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Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Doctorate (Doctor Ph.D. Degree) via distance learning

The online Doctorate program offers students the highest level of specialization in any discipline.
Students acquire highly specialized knowledge and full command of specific skills that they will
develop, argue and defend in their culminating work: the Doctoral thesis. The main requirement
of the online doctorate consists in submitting and discussing a 70 page thesis paper for review
and evaluation by a Bircham University academic committee. In some cases, previously
published material can be counted towards the Ph.D. degree in substitution of a the doctoral
research work. Several 20 to 35 pages reports based on textbooks may also be required to
complete the required online doctorate credits. Duration depends on the amount of research and
work that students will devote to the completion of their doctoral thesis. The Ph.D. thesis must be
defended in front of a minimum of three members of the Bircham University Academic
Network. The Bircham International University office will set up the thesis discussion schedule
with both the student and the BIU academic committee. Occasionally and upon request this
discussion may be established through the Internet or phone and on one to one basis with each of
the members of the Bircham University academic committee. DOCTOR of PHILOSOPHY
(Ph.D DEGREE - 45 to 70 credits)
Doctorate (Doctor Ph.D. Degree) via distance learning in Military Strategy
TOTAL: 45~70 Academic Credits required for this distance learning degree program.
Composition: 30 credits for 10 Specialization Courses in Military Strategy distance
learning higher education + 18 credits that correspond to research methodology
and the Thesis. + Some additional online university courses may be selected from
other modules in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities from Bircham International
University if required. This selection must to be approved by the Distance Learning
University Education Board.

MODULE: Military Strategy via distance learning

Program delivered by distance learning higher education up to a maximum of 30 credits. This
module may be combined or completed with other online university courses from this faculty.

DESCRIPTION: Military Strategy Online

This program deals with the art and concepts of warfare from the beginnings of recorded history
to the present. It provides an understanding of the interrelations of political, strategic,
operational, tactical, and technical levels of war from the past, while focusing on the application
of these same principles to contemporary battlefields.

Courses list (each subject accounts for 3 Academic Credits):

1 BIU Earned Credit = 1 USA Semester Credit (15 hours of learning) = 2 ECTS Credit (30 hours
of study).

History of Wars
The Art of War
Military Strategy
War Tactical Intelligence
International Crime & Security
The UN & International Organizations
International Conflict Resolution
Diplomatic Relations
Peace Studies


More information about this supervisor and instructors at Bircham University Human Network.
SUBJECT COURSES: Military Strategy via distance learning

Each subject accounts for 3 credits.

Each of the following subjetcs may be studied as a continuing education course.

History of Wars
This course analyzes the forces of human conflict, and how those forces have shaped, and
continue to shape, civilization. It covers the philosophy, strategy, and tactics of conflict;

generalship, leadership, and management of warfare and of people; great historical battles and
their influences on society; the influence of technology on warfare and on society; and the
history of other related issues such as diplomacy, foreign affairs, and terrorism.
Instructor: Anna Sofie Helen Bolin

The Art of War

Sun Tzus Art of War, written 2,500 years ago in China, is among the great classics of military
strategy. This course reviews the strategy and tests its application in modern times. It gives
insights on the enemys plans; achieving victory before seeking battle; the art of maneuver;
offense and defense; and normal and extraordinary forces.
Instructor: Anna Sofie Helen Bolin

Military Strategy
This course deals with the art and concepts of warfare from the beginning of recorded history to
the present day. It provides an understanding of the interrelations of political, strategic,
operational, tactical, and technical levels of war from the past, while bringing into focus the
application of these same principles to the battlefields of today.
Instructor: Anna Sofie Helen Bolin

War Tactical Intelligence

This course presents tactical intelligence theory and emphasizes on intelligence support to
ground operations. It considers the impact of terrain and weather on tactics, employment of
information about the adversary, and principles of tactical intelligence analysis to deal with
strategic problems in war and peace.
Instructor: Anna Sofie Helen Bolin

This course takes an in-depth analysis into domestic and international terrorism with focus on
current terrorist threats and issues. It examines causes, criminal procedures, and the legal and

constitutional issues in reference to terrorism investigation, prevention, apprehension. and

prosecution of terrorists.
Instructor: Anna Sofie Helen Bolin

International Crime & Security

This course examines the concept of security as well as the various elements that, combined,
allow modern nation states to feel secure. It analyzes threats vulnerabilities and the anarchy that
threatens global security and world peace equilibrium. It discusses whether the United Nations is
capable of effective action in crisis as well as the work in counter-proliferation against weapons
of mass destruction, international humanitarian law, and international drug policy.
Instructor: Anna Sofie Helen Bolin

The UN & International Organizations

This course discusses the origins, the functions, the role, and the significance of international
organizations such as the United Nations. It provides examples of various kinds of international
organizations, their aims, principles, membership, and decision-making processes.
Instructor: Earle Taylor

