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Mark T. Spence, Ph.D.

Department of Marketing
Bond University
Gold Coast QLD 4229
(07) 5595-2276
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1988 - 1993.
Doctor of Philosophy, Business Administration. Major in Marketing, with a minor in Management/
San Jose State University, San Jose, California, 1982 - 1985.
Master of Arts degree, Economics.
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, 1978 - 1981. Bachelor of
Science degree, Economics and International Business (included overseas international business
studies program at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark). Graduated with Honors.
Journal Articles Published
Optimizing the Internal Value Chain: Principles and Practices (with Sudhir Kale, forthcoming,
Journal of Management & Organization, 14/4).
Creating Emotions via B2C Websites (with Marilyn Y. Jones and Christine Vallaster,
forthcoming, Business Horizons).
Causes and Consequences of Emotions on Consumer Behaviour: A Review and Integrative
Cognitive Appraisal Theory (with Lisa Watson, European Journal of Marketing, 41 (5/6), 2007).
Singapores Foray into Casinos: A Triadic Exchange Relationship Perspective (with Sudhir
Kale, Euro Asia Journal of Management, issue 36, 16(2), December 2006, 85-106).
Decomposing the Value of Department Store Shopping into Utilitarian, Hedonic and Social
Dimensions: Evidence from Finland (with Timo Rintamaki, Antti Kanto and Hannu kuusela,
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 34(1), 2006, p. 6-24).
Mind over Matter? The Inability to Counteract Contrast Effects Despite Conscious Effort (with
Stewart Shapiro, Psychology and Marketing, March 2005, 225-246).
Factors Affecting Encoding, Retrieval, and Alignment of Sensory Attributes in a Memory-based
Choice Task (with Stewart Shapiro, Journal of Consumer Research, March 2002, 603-617).
Inter-group Communication Among Cross-Disciplinary Student Teams: An Exploratory Study of
Process and Effects (with Kenneth Laird and Melvin Prince, Journal for Advancement of
Marketing Education, Summer 2003, 26-39).
Assessing the Effect of Varying the Diagnosticity of Sensory Experiences on Decision Processes
and Brand Preferences (with Stewart Shapiro, International Quarterly Journal of Marketing,
January 2001, 43-54).
"The Effect of Expertise on the Quality of Appraisal Services" (with James Thorson; Journal of
Real Estate Research, vol. 15, 1, 1998, 205-215).

"The Moderating Effects of Problem Characteristics on Experts' and Novices' Judgments" (with
Merrie Brucks; Journal of Marketing Research, May 1997, 233-247).
"Expertise Effects on Prechoice Decision Processes and Final Outcomes: A Protocol Analysis"
(with Hannu Kuusela and Antti J. Kanto; European Journal of Marketing, vol. 32 (5/6) 1998, 559576).
"Managerial Intuition: A Conceptual and Operational Framework" (with Stewart Shapiro,
Business Horizons, January-February 1997, 63-68).
"A Test of the Stability of the CETSCALE, a Measure of Consumers' Ethnocentric Tendencies"
(with James A. Nielsen [SCSU graduate student]; Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Fall
1997, 68-76).
How Group Size Affects the Quality of an Individuals Contribution to a Focus Group: An
Empirical Study (with Jessica Falco and Alysia Patzer [SCSU undergraduates]; the Business
Journal, 13(1), 1998, 36-40).
How Consumers Select Life Insurance Policies: A Protocol Analysis (with Hannu Kuusela;
Journal of Professional Services Marketing, 18(1), 1998, 49-63).
Multiple Stimuli and Learning Studied Through a Repeated-Measures Design (with John
Pantzalis, Special Issue of the Journal of Consumer Psychology on Methodological and Statistical
"Problem-Problem Solver Characteristics Affecting the Calibration of Judgments" (Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes, September 1996, 271-279).
Book Chapters
Factors Affecting the Acquisition of Energy Efficient Durable Goods, in Greener Marketing: A
Global Perspective to Greening Marketing Practice, second edition, Michael Jay Polonsky, et al.
(Eds.), Greenleaf Publishing, UK (1999).
"Motivating and Evaluating Group Projects", in Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing, third edition,
Joseph F. Hair, Jr., et al. (Eds.), SouthWestern College Publishing, Ohio (1996).
Conference Papers/Presentations
Creating a Talented Workforce for Macau Casinos (with Sudhir Kale, Gaming Industry and
Public Welfare 2007, Macau SAR).
A Cross Cultural Comparison of India, China and Australia: An Analysis of Love-related
References within Dating Websites (with Natascha Loebnitz, New England Business
Administration Association conference, 2007, Stamford, Connecticut, USA).
Designing An Appropriate Brand Image and Customer Gaming Experience in Macau:
Challenges and Opportunities (with Sudhir Kale, Gaming Industry and Public Welfare 2006,
Beijing, China).
Do Pleasantness and Goal-related Appraisals Work in Concert to Drive Emotions? Evidence
from Two Empirical Studies (with Lisa Watson, Association for Consumer Research AsiaPacific 2006 conference, Sydney, Australia).

