan. Passage of the controversial measure will only further pollute the
environment, making it impossible for some of them to survive.

C. Independents are disgusted with Washington which is polluting the environment

Michael Boland,Gary Andres, March 18, 2010 (a former senior House GOP leadership aide who now runs Dome Advisors,
a Washington research organization for the institutional investment community)

“Voters don’t construct a carefully calibrated, audited list of roll call votes, weighted by importance,” said Michael Boland, a
former senior House GOP leadership aide who now runs Dome Advisors, a Washington research organization for the institutional
investment community. “Those are just the wrong assumptions. Many voters -- particularly independents -- are disgusted with
Washington. They hear words they don’t understand: reconciliation, side car legislation, self-executing rules. This only further
pollutes the environment,” Boland argued.

D. Health Care produces a major impact on the political environment

Michael Boland,Gary Andres, March 18, 2010 (a former senior House GOP leadership aide who now runs Dome Advisors,
a Washington research organization for the institutional investment community)

Under normal circumstances, Democrats distancing themselves from unpopular policy issues might insulate them from a
bad election cycle. Not so in 2010. Yet the time spent on health care and the controversy surrounding it could produce a
major impact on the political environment. Irrespective of an individual Democrat’s vote on the issue, overcoming the
toxic consequences on the public mood in many of these swing districts may be impossible.

E. Define: Political Environment/Pollute

Barron's Educational Series,

The political environment includes all laws, government agencies, and lobbying groups that influence or restrict individuals
or organizations in the society.

To make something harmful -

2 Health Care Bill Repeal -- 2A Backup

2. Topicality: Health vs. Environment
A. Environmental Council seeks Health Policy Directors
B. Environmental Policy Interventions (Health Stuff)
C. EPA has topics on Health
D. Health Care aims for little environmental impact

A. Environmental Council seeks Health Policy Directors

Environmental Law & Policy Center, February 10, 2010,

The Michigan Environmental Council (MEC) seeks a full-time Health Policy Director to lead our organization’s efforts to
achieve public policy changes that improve the health of Michigan residents by reducing environmental impacts.

B. Environmental Policy Interventions (Health Stuff)

Missouri Dept of Health and Senior Services, 2010 (government web site)

In general, environmental policy interventions includes policies that support environmental changes in public or private
places (e.g., parks, worksites, public transit systems, grocery stores policies to modify individuals’ lifestyle patterns by
increasing access to resources (e.g., medications, nutritional foods, physical activity facilities), policies to reduce barriers to
prevention and management of heart disease and stroke (e.g., cost of resources and transportation), and environmental
changes to increase access to places that support healthy eating and physical activity as well as restrict tobacco use.

C. Protecting human health is part of the EPA’s mission.

Environmental Protection Agency, 2010,

“Protecting human health is an integral part of EPA's mission.”

D. Health Care aims for little environmental impact

Mölnlycke Health Care, 2010, (is a world leading manufacturer of single-use surgical and wound care products and
services for the professional health care sector. started operations as an independent company in 1998)

Mölnlycke Health Care shall aim for as little environmental impact as possible from its activities without compromising the
efficiency and reliability of its products and services.

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3. Polls and Surveys

A. 41% want the Health Care Bill and 55% don’t want it.
B. Most senior citizens against health care. (they use it the most)
C. 49% of voters want the states to sue the federal government.
D. 60% believe that it will increase of federal budget deficit.
E. 49% believe it will be bad for the country
F. CBS Poll shows 70% of Americans oppose ObamaCare
G. Most Americans do not want the Fed Gov in any way involved in their health care

A. 41% want the Health Care Bill and 55% don’t want it.
Rasmussen Reports, March 25, 2010, (is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and
distribution of public opinion polling information. an independent pollster for more than a decade.) (This national
telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports The margin of sampling error for the survey
is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence)

Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the
legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it
repealed. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, conducted on the first two nights after the president signed the
bill, shows that 55% favor repealing the legislation. Forty-two percent (42%) oppose repeal. Those figures include 46% who
Strongly Favor repeal and 35% who Strongly Oppose it.