International Conflict Resolution

This course investigates the origins and the theories of conflict and war and their prevention. It
analyses the relationship between foreign policy, national security, attainment of political
objectives, conflict and violence, and the political economy of war. It examines the
transformation of conflict into social violence, the means to end hostilities, and the
administration of peace processes.
Instructor: Earle Taylor

Diplomatic Relations
On the more practical side, this course considers the establishment and conduct of diplomatic
relations and permanent missions, protocol and procedure, diplomatic language and types of

diplomatic correspondence, diplomatic and consular privileges, immunities, consular functions,

and conference diplomacy.
Instructor: Earle Taylor

Peace Studies
This course examines a set of fundamental questions raised in peace studies and provides
different perspectives to them. What do we mean by peace? How do we consider violence,
conflict, security, development, sustainability, democracy, equality, and justice? What human
values relate to cultures of peace and conflict? Which are the practical means to build peaceful
relationships? What are the key challenges and the peaceful alternatives facing humanity now
and then? The wide range of human peace and conflict experiences and the complexity of
interactions at both the local and the global levels make it very difficult to have single answers to
these questions.
Instructor: Carmen Ramirez Hurtado

Faculty of Business & Media

MODULE: Executive Leadership via distance learning

Program delivered by distance learning higher education up to a maximum of 27 credits. This
module may be combined or completed with other online university courses from this faculty.

DESCRIPTION: Executive Leadership Online

This program combines the major theories and practices in the world of business and leadership.
It provides a wide perspective on enterprises and their transformations through numerous case
studies and accounts from the managers and executives at leading companies. It contains
capstone material that highlights the challenges facing the twenty-first-century managers.

Courses list (each subject accounts for 3 Academic Credits):

1 BIU Earned Credit = 1 USA Semester Credit (15 hours of learning) = 2 ECTS Credit (30 hours
of study).

Organizational Behavior
Organizational Leadership
Innovation Management
Decision Making & Analysis
Human Resources Management
Business Management
Entrepreneurship Leadership
Coaching & Leadership
Coaching Strategies


More information about this supervisor and instructors at Bircham University Human Network.

SUBJECT COURSES: Executive Leadership via distance learning

Each subject accounts for 3 credits.

Each of the following subjetcs may be studied as a continuing education course.

Organizational Behavior
This course analyzes the impacts of behavioral issues found in the organizational setting. It
provides an in-depth focus of past and current theories concerning the cause and effects of work
motivation, attitude formation, and perceptions in different organizational settings, including
those that are culturally diverse. The course also explores how personality theory can be applied
to selection, placement, training, group processes, conflict, organizational behavior modification,
and the individual and social bases for decision making.
Instructor: Shelley-Ann Meihuizen

Organizational Leadership
This course develops an understanding of oneself and of others as both individuals and group
members. It examines individual coaching, group motivation and leadership, team building, and
behavioral processes at the individual, group, and inter-group level. It shows the impact of the
self on others and how to overcome the barriers that prevent organizational leadership.
Instructor: Shelley-Ann Meihuizen

Innovation Management
This course presents the methods for transforming organizations to create innovation. It covers
diagnosis of opportunities for innovation and development, intervention activities, and
implementation strategies. It examines problems and issues in integrating technology and
innovation into processes and products, management of research and development (R&D); and
new product and/or process development according to customer needs.
Instructor: Earle Taylor

Decision Making & Analysis

This course examines the major decisional areas to establish goals and determines strategies. It
deals with the dynamic conditions of uncertainty and risk characterizing the environment of
modern organizations. It emphasizes the analytical approaches for problem formulation and
solution as well as decision implementation.
Instructor: Earle Taylor

Human Resources Management

This course examines the cost effectiveness of human resources programs in terms of culture
diversity, work force management, benefits, budgets, and financial planning. It explores how to
effectively utilize human resources in organizations. Topics include: human resources
information systems, employee protection, management succession, and human resources
strategic planning.
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Business Management
This course reviews the nature of managerial economics, demand analysis and estimation,
customer behavior, production analysis, estimation of cost, profit planning and control, pricing
decisions, competition in different market structures, the economic role of government,
investment, and financial policy. It deals with problem identification, problem solving, critical
thinking, consulting, project management, and strategies for effective decision making.
Instructor: Wolf Dettmer

Entrepreneurship Leadership
This course focuses on the aspects of leader-follower interaction, namely the effective use of
power and influence, and the understanding of what motivates individual and group followers. It
develops interpersonal communication skills that increase leader effectiveness in achieving work
force results. It shows how to discover and manage your own strengths and weaknesses, and how
to attract, recruit, and build up a talented team.
Instructor: Shelley-Ann Meihuizen

Coaching & Leadership

This course shows how to get the most from employees. Managers learn how to be more than
just a boss and develop the skills and strategies to become more like a coach to their employees.
It shows how to tap into the hidden strengths and talents of employees, to inspire peak
performers to even greater levels of productivity, to confront inappropriate behavior, and turn
problem employees into productive workers.
Instructor: Shelley-Ann Meihuizen

Coaching Strategies
This course reviews important strategies related to leadership, motivation, and coaching and their
applications in various situations. It considers leadership communication strategies, creative
thinking, teamwork, motivation, and the effect of different leadership and coaching styles upon
the organization. It focuses on the coaching intervention strategies used in managing different
organizational settings.
Instructor: Deric Bircham

MODULE: Human Resources via distance learning

Program delivered by distance learning higher education up to a maximum of 36 credits. This

module may be combined or completed with other online university courses from this faculty.