Conscious versus Unconscious Detection of Product Attribute Change (with Stewart Shapiro,
Special Session presentation, 2005 North American Annual Conference for the Association for
Consumer Research, San Antonio, Texas).
The Joint Effect of Relevant/Irrelevant Information and Expertise on the Formation of Market
Segments: Do Experts Group In Fewer, Tighter Clusters? (with Laurie Ann Stevens, 2005
Annual ANZMAC Conference, Perth, Australia).
The Importance of Agency Appraisals in Eliciting Consumption Related Emotions (with Lisa
Watson, 2005 Annual ANZMAC Conference, Perth, Australia).
Forced Repurchases Resulting from Unanticipated Property Loses: Time, Emotion and
Attribution Impacts (with Lisa Watson, 2004 Annual ANZMAC Conference, New Zealand).
Exploring the Dimensions of Fit within Sports Sponsorship (with Robin Pentecost, 2004 Annual
ANZMAC Conference, New Zealand).
Propositions Addressing Perceived Differences in the Value of Hard and Soft Information in
Marketing Decision Support Systems (2003 Annual ANZMAC Conference, Australia).
An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of the Personal Fanaticism Scale (PFS) on Motivations,
Involvement and Future Intentions (with Robin Pentecost, 2003 Annual SMAANZ Conference,
New Zealand).
The Effect of Category Fit in a Multi-firm Event Sponsorship Context (with Robin Pentecost, 6th
Australasian Services Research Workshop, 2004, New Zealand).
Improving Managers Decision-Making by Providing Outcome Feedback and Performance
Goals: Do They Help? (with John Pantzalis, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2002
conference, Puerto Rico).
Customer Satisfaction and LAN Failure: A Positive Relationship (with Robert Page and Bob
Mullen, New England Business Administration Association 2002 conference, New Haven).
Amplification Loops in Resource Allocation: A Conceptual Framework (with Robert Page and
Shyam Lodha, New England Business Administration Association conference, Scotland, 2001).
Ten Ways to Promote a Website (with Angela Pawlowicz [SCSU undergraduate], Northeast
Business and Economics Association conference, September 2001).
Starting an On-line Business (with Heather Medes [SCSU undergraduate], Association of
Marketing Theory and Practice Conference, 2000.)
Marketing Geographic Information Systems (Panel presentation with Kenneth Laird and Donna
Buccini, Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Conference, 1999. Pre-arranged field trip
to BellSouth Corporation followed presentation).
The Importance of Managerial Freedom in the Design and Implementation of Business
Strategies (with John Pantzalis, 17th Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism,
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999).
The Importance of Hard and Soft Information in Executive Information Systems (with Ayca
Gungen [SCSU Graduate Student], 13th Annual Academic Computing Conference, 1999)
Using Focus Groups in Experiments: Quantifying Qualitative Data (poster presentation at
Research Dialog: A Qualitative Perspective, Southern Connecticut State University, 1998).

"Choice Processes Used When Evaluating and Selecting Refrigerators: Is Energy Consumption
Important?" (with Hannu Kuusela; New England Business Administration Association conference,
"The Effects of Electronic Voice Messaging on Organization-Customer Relationships" (with
Kenneth Laird; 1997 Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Technology).
"Factors Affecting the Acquisition of Energy Efficient Domestic Appliances: A Review and
Exploratory Study" (with Hannu Kuusela and Olli Ahtola; working paper track, 1997 Annual
Conference of the Association for Consumer Research).
"The Moderating Effects of Information Search Environment Characteristics on Decision Making"
(with Merrie Brucks; presented at the 1994 Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer
"Expert-Novice Differences when Solving Problems with Ambiguous Characteristics" (poster
presentation at the Annual Judgment and Decision-Making Meeting, November 1993).

Off-campus Research Presentations by Invitation

Griffith University, February 2006 (presented doctoral seminar on Behavioural Decision Making)
University of Queensland, May 2005: Mind over Matter? Factors Affecting Sensory Attributes in
a Memory-Based Brand Choice Task: Insights from Two Empirical Studies
University of Sydney, September 2004
Griffith University, May 2003
Internet distributed manuscripts/papers
Is There a Relationship Between Product Failure and Customer Loyalty? (with Robert Page, Jr.,
Australian Marketing Institute, Marketing Update, May 2003).
A Non-technical Guide to Setting-up an E-commerce Website (with Heather Medes; over 300
copies requested by members of the Marketing Academic Researchers distribution list [elmar],
fall 1999).
Dissertation Supervisor
An Exploration of the Effects of Outcome Desirability and Agency Appraisals on Emotions and
Consumer Decision-Making Processes, Lisa Watson, Bond University, completed May, 2006.
Multi-sponsored Events: Should I Sponsor If They Are? The Multi-dimensionality of Fit and its
Effect on Brand Judgments, Robin Pentecost, Bond University, completed May, 2007.
Teaching Experience
Principles of Marketing
Market Research
Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Management
Small Business Analysis and Entrepreneurship
Doctoral Seminar Directed Readings in Consumer Behaviour