B. Most senior citizens against health care. (they use it the most)
Rasmussen Reports, March 25, 2010, (is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and
distribution of public opinion polling information. an independent pollster for more than a decade.) (This national
telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports The margin of sampling error for the survey
is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence)

Most senior citizens (59%) also favor repeal. Earlier, voters over 65 had been more opposed to the health care plan than
younger adults. Seniors use the health care system more than anyone else.

C. 49% of voters want the states to sue the federal government.

Rasmussen Reports, March 25, 2010, (is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and
distribution of public opinion polling information. an independent pollster for more than a decade.) (This national
telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports The margin of sampling error for the survey
is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence)

A number of states are already challenging the constitutionality of that requirement in court, and polling data released earlier shows
that 49% of voters nationwide would like their state to sue the federal government over the health care bill.

D. 60% believe that it will increase of federal budget deficit.

Rasmussen Reports, March 25, 2010, (is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and
distribution of public opinion polling information. an independent pollster for more than a decade.) (This national
telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports The margin of sampling error for the survey
is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence)

Sixty percent (60%) of likely voters believe the new law will increase the federal budget deficit. Only 19% disagree and say
it will not. Twelve percent (12%) think it will have no impact on the deficit.

4 Health Care Bill Repeal -- 2A Backup

E. 49% believe it will be bad for the country
Rasmussen Reports, March 25, 2010, (is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and
distribution of public opinion polling information. an independent pollster for more than a decade.) (This national
telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports The margin of sampling error for the survey
is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence)

Overall, 41% of voters believe the new health care legislation will be good for the country, while 49% believe it will be bad
for the country.

F. CBS Poll shows 70% of Americans oppose ObamaCare

JB Williams, political writer. March 25, 2010, (A no non-sense conservative columnist who employs a unique combination
of historical facts and common sense. )

As the CBS poll clearly confirms, more than 70% of Americans oppose ObamaCare in any form. They oppose the criminal
methods used to strong arm the nation into socialized medicine behind closed doors even more.

G. Most Americans do not want the Fed Gov in any way involved in their health care
JB Williams, political writer. March 25, 2010, (A no non-sense conservative columnist who employs a unique combination
of historical facts and common sense. )

Most Americans do not want the federal government in any way involved in their health care, much less in charge of their
health care. Most Americans prefer private sector solutions to daily challenges and have come to have no faith in the
federal government to do anything right, after a long history of government doing things wrong.

4. Generic Significance
A. If we don’t repeal it we will face stiff penalties. Unfortunately, Democrats refused to listen.
B. Health Care is described as a “killer bill”
C. 17 Reasons Why the Government shouldn’t Provide Free Universal Health Care for All Americans.
D. The Health Care is nationalism that will fund abortion and cut off senior cirizens

A. If we don’t repeal it we will face stiff penalties. Unfortunately, Democrats refused to listen.
Jillian Rayfield, TPM LiveWire, Sen. Jim DeMint, released a statement on March 21, 2010 saying

"Unless this trillion-dollar assault on our freedoms is repealed, it will force Americans to purchase Washington-approved
health plans or face stiff penalties. It will fund abortions, raise taxes and insurance premiums, while reducing health care
choices and quality. This arrogant power grab proves that the President and his party care more about government control
than the will of the American people. Americans told Washington to keep its hands off their health care in opinion polls, at
public protests, and at the ballot box, but their pleas were ignored. If the President and Democrats were serious about true
health care reform, there were many free-market solutions we could have easily passed. Americans support commonsense
reforms such as purchasing coverage across state lines, stopping frivolous medical lawsuits, and giving the same tax breaks
to Americans who don't get their insurance at work. Unfortunately, Democrats refused to listen."

B. Health Care is described as a “killer bill”

Rep. Michele Bachmann, Mar 23rd 2010, (Elected in 2006, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is the first Republican
woman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota.)

