Planning Q2: Which Activities Do You Plan To Participate in This Quimester?

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Planning Q2

Which activities do you plan to participate in this


Activity: German lessons

Hours/ Week

Activity Supervisor: Slavo and Edith, teachers

Activity: French lessons

Hours/ Week

Activity Supervisor: Janeth, teacher

Activity:Duke of Edinburgh

Hours/ Week

Activity Supervisor: Ms Lucy Hares, teacher

Activity: Football
Activity Supervisor: Ms Kucera

Activity: Helping at Hospital Bacaortiz

Hours/ Week
1 (depends if
there is a

Hours/ Week

Activity Supervisor: Diego

Activity: CAS Child Welfare

Activity Supervisor: Mr Johnson

Hours/ Week
1 (depends if
there is a
visit and the
time being
put in being

charge of
the visits)
Activity: Belly Dance

Hours/ Week

Activity Supervisor: Not known yet, I will sign up for this


Explain how your planned activities will contribute to your development in

the following areas.

Creativity (the arts and other experiences that involve creative

Belly Dance and both German and French lessons will help me in my
creativity as I have to develop ne skills and master them in order to do
these activities.

Action (Physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle)

Football, Belly dance and Duke of Edinburgh help me to be more fit and try
to focus on my exercise activities, they make me do exercise and enjoy
while doing it so.

Service (an unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning

Child welfare at school; planning the visits for the whole group as well as
he activities that will be done once these visits are happening.
Helping at hospital, I learn to see how people suffer and the happiness
they feel when they receive help from us.
Will any of the activities be new for you (one you have not done before)?
If so, explain what challenges you might face.
Belly Dance- I might not dance as I should, and I may not follow some
steps the way they should be done.
Child Welfare (visits)- I have more responsibility because basically my
whole cas group and their activities depend on mine, if I dont plan the
visits everyone will be really upset.
Do you foresee yourself being in a leadership role in any of the activities?
If so, explain in what way.

Perhaps in the child welfare activity due to the aforementioned reason,

people depend on me and on my organization. Hence, if I dont show to
be responsible and organized I will not show a good example of leadership

Identify any areas of strength or areas for growth, in relation to the activities

Areas for Growth


Skill to learn languages


What new skills do you plan to acquire while undertaking each activity?
New Skills or Increased Expertise
The one that Im mostly looking forward to acquire is the ability to dance
dances which I would have never imagined before.
My leadership skills while performing my visits role on my child welfare cas
Will you be involved in initiating or planning any aspect of these activities? If
yes, explain in what way.
Child welfare once again, planning the visits during the year for my group.
Will you be working in collaboration with others? If yes, please explain.
Child welfare, with my y12 and y13 classmates when planning all of the
activities to be executed in the way they should.
Duke of Edinburgh, while climbing mountains and acquiring skills of
Football, in football games and during training
During this activity will you encounter any issues of global importance?
Yes, helping at the hospital when facing poverty face to face and watching
people going through bad situations and suffering. In the child welfare
group when seeing children that do not have the resources I have.

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