International Teaching Experience

Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau, China. Presented 6-hour workshop to 250+ attendees on
Marketing Issues in Casino Management, August 2005.
Institute for Industrial and Engineering Technology, Connecticut. Presented 6-hour workshop
entitled Corporate Marketing Management to visiting Chinese delegation, May 2002.
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania. Presented 12-hour workshop entitled
Effective Marketing: Creating an Action Plan for Success in November, 2001 and May, 2002.
Hame Polytechnic, International Business Studies Program, Valkeakoski, Finland. Taught
'Science and Research Methods' course, January 1998.
Service Activities
Doctoral Program Coordinator, Marketing Department (2003 to present)
Ph.D. Dissertation Examiner, Griffith University, 2006
Ph.D. Supervisor for Natascha Loebnitz and Sonia Vilches (in progress)
Track Chair, Association for Consumer Research, Asia-Pacific conference, 2006
Masters Thesis Supervisor for Hege Hoem, completed 2005
Faculty Advisor to Bonds MBA Moot Corp Business Plan competition team (Bond won the
Northwest Venture Championship, the Carnegie Mellon McGinnis Venture Competition, and the
Murphee Venture Partners Challenge, 2004. The following year Bond won Best Presentation and
Runner-up in Moot Corp, Australia.)
Advisor, Independent studies, 8/2003 (UG), 12/2003 (PG), 5/2006 (UG)
Member Faculty Search Committee (2006-2007)
Member Academic Committee (2006 to present)
Member Bond University Post Graduate Program Review Committee (January 2005 to present)
Member Bond University Human Research Ethics Committee (Oct 2002 to present).
Member Business School Ph.D. Program review committee (May 2003 to May 2004)
Coordinator Marketing/Management/New Ventures Research Seminar series (Oct 2002 to Oct
Coordinated two UG teams to participate in Inter-University Undergraduate Student Case
Competition (ACUMEN 2003) at QUT. Bond won first and second place.
Gave multiple presentations to High School students to promote Bonds Business School, 2003,
2004, 2007.
Article reviewer, Academy of Marketing Science 2008 conference
Article reviewer, AusWeb 2007 conference
Article reviewer, Association for Consumer Research conference -- Asia-Pacific, 2006
Article reviewer, Australia New Zealand Marketing Academic Conference, 2005, 2006, 2007
Article reviewer, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2005
Article reviewer, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2001
Article reviewer, Management Science, 2001
Article reviewer, Journal of Marketing Research, 1999
Article reviewer, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1998, 1999
Article reviewer for 'Association for Consumer Research Conference(s) - USA' 1995,1996,1997
and 1999
Article reviewer for Society for Marketing Advances: Technology and E-commerce Track 2000,
Article reviewer for 'Telematics and Informatics'
Reviewed Principles of Marketing textbook, South-Western College Publishing
Co-chair, 'Desktop Publishing: Business Geographics Forum - 1995'

Session Chair and Reviewer for 'Association for Consumer Research - 1994 Pacific Rim
Awards and Honors
Invited Faculty Participant, 2006 Doctoral Colloquium, Queensland University of Technology,
December 2006
Deans Excellence in Teaching Award, Bond University, May 2004
Advisor to recipient of Graduate Student Research Fellowship (1998-1999)
Researcher of the Year, School of Business, Southern Connecticut State University (1996-1997)
Connecticut State University Summer Research Grant (1997, 2001, 2002)
Northeast Business and Economic Association 1996 Conference, winner, Best Competitive Paper
AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow (1991)
Eighth Annual University of Houston Doctoral Symposium (1990), Doctoral Student
Graduate Registration Scholarship, University of Arizona (1991-1992)
Graduate Academic Scholarship, University of Arizona (1990-1991)
Frank and Norma Exter Scholarship (1981)
President's Honor List, California Polytechnic State University (1980)
Work Experience
2002 Present
Bond University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia. Associate Professor of Marketing.
2007 Present
Ozone1 Pty Ltd, Nerang, QLD, Australia (
Chairman of the Board. Provide operations oversight and marketing strategy advice to Ozone1, a
manufacturer and distributor of ozone-based air and water purification systems for commercial
and residential applications.
2000 2006
Business Plan Academy, L.L.C.
Co-founded the Business Plan Academy which reviewed Business Plans and made marketing
strategy recommendations to start-up businesses.
1993 - 2002
Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut.
Associate Professor of Marketing; was promoted and tenured early.
1987 - 1988
First Deposit Corporation, San Francisco, California.
Senior Analyst, Credit Analysis and Auditing Group. Developed discriminant models to select
target audience for mail-order products.
1984 - 1986
Gnostic Concepts, Incorporated, San Mateo, California.
Program Manager, Market Research Group. Responsible for producing the 'Electronics
Components Price Forecast', a quarterly multi-client service; regular contributor to the 'Electronic
Industry Economic Outlook.' Conducted extensive telephone market research and data base
development. Developed regression-based economic forecasts.
Extensive travel throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, and North and South America. Have visited
over 40 countries.

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