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Welcome to {CSI} Training, during the course please no speaking unless told to.

R:Yes "sir" / "ma'am"
alright, first off are the rules
1.Never disrespect others, regardless of rank or appearance
2. Never disobey orders.
3. Never ask for Rights, Pay or Promotions.
4.Never double job.
5.Always call the High Ranks "Sir" or "Ma'am"
6.Never spam or type in all capital letters.
7.Never use any effects
8.Always wear the apporiate attire to work.
9.Always talk in Bold by pressing Shift+Enter after you type mesagge.
R: Yes, Sir/Ma'am.
Now, the basic commands.
FTF-Fill The Front.(Help recruit at Front Desks.) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
FTS - Fill The Security. (Fill the security posts.) <------------------------------->
BTB-Back To Base. (Head Back To Base)
Next Ill teach you how to control Security
1. Check their badge.
2. Check their motto. All has to be spelt right and make sure that it corresponds
to the badge.
3. If they arent VIP or HC make sure that their uniform is correct.

4. HC and VIP can wear what they choose, but it must be Dark and Formal.
5. After all that is correct, flick the correct switch open.
6: If it is the right post, step on the tile and flick the switch when there is a
Do NOT play with switches or you will be kicked.
R: Yes, Sir/Maam
Next, I will teach you how to FTF correctly.
T: 1. Say something like Welcome to {CSI} NY may I help you?
T: 2. If they want a job, get them to change their motto to: {CSI} Recruit
T: Badge: Add group, then favourite it.
T: For the groups address, copy and paste it using Ctrl+C for copy, and Ctrl+V for
T: 3. Uniform: If they are not HC or VIP, direct them through football gate for the
T: Understood?
R: Yes, Sir/Ma'am.
Alright, I will ask you various questions, you must answer them in whisper.
T: If you get them all correct, then you will hold a rank higher than the other
T: Is that clear?
R: Yes Sir/Ma'am.
T: Can everyone whisper?
R: Yes Sir/Ma'am
T: 1. What are 3 things you should never ask for?
R: Rights, Pay, Promotions.
T: 2. Where would you go if I ordered you to FTF in the HQ?
R: To the front, and help recruit new members.
T: 3. What do you call all High Ranks?
R: Sir/Ma'am.
T: 4. True or false? Should you talk in bold?
R: A: True
T: BONUS: 5. What are the three things you should check when you FTS?
R: Badge, Motto and Uniform
T: Very good, the following people have managed to get 4/4 correct: <NAMES>
T: Those who DID NOT get 4/4 correct, change your motto to: {CSI} Probationary
Constable <Da5> Understood?
T: Those whom did get 4/4 correct, 4. I will whisper your motto now... {CSI}

Constable <Da5 >

T: When you think your motto is correct, please stand up.
T: Before you go, your first command is to FTF. Unless its full, please FTS.
R: Yes Sir/Ma'am.
T: Group dismissed.
Oh and also, not all of it was me, i added other people's really good ideas too :) I
will edit it and say their when the people remind me who they are. :P

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