DESCRIPTION: Human Resources Online

Companies are formed by people who need security and motivation. A good management of
human resources ensures efficiency, quality, and productivity at all levels. This program
combines the latest in research and theory to solve human resources problems effectively and
practically. Nowadays, corporations seek the best in capability and productivity from their
personnel. The goal of this program is to provide managers with tools to hire and sustain the
right person in the right position.

Courses list (each subject accounts for 3 Academic Credits):

1 BIU Earned Credit = 1 USA Semester Credit (15 hours of learning) = 2 ECTS Credit (30 hours
of study).

Organizational Administration
Organizational Behavior
Training Programs
Employment Reward Strategies
Organizational Communication
Human Resources
Employment Law
Labor & Management Relations
Employees Supervision
Human Resources Management
Working in Complex Systems
Employee Dispute Resolution


More information about this supervisor and instructors at Bircham University Human Network.
SUBJECT COURSES: Human Resources via distance learning

Each subject accounts for 3 credits.

Each of the following subjetcs may be studied as a continuing education course.

Organizational Administration
The course surveys the field of organizational theory, including the historical underpinnings of
the field, the nature of bureaucracy, evolving organizational structures and design, the
organization-environment interface, multiple stakeholders, and power and influence in the
emerging organization.
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Organizational Behavior
This course analyzes the impacts of behavioral issues found in the organizational setting. It
provides an in-depth focus of past and current theories concerning the cause and effects of work
motivation, attitude formation, and perceptions in different organizational settings, including
those that are culturally diverse. The course also explores how personality theory can be applied
to selection, placement, training, group processes, conflict, organizational behavior modification,
and the individual and social bases for decision making.
Instructor: Shelley-Ann Meihuizen

Training Programs
This course shows how to develop successful training programs that reinforce the companys
mission and goals. It examines the design, operation, and evaluation of training and development
activities. It also reviews the influence and effect of training in organizations.
Instructor: Samuel Murinda

Employment Reward Strategies

This course examines the various systems used to evaluate employee productivity and
performance. It includes job analysis, job descriptions, setting performance standards, designing
appraisal feedback, administering performance appraisal, and rewards systems.
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Organizational Communication
This course examines communication processes in organizations. It analyzes oral and written
communication, intercultural communication, interviewing techniques, negotiating skills,
conflict management, and technologically mediated communication. Other issues covered
include organizational culture, diversity, power, leadership, ethics, and international
Instructor: Shelley-Ann Meihuizen

Human Resources
This course explains human resources management concepts and processes as they apply to
managing individual and work-group behavior in organizations. It deals with organizational
behavior topics such as leadership, motivation, and teamwork. It also considers diverse human
resources strategies, personnel selection, performance evaluation, reward systems, and employee
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Employment Law
This course analyzes the procedures involved in procuring and orienting individuals to an
organization. It evaluates recruiting, selection, contracts, and follow-up methods in light of
current legislation. It emphasizes ethical employment practice, and incorporates legal and
occupational health and safety issues.
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Labor & Management Relations

This course investigates the dynamics of labor-management relations and stresses on the
relationships with unions and the constraints that place the industrial relations on the managerial
decision-making process. It includes the development of unions, union recognition, collective
bargaining and its impact on wages, hours, working conditions, grievance procedures, and health
and safety.
Instructor: Shelley-Ann Meihuizen

Employees Supervision
Hiring and managing employees is crucial to any business. This course teaches supervision skills
that relate to all the phases of personnel interactions. It demonstrates how to communicate with
fellow employees and subordinates, especially in a business where the stress level is high. It also
covers planning, organizing, problem solving, delegating, as well as training and evaluating new
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Human Resources Management

This course examines the cost effectiveness of human resources programs in terms of culture
diversity, work force management, benefits, budgets, and financial planning. It explores how to
effectively utilize human resources in organizations. Topics include: human resources
information systems, employee protection, management succession, and human resources
strategic planning.
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Working in Complex Systems

This course develops the theoretical foundation and intervention models of complex systems and
it is based on the cognitive model, social learning principles, and general systems theory. These
analytical models are applied to organizational case studies.
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

Employee Dispute Resolution

This course introduces alternative dispute resolution processes including mediation, arbitration,
and conflict avoidance. It shows the value of internal and external dispute resolution programs
and how they affect the following areas: legal, economic, personnel, and image. It covers a
variety of work-place conflicts and shows how to resolve them.
Instructor: Philipose Daniel

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