The bill that barely passed, can only be described as a killer bill. It kills jobs, it kills opportunity, it kills promises that taxes
wont rise, and we all know it will be a killer to the unborn. Sadly, the only bipartisan aspect of yesterday’s voting was the
opposition to the legislation. Dozens of brave Democrats, stood up and voted against Pelosi’s wishes.

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C. 17 Reasons Why the Government shouldn’t Provide Free Universal Health Care for All Americans.
Joe Messerli, 01/19/2010,

1. There isn't a single government agency or division that runs efficiently; do we really want an organization that
developed the U.S. Tax Code handling something as complex as health care?
2. "Free" health care isn't really free since we must pay for it with taxes; expenses for health care would have to be paid
for with higher taxes or spending cuts in other areas such as defense, education, etc.
3. Profit motives, competition, and individual ingenuity have always led to greater cost control and effectiveness.
4. Government-controlled health care would lead to a decrease in patient flexibility.
5. The health-care industry likely will become infused with the same kind of corruption, back-room dealing, and
special-interest-dominated sleeze that is already prevalent in other areas of government.
6. Patients aren't likely to curb their drug costs and doctor visits if health care is free; thus, total costs will be several
times what they are now.
7. Just because Americans are uninsured doesn't mean they can't receive health care; nonprofits and government-run
hospitals provide services to those who don't have insurance, and it is illegal to refuse emergency medical service
because of a lack of insurance.
8. Government-mandated procedures will likely reduce doctor flexibility and lead to poor patient care.
9. Healthy people who take care of themselves will have to pay for the burden of those who smoke, are obese, etc.
10. A long, painful transition will have to take place involving lost insurance industry jobs, business closures, and new
patient record creation.
11. Loss of private practice options and possible reduced pay may dissuade many would-be doctors from pursuing the
12. Malpractice lawsuit costs, which are already sky-high, could further explode since universal care may expose the
government to legal liability, and the possibility to sue someone with deep pockets usually invites more lawsuits.
13. Government is more likely to pass additional restrictions or increase taxes on smoking, fast food, etc., leading to a
further loss of personal freedoms.
14. Patient confidentiality is likely to be compromised since centralized health information will likely be maintained by
the government.
15. Health care equipment, drugs, and services may end up being rationed by the government. In other words, politics,
lifestyle of patients, and philosophical differences of those in power, could determine who gets what.
16. Patients may be subjected to extremely long waits for treatment.
17. Like social security, any government benefit eventually is taken as a "right" by the public, meaning that it's
politically near impossible to remove or curtail it later on when costs get out of control.

D. The Health Care is nationalism that will fund abortion and cut off senior cirizens
Edwin Mora, Phyllis Schlafly at a National Press Club luncheon, August 12, 2009, (a major conservative leader since the
early 1960s.)

Schlafly described the Democrats’ attempt to overhaul health care in the United States as nationalism that will fund
abortions and cut off those senior citizens with costly health requirements or who need expensive treatment.

5. Government Control
A. The Federal Government used to control 13% now its 50%
B. Health Care is government control. Which is what Obama wants.
C. Government running our health care is “unacceptable.”

A. The Federal Government used to control 13% now its 50%

JB Williams, political writer. March 25, 2010, (A no non-sense conservative columnist who employs a unique combination
of historical facts and common sense. )

The U.S. federal government controlled only 13% of the U.S. economy when Obama took office a short fourteen months
ago. Today, after consuming the auto industry, the bank and investment industry, the insurance industry and the health
industry, the Fed will control roughly 50% of the U.S. economy.

6 Health Care Bill Repeal -- 2A Backup

B. Health Care is government control. Which is what Obama wants.
Edwin Mora, Phyllis Schlafly at a National Press Club luncheon, August 12, 2009, (a major conservative leader since the
early 1960s.)

“But everything Obama is promoting on the health care industry is bad, is government control, which is what he wants,”
she said. “You know he never had a real job before he got in politics.” “He was a community organizer -- and this is a
process of making people believe that they live in an unjust and discriminatory society and they should organize to protest
and demand to take money away from the taxpayers,” she said.

