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7:46 am, 4/1/2010 6th, Mayan calendar day 10 Chicchan/Serpent

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Surrounded by rainbow refractions, I sit, appreciating both the sun’s

rise and the East-facing bedroom windows. I am truly blessed... Oh,
and of course the lovely faceted crystals, such an important ‘facet’ of
the show, the display. Yes, so blessed.

I sit here, once again, without Internet service. This is so interesting.

Now, it appears, my modem, itself, has died; not one light appears,
even plugged into different outlets. Interesting. Another hmmm.

No, I take nothing for granted. Nor do I believe in anything so

nonsensical as the possibility of coincidence, luck, or the like. No,
everything is more sensibly viewed as Source, ‘talking.’ All, each
little thing, is pregnant with meaning.

This is funny, in a way, too, since I don’t believe in things having a

purpose. A reason for happenings, yes; a purpose for things? No.
Does that make sense; even heart sense? Let’s see.

Is there even a difference, you say, between reason and purpose?

Do consider: what is your reason for being? Now, what is your
purpose? Do those questions seem the same to you? No, not to me,

My reason for being is to be; just that. My purpose? Well,

whatever arises in this very moment, this is my purpose.
Whatever arises in this moment I do not see as my reason for being;
though, it may be that, on deeper pondering, I would find it to be so. I
don’t know. I don’t now.

So...Purpose seems to carry, to me, the flavor of what I call will and
intent. Those two go together. What I set my intent towards, I have
also then mustered or focused my will upon.
While I am quite comfortable to ‘go with the flow,’ as you witness me
doing most of the time, that does not mean that will and intent are
dead within me. While I have surrendered, in addition to identity as
body and mind, both the past and the present,
Yet do I still have and maintain
Both will and intent.

This joined pair are the axis

on which my world spins
Will and intent

Often, and often do I offer

The beautiful Mantra for Sovereignty
It goes like this:

“I am a sovereign being, exercising free will as I ascend the spiral of

I intend that the Higher Purpose be served, and that the Light

So simple, so beautiful.
I love it. It says it all, for me;
Will and intent.

This may be called

“Hitch your wagon to a star”
I believe
It is just that powerful;
Will and intent

These two form the basis

Of what you are, and me
Will and intent

This is how you set your compass

How you steer your craft;
Will and intent

Yes, how are yours now set

My friend;
Your will and intent?

What direction is your life

Now headed?
Where steers your own
Will and intent?

Can you go with me

Within your own heart
There look upon
The stage that is your life?

Can you see, there

How the overall control
Is vested in your own
Will and intent?

Can you see how

You really do
Steer the craft, the ship
That is you?

By the focus of
Your will, your intent
To head this way
Or that?

Now stay in heart;

There’re eyes (t)here, too
Look closely there
My friend; please do.

See both your own will

Your intent to do
Just what your life
Has brought your way

You steer the ship of state,

My friend. Whether you will
Or you no ...
So take responsibility
Own your life;
You control it
From within

Take the reins,

The tiller;
Let’s begin

To steer this ship of state.

What state? You say

Why the state of your life,
My friend

Is governed by
your own will,
Your intent

So look with me,

And don’t be scared

Just remember that

It simply is just what it is

And whatever is,

You’re quite capable

Of turning it
Around your way

By focusing your
Will and your intent.

You take command

You set and trim the sail;

You don’t control the weather

But you do, the ship

The ship of state

That is your life

You’re a far finer thing

Than ever you’ve noticed

And it’s time, my friend

To open those baby blues

To gaze upon a scene

You’ve not been seeing

Called the majesty of You

At first it takes some magic glasses

We wear
We find them, here in heart

We put them on, then look upon

Our life
In amazement, we but stare

For we’re the very gods,

We see
We just forgot our parts

Yet here, in heart,

We find
And we remember them

A whole new vision

We see
My friend, from here

Within the heart.

Cast off all sense

Of limits
Please do, set sail

The breezes now

Blowing through
In this Kingdom of your Heart

The wind is always fine

In there
In your Kingdom of the Heart

Do you see your throne,

Just over
By the wall?

The scepter’s near

As well
Close by

The crown you’re already

Up there

Atop your golden tresses

Come and rule with me

My friend
Get cozy

Come in and do ascend

The throne

Take up the scepter

Of power
And then

Take o’er your life

Once more.

Open inner eyes, please do

And see

What’s there
In the Kingdom of the Heart

This is the real and true


The outer life’s but a play

A fantasy

This is where you set

The stage

Write the lines

Your Kingdom of the Heart

You direct the play from here

If you will

Your intent writes the lines

Do you see?

You’re really in charge, no matter

The seeming

In the kingdom of the heart

It’s not quite so simple

Of course

To set your course it means

You wear your crown

To rule with any authority

Take up the scepter
You must

How do this, are you

Asking me?

Well, simply friend, one word:


Take back your life, quit blaming

You’ll see
And things will begin
Get better

Oh, on the outer view

It may still be

That things’re a mess

A veritable melee

But you’re within, now

So the view is quite different

From within
The Kingdom of Your Heart.

With new eyes, now, you see

New vision

You witness meaning behind

All seeming

You realize all’s blessing

It is

When seen from

The Kingdom of the Heart.

N’er again will things look

The same

N’er again, too, will you

Cast blame

On self or upon another

For you’ve taken back

The reins of State

You’ve taken up your throne

And though it was vacant

Who knows how long

That matters not,

For you’re there, now

The ruler of your domain

You reign from within, my friend. Things on the outside of your life
may not look a whole lot different; heck, maybe no different at all.
You will know, though; you’ll realize the change.

You take your place in higher dimension, or density, now. You’ve

loosed identity in 3D; and it just doesn’t have the hold on you
that it once did – the kingdom of the mind.

From higher state you now look down

On things you thought so important, before

You see, now, how they’re nothing at all

Completely unimportant; nothing.

So, I’ll leave you then, your riches to find

As you are just discovering

There’s wealth and riches here, of finest kind

In this Kingdom of the Heart

No gold in banks, no paper in wallet

But richer man there may not be
Upon th’entire planet.

To cleanse your vision, and to see

Set sail with me by being free

Let go of mind, of thought

Just be; here, deep within your heart.

I love you, Friend

And I wish you the best

But sail your ship

It isn’t up to me.

Step up, you must

And man the plate

Just remember, please

The bat you swing

To hit the ball of purposed intent

Is will and is intent

These two you’ll find within

My friend

Though rest you’ve sundered

Ties to

But will and intent

(Re)‘main yours

My friend
In your Kingdom of the Heart

These two may be

Otherwise known

As your Scepter
Of Authority

They’re how you reign

So take them up

Dust them off

Clean them up

Get busy, now

And reign.


journal Internet coincidence luck nonsense purpose reason being mind
heart Now "will and intent" flow surrender identity sovereign Spirit
Source Light "Higher Purpose" compass steer direction control vision
responsibility throne scepter authority reign gods "Kingdom of Heart"
crown rule ascend

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