C. Government running our health care is “unacceptable.”

Edwin Mora, Phyllis Schlafly at a National Press Club luncheon, August 12, 2009, (a major conservative leader since the
early 1960s.)

“Anybody who thinks that health care is going to cost less if the government runs it must believe in the tooth fairy,” she
said. “It isn’t going to happen and the idea of letting the government run all of our healthcare industry is simply

6. The Constitution Violated

A. For any federal law to be “constitutional,” it must meet these minimum standards…
B. Unique: Health Care violates all of those
C. Health Care Bill violates the 10th Amendment
D. Health Care bill violates states rights by forcing costly programs
E. The Tenth Amendment, Federalism and Text of it.

A. For any federal law to be “constitutional,” it must meet these minimum standards…
JB Williams, political writer. March 25, 2010, (A no non-sense conservative columnist who employs a unique combination
of historical facts and common sense. )

1. It must be within the limited federal powers enumerated in the Constitution

2. It must enjoy the support of the vast majority of “the governed,” from which all federal powers are derived
3. It must not infringe upon the individual rights of any citizen
4. It must not infringe upon the rights of any state, protected by the Tenth Amendment
5. It must become law by way of legal legitimate legislative process

B. Unique: Health Care violates all of those

JB Williams, political writer. March 25, 2010, (A no non-sense conservative columnist who employs a unique combination
of historical facts and common sense. )

Obama’s Health Care treachery violates all five of these standards and as a result, it cannot be allowed to stand. This is
about much more than health care. This is about a government allegedly of, by and for the people. A government which
acts against its people cannot be a government of, by and for the people. That government is beyond broken - it is
“unconstitutional” at its core.

C. Health Care Bill violates the 10th Amendment

Just News, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum. March 23,2010

"It manipulates the states into doing things that the states simply can't afford and breaks the sovereignty and is a violation of
the 10th Amendment," said Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.

D. Health Care bill violates states rights by forcing costly programs

Just News, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum. March 23, 2010

McCollum is joined by those of a dozen other states who claim the health care reform bill violates states' rights by forcing
costly programs for about 32 million newly insurable Americans.

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E. The Tenth Amendment, Federalism and Text of it.

Wiki, Accessed on March 27th 2010

The Tenth Amendment restates the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the
national government nor prohibited to the states by the constitution of the United States are reserved to the states or the
people. Text “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are
reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

7. Tax Increase
A. The Health Care Bill being Passed will raise taxes more than half a trillion dollars
B. Would reduce demand for investment
C. Health Care package would cost $940 Billion
D. New taxes for people earning less than $200,000 a year which violates Obama campaign pledge
E. Most Families make less than $250,000
F. Numerous fees that the health care bill will impose
G. He will be taking money from the tax payers and giving it to the non-taxpayers
H. $1 Trillion-plus legislation

A. The Health Care Bill being Passed will raise taxes more than half a trillion dollars
Washington Times, March 24, 2010,

The historic overhaul of the nation's health care system that President Obama signed Tuesday, when combined with the fixes
making their way through Congress, will raise taxes over the next 10 years by more than a half-trillion dollars.

B. Would reduce demand for investment

Washington Times, March 24, 2010,

Imposing a Medicare tax on investment income "would reduce demand for investment, which is the last thing that the
economy needs right now. It would slow [economic] recovery, reduce employment opportunities and hinder wage growth,"
said Karen Campbell of the conservative Heritage Foundation. "Less investment, lower investment values and lower wages
hinder the ability of households to build wealth."

C. Health Care package would cost $940 Billion

Michael O'Brien and Jared Allen, 03/18/10, “CBO: Health package costs $940 billion; Hoyer eyes Sunday vote for
measure”( Primary congressional agency charged with reviewing congressional budgets and other legislative initiatives
with budgetary implications.)

“CBO told lawmakers that the health package would cost $940 billion over the next decade”

D. New taxes for people earning less than $200,000 a year which violates Obama campaign pledge
Washington Times, March 24, 2010,

Although only high-income households will pay the new Medicare levies, Republicans say, billions of dollars in other new
taxes will be paid by individuals earning less than $200,000 per year and married couples earning less than $250,000. That
would violate a 2008 campaign pledge by President Obama, Republicans say.

E. Most Families make less than $250,000

Washington Times, March 24, 2010,

Many of these "Cadillac plans" are held by union workers in the private sector and by state and local government workers.
Most families of both groups earn well below $250,000.

8 Health Care Bill Repeal -- 2A Backup

F. Numerous fees that the health care bill will impose
Washington Times, March 24, 2010,

Middle- and working-class Americans, Republicans say, also can expect to pay a big portion of the numerous fees that the
health care bill will impose on the pharmaceutical industry ($27 billion from 2011 through 2019), on medical-device
manufacturers ($20 billion from 2013 through 2019) and on health insurance providers ($60.1 billion from 2014 through
2019), and on indoor tanning services (a 10 percent excise tax).

G. He will be taking money from the tax payers and giving it to the non-taxpayers
Edwin Mora, Phyllis Schlafly at a National Press Club luncheon, August 12, 2009, (a major conservative leader since the
early 1960s.)

“One of the big problems we face is that now about half of the people do not pay income tax” she said. “So his plan is to
take money away from the taxpayers and give it to the non-taxpayers and I think we have to call him on every term. I am
hopeful that we can defeat the health care bill.”

H. $1 Trillion-plus legislation
Susan Page, USA TODAY, 7/14/2009 (is a national American daily newspaper distributed in all fifty states)

The findings underscore the difficult path ahead for the White House and Congress as the health care debate enters crunch
time. President Obama, who has called for the House and Senate to pass bills before their August recess, met Monday with
two key congressional chairmen to try to hammer out financing for the $1 trillion-plus legislation.

8. Free market HealthCare

A. Fixing health care requires freedom and free markets
B. Better left to the state governments

A. Fixing health care requires freedom and free markets

The Cato Institute, 2010,(is a libertarian think tank, is non-partisan, and its scholars' views are not consistently aligned
with either major political party.)
“The president’s proposal — a government takeover of health care — is not the solution. Fixing health care requires
freedom and free markets.”
B. Better left to the state governments
Paul M. Weyrich, December 6, 2007 (is Chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation.)

The major problem with health care is that Americans have ceded to the Federal Government a role it should not have,
particularly because the United States Constitution does not enumerate health care as a power of the Federal Government.
True, government has a responsibility to ensure that there are medical standards in place to prevent abuse, malpractice and
corruption but this is better left to state governments.
9. Privacy
A. The Fed employees can access your health record. Say good-bye to privacy
B. Section 431 makes the IRS divulge taxpayer identity information

A. The Fed employees can access your health record. Say good-bye to privacy
Lonely Conservative, quoting the Institute for Policy Innovation Aug 27, 2009 (a free-market think tank and presumably no
fan of Obamacare)

Over at the Institute for Policy Innovation (a free-market think tank and presumably no fan of Obamacare), Tom Giovanetti
argues that: “How many thousands of federal employees will have access to your records? The privacy of your health
records will be only as good as the most nosy, most dishonest and most malcontented federal employee…. So say good-bye
to privacy from the federal government. It was fun while it lasted for 233 years.”

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B. Section 431 makes the IRS divulge taxpayer identity information

Lonely Conservative, quoting the Institute for Policy Innovation Aug 27, 2009 (a free-market think tank and presumably no
fan of Obamacare)

Section 431(a) of the bill says that the IRS must divulge taxpayer identity information, including the filing status, the
modified adjusted gross income, the number of dependents, and “other information as is prescribed by” regulation. That
information will be provided to the new Health Choices Commissioner and state health programs and used to determine
who qualifies for “affordability credits.”


"The sheep are happier of themselves, than under the care of wolves." -- Thomas Jefferson

"Government is not reason, nor eloquence. It is force. And like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearsome master."
-- George Washington

"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the
Government from falling into error." -- Robert H. Jackson

"Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" -- Patrick Henry

10 Health Care Bill Repeal -- 2A Backup

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